1、 [多选] 项目进度落后了,项目经理观察到,项目团队似乎把大部分时间花在了写文件上,而不是执行项目任务。项目经理应该做什么来帮助确保该团队专注于项目任务?
The project was behind schedule, and the project manager observed that the project team seemed to spend most of their time writing documentation rather than executing project tasks. What should a project manager do to help ensure that the team is focused on project tasks?
A :把所有的文件活动安排到项目结束时。 Schedule all documentation activities until the end of the project.
B :指导项目团队完成项目文件活动。 Guide the project team through the project documentation activities.
C :指派一名团队成员来处理文件活动。 Assign a team member to handle file activity.
D : 审查和调整适当的项目工件。 Review and adjust appropriate project artifacts.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
7、 [多选] 一个新成立的Scrum开发团队正在为用户故事,测试用例寻找模板。他们应该找谁?
A newly formed Scrum Development team is looking for templates for User stories, test cases. Whom should they approach?
A :敏捷 PMO。 Agile PMO.
B :另一个项目的Scrum 主管。 Scrum Master of another project.
C :产品负责人。 Product Owner.
D :质量控制团队。 Quality Control team.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
17、 [多选] 项目经理观察到,两个团队成员在会议上公开争吵。为了推动他们的想法,每个团队成员都单独与发起人直接对话,并在没有通知项目经理或其他团队成员的情况下做出决定。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两个)
The project manager observed that two team members were openly bickering in the meeting. To advance their ideas, each team member individually speaks directly to the sponsor and makes decisions without informing the project manager or other team members. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two.)
A :直接与他们的经理讨论这种行为,要求他们纠正这种行为。 Discuss this behavior directly with their manager and ask them to correct it.
B :与每个团队成员一起解决该行为问题。 Work with each team member to resolve the behavior.
C :要求团队成员自己解决这个问题。 Ask team members to figure this out on their own.
D :与其他项目经理讨论这种情况并征求意见。 Discuss the situation with other project managers and seek input.
E :在下次会议上重申基本规则,确保所有团队成员都清楚这些规则。 Reiterate ground rules at your next meeting, making sure all team members are aware of them.
正确答案:B,E 你的答案:A,E
解析:《PMBOK》第6版348页,冲突管理 选项A,项目所需资源进入项目组后,管理责任就转移给了项目经理,项目经理应优先主动解决问题。选项B,采取公开面对的方式来应对冲突,是正确的处理策略。选项C,采用了撤退的策略,一方面问题得不到解决,另外一方面也与项目经理的职责相违背。选项D,没有提到其他项目经理且项目经理应优先主动解决问题。排除。选项E,提前约定基本规则,是正确的决策。
21、 [多选] 一个研究和开发团队正在完成一项为期两年的项目。项目经理专注于项目的结束活动。哪项活动应该被视为优先事项?
A research and development team is completing a two-year project. Project managers focus on the closing activities of the project. Which activity should be considered a priority
A :释放资源并计划一个项目完成的庆祝活动。 Free up resources and plan a celebration of project completion.
B :召开指导委员会会议,通知他们项目的状态。 Hold a steering committee meeting to inform them of the status of the project.
C :确保知识转移活动按计划执行。 Ensure that knowledge transfer activities are carried out as planned.
D :标记产品待办事项列表的完成状态,并更新沟通管理计划。 Mark the completion status of the product backlog and update the communication management plan.
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
50、 [多选] 一个团队对如何解决正在建设中的产品的一个功能有不同的想法,虽然两天前开始冲刺,但他们仍然没有达成共识。项目经理应该怎么做?
A team has different ideas on how to solve a feature of a product under construction, and despite starting the sprint two days ago, they still don't have a consensus. What should a project manager do?
A : 安排一次会议,让每个人都有机会表达他们对每个想法的看法,然后进行投票和决定。 Schedule a meeting where everyone has a chance to express their views on each idea, then vote and decide.
B :对每个想法的优点和缺点提出意见,并试图在一个促进会议上达成共识。 Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of each idea and try to reach consensus in a facilitation meeting.
C :要求作为关键利益相关者的产品负责人在不同的想法中做出选择。 Ask the Product Owner, who is a key stakeholder, to choose among different ideas.
D :向小组提出想法,请大家投票,然后选择最受欢迎的想法。 Submit an idea to the group, ask everyone to vote, and choose the most popular idea.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:4.2 仆人式领导为团队赋权《敏捷实践指南》第33-37页 当团队成员对产品功能的想法不能达成共识时,项目经理应该以仆人式领导的思维帮助团队达成共识。项目经理成为仆人式领导时,工作重点就会从“管理协调”转向“促进合作”。促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。选项A既是鼓励团队成员尽所能地思考和互相交流,又鼓励团队自己做出决策,符合仆人式领导的原则。 选项B,仆人式领导应该鼓励团队自己做出决策,而非替团队决策; 选项C,团队内部的问题应该由项目经理和团队共同解决,而不是请相关方决策; 选项D,缺少了让团队进行交流互动的环节,不符合面对面交流的原则。
51、 [多选] 一家公司正在执行一个关键的转型项目。其中几个职能经理未被识别为相关方,因此,这些职能经理未被包含进项目开工会议。现在,该项目处于其执行阶段,这些职能经理正在表达对项目进展的担忧,并要求改变方向。项目经理应该做什么?
A company is executing a key transformation project. Several of these functional managers were not identified as interested parties and therefore were not included in the project initiation meeting. The project is now in its execution phase. These functional managers are expressing concerns about the progress of the project. And asked for a change of direction. What should a project manager do?
A :向这些职能经理发送电子邮件,解释说该项目已处于执行阶段 Send an email to these functional managers explaining that the item itself is in the execution stage
B :与这些职能经理分享项目管理计划 Share the project management plan with these functional managers
C :与这些职能经理一起举行研讨会,讨论该项目 Conduct workshops with these functional managers. Discuss the project
D :要求这些职能经理提出变更请求以解决他们的顾虑 Ask these functional managers to make change requests to address their concerns
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
59、 [多选] 你的项目进行到一半时,产品负责人离开了公司。新的产品负责人被分配到这个项目中,但他来自不同的业务部门。你与新产品负责人一起回顾产品待办事项列表时,他要求重新安排一些积压项目的优先级。你应该怎么做?
Halfway through your project, the product owner leaves the company. A new product owner is assigned to the project, but he is from a different business unit. When you review the product backlog with the new product owner, he asks to reprioritize some of the backlog items. What should you do?
A :将矛盾上报给敏捷教练或上级管理层。 Escalate conflicts to an agile coach or upper management.
B :告诉产品负责人,目前的排序是团队和前任产品负责人商定的。 Tell the Product Owner that the current ordering was agreed upon by the team and the previous Product Owner.
C :避免与产品负责人的对抗,要求团队与产品负责人协商一个可行的解决方案。 Avoid confrontation with the product owner and ask the team to negotiate a workable solution with the product owner.
D : 按照产品负责人的要求,重新安排项目的优先级。 Re-prioritize projects as requested by the Product Owner.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40-4.3.2 敏捷的角色;知识点:产品负责人;关键词:要求重新安排挤压工作项的优先级;安排工作项的优先级是产品负责人的职责,所以应该遵照产品负责人的意见重新排列优先级,D选项正确。 A,这个冲突并没有到上报的程度,B,之前的产品负责人确定的现任产品负责人可以进行修改,C,团队也没有对工作项优先级的权限。
68、 [多选] 一个敏捷项目的项目经理被要求减少30%的预算。由于这是一个小的项目组,预算主要分配给资源。为了在受限的环境中继续提供价值,该项目经理应该使用什么策略?
The project manager of an agile project was asked to reduce the budget by 30%. Since this is a small project group, the budget is mainly allocated to resources. What strategy should this project manager use to continue delivering value in a constrained environment?
A :将项目范围限制在基本的关键功能上,并以目前的人员配置水平运行项目,直到所有的预算都被消耗掉。 Limit the scope of the project to basic critical functions and run the project at current staffing levels until all budget is consumed.
B :减少项目人员,并相应地调整范围和时间表以支持预算的减少。 Reduce project staff and adjust scope and schedule accordingly to support the budget reduction.
C :平衡项目团队,以适应预算的挑战,并提供培训以减轻低绩效的风险。 Balance project teams to accommodate budget challenges and provide training to mitigate the risk of low performance.
D : 对产品待办事项列表进行优先排序,寻找高商业价值和低工作量的产品,并调整项目预算和人员配置,以考虑到这些项目。 Prioritize your product backlog, look for products with high business value and low effort, and adjust project budgets and staffing to take these projects into account.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
题目考察的是项目经理应该采取何种策略以在受限制的环境中继续提供价值。敏捷要求拥抱变化,要善于利用变更,为客户创造价值,帮助客户获得竞争优势。选项D是相对完善的做法,在削减预算的情况下,仍旧寻找高商业价值和低工作量的产品,并调整预算和人员配置,最大程度去满足客户的需求,所以选项D为正确答案。 选项A,考虑到预算主要分配给了资源,并且预算已经被缩减,项目经理应该对客户需求进行排序并且适当考虑人员配置的相应变更以符合需求,而不是只考虑基础功能且保持目前的人员配置; 选项B,没有符合满足客户需求、帮助客户获得竞争优势的原则; 选项C,题干描述的是项目预算产生变化,而不是团队缺乏培训而导致低绩效的问题。
73、 [多选] 数据库项目大约完成了85%,该项目遇到了挑战。截至上一份状态报告,该项目在成本、进度和范围方面似乎都在正轨上。 高级管理层告诉你发起人对项目有一些非常严重的担忧。根据上次的状态报告,你不明白为什么。首先要采取的最佳行动是什么?
The database project is approximately 85% complete and the project has encountered challenges. As of the last status report, the project appears to be on track in terms of cost, schedule and scope. Senior management tells you that the sponsor has some very serious concerns about the project. Based on the last status report, you don't understand why. What is the best action to take first?
A :忽略高级管理人员,因为项目状态良好 Ignore senior management because the project is in good shape
B : 与发起人会面以确定发起人的关注点 Meet with the sponsor to determine the sponsor's concerns
C :告诉高级管理层该项目状况良好 Tell senior management that the project is in good shape
D :进行挣值分析 Perform earned value analysis
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
81、 [多选] 在软件开发项目的项目管理计划的制定过程中,项目管理团队决定构建一个工作环境,在这个环境中,自组织团队可以在没有任何集中控制的情况下完成工作。 在进行资源规划时需要特别考虑哪些因素?
During the development of a software development project's project management plan, the project management team decides to build a working environment where a self-organizing team can do their work without any centralized control. What needs to be specially taken into consideration while doing resource planning?
A :从市场获得行业标准主题专家。 Acquire industry standard Subject Matter Expert from Market.
B :任命一名技术架构师扮演项目经理的角色。 Appoint a technical architect for playing role of a project Manager.
C :确保详细定义了项目范围。 Ensure that the project scope is defined in detail.
D : 获得通才型专家。 Acquire generalized specialists.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P42 通才型专家。 根据问题中所述的情况,项目管理团队已决定采用敏捷开发方法来执行项目工作。敏捷项目团队通常是自组织和跨职能的。跨职能团队由具有生产工作产品所需的所有技能的团队成员组成。在这些团队中,团队独立运作,没有集中控制。在资源规划中,成功的自组织团队由通才型而不是主题专家组成。然后,这些通才型专家不断适应不断变化的环境。在资源获取过程中,应聘用那些可以随时欢迎项目中的变化甚至要求建设性反馈的人。 ABC选项题目里面没有具体提及。
95、 [多选] 在一个有不同国家的特定用户的项目完成后,项目经理的主管询问项目用户是否对项目的运行方式感到满意。项目经理应该采取哪两个行动?(选择两个。)
After a project with specific users in different countries is completed, the project manager's supervisor asks the project users if they are satisfied with how the project is running. Which two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two.)
A : 向项目参与者发送一份调查问卷,征求他们的反馈。 Send a questionnaire to project participants asking for their feedback.
B :准备好项目阶段的经验教训。 Be prepared for lessons learned in the project phase.
C :将项目材料交付给用户,看他们是否有意见。 Deliver project materials to users to see if they have comments.
D :获得各国对新流程的正式批准。 Obtain official approval from countries for the new process.
E : 参照沟通管理计划。 Refer to the Communication Management Plan.
正确答案:A,E 你的答案:A,C
解析:《PMBOK》第6版123页,4.7-结束项目或阶段 这是一道涉及到收尾过程的题目,题目考察的是项目经理要如何对项目相关方进行满意度调查。如果被访问的相关方数量较多、调查的内容趋于统一固定的话,就可以采用问卷调查的方式完成快速收集和汇总,选项A正确。在这个过程中,涉及到了信息的传递,所以要遵循沟通管理计划,选项E正确。选项B,总结经验教训是收尾阶段的步骤之一,但题目考察的是相关方满意度,此题不选;选项C,首先用户是否巨有查看所有项目材料的权限就值得商榷,另外这种开放式的提问会产生非常大的工作量。选项D,没有提到所谓的新流程,排除。
96、 [多选] 在项目的规划阶段,公司进行组织结构变革,项目经理认为大多数相关方已经发生变化。项目经理应该使用哪种工具或技术来验证相关方是否已经发生变化?
During the planning phase of a project, the organization changes and the project manager believes that most of the stakeholders have changed. What tools or techniques should the project manager use to verify that the stakeholders have changed?
A : 问卷调查 Survey
B :决策矩阵 Decision matrix
C :鱼骨图 Fishbone diagram
D :思维导图 Mind mapping
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
99、 [多选] 作为客户代表的一位关键主题专家(SME)发现某项功能应该被纳入项目范围。通过变更控制过程,变更控制委员会 (CCB)已对该功能进行沟通、定价、评估及否决。尽管如此,该主题专家仍执着地坚持要求该功能纳入项目范围,并继续宣扬该所需功能的差异之处。项目经理该做什么?
A key subject matter expert (SME) acting as a customer representative found that a function should be included in the project scope. Through the change control process, the Change Control Board (CCB) has communicated, price, evaluated, and rejected the function. Despite this, the subject matter expert insisted that the function be included in the scope of the project, and continued to publicize the difference in the required function. What should the project manager do?
A :为该功能寻找重要的替代性机会 Find important alternative opportunities for this feature
B : 继续执行原来商定的范围 Continue to implement the previously agreed scope
C :将该问题上报给该主题专家的职能经理 Report the problem to the functional manager of the subject matter expert
D :在风险登记册中提出一项内容 Make an entry in the risk register
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113,4.6-实施整体变更控制。”通过变更控制过程,变更控制委员会 (CCB)已对该功能进行沟通、定价、评估及否决“,CCB已经对变更请求做出了决策,进行了否决,所以继续按照原定的范围执行。
102、 [多选] 项目经理正在管理一个公路建设项目,客户是当地政府,环保组织最近发现,该公路的某一特定路段可能会对保护区产生影响,环保组织对此表示了担忧。政府将开始与他们进行协商。项目经理应该如何管理相关方的期望?
The project manager is managing a road construction project for the local government, and environmental groups have expressed concern over the recent discovery that a particular section of the road could have an impact on the reserve. The government will begin negotiations with them. How should the project manager manage the expectations of stakeholders?
A : 根据相关方参与计划行事 Act according to stakeholder participation plan
B :专注于管理政府期望 Focus on managing government expectations
C :将环保人士的要求增列为新需求 Add the demands of environmentalists to the list of new needs
D :等待政府与环保组织的磋商结果 Waiting for the results of the government's consultations with environmental groups
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
105、 [多选] 敏捷项目团队正在努力管理其项目的质量。团队在考虑质量管理方面应主要关注什么?
An agile project team is working to manage quality for their project. What should the team primarily focus on considering quality management?
A : 专注于小批量工作。 Concentrating on small batch systems.
B :定期执行根本原因分析。 Doing Root Cause Analysis periodically.
C :确定质量指标。 Determining Quality metrics.
D :经常进行效益分析。 Conducting frequent benefit analysis.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》,第93页,敏捷质量管理 敏捷开发是以迭代的方式频繁交付软件增量,因此对于质量管理,团队也要专注于每个迭代的软件增量的质量,也就是专注于一个迭代的小批量产品的质量,选项A正确。选项B,C,D通常都是在传统瀑布式项目中使用的工具和技术,是在项目整体范围和质量计划比较明确的情况下使用的。
128、 [多选] 一个小组已经在一起工作了一个月。在每天的会议上,一个团队成员持续表示他们在完成的任务方面有问题。项目经理应该怎么做?
A group has been working together for a month. During the daily meeting, one team member continued to report problems completing their tasks. What should a project manager do?
A :与所有团队成员开始讨论,帮助解决这些问题。 Start discussions with all team members to help resolve these issues.
B : 等待团队独立发现并解决问题。 Wait for the team to independently discover and fix the problem.
C :将团队成员转移到另一个技能更合适的任务上。 Move team members to another task where the skills are more appropriate.
D :与团队成员进行秘密讨论,找出根本原因。 Confidential discussions with team members to find out the root cause.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:4.3 团队构成《敏捷实践指南》第38-43页 敏捷的原则指出最佳的架构、需求和设计将出自自组织团队,因此项目经理在敏捷团队中应该鼓励团队自我领导、互相合作并且独立解决问题,因此,本题答案选选项B。 选项A,应该鼓励团队成员自主解决问题,而不是直接帮团队解决问题; 选项C,自组织团队是跨职能的,应该培养成员成为通才型专家,而不是在成员遇到问题时将他转移到别的任务上; 选项D,秘密讨论不利于团队成员之间互相交流沟通、共同解决问题。
129、 [多选] 项目经理正在制定一个新项目的成本管理计划,该计划基于已批准的项目章程信息。这是一个创新项目,并且该公司过去没有交付过类似的项目。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is developing a cost management plan for the new project based on the approved project charter information. This is an innovative project, and the company has not delivered similar projects in the past. What should the project manager do next?
A :使用项目章程的可交付成果进行类比估算 Analogical estimation using the project Charter deliverables
B : 要求项目团队在公司以外寻找类似项目 Ask the project team to look for similar projects outside the company
C :制定工作分解结构(WBS)以进行自下而上的成本估算 Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for bottom-up cost estimation
D :制定具有应急储备的预算草案,以应对未知因素 Develop a draft budget with contingency reserves in case of unknown factors
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
136、 [多选] 一个工程交付团队的其中一名成员定期编制月度进度报告的子部分。过去一个月出现了一些项目挑战,许多项目可交付成果远远落后于进度计划。客户得知这些问题,并希望提前获得状态报告的副本以向其高级管理层更新这一情况。该报告目前仅为草稿,包含敏感信息,当该团队成员询问是否可以发送时,项目经理尚未对其进行审查。项目经理应该做什么?
A member of a project delivery team regularly prepares subsections of monthly progress reports. The past month has seen a number of project challenges, with many project deliverables well behind schedule. The customer is informed of these issues and wishes to obtain a copy of the status report in advance to update the situation with their senior management. The report is currently only a draft and contains sensitive information that has not yet been reviewed by the project manager when the team member asked if it could be sent. What should a project manager do?
A :要求该团队成员审查更新后的相关方参与计划 Ask team members to review the updated stakeholder engagement plan
B :确保问题日志中包含所有问题 Make sure that all problems are included in the problem log
C : 要求该团队成员查阅沟通管理计划 Ask the team members to review the communication management plan
D :查看风险登记册,以确保如何减轻延误的影响 Review the risk register to ensure that the impact of delays is mitigated
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
138、 [多选] 在一个设计和生产餐厅厨房使用的新工具的项目中,成本已被确定为最优先的制约因素。项目分组在其质量计划中包括对这些工具的随机抽样。虽然成本是一个关键因素,但产品也必须符合高质量标准。以下哪些是不一致成本的例子?(选择三项)
In a project to design and produce new tools for use in restaurant kitchens, cost has been identified as the highest priority constraint. Project groups include random sampling of these tools in their quality plans. While cost is a key factor, products must also meet high quality standards. Which of the following are examples of inconsistent costs? (Choose three)
A : 返工 rework
B :质量培训 Quality training
C : 废品 waste
D : 保修费用 Warranty cost
正确答案:A,C,D 你的答案:A,B,C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK(第6版) 页码:P282 章节:数据分析-质量成本。质量成本分为一致性成本和非一致性成本,非一致性成本是指质量不达标而达成的损失,所以选项ACD都是由于质量问题而付出的成本,属于不一致性成本。而选项B是为了预防质量问题出现而进行的活动,属于一致性成本。
151、 [多选] 您是涉及市场上新技术的IT项目的项目经理。在风险响应规划期间,牢记模糊性风险的数量,您和团队将项目划分为多个阶段,并决定采用构建实际产品原型的方法,并在第一阶段开始执行之前从相关方那里获得建设性的反馈。 在此方案中,原型设计是以下示例:
You are a Project Manager of an IT project that involves new technologies in the market. During risk response planning, keeping the number of ambiguity risks in mind, you and the team divide the project into phases and decide to adopt an approach of building a prototype of the actual product and take constructive feedback from stakeholders before the start of execution of the first phase. Here in this scenario prototyping is an example of:
A :用于处理机会的风险开拓策略。 Risk Exploitation strategy for handling opportunities.
B : 用于处理威胁的风险减轻策略。 Risk Mitigation strategy for handling threats.
C :质量控制策略。 Quality Control Strategy.
D :滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P443- 威胁应对策略-减轻 减轻策略可能涉及降低风险的原型开发。歧义风险通常通过探索和实验来处理,其中原型设计就是一个很好的例子。在这里,在此方案中,项目团队正试图通过构建原型将模糊性风险转换为已知-未知。
154、 [多选] 作为项目经理,您正在管理一个项目,该项目有来自外部供应商的14个可交付成果。一个供应商一直在与合作伙伴谈判以获得更多融资,如果他们不同意,可能会导致供应商停止生产您的一个可交付成果?A有传言说供应商的工厂将因这个问题而关闭。您应该采取的最佳行动方案是什么?
As a project manager, you are managing a project that has 14 deliverables from external suppliers. A supplier has been negotiating with a partner for more financing, and if they don't agree, it could cause the supplier to stop producing one of your deliverables? A rumor has it that the supplier's factory will be closed due to this problem. What is the best course of action you should take?
A : 联系供应商并讨论这个问题 Contact the supplier and discuss the issue
B :开始联系其他供应商作为备用计划 Start contacting other suppliers as a backup plan
C :一找到供应商就更换供应商 Change suppliers as soon as they are found
D :启动为此供应商创建的风险应对计划 Initiate the risk response plan created for this supplier
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
157、 [多选] 预测性项目管理强调项目整合管理的重要性,希望项目经理能够掌控详细的产品规划,并将项目的不同环节相互融合。在敏捷项目中,谁主要负责整合管理?
Predictive project management emphasizes the importance of project integration management, hoping that project managers can control detailed product planning and integrate different aspects of the project. Who is primarily responsible for integration management in an agile project?
A :敏捷教练 Agile coach
B :服务型领导 Servant Leadership
C :产品负责人 Product Owner
D : 开发团队 development team
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40 知识点:跨职能团队成员 关键词:谁主要负责整合管理 敏捷团队的属性之一就是跨职能团队成员为完成任务,整合所有工作活动。所以选择D选项。 AB敏捷教练和服务型领导都对整合提供指导和支持,并不进行决定,C产品负责人主要职责在维护产品待办事项列表和代表客户验收。
159、 [多选] 在回顾过去的经验时,一位敏捷教练观察到,他对人的表情,动态和动机的理解能力在他的成功中起到了重要作用。以下哪项人际关系技能他的成功起了很大作用?
In reviewing past experiences, an agile coach observed that his ability to understand human expressions, dynamics, and motivations played a major role in his success. Which of the following interpersonal skills has been instrumental in his success?
A :解决冲突的能力 Ability to resolve conflict
B : 情商 emotional intelligence
C :服务型领导 Servant Leadership
D :适应性领导 adaptive leadership
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P36 知识点:仆人式领导情商 关键词:人际关系技能,理解能力 人际关系技能在四个选项中仅包含情商和冲突管理,对于表情等的理解能力属于情商范畴,所以选择B选项。 A,冲突管理和理解能力不符,CD,是领导方式的类型,和人际关系技能无关
163、 [多选] 作为中型适应型软件开发项目的项目经理,您正在使用一个工具来确定当前迭代中有多少工作需要完成。 这里提到了什么工具?
As a Project Manager of a mid-sized adaptive software development project, you are using a tool to determine how much work is remaining to be done in the current iteration. What tool has been referred over here?
A : 燃尽图 Burndown Chart.
B :燃起图 Burnup Chart.
C :Why-why 图 Why-why Diagram.
D :运行图表 Run Chart.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P62-图5-1.燃尽图。通过燃尽图可以可视化的展示当前迭代中还有多少工作需要完成,选项A正确。燃起图显示的是已完成的工作量和总工作量,不正确。Why-why 图主要是做根本原因分析的工具,所以C在这里不适用。运行图评估进程的运行方式,因此 D 不正确。
165、 [多选] 经过几次迭代后,项目经理决定向一个关键的利益相关者展示产品。利益相关者的反馈是,团队在很多功能上都没有达到要求。项目经理应该怎么做才能避免将来出现这种情况?
After several iterations, the project manager decided to present the product to a key stakeholder. Feedback from stakeholders was that the team fell short of requirements on many features. What should a project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?
A : 安排足够的冲刺演示来收集利益相关者的早期反馈,并相应地调整计划。 Schedule enough sprint demos to gather early feedback from stakeholders and adjust the plan accordingly.
B :与所有关键的利益相关者建立需求收集会议,再次评估范围,并根据会议内容重新确定积压的优先次序。 Set up a needs gathering meeting with all key stakeholders, reassess the scope, and re-prioritize the backlog based on the content of the meeting.
C :评估团队的技能,寻找有产品设计经验的人,并将重建产品界面的任务分配给该人。 Assess the skills of the team, find someone with experience in product design, and assign that person the task of rebuilding the product interface.
D :将设计思维实践融入项目生命周期,以更好地理解产品的角色,并更有效地匹配他们的需求。 Integrate design thinking practices into the project life cycle to better understand the role of products and more effectively match their needs.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:5.2.5 展示/评审《敏捷实践指南》第55页 题目关键信息是几次迭代后、展示产品、如何避免,考察的是敏捷项目中如何使产品功能符合客户预期。当团队以用户故事的形式完成特定功能时,团队会定期展示工作产品。团队成员可以从每个迭代之后的展示/评审活动中得到相关方的反馈,及时确认范围,防止产品朝错误方向发展。因此选项A安排足够的冲刺演示来收集利益相关者的早期反馈,并相应地调整计划,符合上述做法,为正确答案。 选项B,首先,这个选项的做法更像补救措施而非避免办法;其次,敏捷项目的范围具有不确定性,需要定期确定范围,举行单次需求收集会并不能识别到所有需求; 选项C,题干描述的情况是团队在几次迭代后才展示产品且产品未达到要求,问题出现的原因是没有及时、频繁展示产品功能,而非团队的技能问题; 选项D,将设计思维融入生命周期并不解决频繁变化的需求问题。
178、 [多选] 你正在管理一个敏捷项目,你的团队由分析师和建模师组成。在项目第一次迭代的中途,你注意到“进行中的工作”中的工作越来越多,而这些项目很少被移动到看板的“已完成”部分。经过详细的检查,你发现分析师的生产量大于建模师的生产量,结果起草的流程比开始的流程要少。你应该先做什么?
You are managing an agile project and your team consists of analysts and modelers. Midway through the first iteration of a project, you notice more and more work in "work in progress" and those items are rarely moved to the "completed" section of the kanban board. After a detailed inspection, you find that the analyst is producing more than the modeler, and as a result drafts fewer processes than the beginning. What should you do first?
A :雇佣更多的建模师 Hire more modelers
B :雇佣更多的分析师 Hire more analysts
C :将部分分析师从团队中移除,以创造一种平衡 Remove some analysts from the team to create a balance
D : 请分析师帮助建模师完成流程 Ask the analyst to help the modeler through the process
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P42-通才型专家;知识点:最大在制品数量,T型人才;关键字:在进行的工作多,分析师产量大于建模师产量 敏捷团队中追求所有人为T型人才,当进行中的工作出现堆积的时候,要求其他人能够协助瓶颈点。从而缓解阻碍。所以D选项正确 。选项ABC,敏捷团队一般固定,而且事情只有在推进后才能得出这样的结论,所以增加和减少团队成员都不是合理的选项。
2、 [多选] 项目经理正在管理的一个跨国产品开发项目具有来自众多国家/地区的相关方,在最近与主要项目发起人举行的进展情况会议上,负责实现产品工业化的提供商惊讶地发现,自从会议以来,某需求已经发生变更,该提供商提出了关于该变更的关键顾虑,并已根据早前的需求大幅增加了资本支出。项目经理本应采取什么的不同措施来避免发生这种情况?
A multinational product development project being managed by the project manager has stakeholders from many countries/regions. In a recent progress meeting with the main project sponsors, the provider responsible for the industrialization of the product was surprised to find out. Since the meeting, a requirement has changed, the provider raised key concerns about the change, and has substantially increased capital expenditures based on earlier requirements. What different measures should the project manager take to avoid this?
A : 项目经理应针对该变更请求进行详细的相关方分析,并从一开始就让该提供商参与进来,以确保他们的顾虑会得到解决。 The project manager should conduct a detailed stakeholder analysis of the change request and involve the provider from the outset to ensure that their concerns are addressed.
B :项目经理本不应该邀请该提供商参加进展情况审查会议,因为该提供商仅负责产品工业化事务,而不负责审批需求。 The project manager should not have invited the vendor to the progress review meeting because the vendor is only responsible for product industrialization, not approval requirements.
C :项目经理本不应该批准会导致项目资本支出增加的需求变更 The project manager should not have approved a change in requirements that would result in an increase in project capital expenditure
D :项目经理本应要求该供应商不要在进展情况审查会议上提出顾虑,因为这并非适当的场合。 The project manager should have asked the vendor not to raise concerns during the progress review meeting as this was not an appropriate occasion.
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
3、 [多选] 采购部门需要向全球不同的供应商采购项目所需的各种商品,所有采购订单均己发送给供应商并已按要求处理。项目经理后来收到客户提出的变更请求。由于项目经理未及时通知采购部门,运抵的所有物品都是按原来的需求所提供。 项目经理本应做什么来确保该信息按时通知到采购部门?
A procurement department needs to purchase various goods for a project from different vendors around the world. All purchase orders have been sent to the vendors and processed as required. The project manager then received a change request from the customer. Because the project manager did not inform the procurement department in a timely manner, all the items arrived with the original requirements.What should the project manager have done to ensure the information reached the procurement department on time?
A :编制一份状态更新报告,并将之发送给所有相关方 Prepared a status update report and sent it to all stakeholders.
B :直接联系供应商,并将该变更告知他们 Contacted the vendor directly and informed them about the change.
C : 包括变更控制程序和采购过程的登记 Included a change control procedure,registering the procurement processes.
D :与项目团队开会讨论该变更,并将之记录在风险管理计划中 Met with the project team to discuss the change and registered it in the risk management
正确答案:C 你的答案:C
4、 [多选] 一个组织在历史上一直使用预测性方法来执行大多数项目。该组织现在想改变成一个敏捷的方法。哪种策略可以有效地帮助该组织为这种变化做好准备?
An organization has historically used a predictive approach to execute most projects. The organization now wants to change to an agile approach. Which strategy can effectively help the organization prepare for this change?
A :增加多层次的管理人员,他们将对敏捷的执行负责。 Add multiple levels of managers who will be responsible for agile execution.
B :采取大爆炸的方式,一次性将整个组织转移到敏捷中 Take the big bang approach and move your entire organization to agile in one go.
C :建立一个由高管组成的特别小组,每天对敏捷项目进行监控。 Create a special team of executives to monitor agile projects on a daily basis.
D : 通过解决组织内对敏捷的阻碍来提高组织的准备程度。 Improve organizational readiness by addressing barriers to agile within the organization.
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:“敏捷原则”《敏捷实践指南》第9页 题干问的是从预测型方法转变到敏捷方法需要做什么准备。敏捷方法和预测型方法有许多巨大的差异,例如敏捷方法拥抱变更而传统预测方法更加遵循计划。因此原本使用预测型方法的组织内部存在着不利于敏捷开发的障碍,若要转型敏捷开发,就要消除这些障碍。所以,选项D通过解决组织内部对于敏捷开发的障碍来提高组织的准备程度是正确的方式。 选项A,敏捷第11条原则是自组织团队,自组织团队推崇团队成员自我管理团队,是没有领导的,因此增加多层次的管理人员不符合自组织团队的原则; 选项B,转型到敏捷方法是一个循序渐进的过程,敏捷方法提倡可持续的开发,自组织团队也是一个逐步适应、完善的过程,因此一次性将整个组织转移到敏捷当中是不符合敏捷的原则的; 选项C,与选项A相似,敏捷采用自组织团队,且团队往往由通才型专家组成,由高管组成的特别小组监控敏捷项目明显有悖敏捷原则。
5、 [多选] 某公司先前没有使用项目管理方法的经验,该公司最近为一个新的项目管理办公室(PMO)聘请了首位项目经理。该公司开展业务已有数年时间,一直在开展竞标工作。项目经理该做什么来评估一个新项目的可行性?
A company with no prior experience with a project management approach recently hired its first project manager for a new project Management Office (PMO). The company has been in business for several years and has been bidding. What should a project manager do to assess the feasibility of a new project?
A : 审查并分析该公司过去两年的经验教训知识库 Review and analyze the company's knowledge base of lessons learned over the past two years
B :与负责投标事务的职能经理开会审查当前的管理过程 Meet with the functional manager in charge of the tender to review the current management process
C :请求项目发起人编制一个项目管理计划模板 Request the project sponsor to create a project management plan template
D :与财务部门开会分析先前投标的成功之处 Meet with finance to analyze the success of previous bids
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
6、 [多选] 一位项目经理最近受雇管理一个现有项目,该项目落后于进度,并且几乎没有存储项目文件。新项目经理认识到需要遵守法定要求并为将来的审计做好准备。但团队关注的重点仅在于交付最终结果。项目经理应该如何解决这一冲突?
A project manager was recently hired to manage an existing project that was behind schedule and had few project files stored. The new project manager recognizes the need to comply with statutory requirements and prepare for future audits. But the team's focus is only on delivering the end result. How should the project manager resolve this conflict?
A :要求团队为将来的审计保留大量文档 Ask the team to keep a lot of documentation for future audits
B :与将使用该技术的人员开会,以确定哪些关键文档是必要的,并要求团队遵守 Meet with the people who will be using the technology to determine which key documents are necessary and ask the team to comply
C :保留风险登记册,问题日志和质量测量指标等文件 Maintain risk registers, problem logs and quality measurement indicators
D : 咨询内部归档专家,以阐明组织内的归档政策,并将这些政策应用于该项目 Consult internal archiving experts to clarify the organization's archiving policies and apply them to the project
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
8、 [多选] 某项目正处于其生命周期的中途阶段,它正在预算范围内按进度计划进行。项目经理收到的通知声称,一项新的监管制约因素将会导致该项目的下一阶段发生迟延。 项目经理接下来该做什么?
A project is in the middle of its life cycle and is on schedule within budget. The project manager received a notice stating that a new regulatory constraint would delay the next phase of the project. What should the project manager do next?
A : 分析对进度计划和预算的影响,并遵循变更请求过程 Analyze the impact on schedule planning and budgeting, and follow the change request process
B :寻求客户批准,以便变更进度计划 Seek customer approval to change the schedule
C :分析对进度计划和预算的影响,并要求客户批准这些变更 Analyze the impact on schedule plans and budgets and ask customers to approve these changes
D :更新进度计划,将该制约因素纳入其中 Update the schedule to include this constraint
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
9、 [多选] 项目经理正处于一个高度可见的项目的执行阶段,一个重要的里程碑将在三周后到期。项目经理发现供应商为此里程碑的交付将延迟五周。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is in the execution phase of a highly visible project with a major milestone due in three weeks. The project manager found that the supplier's delivery for this milestone would be delayed by five weeks. What should a project manager do?
A :不要在状态会议上报告这个问题 Do not report this issue in a status meeting
B : 与团队会面并集思广益并制定解决此问题的方法 Meet with the team and brainstorm and develop a solution to this problem
C :停止向供应商付款,直到收到可交付成果 Stop paying suppliers until deliverables are received
D :报告错过的里程碑的状态 Report the status of missed milestones
正确答案:B 你的答案:B
10、 [多选] 一家公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)已经开始实施迭代工具。一位项目经理正在开始一个新的项目,并发现了一个使用迭代工具的机会。其中一位高级经理对这个修改后的框架感到担忧,因为它对公司来说相当新。项目经理应该先做什么?
One company's project management office (PMO) has begun implementing iterative tools. A project manager is starting a new project and sees an opportunity to use an iterative tool. One of the senior managers was concerned about the revised framework because it was fairly new to the company. What should a project manager do first?
A :向该高级经理发送关于新框架的优势的文件。 Send the senior manager a document on the benefits of the new framework.
B :将高级经理的担忧上报给项目发起人,并将状态分发给团队。 Escalate senior manager concerns to project sponsor and distribute status to team.
C :寻找关于新框架的外部培训,以消除利益相关方的低参与度的风险。 Look for external training on the new framework to eliminate the risk of low stakeholder engagement.
D : 与利益相关方组织个别会议,以建立对新框架的认识和信任。 Organize individual meetings with stakeholders to build awareness and trust in the new framework.
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
解析:解析:PMBOK- 会议。在敏捷转型的过程中,相关方对新的框架感到担忧是正常的,应该通过沟通,了解相关方的关切点,然后进行解决和建立信任,选项D正确。选项A、C都是具体的解决措施,没有了解相关方担忧的点以及原因是什么就实施措施不合适;选项B,项目经理应先自行尝试沟通解决,不宜直接上报。
11、 [多选] 项目章程已由所涉及的所有相关方批准。销售部门的一位关键相关方致电项目经理,称不应将其载入相关方登记册。该关键相关方的团队在项目交付前不会开展任何工作。他们没有时间开展与项目相关的工作。项目经理应该做什么?
The project charter has been approved by all parties involved. A key stakeholder in the sales department called the project manager and said he would not win his entry into the relevant stakeholder register. The team of this key stakeholder will not do any work until the project is delivered. They don't have time to work on projects. What should a project manager do?
A :将该相关方从状态报告分发名单中移除,但仍将其记为原始相关方 Removes the interested party from the status report distribution list but still records it as the original interested party
B :向该相关方说明,他们的参与度很低,并将其留在相关方登记册中 Explain to the relevant party that their participation is low and leave it in the relevant party register
C :将该关键相关方的抵制情况告知发起人,并请求其介入 Inform the initiator of the resistance of the key stakeholders and ask them to intervene
D : 安排与该相关方开会,向其说明其角色,并商定未来向其提供项目状态方面的最新情况 Arrange meetings with the relevant party to explain its role and agree to provide it with future updates on the status of the project
正确答案:D 你的答案:D
12、 [多选] 一家跨国公司计划将他们的业务扩展到一个新的国家,在那里他们目前还没有业务。一位项目经理被指派来启动这个项目。在审查了商业案例之后,在制定适当的实施策略时,应该首先考虑什么?
A multinational company plans to expand their operations to a new country where they currently do not have operations. A project manager was assigned to start the project. After reviewing the business case, what should be the first consideration when developing an appropriate implementation strategy?
A : 评估环境和法规因素,确定高层次的风险和假设。 Assess environmental and regulatory factors to identify high-level risks and assumptions.
B :确保项目发起人在项目期间对项目的可交付成果和时间表达成一致。 Ensure project sponsors agree on project deliverables and timelines during the project.
C :从新的国家获得项目资源,以减轻不确定性的风险。 Obtain project resources from new countries to mitigate the risk of uncertainty.
D :识别并密切监测风险,因为公司没有针对这个国家的经验教训。 Identify and closely monitor risks as the company has no lessons for this country.
正确答案:A 你的答案:A
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