# 一个星号*的作用是将tuple或者list中的元素进行unpack,分开传入,作为多个参数;两个星号**的作用是把dict类型的数据作为参数传入。 def train(**kwargs) : config = Config() # 调用配置文件 config.update(**kwargs) print('当前的参数配置为:\n',config) if config.use_cuda : torch.cuda.set_device(config.gpu) print('loading corpus ·················· ') vocab = load_vocab(config.vocab) # {tag.index} # 加载词汇表 label_dic = load_vocab(config.label_file) # 加载标签 将所有可能出现的标签在词汇表中找到对应的索引 id2tag = {label_dic[tag]: tag for tag in label_dic.keys()} tagset_size = len(label_dic) # 计算所有可能出现的标签数目 train_data = read_corpus(config.train_file, max_length=config.maxlength, label_dic=label_dic, vocab=vocab) dev_data = read_corpus(config.dev_file, max_length=config.maxlength, label_dic=label_dic, vocab=vocab) test_data = read_corpus(config.test_file, max_length=config.maxlength, label_dic=label_dic, vocab=vocab) # 构建训练集数据 train_dataset = build_dataset(train_data) # 从数据库中每次抽出batch_size个样本 shuffle:在每个epoch开始的时候,对数据进行重新打乱 train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=config.batch_size) # 构建验证集数据 dev_dataset = build_dataset(dev_data) dev_loader = DataLoader(dev_dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=config.batch_size) # 构建测试集数据 test_dataset = build_dataset(test_data) # shuffle:在每个epoch开始的时候,对数据进行重新打乱 test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=config.batch_size) # 构建模型 model = Ernie_Lstm_Crf(config.ernie_path, tagset_size, config.ernie_embedding, \ config.rnn_hidden, config.rnn_layer, dropout_ratio=config.dropout_ratio, \ dropout1=config.dropout1, use_cuda=config.use_cuda) if config.load_model: assert config.load_path is not None model = load_model(model, name=config.load_path) # if config.use_cuda() : model.cuda() optimizer = getattr(optim, config.optim) optimizer = optimizer(model.parameters(), lr=config.lr, weight_decay = config.weight_decay) model.train() # 设置成训练模型 step = 0 # 记录训练迭代次数 eval_loss = float('inf') # 初始化损失为无穷大 last_improved = 0 # 记录上一次更新的step值 flag = False for epoch in range(config.base_epoch) : for i, batch in enumerate(train_loader) : step += 1 model.zero_grad() inputs, masks, tags = batch inputs, masks, tags = Variable(inputs), Variable(masks), Variable(tags) # if config.use_cuda(): inputs, masks, tags = inputs.cuda(), masks.cuda(), tags.cuda() feats = model(inputs, masks) loss = model.loss(feats, masks.byte(), tags) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # 5次迭代输出一次结果 if step % 5 == 0 : print('step:{} | epoch:{} | loss:{}'.format(step, epoch, loss.item())) # 50次迭代保存一次模型 if step % 50 == 0 : f1, dev_loss = dev(model, dev_loader, config, id2tag, test=False) if dev_loss < eval_loss : # 验证集损失小,模型效果好保存 eval_loss = dev_loss save_model(model, epoch) last_improved = step # 记录最后一次迭代的次数 improve = '*' else: improve = '' print('eval epoch: {} | f1_score: {} | loss: {} | {}'.format(epoch, f1, dev_loss, improve)) if step - last_improved > config.require_improvement : # 提前结束训练 print('No optimization for a long time, auto-stopping...') flag = True break if flag: break test(model, test_loader, config, id2tag)
vocab = load_vocab(config.vocab) # {tag.index} 加载词汇表
{‘[PAD]’: 0,
‘[UNK]’: 1,
‘[CLS]’: 2,
‘[SEP]’: 3,
‘[MASK]’: 4,
‘,’: 5,
‘的’: 6,
‘是’: 7,
‘:’: 8,
‘有’: 9,
‘。’: 10,
‘不’: 11,
‘一’: 12,
‘了’: 13,
‘好’: 14,
‘可’: 15,
‘?’: 16,
‘医’: 17,
‘以’: 18,
‘我’: 19,
‘1’: 20,
‘要’: 21,
label_dic = load_vocab(config.label_file) # 加载标签 将所有可能出现的标签在词汇表中找到对应的索引
id2tag = {label_dic[tag]: tag for tag in label_dic.keys()} # 完成键与值互换
{0: ‘< pad>’,
1: ‘B-PER’,
2: ‘I-PER’,
3: ‘B-ORG’,
4: ‘I-ORG’,
5: ‘B-LOC’,
6: ‘I-LOC’,
7: ‘O’,
8: ‘< start>’,
9: ‘< eos>’}
def read_corpus(path, max_length, label_dic, vocab) : """ :param path:数据文件路径 :param max_length: 最大长度 :param label_dic: 标签字典 :return: """ file = open(path, encoding='utf-8') content = file.readlines() file.close() result = [] tokens = [] label = [] for line in content: # 读取一行 if line != '\n': word, tag = line.strip('\n').split() tokens.append(word) label.append(tag) # 获得一句话 else: if len(tokens) > max_length - 2: tokens = tokens[0:(max_length - 2)] # 截断超过最大长度的部分 label = label[0:(max_length - 2)] tokens_f = ['[CLS]'] + tokens + ['[SEP]'] # 在token的前后分别拼接'[CLS]'和'[SEP]' label_f = ["<start>"] + label + ['<eos>'] # 在label的前后分别拼接'<start>'和'<eos>' # if '[UNK]' not in vocab: # print('None') # vocab['[UNK]'] = 0 ''' for i in tokens_f : if i in vocab: int(vocab[i]) else: int(vocab['[UNK]'] ''' # 如果字符在词汇表中,则将对应在词汇表中的索引拼接在input_ids列表中,如果不在就拼接[UNK]的索引 # [2,……,3] input_ids = [int(vocab[i]) if i in vocab else int(vocab['[UNK]']) for i in tokens_f] # [8,……,9] label_ids = [label_dic[i] for i in label_f] input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids) # 全部拼接1 # 将input_ids、input_mask长度不足max_length的部分全部标记为0,label_ids长度不足max_length的部分全部标记为<pad>对应的索引 # print(input_ids) # print(label_ids) # print(input_mask) while len(input_ids) < max_length: input_ids.append(0) input_mask.append(0) label_ids.append(label_dic['<pad>']) # 确保三者的长度都为max_length,否则报错 assert len(input_ids) == max_length assert len(input_mask) == max_length assert len(label_ids) == max_length print(input_ids) print(label_ids) print(input_mask) feature = InputFeatures(input_id=input_ids, input_mask=input_mask, label_id=label_ids) result.append(feature) tokens = [] label = [] return result
dev_data = read_corpus('./dataset/People_daliy/People_Daily_dev.txt', 128, label_dic=label_dic, vocab=vocab)
def build_dataset(data): """ 生成数据集 """ input_ids = torch.LongTensor([temp.input_id for temp in data]) print('input_ids:', input_ids) print(input_ids.size()) input_masks = torch.LongTensor([temp.input_mask for temp in data]) print('input_masks:', input_masks) # doc_size 文本句子的数目 print(input_masks.size()) # torch.Size([doc_size, 128]) label_ids = torch.LongTensor([temp.label_id for temp in data]) print('label_ids:', label_ids) print(label_ids.size()) # 向TensorDataset中传入的一系列张量第一个维度大小一定相同 对给定的 tensor 数据,将他们包装成 dataset dataset = TensorDataset(input_ids, input_masks, label_ids) return dataset
import torch
from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset
dev_dataset = build_dataset(dev_data)
optimizer = getattr(optim, config.optim)
等价于optimizer = getattr(optim, config.optim)
# 优化器 采样梯度更新模型的可学习参数,使得损失减小
optimizer = optimizer(model.parameters(), lr=config.lr, weight_decay = config.weight_decay)
学习率(learning rate)lr 控制更新的步伐
Obj = Cost + RegularizationTerm
for epoch in range(config.base_epoch) : for i, batch in enumerate(train_loader) : step += 1 model.zero_grad() inputs, masks, tags = batch inputs, masks, tags = Variable(inputs), Variable(masks), Variable(tags) # if config.use_cuda(): inputs, masks, tags = inputs.cuda(), masks.cuda(), tags.cuda() feats = model(inputs, masks) loss = model.loss(feats, masks.byte(), tags) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # 5次迭代输出一次结果 if step % 5 == 0 : print('step:{} | epoch:{} | loss:{}'.format(step, epoch, loss.item())) # 50次迭代保存一次模型 if step % 50 == 0 : f1, dev_loss = dev(model, dev_loader, config, id2tag, test=False) if dev_loss < eval_loss : # 验证集损失小,模型效果好保存 eval_loss = dev_loss save_model(model, epoch) last_improved = step # 记录最后一次迭代的次数 improve = '*' else: improve = '' print('eval epoch: {} | f1_score: {} | loss: {} | {}'.format(epoch, f1, dev_loss, improve)) if step - last_improved > config.require_improvement : # 提前结束训练 print('No optimization for a long time, auto-stopping...') flag = True break if flag: break
将inputs,masks和tags这些数据,使用Variable类将数据封装成一个autograd变量包装,以便在计算图中跟踪梯度信息。inputs, masks, tags = Variable(inputs), Variable(masks), Variable(tags)
def dev(model, dev_loader, config, id2tag, test = False) : model.eval() eval_loss = 0 true = [] pred = [] with torch.no_grad() : for i, batch in enumerate(dev_loader): if test : # 打印信息 print('处理测试数据集第' + str(i * config.batch_size) + '至第' + str((i + 1) * config.batch_size) + '条······') inputs, masks, tags = batch inputs, masks, tags = Variable(inputs), Variable(masks), Variable(tags) if config.use_cuda : inputs, masks, tags = inputs.cuda(), masks.cuda(), tags.cuda() feats = model(inputs, masks) # 使用维特比算法解码 best_path = model.crf.decode(feats,masks.byte()) loss = model.loss(feats, masks.byte(), tags) eval_loss += loss.item() pred.extend([t for t in best_path]) true.extend([[x for x in t.tolist() if x != 0] for t in tags]) true = [[id2tag[y] for y in x] for x in true] pred = [[id2tag[y] for y in x] for x in pred] f1 = f1_score(true, pred) # 计算两者之间的f1值 if test : accuracy = accuracy_score(true, pred) precision = precision_score(true, pred) recall = recall_score(true, pred) report = classification_report(true, pred, 4) return accuracy, precision, recall, f1, eval_loss / len(dev_loader), report model.train() return f1, eval_loss / len(dev_loader)
# 定义验证函数 def dev(model, dev_loader, config, id2tag, test = False) : model.eval() eval_loss = 0 true = [] pred = [] with torch.no_grad() : for i, batch in enumerate(dev_loader): if test : # 打印信息 print('处理测试数据集第' + str(i * config.batch_size) + '至第' + str((i + 1) * config.batch_size) + '条······') inputs, masks, tags = batch inputs, masks, tags = Variable(inputs), Variable(masks), Variable(tags) if config.use_cuda : inputs, masks, tags = inputs.cuda(), masks.cuda(), tags.cuda() feats = model(inputs, masks) # 使用维特比算法解码 best_path = model.crf.decode(feats,masks.byte()) loss = model.loss(feats, masks.byte(), tags) eval_loss += loss.item() pred.extend([t for t in best_path]) true.extend([[x for x in t.tolist() if x != 0] for t in tags]) true = [[id2tag[y] for y in x] for x in true] pred = [[id2tag[y] for y in x] for x in pred] f1 = f1_score(true, pred) # 计算两者之间的f1值 if test : accuracy = accuracy_score(true, pred) precision = precision_score(true, pred) recall = recall_score(true, pred) report = classification_report(true, pred, 4) return accuracy, precision, recall, f1, eval_loss / len(dev_loader), report model.train() return f1, eval_loss / len(dev_loader)
class Ernie_Lstm_Crf(nn.Module) : ''' ernie_lstm_crf model args: ernie_config : 模型配置文件 tagset_size:目标数据集标签的数量 embedding_dim:编码维度 hidden_dim:隐藏层维度 rnn_layers:rnn层数 dropout_ratio:dropout dropout1 use_cuda 是否使用GPU ''' def __init__(self, ernie_config, tagset_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, rnn_layers, dropout_ratio, dropout1, use_cuda=True): super(Ernie_Lstm_Crf, self).__init__() self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim # 加载Ernie [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size] [50, 128, 768] self.model = ErnieModel.from_pretrained(ernie_config).to(device) # 拼接LSTM 输入维度embedding_dim 768 输出维度hidden_dim 500 * 2 self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers=rnn_layers, bidirectional=True, dropout=dropout_ratio, batch_first=True) print(self.lstm) # [50,128,500*2] self.rnn_layers = rnn_layers print(self.rnn_layers) # [50,128,500] # 经过Dropout维度不变 self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(p = dropout1) print(self.dropout1) # [50,128,500] # batch_first默认False 此时 数据维度为:[seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size] ; 设置为True [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size] self.crf = CRF(num_tags = tagset_size, batch_first = True) print(self.crf) # 输出[50,128,500,500] -> [50,128,500*2] 最后两个维度代表CRF模型中的状态转移矩阵 # 输入维度 hidden_dim * 2 = 1000 , 输出维度 tagset_size 10 self.liner = nn.Linear(hidden_dim * 2, tagset_size) # 经过线性层降维 1000-> 10 print(self.liner) self.tagset_size = tagset_size print(self.tagset_size)
如果将来自ErnieHealth模型的张量(输入)传递给LSTM层,则张量的维度会在每个时间步上更改。具体来说,对于一个形状为[batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
在时间步t中,LSTM将接收形状为[batch_size, 1, embedding_dim]
等于ErnieHealth模型的隐藏层大小(768)。然后,LSTM会将该输入转换为隐藏状态和单元状态,这些状态都是形状为[num_layers*num_directions, batch_size, hidden_dim]
最后的输出由LSTM的所有时间步上的最后一层前向和后向隐藏状态连接而成,形状为[batch_size, max_len, num_directions * hidden_dim]
如果一个LSTM模型的输出张量维度为 [50,128,1000]
首先考虑RNN层的计算过程,它的输入形状通常为 [batch_size, sequence_length, input_size]
。 RNN在每个时间步接收输入序列中的一个项,并在每个时间步返回当前时间步的输出以及隐藏状态,因此其输出形状也应该包含一个时间步。对于一个单向的RNN层,其输出的形状为 [batch_size, sequence_length, num_units]
根据上述描述,可以将LSTM的输出张量视为RNN层的输入,其中 batch size
为 50, sequence length
为 128, input size
为 1000。因此,得到的RNN层的输出张量维度为:[50, 128, num_units]
值得注意的是,输出张量的最后一个维度num_units是由RNN中 hidden_size=500(自定义)
经过CRF处理后, 维度为[50,128,500]
# coding=utf-8 class Config(object) : def __init__(self): # 数据集路径 self.label_file = './dataset/tag/PeopleDaliy_tag.txt' self.train_file = './dataset/People_daliy/People_Daily_train.txt' self.dev_file = './dataset/People_daliy/People_Daily_dev.txt' self.test_file = './dataset/People_daliy/People_Daily_test.txt' self.vocab = './premodel/vocab.txt' self.ernie_path = './premodel/' self.maxlength = 128 self.use_cuda = True self.gpu = 0 self.batch_size = 50 self.rnn_hidden = 500 self.ernie_embedding = 768 # dropout随机失活,在训练过程的前向传播中,让每个神经元以一定概率处于不激活的状态,以达到减少过拟合的效果 self.dropout1 = 0.5 self.dropout_ratio = 0.5 self.rnn_layer = 1 self.lr = 5e-5 self.lr_decay = 0.00001 self.weight_decay = 0.00005 # 训练完成的模型保存路径 self.checkpoint = 'result/' # 定义优化器 self.optim = 'Adam' self.load_model = True self.load_path = 'PeopleDaily-9718' self.base_epoch = 10 self.require_improvement = 1000 # 若1000次迭代损失并没有优化,则提前结束训练 def update(self, **kwargs): for k ,v in kwargs.items() : setattr(self, k ,v) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % item for item in self.__dict__.items()])
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