AHRS(attitude and heading reference system)称为航姿参考系统。
为了方便,我们下面使用q = ((x, y, z),w) = (v, w),其中v是向量,w是实数,这样的式子来表示一个四元数。下述内容采自知乎。


- 封闭性:易证明,p和p的共轭相乘即可,|p*q|=1。
- 结合律:这条也很好证明,只要证明(p*q)*r=p*(q*r)。

开始,基于一个初始为[1 0 0 0]的四元数得到 q = [1 0 0 0], 根据加速度求得加速度的单位向量,根据q求转换到b系的值v。
而 v = [2*(q(2)*q(4)-q(1)*q(3)) 2*(q(1)*q(2)+q(3)*q(4)) q(1)^2 -q(2)^2 -q(3)^2+q(4)^2]

classdef MahonyAHRS < handle %MAYHONYAHRS Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm % % For more information see: % http://www.x-io.co.uk/node/8#open_source_ahrs_and_imu_algorithms % % Date Author Notes % 28/09/2011 SOH Madgwick Initial release %% Public properties properties (Access = public) SamplePeriod = 1/256; Quaternion = [1 0 0 0]; % output quaternion describing the Earth relative to the sensor Kp = 1; % algorithm proportional gain Ki = 0; % algorithm integral gain end %% Public properties properties (Access = private) eInt = [0 0 0]; % integral error end %% Public methods methods (Access = public) function obj = MahonyAHRS(varargin) for i = 1:2:nargin if strcmp(varargin{i}, 'SamplePeriod'), obj.SamplePeriod = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Quaternion'), obj.Quaternion = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Kp'), obj.Kp = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Ki'), obj.Ki = varargin{i+1}; else error('Invalid argument'); end end; end function obj = Update(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer) q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability % Normalise accelerometer measurement if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end % handle NaN Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer); % normalise magnitude % Normalise magnetometer measurement if(norm(Magnetometer) == 0), return; end % handle NaN Magnetometer = Magnetometer / norm(Magnetometer); % normalise magnitude % Reference direction of Earth's magnetic feild h = quaternProd(q, quaternProd([0 Magnetometer], quaternConj(q))); b = [0 norm([h(2) h(3)]) 0 h(4)]; % Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic field v = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) 2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) q(1)^2 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2 + q(4)^2]; w = [2*b(2)*(0.5 - q(3)^2 - q(4)^2) + 2*b(4)*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) 2*b(2)*(q(2)*q(3) - q(1)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) 2*b(2)*(q(1)*q(3) + q(2)*q(4)) + 2*b(4)*(0.5 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2)]; % Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of fields e = cross(Accelerometer, v) + cross(Magnetometer, w); if(obj.Ki > 0) obj.eInt = obj.eInt + e * obj.SamplePeriod; else obj.eInt = [0 0 0]; end % Apply feedback terms Gyroscope = Gyroscope + obj.Kp * e + obj.Ki * obj.eInt; % Compute rate of change of quaternion qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]); % Integrate to yield quaternion q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod; obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion end function obj = UpdateIMU(obj, Gyroscope, Accelerometer) q = obj.Quaternion; % short name local variable for readability % Normalise accelerometer measurement if(norm(Accelerometer) == 0), return; end % handle NaN Accelerometer = Accelerometer / norm(Accelerometer); % normalise magnitude % Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic flux v = [2*(q(2)*q(4) - q(1)*q(3)) 2*(q(1)*q(2) + q(3)*q(4)) q(1)^2 - q(2)^2 - q(3)^2 + q(4)^2]; % Error is sum of cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of field e = cross(Accelerometer, v); if(obj.Ki > 0) obj.eInt = obj.eInt + e * obj.SamplePeriod; else obj.eInt = [0 0 0]; end % Apply feedback termszai Gyroscope = Gyroscope + obj.Kp * e + obj.Ki * obj.eInt; % Compute rate of change of quaternion qDot = 0.5 * quaternProd(q, [0 Gyroscope(1) Gyroscope(2) Gyroscope(3)]); % Integrate to yield quaternion q = q + qDot * obj.SamplePeriod; obj.Quaternion = q / norm(q); % normalise quaternion end end end
%% Housekeeping addpath('ximu_matlab_library'); % include x-IMU MATLAB library addpath('quaternion_library'); % include quatenrion library close all; % close all figures clear; % clear all variables clc; % clear the command terminal %% Import data xIMUdata = xIMUdataClass('LoggedData/LoggedData'); samplePeriod = 1/256; gyr = [xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.X... xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.Y... xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.Z]; % gyroscope acc = [xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.X... xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.Y... xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.Z]; % accelerometer % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Gyroscope'); hold on; plot(gyr(:,1), 'r'); plot(gyr(:,2), 'g'); plot(gyr(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('dps'); title('Gyroscope'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Accelerometer'); hold on; plot(acc(:,1), 'r'); plot(acc(:,2), 'g'); plot(acc(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('Accelerometer'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% Process data through AHRS algorithm (calcualte orientation) % See: http://www.x-io.co.uk/open-source-imu-and-ahrs-algorithms/ R = zeros(3,3,length(gyr)); % rotation matrix describing sensor relative to Earth ahrs = MahonyAHRS('SamplePeriod', samplePeriod, 'Kp', 1); for i = 1:length(gyr) ahrs.UpdateIMU(gyr(i,:) * (pi/180), acc(i,:)); % gyroscope units must be radians R(:,:,i) = quatern2rotMat(ahrs.Quaternion)'; % transpose because ahrs provides Earth relative to sensor end %% Calculate 'tilt-compensated' accelerometer tcAcc = zeros(size(acc)); % accelerometer in Earth frame for i = 1:length(acc) tcAcc(i,:) = R(:,:,i) * acc(i,:)'; end % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', '''Tilt-Compensated'' accelerometer'); hold on; plot(tcAcc(:,1), 'r'); plot(tcAcc(:,2), 'g'); plot(tcAcc(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('''Tilt-compensated'' accelerometer'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% Calculate linear acceleration in Earth frame (subtracting gravity) linAcc = tcAcc - [zeros(length(tcAcc), 1), zeros(length(tcAcc), 1), ones(length(tcAcc), 1)]; linAcc = linAcc * 9.81; % convert from 'g' to m/s/s % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Linear Acceleration'); hold on; plot(linAcc(:,1), 'r'); plot(linAcc(:,2), 'g'); plot(linAcc(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('Linear acceleration'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% Calculate linear velocity (integrate acceleartion) linVel = zeros(size(linAcc)); for i = 2:length(linAcc) linVel(i,:) = linVel(i-1,:) + linAcc(i,:) * samplePeriod; end % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Linear Velocity'); hold on; plot(linVel(:,1), 'r'); plot(linVel(:,2), 'g'); plot(linVel(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('Linear velocity'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% High-pass filter linear velocity to remove drift order = 1; filtCutOff = 0.1; [b, a] = butter(order, (2*filtCutOff)/(1/samplePeriod), 'high'); linVelHP = filtfilt(b, a, linVel); % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'High-pass filtered Linear Velocity'); hold on; plot(linVelHP(:,1), 'r'); plot(linVelHP(:,2), 'g'); plot(linVelHP(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('High-pass filtered linear velocity'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% Calculate linear position (integrate velocity) linPos = zeros(size(linVelHP)); for i = 2:length(linVelHP) linPos(i,:) = linPos(i-1,:) + linVelHP(i,:) * samplePeriod; end % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Linear Position'); hold on; plot(linPos(:,1), 'r'); plot(linPos(:,2), 'g'); plot(linPos(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('Linear position'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% High-pass filter linear position to remove drift order = 1; filtCutOff = 0.1; [b, a] = butter(order, (2*filtCutOff)/(1/samplePeriod), 'high'); linPosHP = filtfilt(b, a, linPos); % Plot figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'High-pass filtered Linear Position'); hold on; plot(linPosHP(:,1), 'r'); plot(linPosHP(:,2), 'g'); plot(linPosHP(:,3), 'b'); xlabel('sample'); ylabel('g'); title('High-pass filtered linear position'); legend('X', 'Y', 'Z'); %% Play animation SamplePlotFreq = 8; SixDOFanimation(linPosHP, R, ... 'SamplePlotFreq', SamplePlotFreq, 'Trail', 'Off', ... 'Position', [9 39 1280 720], ... 'AxisLength', 0.1, 'ShowArrowHead', false, ... 'Xlabel', 'X (m)', 'Ylabel', 'Y (m)', 'Zlabel', 'Z (m)', 'ShowLegend', false, 'Title', 'Unfiltered',... 'CreateAVI', false, 'AVIfileNameEnum', false, 'AVIfps', ((1/samplePeriod) / SamplePlotFreq)); %% End of script

function fig = SixDOFanimation(varargin) %% Create local variables % Required arguments p = varargin{1}; % position of body R = varargin{2}; % rotation matrix of body [numSamples dummy] = size(p); % Default values of optional arguments SamplePlotFreq = 1; Trail = 'Off'; LimitRatio = 1; Position = []; FullScreen = false; View = [30 20]; AxisLength = 1; ShowArrowHead = 'on'; Xlabel = 'X'; Ylabel = 'Y'; Zlabel = 'Z'; Title = '6DOF Animation'; ShowLegend = true; CreateAVI = false; AVIfileName = '6DOF Animation'; AVIfileNameEnum = true; AVIfps = 30; for i = 3:2:nargin if strcmp(varargin{i}, 'SamplePlotFreq'), SamplePlotFreq = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Trail') Trail = varargin{i+1}; if(~strcmp(Trail, 'Off') && ~strcmp(Trail, 'DotsOnly') && ~strcmp(Trail, 'All')) error('Invalid argument. Trail must be ''Off'', ''DotsOnly'' or ''All''.'); end elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'LimitRatio'), LimitRatio = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Position'), Position = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'FullScreen'), FullScreen = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'View'), View = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'AxisLength'), AxisLength = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'ShowArrowHead'), ShowArrowHead = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Xlabel'), Xlabel = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Ylabel'), Ylabel = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Zlabel'), Zlabel = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'Title'), Title = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'ShowLegend'), ShowLegend = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'CreateAVI'), CreateAVI = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'AVIfileName'), AVIfileName = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'AVIfileNameEnum'), AVIfileNameEnum = varargin{i+1}; elseif strcmp(varargin{i}, 'AVIfps'), AVIfps = varargin{i+1}; else error('Invalid argument.'); end end; %% Reduce data to samples to plot only p = p(1:SamplePlotFreq:numSamples, :); R = R(:, :, 1:SamplePlotFreq:numSamples) * AxisLength; if(numel(View) > 2) View = View(1:SamplePlotFreq:numSamples, :); end [numPlotSamples dummy] = size(p); %% Setup AVI file aviobj = []; % create null object if(CreateAVI) fileName = strcat(AVIfileName, '.avi'); if(exist(fileName, 'file')) if(AVIfileNameEnum) % if file name exists and enum enabled i = 0; while(exist(fileName, 'file')) % find un-used file name by appending enum fileName = strcat(AVIfileName, sprintf('%i', i), '.avi'); i = i + 1; end else % else file name exists and enum disabled fileName = []; % file will not be created end end if(isempty(fileName)) sprintf('AVI file not created as file already exists.') else aviobj = avifile(fileName, 'fps', AVIfps, 'compression', 'Cinepak', 'quality', 100); end end %% Setup figure and plot % Create figure fig = figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', '6DOF Animation'); if(FullScreen) screenSize = get(0, 'ScreenSize'); set(fig, 'Position', [0 0 screenSize(3) screenSize(4)]); elseif(~isempty(Position)) set(fig, 'Position', Position); end set(gca, 'drawmode', 'fast'); lighting phong; set(gcf, 'Renderer', 'zbuffer'); hold on; axis equal; grid on; view(View(1, 1), View(1, 2)); title(i); xlabel(Xlabel); ylabel(Ylabel); zlabel(Zlabel); % Create plot data arrays if(strcmp(Trail, 'DotsOnly') || strcmp(Trail, 'All')) x = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); y = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); z = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); end if(strcmp(Trail, 'All')) ox = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); oy = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); oz = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); ux = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); vx = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); wx = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); uy = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); vy = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); wy = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); uz = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); vz = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); wz = zeros(numPlotSamples, 1); end x(1) = p(1,1); y(1) = p(1,2); z(1) = p(1,3); ox(1) = x(1); oy(1) = y(1); oz(1) = z(1); ux(1) = R(1,1,1:1); vx(1) = R(2,1,1:1); wx(1) = R(3,1,1:1); uy(1) = R(1,2,1:1); vy(1) = R(2,2,1:1); wy(1) = R(3,2,1:1); uz(1) = R(1,3,1:1); vz(1) = R(2,3,1:1); wz(1) = R(3,3,1:1); % Create graphics handles orgHandle = plot3(x, y, z, 'k.'); if(ShowArrowHead) ShowArrowHeadStr = 'on'; else ShowArrowHeadStr = 'off'; end quivXhandle = quiver3(ox, oy, oz, ux, vx, wx, 'r', 'ShowArrowHead', ShowArrowHeadStr, 'MaxHeadSize', 0.999999, 'AutoScale', 'off'); quivYhandle = quiver3(ox, oy, oz, uy, vy, wy, 'g', 'ShowArrowHead', ShowArrowHeadStr, 'MaxHeadSize', 0.999999, 'AutoScale', 'off'); quivZhandle = quiver3(ox, ox, oz, uz, vz, wz, 'b', 'ShowArrowHead', ShowArrowHeadStr, 'MaxHeadSize', 0.999999, 'AutoScale', 'off'); % Create legend if(ShowLegend) legend('Origin', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); end % Set initial limits Xlim = [x(1)-AxisLength x(1)+AxisLength] * LimitRatio; Ylim = [y(1)-AxisLength y(1)+AxisLength] * LimitRatio; Zlim = [z(1)-AxisLength z(1)+AxisLength] * LimitRatio; set(gca, 'Xlim', Xlim, 'Ylim', Ylim, 'Zlim', Zlim); % Set initial view view(View(1, :)); %% Plot one sample at a time for i = 1:numPlotSamples % Update graph title if(strcmp(Title, '')) titleText = sprintf('Sample %i of %i', 1+((i-1)*SamplePlotFreq), numSamples); else titleText = strcat(Title, ' (', sprintf('Sample %i of %i', 1+((i-1)*SamplePlotFreq), numSamples), ')'); end title(titleText); % Plot body x y z axes if(strcmp(Trail, 'DotsOnly') || strcmp(Trail, 'All')) x(1:i) = p(1:i,1); y(1:i) = p(1:i,2); z(1:i) = p(1:i,3); else x = p(i,1); y = p(i,2); z = p(i,3); end if(strcmp(Trail, 'All')) ox(1:i) = p(1:i,1); oy(1:i) = p(1:i,2); oz(1:i) = p(1:i,3); ux(1:i) = R(1,1,1:i); vx(1:i) = R(2,1,1:i); wx(1:i) = R(3,1,1:i); uy(1:i) = R(1,2,1:i); vy(1:i) = R(2,2,1:i); wy(1:i) = R(3,2,1:i); uz(1:i) = R(1,3,1:i); vz(1:i) = R(2,3,1:i); wz(1:i) = R(3,3,1:i); else ox = p(i,1); oy = p(i,2); oz = p(i,3); ux = R(1,1,i); vx = R(2,1,i); wx = R(3,1,i); uy = R(1,2,i); vy = R(2,2,i); wy = R(3,2,i); uz = R(1,3,i); vz = R(2,3,i); wz = R(3,3,i); end set(orgHandle, 'xdata', x, 'ydata', y, 'zdata', z); set(quivXhandle, 'xdata', ox, 'ydata', oy, 'zdata', oz,'udata', ux, 'vdata', vx, 'wdata', wx); set(quivYhandle, 'xdata', ox, 'ydata', oy, 'zdata', oz,'udata', uy, 'vdata', vy, 'wdata', wy); set(quivZhandle, 'xdata', ox, 'ydata', oy, 'zdata', oz,'udata', uz, 'vdata', vz, 'wdata', wz); % Adjust axes for snug fit and draw axisLimChanged = false; if((p(i,1) - AxisLength) < Xlim(1)), Xlim(1) = p(i,1) - LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if((p(i,2) - AxisLength) < Ylim(1)), Ylim(1) = p(i,2) - LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if((p(i,3) - AxisLength) < Zlim(1)), Zlim(1) = p(i,3) - LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if((p(i,1) + AxisLength) > Xlim(2)), Xlim(2) = p(i,1) + LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if((p(i,2) + AxisLength) > Ylim(2)), Ylim(2) = p(i,2) + LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if((p(i,3) + AxisLength) > Zlim(2)), Zlim(2) = p(i,3) + LimitRatio*AxisLength; axisLimChanged = true; end if(axisLimChanged), set(gca, 'Xlim', Xlim, 'Ylim', Ylim, 'Zlim', Zlim); end drawnow; % Adjust view if(numel(View) > 2) view(View(i, :)); end % Add frame to AVI object if(~isempty(aviobj)) frame = getframe(fig); aviobj = addframe(aviobj, frame); end end hold off; % Close AVI file if(~isempty(aviobj)) aviobj = close(aviobj); end end