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  • 可自行建立人脸特征库
  • 可实时对单张或多张人脸进行识别


Dlib 是一个现代C++工具包,包含机器学习算法和工具,用于在C++中创建复杂的软件,以解决现实世界中的问题。按照dlib官网的叙述,其特点主要有:

  1. 丰富的帮助文档:dlib官网为每个类与功能都提供了完整的帮助文档,且官网提供有非常多的例程。作者在官网有说如果有东西文件没记录或者不清楚的可以联系他更改。
  2. 高质量的可移植代码:dlib库不需要第三方库且符合ISO C++标准,支持Windows, Linux, Mac OS X系统。
  3. 丰富的机器学习算法:dlib库中包括深度学习算法、SVM以及一些常用的聚类算法等。
  4. 图像处理:支持读写windows BMP文件、可实现各种色彩空间的图像变换、包括物体检测的一些工具以及高质量的人脸识别功能。
  5. 线程:提供了简单可移植的线程API。



python = 3.6.4

dlib = 19.8.1

opencv =

tqdm = 4.62.1

  1. 首先是建立环境。打开Anaconda Prompt,输入如下命令新建名为dlibTest(可更改,后续激活注意对应)、python版本为3.6.4的环境,这个环境专门用来存放该实验所用到的库。建立完成后输入第二行命令激活环境。
    conda create -n dlibTest python=3.6.4
    conda activate dlibTest
  2. 继续输入如下命令安装与实验对应版本的库,安装opencv时会自动帮我们安装numpy库。
    pip install dlib==19.8.1
    pip install opencv-python==
    pip install tqdm




  1. detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() # 人脸检测器
  2. # detector = dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1(model_path)
  3. predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(shape_predictor_path) # 人脸68点提取器
  4. # shape_predictor_path = 'data_dlib/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat'
  5. recognition_model = dlib.face_recognition_model_v1(recognition_model_path) # 基于resnet的128维特征向量提取器
  6. # recognition_model_path = 'data_dlib/dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat'




  1. import cv2 as cv
  2. import time
  3. import os
  4. import config
  5. class face_detect():
  6. def __init__(self):
  7. self.start_time = 0 # 用于计算帧率
  8. self.fps = 0 # 帧率
  9. self.image = None
  10. self.face_img = None
  11. self.face_num = 0 # 这一帧的人脸个数
  12. self.last_face_num = 0 # 上一帧的人脸个数
  13. self.face_num_change_flag = False # 当前帧人脸数量变化的标志位,用于后续人脸识别提高帧率
  14. self.quit_flag = False # 退出程序标志位
  15. self.buildNewFolder = False # 按下"n"新建文件夹标志位
  16. self.save_flag = False # 按下“s”保存人脸数据标志位
  17. self.face_flag = False # 人脸检测标志位
  18. self.img_num = 0 # 人脸数据文件夹内的图像个数
  19. self.collect_face_data = True # 是否进行人脸数据的采集,只有为真时才会进行采集
  20. def get_fps(self):
  21. now = time.time()
  22. time_period = now - self.start_time
  23. self.fps = 1.0 / time_period
  24. self.start_time = now
  25. color = (0,255,0)
  26. if self.fps < 15:
  27. color = (0,0,255)
  28. cv.putText(self.image, str(self.fps.__round__(2)), (20, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, color)
  29. def key_scan(self, key):
  30. if self.collect_face_data == True:
  31. if self.save_flag == True and self.buildNewFolder == True:
  32. if self.face_img.size > 0:
  33. cv.imwrite(
  34. config.faceData_path + 'person_{}/{}.png'.format(config.num_of_person_in_lib - 1, self.img_num),
  35. self.face_img)
  36. self.img_num += 1
  37. if key == ord('s'):
  38. self.save_flag = not self.save_flag
  39. if key == ord('n'):
  40. os.makedirs(config.faceData_path + 'person_{}'.format(config.num_of_person_in_lib))
  41. config.num_of_person_in_lib += 1
  42. print("新文件夹建立成功!!")
  43. self.buildNewFolder = True
  44. if key == ord('q'): self.quit_flag = True
  45. def face_detecting(self):
  46. face_location = []
  47. all_face_location = []
  48. faces = config.detector(self.image, 0)
  49. self.face_num = len(faces)
  50. if self.face_num != self.last_face_num:
  51. self.face_num_change_flag = True
  52. print("脸数改变,由{}张变为{}张".format(self.last_face_num, self.face_num))
  53. self.check_times = 0
  54. self.last_face_num = self.face_num
  55. else:
  56. self.face_num_change_flag = False
  57. if len(faces) != 0:
  58. self.face_flag = True
  59. for i, face in enumerate(faces):
  60. face_location.append(face)
  61. w, h = (face.right() - face.left()), (face.bottom() - face.top())
  62. left, right, top, bottom = face.left() - w//4, face.right() + w//4, face.top() - h//2, face.bottom() + h//4
  63. all_face_location.append([left, right, top, bottom])
  64. return face_location, all_face_location
  65. else:
  66. self.face_flag = False
  67. return None
  68. def show(self, camera):
  69. while camera.isOpened() and not self.quit_flag:
  70. val, self.image = camera.read()
  71. if val == False: continue
  72. key = cv.waitKey(1)
  73. res = self.face_detecting()
  74. if res is not None:
  75. _, all_face_location = res
  76. for i in range(self.face_num):
  77. [left, right, top, bottom] = all_face_location[i]
  78. self.face_img = self.image[top:bottom, left:right]
  79. cv.rectangle(self.image, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255))
  80. if self.collect_face_data == True:
  81. cv.putText(self.image, "Face", (int((left + right) / 2) - 50, bottom + 20), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1,
  82. (255, 255, 255))
  83. self.key_scan(key)
  84. self.get_fps()
  85. cv.namedWindow('camera', 0)
  86. cv.imshow('camera', self.image)
  87. camera.release()
  88. cv.destroyAllWindows()
  89. def main():
  90. try:
  91. cam = cv.VideoCapture(0)
  92. face_detect().show(cam)
  93. finally:
  94. cam.release()
  95. cv.destroyAllWindows()
  96. print("程序退出!!")
  97. if __name__ == '__main__':
  98. main()












  1. def get_128_features(person): # person代表第几个人脸数据文件夹
  2. num = 0
  3. features = []
  4. imgs_folder = config.imgs_folder_path[person]
  5. points_faceImage_path = config.points_faceData_path + imgs_folder
  6. imgs_path = config.faceData_path + imgs_folder + '/'
  7. list_imgs = os.listdir(imgs_path)
  8. imgs_num = len(list_imgs)
  9. if os.path.exists(config.points_faceData_path + imgs_folder):
  10. shutil.rmtree(points_faceImage_path)
  11. os.makedirs(points_faceImage_path)
  12. print("人脸点图文件夹建立成功!!")
  13. with tqdm(total=imgs_num) as pbar:
  14. pbar.set_description(str(imgs_folder))
  15. for j in range(imgs_num):
  16. image = cv.imread(os.path.join(imgs_path, list_imgs[j]))
  17. faces = config.detector(image, 1) # 经查阅资料,这里的1代表采样次数
  18. if len(faces) != 0:
  19. for z, face in enumerate(faces):
  20. shape = config.predictor(image, face) # 获取68点的坐标
  21. w, h = (face.right() - face.left()), (face.bottom() - face.top())
  22. left, right, top, bottom = face.left() - w // 4, face.right() + w // 4, face.top() - h // 2, face.bottom() + h // 4
  23. im = image
  24. cv.rectangle(im, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255))
  25. cv.imwrite(points_faceImage_path + '/{}.png'.format(j), im)
  26. if config.get_points_faceData_flag == True:
  27. for p in range(0, 68):
  28. cv.circle(image, (shape.part(p).x, shape.part(p).y), 2, (0,0,255))
  29. cv.imwrite(points_faceImage_path + '/{}.png'.format(j), image)
  30. the_features = list(config.recognition_model.compute_face_descriptor(image, shape)) # 获取128维特征向量
  31. features.append(the_features)
  32. #print("第{}张图片,第{}张脸,特征向量为:{}".format(j+1, z+1, the_features))
  33. num += 1
  34. pbar.update(1)
  35. np_f = np.array(features)
  36. #res = np.mean(np_f, axis=0)
  37. res = np.median(np_f, axis=0)
  38. return res





  1. def calculate_EuclideanDistance(self, feature1, feature2): # 计算欧氏距离
  2. np_feature1 = np.array(feature1)
  3. np_feature2 = np.array(feature2)
  4. EuclideanDistance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np_feature1 - np_feature2)))
  5. return EuclideanDistance


  1. def recognition_from_cam(self):
  2. self.init_process()
  3. while self.camera.isOpened() and not self.quit_flag:
  4. val, self.image = self.camera.read()
  5. if val == False: continue
  6. #self.image = cv.imread('./data/test/test_bb.jpg')
  7. key = cv.waitKey(1)
  8. res = self.face_detecting() # 0.038s
  9. if res is not None:
  10. face, self.all_face_location = res
  11. for i in range(self.face_num):
  12. [left, right, top, bottom] = self.all_face_location[i]
  13. self.middle_point = [(left + right) /2, (top + bottom) / 2]
  14. self.face_img = self.image[top:bottom, left:right]
  15. cv.rectangle(self.image, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255))
  16. shape = config.predictor(self.image, face[i]) # 0.002s
  17. if self.face_num_change_flag == True or self.check_times <= 5:
  18. if self.face_num_change_flag == True: # 人脸数量有变化,重新进行五次检测
  19. self.check_times = 0
  20. self.last_now_middlePoint_eDistance = [99999 for _ in range(self.available_max_face_num)]
  21. for z in range(self.available_max_face_num): self.check_features_from_cam[z] = []
  22. if self.check_times < 5:
  23. the_features_from_cam = list(config.recognition_model.compute_face_descriptor(self.image, shape)) # 耗时主要在这步 0.32s
  24. if self.check_times == 0: # 初始帧
  25. self.check_features_from_cam[i].append(the_features_from_cam)
  26. self.last_frame_middle_point[i] = self.middle_point
  27. else:
  28. this_face_index = self.track_link() # 后续帧需要与初始帧的人脸序号对应
  29. self.check_features_from_cam[this_face_index].append(the_features_from_cam)
  30. elif self.check_times == 5:
  31. features_after_filter = self.middle_filter(self.check_features_from_cam[i])
  32. self.check_features_from_cam[i] = []
  33. for person in range(config.num_of_person_in_lib):
  34. e_distance = self.calculate_EuclideanDistance(self.all_features[person],
  35. features_after_filter) # 几乎不耗时
  36. self.all_e_distance[i].append(e_distance)
  37. if min(self.all_e_distance[i]) < config.recognition_threshold:
  38. self.person_name[i] = self.all_name[self.all_e_distance[i].index(min(self.all_e_distance[i]))]
  39. cv.putText(self.image, self.person_name[i],
  40. (int((left + right) / 2) - 50, bottom + 20),
  41. cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255))
  42. else:
  43. self.person_name[i] = "Unknown"
  44. print("预测结果为:{}, 与库中各人脸的欧氏距离为:{}".format(self.person_name[i], self.all_e_distance[i]))
  45. else:
  46. this_face_index = self.track_link()
  47. #print(this_face_index, self.person_name)
  48. cv.putText(self.image, self.person_name[this_face_index], (int((left + right) / 2) - 50, bottom + 20),
  49. cv.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255))
  50. self.check_times += 1
  51. for j in range(self.available_max_face_num):
  52. self.all_e_distance[j] = []
  53. self.key_scan(key)
  54. self.get_fps()
  55. cv.namedWindow('camera', 0)
  56. cv.imshow('camera', self.image)
  57. self.camera.release()
  58. cv.destroyAllWindows()








我的代码放在consolas-K/dlib_faceRecognition: 使用dlib进行人脸识别 (github.com),原项目作者的代码在参考资料中。


