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Added a Quadraxis to the team, A great addition to the mod.

Added Auroralized Glass.

Added actual Castle Brick Stairs, literally the sequel to Jesus.

Cicadas can now be shot from an Immersive Engineering Railgun. You monster.

Added the Skylight Forest.

Skylight Forest is a skyblock variant of Twilight Forest with only structures generating on their own little islands and everything else as void.

Parrots can now mimic any and all mobs in the mod. [PartyParrot]

Added the Scepter of Fortification

A new scepter dropped by the Lich that summons five (5) shields around you that each block a hit.

Progression advancements each grant three (3) shields that don't decay over time.

The Naga Can now be dazed if it rams a blocking shield with its charge attack, knocking you both backwards in the process.

Giant Tools now have a longer reach.

The uncrafting Table is now compatible with shapeless recipes. It totally didn't become twice as broken in potential!

It can now also cycle through multiple recipes in case of conflict.

Added tool shaders for Immersive Engineering with their own rarity, these include: Twilight, Firefly, Pinch Beetle, Snakestone, Mazestone, Underbrick, Towerwood, Carminite, Auroralized, Ironwood, Steeleaf, Knightly, Fiery, Final Castle, Cube of Annihilation, Questing Ram, Naga, Lich, Minoshroom, Hydra, Knight Phantom, Ur-Ghast, Alpha Yeti, Snow Queen.


Reworked the Druid Huts completely.

Druid Huts are no longer the number one fire hazard in the forest.

/tffeature now can locate structures and can use tab-completion for so.

Phantom Armor when worn is now kept on death.

It also cannot be enchanted with Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing anymore.

Improved handling of items displaced by a Charm of Keeping, should be more reliable now.

Tweaked Axe damage and speed values to better match vanilla.

Blacklisted surface lakes from some of the biomes.

Mobs like Deer, Boars, etc. are now unable to spawn on the Glacier.

The Minoshroom's charge attack now breaks through blocks.

Spiral Bricks are now in the creative menu.

Maze ceilings now always generated if there is no terrain.

Strongholds are now marked as clear on the last Knight's death.

Tweaked the Synergy tool trait.

There can now be multiple portal activations items specified in the config.

Twilight Saplings can now be used as Furnace fuel.

The Encased Firejet and Smoker now count as a wood material instead of stone.

Arctic Fur Blocks now break faster with shears.

Fiddleheads now require Shears to harvest.

The Lich's shields are now proper 3D models instead of two textures loosely glued together.

TF now registers its TEs under our own namespace, not the default. We have a datafixer that handles the transition, but once updated to this version the datafix is irreversible.


The file TFFeature has been split up into separate files, a massive improvement for large pregenerated worlds.

Players can no longer spawn on top of the portal which would teleport them back into the overworld right away. Good lord that was annoying.

Improved a lot of the logic relating to the Twilight Forest portal.

Fixed an issue with Trophy Pedestal progression where it didn't unlock after the Lich.

Remeasured the sizes of goblin's feet. Their boots should render on and fit them again.

The Seeker Bow now actually, you know, seeks again.

Fixed crash related to getting localized names of saplings on servers.

Removed a redundant language key in the Forgotten Explorer book for Yeti Caves.

Fixed Minotaurs dropping Magic Map foci instead of Maze Map.

Fiery tool heads now correctly have the missing Twilit and Flammable traits.

Changed the grip on the Moonworm Queen to be more comfortable, now correctly holding it as a tool in third person view.

Fixed a portal generation issue where it would generate underwater.

Added a null-check to tile entity access, fixing a crash with Mystcraft.

Cleaned up Bauble handling code, fixing console spam.

Fixed the blockstate rotations for Castle Brick Stair variants.

Fixed the lighting on some of the stair blocks.

Fixed incorrect level cost being shown for some recrafting recipes.

Giant blocks now correctly tile their texture.

Fixed a lighting issue on Fiery Blocks.

Portals are now prevented from generating inside of structures.

Refactored Naga Courtyard code, hopefully fixes generation issues.

Alternate Naga Courtyard Terrace pieces now generate again. #BlameDrullkus

Fixed a crash with the Uncrafting Table by adding some more checks.

The Fiery Pickaxe now correctly smelts every item a block drops if it drops multiple.

Fixed a Repeater in the Dark Tower not repeating what should be repeated, with delay.

Giant Leaves are now correctly tinted in inventories.

Fixed Uberous Soil not generating at the correct height.

Fixed the Snow Queen marking the wrong structure conquered on death.

Fixed the Charm of Keeping effects.

Setting the game to peaceful now correctly has the Snow waifu Queen put her spawner back.

Snow Queen minions now correctly spawn inside of the boss room during the fight.

Giant Tools are now held in a more human like fashion.

Firefly, Moonworm, and Cicada no longer use Soul Sand as their breaking particles.

Fixed the texture auto generator only processing first texture in array.

Lampposts can now generate again after several years. Neat.

Large mushrooms should no longer piggyback on top of each other.

Seeds even with only numbers were being used as seeds to make a random number seed instead of directing being used as a random number seed. Confusing, we know!

Hotfix: Fixed a crash that happened on dedicated servers due to the new IE shaders.

