Postgres支持使用WITH子句的子查询,那么什么是WITH子句呢?如果在一个SQL语句中多次使用同一个子查询,可以通过WITH子句给子查询指定一个名字,从而可以实现通过名字引用该子查询,而不必每次都完整写出该子查询。这一特性常称为CTE(Common Table Expressions)公共表表达式,常用于复杂查询或递归查询应用场景。
with t as ( select generate_series(1,3) ) select * from t; /* 运行结果: generate_series ----------------- 1 2 3 (3 rows) */ --可以理解为t为子查询的别名,等同于下面的子查询。有别名的好处是在复杂语句中可以方便的多次使用 postgres@postgres=# select * from (select generate_series(1,3)); generate_series ----------------- 1 2 3 (3 rows) -- 通过别名方便多次使用 postgres@postgres=# with t as (select generate_series(1,3)) select * from t union all select * from t; generate_series ----------------- 1 2 3 1 2 3 (6 rows) -- with递归查询例子 with recursive t(x) as ( select 1 union select x + 1 from t where x < 5 ) select sum(x) from t; /* 运行结果 sum ----- 15 (1 row) */
create table t1(a int , b int);
insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
-- 分析这条SQL的实现
with t as (select * from t1) select * from t;
--> pg_parse_query // 生成语法解析树
--> raw_parser
--> base_yyparse
--> pg_analyze_and_rewrite
--> parse_analyze
--> transformStmt
--> transformSelectStmt // 语义分析,转换为查询树
--> transformWithClause // 处理with 语句
--> pg_rewrite_query
--> pg_plan_queries
--> pg_parse_query // 生成语法解析树
--> raw_parser
--> base_yyparse
/* * SQL standard WITH clause looks like: * * WITH [ RECURSIVE ] <query name> [ (<column>,...) ] * AS (query) [ SEARCH or CYCLE clause ] * * We don't currently support the SEARCH or CYCLE clause. * * Recognizing WITH_LA here allows a CTE to be named TIME or ORDINALITY. */ with_clause: WITH cte_list { $$ = makeNode(WithClause); $$->ctes = $2; $$->recursive = false; $$->location = @1; } | WITH_LA cte_list { $$ = makeNode(WithClause); $$->ctes = $2; $$->recursive = false; $$->location = @1; } | WITH RECURSIVE cte_list { $$ = makeNode(WithClause); $$->ctes = $3; $$->recursive = true; $$->location = @1; } ; cte_list: common_table_expr { $$ = list_make1($1); } | cte_list ',' common_table_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; common_table_expr: name opt_name_list AS opt_materialized '(' PreparableStmt ')' { CommonTableExpr *n = makeNode(CommonTableExpr); n->ctename = $1; n->aliascolnames = $2; n->ctematerialized = $4; n->ctequery = $6; n->location = @1; $$ = (Node *) n; } ;
表示的是with t as (select * from t1)
表示的select * from t
simple_select { $$ = $1; }
| with_clause select_clause -- 匹配
-- 将WithClause插入到SelectStmt对应的withClause字段中
insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $2, NULL, NIL, NULL, $1, yyscanner);
$$ = $2; -- 返回SelectStmt
/* * WithClause - * representation of WITH clause */ typedef struct WithClause { NodeTag type; List *ctes; /* list of CommonTableExprs */ bool recursive; /* true = WITH RECURSIVE */ int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */ } WithClause; typedef struct CommonTableExpr { NodeTag type; char *ctename; /* query name (never qualified) */ List *aliascolnames; /* optional list of column names */ CTEMaterialize ctematerialized; /* is this an optimization fence? */ /* SelectStmt/InsertStmt/etc before parse analysis, Query afterwards: */ Node *ctequery; /* the CTE's subquery */ int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */ /* These fields are set during parse analysis: */ bool cterecursive; /* is this CTE actually recursive? */ int cterefcount; /* number of RTEs referencing this CTE * (excluding internal self-references) */ List *ctecolnames; /* list of output column names */ List *ctecoltypes; /* OID list of output column type OIDs */ List *ctecoltypmods; /* integer list of output column typmods */ List *ctecolcollations; /* OID list of column collation OIDs */ } CommonTableExpr; // withClause字段保存with_clause信息 typedef struct SelectStmt { NodeTag type; // ...... WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */ // ...... } SelectStmt;
--> pg_parse_query // 生成语法解析树
--> raw_parser
--> base_yyparse
--> pg_analyze_and_rewrite
--> parse_analyze
--> transformStmt
--> transformSelectStmt // 语义分析,转换为查询树
--> transformWithClause // 处理with 语句
--> analyzeCTE
--> parse_sub_analyze // 处理ctequery (select * from t1)
--> transformStmt
--> analyzeCTETargetList
--> pg_rewrite_query
--> pg_plan_queries
exec_simple_query --> pg_parse_query // 生成语法解析树 --> raw_parser --> base_yyparse --> pg_analyze_and_rewrite --> parse_analyze --> transformStmt --> transformSelectStmt // 语义分析,转换为查询树 --> transformWithClause // 处理with 语句 --> analyzeCTE --> parse_sub_analyze // 处理ctequery (select * from t1) --> transformStmt --> analyzeCTETargetList --> pg_rewrite_query --> pg_plan_queries --> pg_plan_query --> planner --> standard_planner // 由查询树生成执行计划 --> subquery_planner /* * If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and either convert it * to RTE_SUBQUERY RTE(s) or build an initplan SubPlan structure for it. */ --> SS_process_ctes --1> inline_cte --2> subquery_planner --2> create_plan --2> cost_subplan --> grouping_planner --> query_planner --> SS_charge_for_initplans --> create_plan --> create_plan_recurse --> set_plan_references --> PortalStart --> ExecutorStart --> InitPlan --> PortalRun --> PortalRunSelect --> ExecutorRun --> ExecutePlan --> PortalDrop
/*-------------------- * subquery_planner * Invokes the planner on a subquery. We recurse to here for each * sub-SELECT found in the query tree. */ PlannerInfo * subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse, PlannerInfo *parent_root, bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction) { PlannerInfo *root; // ...... /* * If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and either convert it * to RTE_SUBQUERY RTE(s) or build an initplan SubPlan structure for it. */ if (parse->cteList) SS_process_ctes(root); // 处理WITH clause // ...... preprocess_function_rtes(root); // ...... grouping_planner(root, false, tuple_fraction); // ...... } /* * SS_process_ctes: process a query's WITH list * * Consider each CTE in the WITH list and either ignore it (if it's an * unreferenced SELECT), "inline" it to create a regular sub-SELECT-in-FROM, * or convert it to an initplan. * * A side effect is to fill in root->cte_plan_ids with a list that * parallels root->parse->cteList and provides the subplan ID for * each CTE's initplan, or a dummy ID (-1) if we didn't make an initplan. */ void SS_process_ctes(PlannerInfo *root) { ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, root->parse->cteList) { CommonTableExpr *cte = (CommonTableExpr *) lfirst(lc); CmdType cmdType = ((Query *) cte->ctequery)->commandType; Query *subquery; PlannerInfo *subroot; RelOptInfo *final_rel; Path *best_path; Plan *plan; SubPlan *splan; int paramid; /* Ignore SELECT CTEs that are not actually referenced anywhere. */ if (cte->cterefcount == 0 && cmdType == CMD_SELECT) { /* Make a dummy entry in cte_plan_ids */ root->cte_plan_ids = lappend_int(root->cte_plan_ids, -1); continue; } /* Consider inlining the CTE (creating RTE_SUBQUERY RTE(s)) instead of * implementing it as a separately-planned CTE. * * We cannot inline if any of these conditions hold: * * 1. The user said not to (the CTEMaterializeAlways option). * * 2. The CTE is recursive. * * 3. The CTE has side-effects; this includes either not being a plain * SELECT, or containing volatile functions. Inlining might change * the side-effects, which would be bad. * * 4. The CTE is multiply-referenced and contains a self-reference to * a recursive CTE outside itself. Inlining would result in multiple * recursive self-references, which we don't support. * * Otherwise, we have an option whether to inline or not. That should * always be a win if there's just a single reference, but if the CTE * is multiply-referenced then it's unclear: inlining adds duplicate * computations, but the ability to absorb restrictions from the outer * query level could outweigh that. We do not have nearly enough * information at this point to tell whether that's true, so we let * the user express a preference. Our default behavior is to inline * only singly-referenced CTEs, but a CTE marked CTEMaterializeNever * will be inlined even if multiply referenced. * * Note: we check for volatile functions last, because that's more * expensive than the other tests needed. */ if ((cte->ctematerialized == CTEMaterializeNever || (cte->ctematerialized == CTEMaterializeDefault && cte->cterefcount == 1)) && !cte->cterecursive && cmdType == CMD_SELECT && !contain_dml(cte->ctequery) && (cte->cterefcount <= 1 || !contain_outer_selfref(cte->ctequery)) && !contain_volatile_functions(cte->ctequery)) { inline_cte(root, cte); /* Make a dummy entry in cte_plan_ids */ root->cte_plan_ids = lappend_int(root->cte_plan_ids, -1); continue; } /* Copy the source Query node. Probably not necessary, but let's keep * this similar to make_subplan.*/ subquery = (Query *) copyObject(cte->ctequery); /* Generate Paths for the CTE query. Always plan for full retrieval * --- we don't have enough info to predict otherwise.*/ subroot = subquery_planner(root->glob, subquery, root, cte->cterecursive, 0.0); /* Since the current query level doesn't yet contain any RTEs, it * should not be possible for the CTE to have requested parameters of * this level. */ if (root->plan_params) elog(ERROR, "unexpected outer reference in CTE query"); /* Select best Path and turn it into a Plan. At least for now, there * seems no reason to postpone doing that. */ final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(subroot, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL); best_path = final_rel->cheapest_total_path; plan = create_plan(subroot, best_path); /* Make a SubPlan node for it. This is just enough unlike * build_subplan that we can't share code. * * Note plan_id, plan_name, and cost fields are set further down.*/ splan = makeNode(SubPlan); splan->subLinkType = CTE_SUBLINK; splan->testexpr = NULL; splan->paramIds = NIL; get_first_col_type(plan, &splan->firstColType, &splan->firstColTypmod, &splan->firstColCollation); splan->useHashTable = false; splan->unknownEqFalse = false; /* CTE scans are not considered for parallelism (cf * set_rel_consider_parallel), and even if they were, initPlans aren't * parallel-safe. */ splan->parallel_safe = false; splan->setParam = NIL; splan->parParam = NIL; splan->args = NIL; /* The node can't have any inputs (since it's an initplan), so the * parParam and args lists remain empty. (It could contain references * to earlier CTEs' output param IDs, but CTE outputs are not * propagated via the args list.) */ /* Assign a param ID to represent the CTE's output. No ordinary * "evaluation" of this param slot ever happens, but we use the param * ID for setParam/chgParam signaling just as if the CTE plan were * returning a simple scalar output. (Also, the executor abuses the * ParamExecData slot for this param ID for communication among * multiple CteScan nodes that might be scanning this CTE.) */ paramid = assign_special_exec_param(root); splan->setParam = list_make1_int(paramid); /* Add the subplan and its PlannerInfo to the global lists.*/ root->glob->subplans = lappend(root->glob->subplans, plan); root->glob->subroots = lappend(root->glob->subroots, subroot); splan->plan_id = list_length(root->glob->subplans); root->init_plans = lappend(root->init_plans, splan); root->cte_plan_ids = lappend_int(root->cte_plan_ids, splan->plan_id); /* Label the subplan for EXPLAIN purposes */ splan->plan_name = psprintf("CTE %s", cte->ctename); /* Lastly, fill in the cost estimates for use later */ cost_subplan(root, splan, plan); } }
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