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      Appweb操作通常由Appweb配置文件(appweb.conf)控制。 这个配置文件是在Appweb启动时读取的,它管理着Appweb配置的各个方面,包括监听什么端口和地址,加载哪些模块,在哪里查找网页以及如何记录请求。
      Appweb也可以通过编程来配置。有关详细信息,请阅读 Appweb AP I(  Appweb API )。
      在appweb启动时读取一次。 对配置文件的更改将需要重新启动Appweb。 另一个配置文件可以通过使用- -config Appweb命令选项指定。

1. Sample configuration file(简单的示例配置文件)

2.Configuration Blocks(配置块)
●  Global Directives          (全局指令)
● Route Blocks                (路由块)
● Virtual Host Blocks       (虚拟主机块)
● Include Directives         (Include 指令)
● Conditional Directives  (条件指令)
Ⅰ. Global Directives(全局指令)
      没有被任何选项块包含的选项就是全局选项,定义一些 appweb 的全局属性。
Ⅱ. Route Blocks(路由块)
      Route块定义了应用于特定URL的一组指令。该块是由Route指令创建的 例如
       它表示以 "/myapp/" 开头的 URL 请求转给 esp 处理。
Ⅲ. Virtual Host Blocks(虚拟主机块)
       更多详细信息,查看 Virtual Hosting
Ⅳ.  Include Directives(Include 指令)
Ⅴ. Conditional Directives  (条件指令) 
      配置文件通过 指令支持条件处理。if指令测试一个符号值,如果是true,它可以解析嵌套的指令。如果值为false,则会忽略嵌套的指令。
CGI program to handle specific content.
Add an input filter to the processing pipeline.
Add a handler for processing given file extensions.
Add a supported language and filename suffix to use for this language.
Add a per-language content directory.
Add an output filter to the processing pipeline.
Add a MIME type specification.
Map URLs to directories.
Define which servers can access content.
Automatically login as the designated user.
Define the quality of protection for Digest Authentication.
Define the name of the user group file for authentication.
Define the authentication method: "config" or "system".
Define the realm of users to be permitted access to this set of documents.
Define the type of authentication to use: Basic or Digest.
Define the file of user names.
Configure client and server side caching.
Define a name for the server to use when creating redirections.
Escape shell special characters in CGI environment variables.
Define a prefix string for URI query and form variables when passing to CGI programs.
Define the directory for a "chroot jail" in which Appweb will execute.
Define a conditional test for a route.
Define cross-origin sharing exceptions for the route.
Set the default language to use for a route.
Define a defensive response for attack monitoring.
Define which servers cannot access content.
Define the default index file to service for directory requests.
Directory containing web content.
Define an error document to serve.
Define the location and format of the error log.
Define an ESP application.
Define the timeout period to wait for requests to complete before exiting or restarting.
Manage the response headers.
Define the O/S account group used by Appweb.
Define the directory containing configuration files.
Ignore UTF-8 encoding errors in WebSockets
Define the options for directory listings.
Define the order of processing directory index options.
Maximum request and connection inactivity duration.
Set the maximum buffer size for pipeline stages.
Set the maximum size of the Appweb cache for responses and sessions.
Set the maximum size of a single item in the Appweb cache.
Set the maximum transfer chunk encoding size.
Set the limit of simultaneous clients.
Set the limit of simultaneous client connections.
Set the maximum number of open files or sockets on a Unix system.
Define the re-use count for a connection.
Limit the total memory usage of Appweb. This is a hard limit.
Maximum number of CGI processes to spawn.
Set the limit of simultaneous requests for a single IP address.
Set the maximum size of the incoming request body.
Set the maximum size of the incoming request form data.
Set the maximum total request header size.
Set the maximum number of request header lines.
Set the maximum response body size.
Set the limit of simultaneous client sessions.
Set the maximum file upload size.
Set the maximum size of a request URI.
Limit the maximum size of a Web Sockets Message Frame.
Limit the maximum size of a Web Sockets Message.
Limit the maximum size of a Web Sockets Message Packet.
Limit the maximum size of a Web Sockets Message.
Define the IP address and port on which to listen.
Load an Appweb module.
Specify a list of directories to search for modules.
Control the tracing of HTTP events.
Control the mapping of requests by extension.
Define the action to take when memory is depleted.
Control the acceptable HTTP method verbs.
Monitor a resource for attacks and trigger a defensive response.
Control directory listing options.
Specify the order in which the allow and deny directives apply.
Define a route step to test request param values.
Define a route prefix to trim from the URI.
Preserve WebSocket frames.
Redirect requests to a new target.
Define a HTTP request header test for a route.
Maximum time to parse a request or response HTTP headers.
Maximum request duration.
Define which authenticated users will be permitted access to content.
Open a previously defined route to add or modify directives.
Reset the input and output pipeline for a block.
Defines an authentication role with associated abilities.
Define a block of directives to apply to a URL route.
Set the route name.
Map a URL to a directory for CGI processing.
Set the connector stage for a block.
Set the handler to process requests.
Define source code for the handler to use.
Number of worker threads to pre-allocate and preserve.
Control stealth mode.
Define the target action to take for a route to serve a response to the client.
Stack size for each thread.
Define the server names to be served by a host or virtual host.
Control the visibility of the session cookie in the browser.
Maximum session state inactivity duration.
Define the location of the client certificate file.
Define the server certificate.
Define the server's private key.
Set the cipher suite to use for SSL.
Enable SSL processing for a block.
Set the SSL protocols to enable.
Verify the identity of the client certificate.
Verify the identity of the issuer or the client certificate.
Control if request body content is buffered or streamed to the handler.
Define a route target.
Define what request events to trace.
Define the location and format of the request trace log.
Specify the location of the MIME types file.
Unload an Appweb module.
Define an update modification for a route.
Set the directory for uploaded files.
Control if files are auto-deleted after uploading.
Define the O/S user account used by Appweb.
Create a directory block for virtual hosting for an IP address

