function h = dohatch(x,y,angle,color,style,step,width) %DOHATCH Hatches a two-dimensional domain. % DOHATCH(x,y,ANG,COL,'Style',D,W) is similar to the FILL command % but fills the closed contour with hatch lines instead of uniform % color. Vectors x and y are the coordinates of the boundary line of % the domain to be hatched. Scalar ANG is the slope of the hatches % (in degrees). COL is the color of the hatching which could both be % a 1-by-3 vector ([red green blue] ), or a color specifier ('r','g', % 'b', 'w','y','c','m'). 'Style' specifys the linestyle ('-','--','-.', % ':'). And also, D is the steps (distances between hatches), W the % linewidth (thickness) of the hatch lines (the last two in points). % % H = DOHATCH(...) returns the handle of the hatching. % % Note: % This is a simplified version of the function HATCH (File ID: #2075) % in MathWorks FileExchange website, running in manual style instead of % in automatic style, because the original version still has a few bugs % under some circumstances. % % See also: FILL, LINE. % Revised by Kastin % June, 28, 2015 if nargin>7||nargin<2 error('MATLAB:dohatch:WrongNumOfInputs',... 'Wrong number of inputs.') end % Here we do not check the validation of inputs any more for clearity. % Defaults angledflt = 45; % Angle in degrees colordflt = [1 1 1]; % Color styledflt = '-'; % Linestyle widthdflt = 1; % Thickness of the lines stepdflt = 10; % Distance between hatches if nargin<7, width = widthdflt; end if nargin<6, step = stepdflt; end if nargin<5, style = styledflt; end if nargin<4, color = colordflt; end if nargin<3, angle = angledflt; end angle = angle*pi/180; % Degrees to radians x=x(:).'; y=y(:).'; yi = find(~isnan(x)&~isnan(y)); x = x(yi); y = y(yi); % Remove NaN's x = [x x(1)]; y = [y y(1)]; % Close loop ll = length(x); % Transform the coordinates oldu = get(gca,'units'); set(gca,'units','points') sza = get(gca,'pos'); sza = sza(3:4); xlim = get(gca,'xlim'); ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); islx = strcmp(get(gca,'xscale'),'log'); isly = strcmp(get(gca,'yscale'),'log'); if islx % If log scale in x xlim = log10(xlim); x = log10(x); end if isly % If log scale in y ylim = log10(ylim); y = log10(y); end xsc = sza(1)/(xlim(2)-xlim(1)+eps); ysc = sza(2)/(ylim(2)-ylim(1)+eps); ca = cos(angle); sa = sin(angle); x0 = mean(x); y0 = mean(y); % Central point x = (x-x0)*xsc; y = (y-y0)*ysc; yi = x*ca+y*sa; % Rotation y = -x*sa+y*ca; x = yi; y = y/step; % Make steps equal to one % Compute the coordinates of the hatch line yi = ceil(y); ll = length(y); yd = [yi(2:ll)-yi(1:ll-1) 0]; dm = max(abs(yd)); fnd = find(yd); lfnd = length(fnd); A = sign(yd(fnd)); edm = ones(dm,1); A = A(edm,:); if size(A,1)>1, A = cumsum(A); end fnd1 = find(abs(A)<=abs(yd(edm,fnd))); A = A+yi(edm,fnd)-(A>0); xy = (x(fnd+1)-x(fnd))./(y(fnd+1)-y(fnd)); xi = x(edm,fnd)+(A-y(edm,fnd)).*xy(edm,:); yi = A(fnd1); xi = xi(fnd1); % Sorting points of the hatch line ........................ li = length(xi); xi0 = min(xi); xi1 = max(xi); yi0 = min(yi); yi1 = max(yi); ci = yi*(xi1-xi0)+xi; [ci,num] = sort(ci); xi = xi(num); yi = yi(num); if floor(li/2)~=li/2 xi = [xi xi(li)]; yi = [yi yi(li)]; end % Organize to pairs and separate by NaN's li = length(xi); xi = reshape(xi,2,li/2); yi = reshape(yi,2,li/2); xi = [xi; ones(1,li/2)*nan]; yi = [yi; ones(1,li/2)*nan]; xi = xi(:)'; yi = yi(:)'; % Transform to the original coordinates yi = yi*step; xy = xi*ca-yi*sa; yi = xi*sa+yi*ca; xi = xy/xsc+x0; yi = yi/ysc+y0; hl = line('xdata',xi,'ydata',yi,... 'color',color,'linestyle',style,'linewidth',width); set(gca,'units',oldu) % Set axes units back if nargout>0, h=hl; end
%MATLAB代码 %第一张图 x=-4:0.001:4;y=1/2*x.^2; figure(1) hold on; plot(x,y);plot([-3.5 -3.5],[0 1/2*(-3.5).^2],'--');plot([3.5 3.5],[0 1/2*3.5.^2],'--');%画图 %将坐标轴放到原点 ax = gca; ax.XAxisLocation = 'origin'; ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin'; set(gca,'xtick',-5:1:5,'ytick',-1:1:9);%刻度间隔设为1 axis equal;%同样的刻度范围显示出来是等长的 xlabel('x');ylabel('y');%给出x、y轴 legend("y_1=1/2*x^2","x_2=-3.5","x_3=3.5"); %在函数的一个区间内填充阴影 idx=x>=-3.5&x<=3.5; xi=x(idx); dohatch([xi xi(end) xi(1)],[y(idx) 0 0],30,'b','-.',8,1) hold off %第二张图 x1=-4:0.001:4;y1=1/7*x1.^3; figure(2) hold on; plot(x1,y1);plot([-3.5 -3.5],[0 1/7*(-3.5).^3],'--');plot([3.5 3.5],[0 1/7*3.5.^3],'--');%画图 %将坐标轴放到原点 ax = gca; ax.XAxisLocation = 'origin'; ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin'; set(gca,'xtick',-10:1:10,'ytick',-10:1:10);%刻度间隔设为1 axis equal;%同样的刻度范围显示出来是等长的 xlabel('x');ylabel('y');%给出x、y轴 legend("y_1=1/7*x^3","x_2=-3.5","x_3=3.5"); %在函数的一个区间内填充阴影 idx1=x1>=0&x1<=3.5; x1i=x1(idx1); dohatch([x1i x1i(end) x1i(1)],[y1(idx1) 0 0],30,'b','-.',8,1) idx1=x1>=-3.5&x1<=0; x1i=x1(idx1); dohatch([x1i x1i(end) x1i(1)],[y1(idx1) 0 0],-30,'b','-.',8,1) hold off
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