- import turtle
- my_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
- for i in range(4):
- my_turtle.forward(100)
- my_turtle.right(90)
- turtle.done()
- import turtle
- spiral = turtle.Turtle()
- for i in range(100):
- spiral.forward(i)
- spiral.right(90)
- turtle.done()
- import turtle
- spiral = turtle.Turtle()
- turtle.bgcolor("black")
- colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]
- for i in range(360):
- spiral.pencolor(colors[i%6])
- spiral.width(i/100 + 1)
- spiral.forward(i)
- spiral.left(59)
- turtle.done()
- import turtle
- circle_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
- circle_turtle.circle(50)
- turtle.done()
- import turtle
- rainbow = turtle.Turtle()
- rainbow.width(3)
- colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"]
- for color in colors:
- rainbow.color(color)
- rainbow.circle(50)
- rainbow.right(30)
- rainbow.circle(50)
- rainbow.right(30) # draw a square with different color for each side 30 degrees apart 72 degrees = one complete turn (360 degrees divided by 4 colors) 72 degrees apart is 72 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the square times the number of colors (4 colors) equals the length of one side of the square in pixels times the number of colors (4 colors) equals the length of one side of the square in pixels times the number of colors (4 colors) equals the length of one side of the square in pixels 4 times equals 4 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals 16 times equals
- import turtle
- spiral = turtle.Turtle()
- turtle.bgcolor("black")
- colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]
- for i in range(360):
- spiral.pencolor(colors[i%6])
- spiral.width(i/100 + 1)
- spiral.forward(i)
- spiral.left(59)
- turtle.done()
- import turtle
- import time
- win = turtle.Screen()
- win.setup(width=600, height=600)
- win.bgcolor("white")
- clock_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
- clock_turtle.hideturtle()
- while True:
- clock_turtle.clear()
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.pensize(4)
- clock_turtle.color("black")
- time.sleep(0.5)
- clock_turtle.circle(150) # hour hand circle
- clock_turtle.clear()
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.right(90) # 90 degrees to draw minute hand from hour hand position
- clock_turtle.forward(175) # draw minute hand line and position circle center of circle x= -175 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels x= -175 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels 360 degrees apart is 360 degrees divided by 12 positions (one complete turn) times the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels x= -175 y=250 360 degrees apart is 360 degrees divided by 12 positions (one complete turn) times the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn x= -175 y=250 minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position is that for a whole turn minus that for an index each position isute one turn (360 degrees divided by 12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (12 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels
- clock_turtle.clear()
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.right(90) # 90 degrees to draw second hand from hour hand position
- clock_turtle.forward(80) # draw second hand line and position circle center of circle x= -80 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels x= -80 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels 360 degrees apart is 360 degrees divided by 60 positions (one complete turn (360 degrees divided by 60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels) x= -80 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels
- clock_turtle.clear()
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.right(90) # 90 degrees to draw second hand from hour hand position
- clock_turtle.forward(80) # draw second hand line and position circle center of circle x= -80 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels x= -80 y=250 30 degrees apart is 30 degrees divided by 360 degrees times the length of one side of the circle times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels 360 degrees apart is 360 degrees divided by 60 positions (one complete turn (360 degrees divided by 60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels times the number of positions (60 positions) equals the length of one side of the circle in pixels) x= -80 y=25
- le.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.pensize(6)
- clock_turtle.color("red")
- time.sleep(0.5)
- turtle.done()
- # 添加数字和标签
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(0, 280)
- clock_turtle.color("black")
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.write("12", font=("Arial", 16, "normal"))
- # 画出每一个刻度线
- for i in range(1, 13):
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(i*18-180, 250)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.right(18)
- clock_turtle.forward(15)
- clock_turtle.right(180)
- clock_turtle.forward(15)
- # 画出5分和10分的标记
- for i in range(5, 60, 5):
- clock_turtle.penup()
- clock_turtle.goto(-90, i*2)
- clock_turtle.pendown()
- clock_turtle.right(90)
- clock_turtle.forward(30)
- clock_turtle.right(90)
- clock_turtle.forward(30)
- clock_turtle.right(90)
- clock_turtle.forward(30)
- clock_turtle.right(90)
- clock_turtle.forward(30)
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