Employee 表包含所有员工信息,每个员工有其对应的工号 Id,姓名 Name,工资 Salary 和部门编号 DepartmentId 。
Department 表包含公司所有部门的信息。
编写一个 SQL 查询,找出每个部门获得前三高工资的所有员工。例如,根据上述给定的表,查询结果应返回:
select b.Name as Department,a.Name as Employee,a.Salary
from (select *,dense_rank() over(partition by departmentid order by Salary desc) as rnk from Employee) a
left join department b
on a.departmentid = b.Id
where a.rnk <= 3
编写一个 SQL 查询以找出每行的人数大于或等于 100 且 id 连续的三行或更多行记录。
返回按 visit_date 升序排列的结果表。
if object_id('stadium','u') is not null drop table stadium create table stadium( id int identity(1,1) ,visit_date date ,people int ) insert into stadium(visit_date, people) values ('2017-01-01' , 10 ) ,('2017-01-02' , 109 ) ,('2017-01-03' , 150 ) ,('2017-01-04' , 99 ) ,('2017-01-05' , 145 ) ,('2017-01-06' , 1455 ) ,('2017-01-07' , 199 ) ,('2017-01-09' , 188 ) select id,visit_date,people from ( select id, visit_date, people, count(*) over (partition by (fz)) as cnt from ( select *, id - row_number() over (order by id ) as fz from stadium where people >= 100 ) a ) a where cnt > 3
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
select id ,company,salary
from (
select *
,row_number() over(partition by company order by salary) as rnk
,count(*) over(partition by company ) as cnt
from Employee) a
where rnk BETWEEN cnt*1.0/2 AND cnt*1.0/2 + 1
编写一个 SQL 查询来找出那些ID们在任意一天的第一个电话和最后一个电话都是和同一个人的。这些电话不论是拨打者还是接收者都会被记录。
--MySQL with temp as (select * from calls union all select recipient_id caller_id, caller_id recipient_id, call_time from calls ), temp1 as (select *, dense_rank() over (partition by date_format(call_time,"%Y-%m-%d"),caller_id order by call_time asc) rk1, dense_rank() over (partition by date_format(call_time,"%Y-%m-%d"),caller_id order by call_time desc) rk2 from temp ) select distinct caller_id as user_id from temp1 where rk1 = 1 or rk2 = 1 group by caller_id, date_format(call_time,"%Y-%m-%d") having count(distinct recipient_id) = 1
Employee 表保存了一年内的薪水信息。
请你编写 SQL 语句,对于每个员工,查询他除最近一个月(即最大月)之外,剩下每个月的近三个月的累计薪水(不足三个月也要计算)。
结果请按 Id 升序,然后按 Month 降序显示。
--MySQL --注意点:剔除最大月要以员工为单位去看,还有就是其他月份算累计只要计算近三个月的 select a.id ,a.month ,sum(b.salary) as Salary from Employee a left join Employee b on a.id = b.id and a.Month >= b.Month and a.Month < b.Month + 3 where (a.Id, a.Month) NOT IN (SELECT Id, MAX(Month) FROM Employee GROUP BY Id) group by a.id ,a.month order by id asc ,month desc --MS SQL Server WITH T AS ( select id,max(month) as month from Employee group by id ) select a.id ,a.month ,sum(b.salary) as Salary from Employee a left join Employee b on a.id = b.id and a.Month >= b.Month and a.Month < b.Month + 3 where NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t b where a.id = b.id and a.month = b.month) group by a.id ,a.month order by id asc ,month desc
中位数 是将数据样本中半数较高值和半数较低值分隔开的值。
编写一个 SQL 查询,解压 Numbers 表,报告数据库中所有数字的 中位数 。结果四舍五入至 一位小数 。
select cast (sum(num)*1.0/count(num) as decimal(19,1)) as median
(select Num, frequency,
sum(frequency) over(order by Num asc) as total,
sum(frequency) over(order by Num desc) as total1
from Numbers
)as a
where total>=(select sum(frequency) from Numbers)/2
and total1>=(select sum(frequency) from Numbers)/2
写一个查询语句实现对大洲(continent)列的 透视表 操作,使得每个学生按照姓名的字母顺序依次排列在对应的大洲下面。输出的标题应依次为美洲(America)、亚洲(Asia)和欧洲(Europe)。
--建表 if object_id('student','u') is not null drop table student go create table student ( name varchar(20) , continent varchar(20) ) go insert into student values ( 'Jane' ,'America' ) ,( 'Pascal' ,'Europe' ) ,( 'Xi' ,'Asia' ) ,( 'Jack' ,'America' ) go --查询 with t as (select * ,row_number() over(partition by continent order by name ) as rnk from student) select a.name as America,b.name as Asia,c.name as Europe from (select distinct rnk from T ) o left join T a on a.rnk = o.rnk and a.continent = 'America' left join T b on o.rnk = b.rnk and b.continent = 'Asia' left join T c on o.rnk = c.rnk and c.continent = 'Europe'
编写解决方案以报告 2020 年每个月的以下统计信息:
--建表 if object_id('Drivers','u') is not null drop table Drivers go create table Drivers( driver_id int , join_date date ) go insert into Drivers values ( 10 ,'2019-12-10' ) ,( 8 ,'2020-1-13' ) ,( 5 ,'2020-2-16' ) ,( 7 ,'2020-3-8' ) ,( 4 ,'2020-5-17' ) ,( 1 ,'2020-10-24' ) ,( 6 ,'2021-1-5' ) go if object_id('Rides','u') is not null drop table Rides go create table Rides( ride_id int , user_id int , requested_at date ) go insert into Rides values ( 6 ,75 ,'2019-12-9' ) ,( 1 ,54 ,'2020-2-9' ) ,( 10 ,63 ,'2020-3-4' ) ,( 19 ,39 ,'2020-4-6' ) ,( 3 ,41 ,'2020-6-3' ) ,( 13 ,52 ,'2020-6-22' ) ,( 7 ,69 ,'2020-7-16' ) ,( 17 ,70 ,'2020-8-25' ) ,( 20 ,81 ,'2020-11-2' ) ,( 5 ,57 ,'2020-11-9' ) ,( 2 ,42 ,'2020-12-9' ) ,( 11 ,68 ,'2021-1-11' ) ,( 15 ,32 ,'2021-1-17' ) ,( 12 ,11 ,'2021-1-19' ) ,( 14 ,18 ,'2021-1-27' ) go if object_id('AcceptedRides','u') is not null drop table AcceptedRides go create table AcceptedRides( ride_id int , driver_id int , ride_distance int , ride_duration int ) go insert into AcceptedRides values ( 10 ,10 ,63 , 38 ) ,( 13 ,10 ,73 , 96 ) ,( 7 ,8 ,100 , 28 ) ,( 17 ,7 ,119 , 68 ) ,( 20 ,1 ,121 , 92 ) ,( 5 ,7 ,42 , 101 ) ,( 2 ,4 ,6 , 38 ) ,( 11 ,8 ,37 , 43 ) ,( 15 ,8 ,108 , 82 ) ,( 12 ,8 ,38 , 34 ) ,( 14 ,1 ,90 , 74 ) go --查询 select number as Month ,isnull(count(distinct c.driver_id ),0) as active_drivers ,isnull(count(distinct b.ride_id ),0) as accepted_rides from master..spt_values o left join Rides a on datepart(MM,a.requested_at) = o.number and datepart(year,requested_at) = 2020 left join Drivers c on ( datepart(MM,c.join_date ) <= o.number and datepart(year,join_date) <= 2020) OR YEAR(join_date ) <2020 left join AcceptedRides b on a.ride_id = b.ride_id where type = 'p' and number between 1 and 12 group by o.number order by o.number
一家公司想雇佣新员工。公司的工资预算是 70000 美元。公司的招聘标准是:
按 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Candidates','u') is not null drop table Candidates go create table Candidates( employee_id int , experience varchar(20) , salary int ) go insert into Candidates values ( 1 ,'Junior' ,10000) ,( 9 ,'Junior' ,10000) ,( 2 ,'Senior' ,20000) ,( 11 ,'Senior' ,20000) ,( 13 ,'Senior' ,50000) ,( 4 ,'Junior' ,40000) go --查询 WITH SeniorTotal AS (SELECT employee_id, SUM(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS totalone FROM Candidates WHERE experience = 'Senior'), SeniorNumber AS (SELECT MAX(totalone) totals FROM SeniorTotal WHERE totalone <= 70000), JuniorTotal AS (SELECT employee_id, SUM(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS totaltwo FROM Candidates WHERE experience = 'Junior') SELECT 'Senior' AS experience, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) AS accepted_candidates FROM SeniorTotal WHERE totalone <= 70000 UNION ALL SELECT 'Junior' AS experience, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) AS accepted_candidates FROM JuniorTotal, SeniorNumber WHERE totaltwo < 70000 - isnull(totals, 0)
一家公司想雇佣新员工。公司的工资预算是 7 万美元。公司的招聘标准是:
编写一个SQL查询,查找根据上述条件雇用职员的 ID。
按 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Candidates','u') is not null drop table Candidates go create table Candidates( employee_id int , experience varchar(20) , salary int ) go insert into Candidates values (1 ,'Junior',10000 ) ,(9 ,'Junior',15000 ) ,(2 ,'Senior',20000 ) ,(11 ,'Senior',16000 ) ,(13 ,'Senior',50000 ) ,(4 ,'Junior',40000 ) go --查询 WITH SeniorTotal AS (SELECT employee_id, SUM(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS totalone FROM Candidates WHERE experience = 'Senior'), SeniorNumber AS (SELECT MAX(totalone) totals FROM SeniorTotal WHERE totalone <= 70000), JuniorTotal AS (SELECT employee_id, SUM(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary) AS totaltwo FROM Candidates WHERE experience = 'Junior') SELECT DISTINCT employee_id FROM SeniorTotal WHERE totalone <= 70000 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT employee_id FROM JuniorTotal, SeniorNumber WHERE totaltwo < 70000 - isnull(totals, 0)
Leetcode 从其社交媒体网站上收集了一些帖子,并对每个帖子的主题感兴趣。每个主题可以由一个或多个关键字表示。如果某个主题的关键字存在于一个帖子的内容中 (不区分大小写),那么这个帖子就有这个主题。
编写一个 SQL 查询,根据以下规则查找每篇文章的主题:
如果帖子没有来自任何主题的关键词,那么它的主题应该是 “Ambiguous!”。
如果该帖子至少有一个主题的关键字,其主题应该是其主题的 id 按升序排列并以逗号 ‘,’ 分隔的字符串。字符串不应该包含重复的 id。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Keywords','u') is not null drop table Keywords go create table Keywords ( topic_id int , word varchar(20) ) go insert into Keywords values ( 1 ,'handball' ) ,( 1 ,'football' ) ,( 3 ,'WAR' ) ,( 2 ,'Vaccine' ) go if object_id('Posts','u') is not null drop table Posts go create table Posts( post_id int ,content varchar(100) ) go insert into Posts values ( 1 ,'We call it soccer They call it football hahaha' ) ,( 2 ,'Americans prefer basketball while Europeans love handball and football' ) ,( 3 ,'stop the war and play handball' ) ,( 4 ,'warning I planted some flowers this morning and then got vaccinated' ) go --查询 with t as (select distinct a.post_id ,a.content,b.topic_id from Posts a cross join Keywords b where charindex(b.word+' ',a.content,1) <> 0 or charindex(' ' + b.word,a.content,1) <> 0 ) select post_id ,(select isnull(stuff((select ',' + cast(topic_id as varchar(20))from T where post_id = a.post_id for xml path('')),1,1,''),'Ambiguous!')) as topic from Posts a
编写一个 SQL 查询来显示价格最高的发票的详细信息。如果两个或多个发票具有相同的价格,则返回 invoice_id 最小的发票的详细信息。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Products','u') is not null drop table Products go create table Products ( product_id int , price int ) go insert into Products values ( 1 , 100 ) ,( 2 , 200 ) go if object_id('Purchases','u') is not null drop table Purchases go create table Purchases( invoice_id int ,product_id int ,quantity int ) go insert into Purchases values ( 1 ,1 ,2 ) ,( 3 ,2 ,1 ) ,( 2 ,2 ,3 ) ,( 2 ,1 ,4 ) ,( 4 ,1 ,10 ) go --查询 select a.Product_id,a.quantity,sum(a.quantity * p.price) as Price from Purchases a left join Products p on a.product_id = p.product_id where invoice_id = (select invoice_id from (select *,row_number() over(order by sumprice desc,invoice_id asc ) as rnk from (select a.invoice_id,sum(a.quantity * P.price ) as SumPrice from Purchases a left join Products P on a.product_id = P.product_id group by a.invoice_id) a ) a where rnk = 1 ) group by a.Product_id, a.quantity
编写一条 SQL 查询,找出 Meta/Facebook 平台上每个用户的受欢迎度的百分比。受欢迎度百分比定义为用户拥有的朋友总数除以平台上的总用户数,然后乘以 100,并 四舍五入保留 2 位小数 。
返回按照 user1 升序 排序的结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Friends','u') is not null drop table Friends go create table Friends ( user1 int , user2 int ) go insert into Friends values ( 2 , 1 ) ,( 1 , 3 ) ,( 4 , 1 ) ,( 1 , 5 ) ,( 1 , 6 ) ,( 2 , 6 ) ,( 7 , 2 ) ,( 8 , 3 ) ,( 3 , 9 ) go --查询 with T as( select * from friends union select user2,user1 from friends ) select user1 ,CAST(round(count(distinct user2) * 1.0 / (select count(distinct user1) from T) * 100,2) AS DECIMAL(19,2)) as percentage_popularity from T GROUP BY USER1 order by user1
编写一个 SQL 查询,报告 总购买量 每年严格增加的客户 id。
客户在一年内的 总购买量 是该年订单价格的总和。如果某一年客户没有下任何订单,我们认为总购买量为 0。
对于每个客户,要考虑的第一个年是他们 第一次下单 的年份。
对于每个客户,要考虑的最后一年是他们 最后一次下单 的年份。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
-- 建表 if object_id ('Orders','u') is not null drop table Orders go create table Orders( order_id int , customer_id int , order_date date , price int ) go insert into Orders values (1 , 1 ,'2019-07-01',1100 ) ,(2 , 1 ,'2019-11-01',1200 ) ,(3 , 1 ,'2020-05-26',3000 ) ,(4 , 1 ,'2021-08-31',3100 ) ,(5 , 1 ,'2022-12-07',4700 ) ,(6 , 2 ,'2015-01-01',700 ) ,(7 , 2 ,'2017-11-07',1000 ) ,(8 , 3 ,'2017-01-01',900 ) ,(9 , 3 ,'2018-11-07',900 ) go --查询 WITH T AS ( select customer_id,datepart(year,order_date) as year,sum(price ) as Price_SUM ,row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by datepart(year,order_date) ) as rnk from Orders group by customer_id ,datepart(year,order_date) ) select distinct a.customer_id from T a left join T b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id and a.rnk = b.rnk+1 where A.customer_id in ( SELECT a.customer_id FROM T a group by customer_id having max(year) - min(year ) + 1 = count(distinct year) ) and (a.rnk <> 1 and a.price_sum-b.Price_SUM > 0 )
编写一个 SQL 查询来合并在 同一个大厅举行 的所有重叠活动。如果两个活动 至少有一天 相同,那么它们就是重叠的。
if object_id('HallEvents','u') is not null drop table HallEvents go create table HallEvents( hall_id int , start_day date , end_day date ) go insert into HallEvents values ( 2 ,'2022-12-09','2023-01-02') ,( 5 ,'2022-12-01','2022-12-02') ,( 2 ,'2023-01-12','2023-01-14') ,( 3 ,'2022-12-01','2022-12-19') ,( 4 ,'2022-12-29','2022-12-31') ,( 5 ,'2022-12-22','2023-01-18') ,( 5 ,'2022-12-04','2022-12-18') ,( 2 ,'2022-12-29','2023-01-24') ,( 2 ,'2022-12-20','2023-01-09') ,( 6 ,'2022-12-08','2022-12-31') ,( 1 ,'2022-12-14','2022-12-22') ,( 5 ,'2023-01-15','2023-01-27') ,( 1 ,'2022-12-07','2023-01-03') ,( 1 ,'2022-12-30','2023-01-27') ,( 5 ,'2022-12-01','2023-01-22') ,( 3 ,'2022-12-29','2022-12-30') ,( 3 ,'2023-01-04','2023-01-05') ,( 4 ,'2022-12-12','2022-12-17') ,(9 ,'2023-01-26','2023-01-30') ,(9 ,'2023-01-17','2023-01-28') ,(9 ,'2022-12-14','2023-01-16') ,(9 ,'2022-12-15','2023-01-02') ,(9 ,'2022-12-10','2023-01-12') ,(9 ,'2022-12-27','2023-01-06') go SELECT hall_id, MIN(start_day) AS start_day, MAX(end_day) AS end_day FROM ( SELECT *, SUM(range_start) OVER (PARTITION BY hall_id ORDER BY start_day) AS range_grp FROM ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN start_day <= LAG(max_end_day_so_far) OVER (PARTITION BY hall_id ORDER BY start_day) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS range_start FROM ( SELECT hall_id, start_day, end_day, MAX(end_day) OVER (PARTITION BY hall_id ORDER BY start_day) AS max_end_day_so_far FROM HallEvents ) t ) t1 ) t2 GROUP BY hall_id, range_grp;
实现 PivotProducts 过程来重新组织 Products 表,以便每行都有一个商品的 id 及其在每个商店中的价格。如果商品不在商店出售,价格应为 null。表的列应该包含每个商店,并且它们应该按 字典顺序排序。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
请写一段SQL查询获取到兴趣相同的朋友。用户 x 和 用户 y 是兴趣相同的朋友,需满足下述条件:
用户 x 和 y 是朋友,并且
用户 x and y 在同一天内听过相同的歌曲,且数量大于等于三首.
结果表 无需排序 。注意:返回的结果需要和源数据表的呈现方式相同 (例如, 需满足 user1_id < user2_id)。
--建表 if object_id('Listens','U') is not null drop table go create table Listens ( user_id int , song_id int , day date ) go insert into Listens values ( 1 ,10 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 1 ,11 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 1 ,12 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 2 ,10 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 2 ,11 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 2 ,12 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 3 ,10 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 3 ,11 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 3 ,12 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 4 ,10 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 4 ,11 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 4 ,13 ,'2021-03-15') ,( 5 ,10 ,'2021-03-16') ,( 5 ,11 ,'2021-03-16') ,( 5 ,12 ,'2021-03-16') go if object_id('Friendship','U') is not null drop table Friendship GO CREATE TABLE Friendship( user1_id int , user2_id int ) go insert into Friendship values ( 1 , 2 ) ,( 2 , 4 ) ,( 2 , 5 ) go --查询 select distinct user1_id,user2_id from Friendship f left join Listens l1 on user1_id=l1.user_id left join Listens l2 on user2_id=l2.user_id where l1.song_id=l2.song_id and l1.day=l2.day group by user1_id,user2_id,l1.day having count(distinct l2.song_id)>=3
写出 SQL 语句,为 Leetcodify 用户推荐好友。我们将符合下列条件的用户 x 推荐给用户 y :
用户 x 和 y 不是好友,且
用户 x 和 y 在同一天收听了相同的三首或更多不同歌曲。
注意,好友推荐是单向的,这意味着如果用户 x 和用户 y 需要互相推荐给对方,结果表需要将用户 x 推荐给用户 y 并将用户 y 推荐给用户 x。另外,结果表不得出现重复项(即,用户 y 不可多次推荐给用户 x )。
SELECT DISTINCT t.user1_id AS user_id,t.user2_id AS recommended_id FROM (SELECT a.user_id AS user1_id ,b.user_id AS user2_id ,a.song_id ,a.day ,COUNT(a.song_id) OVER (PARTITION BY a.day,a.user_id,b.user_id) AS cnt FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Listens) a INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Listens) b ON a.user_id <> b.user_id AND a.song_id = b.song_id AND a.day = b.day) t LEFT JOIN Friendship t1 ON t.user1_id = t1.user1_id AND t.user2_id = t1.user2_id LEFT JOIN Friendship t2 ON t.user1_id = t2.user2_id AND t.user2_id = t2.user1_id WHERE t.cnt >= 3 AND t1.user1_id IS NULL AND t2.user1_id IS NULL
乘客提前预订航班机票。如果乘客预订了一张航班机票,并且航班上还有空座位,则乘客的机票将 得到确认 。然而,如果航班已经满员,乘客将被列入 等候名单 。
按 passenger_id 升序排序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id ('Flights','u') is not null drop table Flights go create table Flights( flight_id int , capacity int ) go insert into Flights values ( 1 ,2 ) ,( 2 ,2 ) ,( 3 ,1 ) go if object_id('Passengers','u') is not null drop table Passengers go create table Passengers( passenger_id int ,flight_id int ,booking_time datetime ) go insert into Passengers values (101 , 1 ,'2023-07-10 16:30:00') ,(102 , 1 ,'2023-07-10 17:45:00') ,(103 , 1 ,'2023-07-10 12:00:00') ,(104 , 2 ,'2023-07-05 13:23:00') ,(105 , 2 ,'2023-07-05 09:00:00') ,(106 , 3 ,'2023-07-08 11:10:00') ,(107 , 3 ,'2023-07-08 09:10:00') go --查询 select a.passenger_id , case when row_number() over(partition by a.flight_id order by booking_time) <= b.capacity then 'Confirmed' else 'Waitlist' end as Status from passengers a left join Flights b on a.flight_id = b.flight_id order by a.passenger_id
编写解决方案找出每天 仅 使用手机端用户、仅 使用桌面端用户和 同时 使用桌面端和手机端的用户人数和总支出金额。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Spending','u') is not null drop table Spending go create table Spending( user_id int ,spend_date date ,platform varchar(20) ,amount int ) go insert into Spending values (1 ,'2019-07-01', 'mobile' ,100 ) ,(1 ,'2019-07-01', 'desktop' ,100 ) ,(2 ,'2019-07-01', 'mobile' ,100 ) ,(2 ,'2019-07-02', 'mobile' ,100 ) ,(3 ,'2019-07-01', 'desktop' ,100 ) ,(3 ,'2019-07-02', 'desktop' ,100 ) go --查询 WITH T AS( select spend_date, platform, count( DISTINCT user_id) as total_users, sum(amount) as total_amount from (select user_id, spend_date,amount, case when count(platform) over(partition by user_id, spend_date) =2 then 'both' else platform end as platform from spending ) A GROUP by spend_date,platform ) SELECT B.spend_date, A.platform, ISNULL(T.total_amount,0) AS total_amount,ISNULL(T.total_users,0) AS total_users FROM (select 'mobile' as platform union select 'desktop' as platform union select 'both' as platform ) A CROSS JOIN (select distinct spend_date from spending ) B LEFT JOIN T T ON B.spend_date=T.spend_date AND A.platform=T.platform order by B.spend_date,LEN(A.platform) DESC
每组的获胜者是在组内累积得分最高的选手。如果平局,player_id 最小 的选手获胜。
返回的结果表单 没有顺序要求 。
--建表 if object_id('Players','u') is not null drop table Players go create table Players ( player_id int ,group_id int ) go insert into Players values ( 15 ,1 ) ,( 25 ,1 ) ,( 30 ,1 ) ,( 45 ,1 ) ,( 10 ,2 ) ,( 35 ,2 ) ,( 50 ,2 ) ,( 20 ,3 ) ,( 40 ,3 ) go if object_id('Matches','u') is not null drop table Matches go create table Matches ( match_id int , first_player int , second_player int , first_score int , second_score int ) go insert into Matches values ( 1 ,15 ,45 ,3 ,0 ) ,( 2 ,30 ,25 ,1 ,2 ) ,( 3 ,30 ,15 ,2 ,0 ) ,( 4 ,40 ,20 ,5 ,2 ) ,( 5 ,35 ,50 ,1 ,1 ) go --查询 select group_id,player_id from ( select* ,row_number() over(partition by group_id order by score desc ,player_id asc) as rnk from ( select b.group_id, a.player_id,sum(score) as score from ( select match_id,first_player as player_id,first_score as Score from Matches union select match_id,second_player,second_score from Matches ) a left join Players b on a.player_id = b.player_id group by b.group_id,a.player_id)a )a where rnk = 1
编写解决方案,报告 周内每天 每个商品类别下订购了多少单位。
返回结果表单 按商品类别排序 。
--建表 if object_id('Orders','u') is not null drop table Orders go create table Orders ( order_id int ,customer_id int ,order_date date ,item_id varchar ,quantity int ) go insert into Orders values (1 ,1 ,'2020-06-01', 1 ,10 ) , (2 ,1 ,'2020-06-08', 2 ,10 ) , (3 ,2 ,'2020-06-02', 1 ,5 ) , (4 ,3 ,'2020-06-03', 3 ,5 ) , (5 ,4 ,'2020-06-04', 4 ,1 ) , (6 ,4 ,'2020-06-05', 5 ,5 ) , (7 ,5 ,'2020-06-05', 1 ,10 ) , (8 ,5 ,'2020-06-14', 4 ,5 ) , (9 ,5 ,'2020-06-21', 3 ,5 ) go if object_id('Items','u') is not null drop table Items go create table Items ( item_id varchar(20) ,item_name varchar(20) ,item_category varchar(20) ) go insert into Items values ( 1 ,'LC Alg. Book' ,'Book' ) ,( 2 ,'LC DB. Book' ,'Book' ) ,( 3 ,'LC SmarthPhone' ,'Phone' ) ,( 4 ,'LC Phone 2020' ,'Phone' ) ,( 5 ,'LC SmartGlass' ,'Glasses' ) ,( 6 ,'LC T-Shirt XL' ,'T-Shirt' ) go --查询 select category,isnull(Monday,0) as Monday,isnull(Tuesday,0) as Tuesday,isnull(Wednesday,0) as Wednesday ,isnull(Thursday,0) as Thursday ,isnull(Friday,0) as Friday ,isnull(Saturday,0) as Saturday ,isnull(Sunday,0) as Sunday from ( select a.item_category as Category,datename(weekday,order_date) as Weekday,sum(quantity)as quantity from Items a left join Orders b on a.item_id = b.item_id group by a.item_category,datename(weekday,order_date) )a pivot(sum(quantity) for Weekday in ([Monday],[Tuesday],[Wednesday],[Thursday],[Friday],[Saturday],[Sunday]))p order by Category
相关企业:亚马逊/奥多比 Adobe
找出各个部门员工的平均薪资与公司平均薪资之间的比较结果(更高 / 更低 / 相同)。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Salary','u') is not null drop table Salary go create table Salary( id int ,employee_id int ,amount int ,pay_date date ) go insert into Salary values ( 1 , 1 ,9000 ,'2017/03/31') ,( 2 , 2 ,6000 ,'2017/03/31') ,( 3 , 3 ,10000 ,'2017/03/31') ,( 4 , 1 ,7000 ,'2017/02/28') ,( 5 , 2 ,6000 ,'2017/02/28') ,( 6 , 3 ,8000 ,'2017/02/28') go if object_id('Employee','u') is not null drop table Employee go create table Employee ( employee_id int , department_id int ) go insert into Employee values (1 ,1 ) ,(2 ,2 ) ,(3 ,2 ) go --查询 select pay_month,department_id ,case when AVG_DPT_Salary = AVG_CPY_Salary then 'same' when AVG_DPT_Salary > AVG_CPY_Salary then 'higher' else 'lower' end as comparison from ( select distinct format(pay_date,'yyyy-MM') as pay_month,B.department_id ,avg(amount ) over(partition by format(pay_date,'yyyy-MM'),B.department_id) AS AVG_DPT_Salary ,avg(amount ) over (partition by format(pay_date,'yyyy-MM') ) AS AVG_CPY_Salary from salary a left join employee b on a.employee_id = b.employee_id ) a
玩家的 安装日期 定义为该玩家的第一个登录日。
我们将日期 x 的 第一天留存率 定义为:假定安装日期为 X 的玩家的数量为 N ,其中在 X 之后的一天重新登录的玩家数量为 M,M/N 就是第一天留存率,四舍五入到小数点后两位。
编写解决方案,报告所有安装日期、当天安装游戏的玩家数量和玩家的 第一天留存率。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Activity','u') is not null drop table Activity go create table Activity( player_id int ,device_id int ,event_date date ,games_played int ) go insert into Activity values ( 1 , 2 ,'2016-03-01', 5 ) ,( 1 , 2 ,'2016-03-02', 6 ) ,( 2 , 3 ,'2017-06-25', 1 ) ,( 3 , 1 ,'2016-03-01', 0 ) ,( 3 , 4 ,'2016-07-03', 5 ) go --查询 with t as ( select player_id,min(event_date) as install_dt from Activity group by player_id ) select a.install_dt ,count(a.player_id) as installs ,cast(sum(case when b.event_date is not null then 1 else 0 end) * 1.0/count(a.player_id) as decimal(19,2)) as Day1_retention from t a left join activity b on a.player_id = b.player_id and dateadd(day,1,a.install_dt )= b.event_date group by a.install_dt
系统 每天 运行一个任务。每个任务都独立于先前的任务。任务的状态可以是失败或是成功。
编写解决方案找出 2019-01-01 到 2019-12-31 期间任务连续同状态 period_state 的起止日期(start_date 和 end_date)。即如果任务失败了,就是失败状态的起止日期,如果任务成功了,就是成功状态的起止日期。
最后结果按照起始日期 start_date 排序
--建表 if object_id('Failed','u') is not null drop table Failed go create table Failed( fail_date date ) go insert into Failed values ('2018-12-28') ,('2018-12-29') ,('2019-01-04') ,('2019-01-05') go if object_id('Succeeded','u') is not null drop table Succeeded go create table Succeeded( success_date date ) go insert into Succeeded values ('2018-12-30') ,('2018-12-31') ,('2019-01-01') ,('2019-01-02') ,('2019-01-03') ,('2019-01-06') go --查询 select period_state ,min(eventdate) as start_date ,max(eventdate) as end_date from ( select * ,row_number() over(order by eventdate) -row_number() over(partition by period_state order by eventdate) as rnk2 from ( select success_date as eventdate,'succeeded' as period_state from Succeeded union select *,'failed' from Failed ) a where left([eventdate],4) = 2019) a group by rnk2,period_state order by min(eventdate)
transactions_count: 客户在一次访问中的交易次数
visits_count: 在 transactions_count 交易次数下相应的一次访问时的客户数量
transactions_count 的值从 0 到所有用户一次访问中的 max(transactions_count)
结果按 transactions_count 排序
--建表 if object_id('Visits','u') is not null drop table Visits go create table Visits( user_id int , visit_date date ) go insert into Visits values ( 1 ,'2020-01-01') ,( 2 ,'2020-01-02') ,( 12 ,'2020-01-01') ,( 19 ,'2020-01-03') ,( 1 ,'2020-01-02') ,( 2 ,'2020-01-03') ,( 1 ,'2020-01-04') ,( 7 ,'2020-01-11') ,( 9 ,'2020-01-25') ,( 8 ,'2020-01-28') go if object_id('Transactions','u') is not null drop table Transactions go create table Transactions ( user_id int , transaction_date date , amount int ) go insert into Transactions values ( 1 ,'2020-01-02',120 ) ,( 2 ,'2020-01-03',22 ) ,( 7 ,'2020-01-11',232 ) ,( 1 ,'2020-01-04',7 ) ,( 9 ,'2020-01-25',33 ) ,( 9 ,'2020-01-25',66 ) ,( 8 ,'2020-01-28',1 ) ,( 9 ,'2020-01-25',99 ) go --查询 with T AS ( select transactions_count ,count(*) as visits_count from(select a.*,isnull(B.transactions_count,0) as transactions_count from visits a left join (select user_id ,transaction_date,count(*) as transactions_count from transactions group by user_id ,transaction_date) b on a.user_id = b.user_id and a.visit_date = b.transaction_date) a group by transactions_count ) select number as transactions_count,isnull(b.visits_count ,0) as visits_count from master..spt_values a left join T b on a.number = b.transactions_count where type = 'p' and number <= (select max(transactions_count) from t ) order by a.number
编写解决方案展示每一位用户 最近第二次 的活动
一个用户不能同时进行超过一项活动,以 任意 顺序返回结果
--建表 if object_id('UserActivity','u') is not null drop table UserActivity go create table UserActivity( username varchar(20) , activity varchar(20) , startDate Date , endDate Date ) go insert into UserActivity values ('Alice' , 'Travel' ,'2020-02-12','2020-02-20') ,('Alice' , 'Dancing' ,'2020-02-21','2020-02-23') ,('Alice' , 'Travel' ,'2020-02-24','2020-02-28') ,('Bob' , 'Travel' ,'2020-02-11','2020-02-18') go --查询 select username,activity , startDate,endDate from (select * ,row_number() over(partition by username order by enddate desc ) as rnk , count(*) over(partition by username ) as cnt from UserActivity ) a where rnk = 2 or cnt = 1
编写解决方案,找出每个产品每年的总销售额,并包含 product_id , product_name , report_year 以及 total_amount 。
返回结果并按 product_id 和 report_year 排序。
--建表 if object_id('Product','u') is not null drop table Product go create table Product( product_id int ,product_name varchar(20) ) go insert into Product values (1 ,'LC Phone' ) ,(2 ,'LC T-Shirt' ) ,(3 ,'LC Keychain') go if object_id ('Sales','u') is not null drop table Sales go create table Sales( product_id int , period_start date , period_end date , average_daily_sales int ) go insert into Sales values (1 ,'2019-01-25', '2019-02-28', 100 ) ,(2 ,'2018-12-01', '2020-01-01', 10 ) ,(3 ,'2019-12-01', '2020-01-31', 1 ) go --查询 select product_id,product_name ,report_year,(datediff(day,period_start,period_end) + 1 ) * average_daily_sales as total_amount from ( select a.Product_id , a.Product_name , b.report_year , case when datepart(year, c.period_start) = b.report_year then c.period_start else cast(b.report_year as varchar(4)) + '-01-01' end as Period_start , case when datepart(year, c.period_end) = b.report_year then c.period_end else cast(b.report_year as varchar(4)) + '-12-31' end as period_end ,c.average_daily_sales from Product a left join Sales c on a.product_id = c.product_id left join ( select number as report_year from master..spt_values where type = 'p' and number between (select min(datepart(year, period_start)) from sales) and (select max(datepart(year, period_end)) from sales)) b on b.report_year between datepart(year, c.period_start) and datepart(year, c.period_end) ) a order by product_id,report_year
成绩处于中游的学生是指至少参加了一次测验, 且得分既不是最高分也不是最低分的学生。
编写解决方案,找出在 所有 测验中都处于中游的学生 (student_id, student_name)。不要返回从来没有参加过测验的学生。
返回结果表按照 student_id 排序。
--建表 if object_id('Student','u') is not null drop table Student go create table Student( student_id int ,student_name varchar(20) ) go insert into Student values (1 ,'Daniel' ) ,(2 ,'Jade' ) ,(3 ,'Stella' ) ,(4 ,'Jonathan' ) ,(5 ,'Will' ) go if object_id('Exam','u') is not null drop table Exam go create table Exam( exam_id int , student_id int , score int ) go insert into Exam values (10 , 1 , 70 ) ,(10 , 2 , 80 ) ,(10 , 3 , 90 ) ,(20 , 1 , 80 ) ,(30 , 1 , 70 ) ,(30 , 3 , 80 ) ,(30 , 4 , 90 ) ,(40 , 1 , 60 ) ,(40 , 2 , 70 ) ,(40 , 4 , 80 ) go --查询 select a.student_id,a.student_name from student a where a.student_id not in ( select distinct student_id from (select * ,rank() over(partition by exam_id order by score asc ) as ascrnk ,rank() over(partition by exam_id order by score desc ) as rnk from Exam ) b where (b.rnk = 1 or b.ascrnk = 1) ) and student_id in (select student_id from exam) order by student_id
编写解决方案报告没有被执行的(主任务,子任务)对,即没有被执行的(task_id, subtask_id)。
以 任何顺序 返回即可。
--建表 if object_id('Tasks','u') is not null drop table Tasks go create table Tasks( task_id int , subtasks_count int ) go insert into Tasks values ( 1 , 3 ) ,( 2 , 2 ) ,( 3 , 4 ) go if object_id('Executed','u') is not null drop table Executed go create table Executed ( task_id int ,subtask_id int ) go insert into Executed values ( 1 , 2 ) ,( 3 , 1 ) ,( 3 , 2 ) ,( 3 , 3 ) ,( 3 , 4 ) go --查询 select a.task_id,c.number as subtask_id from tasks a left join (select number from master..spt_values where type = 'p' and number >= 1 ) c on c.number between 1 and a.subtasks_count where not exists (select * from executed b where a.task_id = b.task_id and c.number = b.subtask_id )
您正在为一个社交媒体网站实施一个页面推荐系统。如果页面被user_id的 至少一个朋友喜欢 ,而 不被user_id喜欢 ,你的系统将 推荐 一个页面到user_id。
编写一个解决方案来查找针对每个用户的所有可能的 页面建议 。每个建议应该在结果表中显示为一行,包含以下列:
user_id: 系统向其提出建议的用户的ID。
page_id: 推荐为 user_id 的页面ID。.
friends_likes: user_id 对应 page_id 的好友数。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
编写一个解决方案,找到连续天数上进行了最多交易的所有 customer_id 。
返回所有具有最大连续交易次数的 customer_id 。结果表按 customer_id 的 升序 排序。
--建表 if object_id('Transactions','u') is not null drop table Transactions go create table Transactions( transaction_id int , customer_id int , transaction_date date , amount int ) go insert into Transactions values ( 1 ,101 ,'2023-05-01', 100 ) ,( 2 ,101 ,'2023-05-02', 150 ) ,( 3 ,101 ,'2023-05-03', 200 ) ,( 4 ,102 ,'2023-05-01', 50 ) ,( 5 ,102 ,'2023-05-03', 100 ) ,( 6 ,102 ,'2023-05-04', 200 ) ,( 7 ,105 ,'2023-05-01', 100 ) ,( 8 ,105 ,'2023-05-02', 150 ) ,( 9 ,105 ,'2023-05-03', 200 ) go --查询 with T as ( select customer_id ,count(*) AS CNT from (select * ,datepart(day,transaction_date) - rnk as diff from (select customer_id ,transaction_date,dense_rank() over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) as rnk from Transactions ) a ) a group by customer_id ,diff ) select customer_id from T where cnt = (select max(cnt) from T ) order by customer_id
编写一个 SQL 查询,找出至少连续三天 amount 递增的客户。并包括 customer_id 、连续交易期的起始日期和结束日期。一个客户可以有多个连续的交易。
返回结果并按照 customer_id 升序 排列。
--建表 if object_id('Transactions','u') is not null drop table Transactions go create table Transactions( transaction_id int , customer_id int , transaction_date date , amount int ) go insert into Transactions values ( 1 ,101 ,'2023-05-01' ,100 ) ,( 2 ,101 ,'2023-05-02' ,150 ) ,( 3 ,101 ,'2023-05-03' ,200 ) ,( 4 ,102 ,'2023-05-01' ,50 ) ,( 5 ,102 ,'2023-05-03' ,100 ) ,( 6 ,102 ,'2023-05-04' ,200 ) ,( 7 ,105 ,'2023-05-01' ,100 ) ,( 8 ,105 ,'2023-05-02' ,150 ) ,( 9 ,105 ,'2023-05-03' ,200 ) ,( 10 ,105 ,'2023-05-04' ,300 ) ,( 11 ,105 ,'2023-05-12' ,250 ) ,( 12 ,105 ,'2023-05-13' ,260 ) ,( 13 ,105 ,'2023-05-14' ,270 ) go --查询 with t as ( select * ,count(*) over(partition by customer_id,diff ) as cnt from (select * ,datepart(day,transaction_date ) - rnk as diff from (select a.* ,dense_rank() over(partition by a.customer_id order by a.transaction_date ) as rnk from Transactions a )a ) a ) select customer_id ,min(transaction_date) as consecutive_start ,max(transaction_date) as consecutive_end from(select a.* ,b.amount - isnull(a.amount,0) as diffamount from T a left join T b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id and a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id - 1 and a.cnt = b.cnt ) a where cnt > = 3 and (diffamount >0 or diffamount is null) group by customer_id,cnt order by customer_id --方法2 with tmp as (select t1.*, case when t2.customer_id is NULL then 1 else 0 end group_start from transactions t1 left join transactions t2 on t1.customer_id=t2.customer_id and t1.amount > t2.amount and DATEDIFF(DAY,t2.transaction_date,t1.transaction_date)=1) , tmp2 as (select *,sum(group_start) over (order by customer_id,transaction_date) grp from tmp) select customer_id, min(transaction_date) consecutive_start, max(transaction_date) consecutive_end from tmp2 group by grp,customer_id having count(1)>=3 order by customer_id
选手的 连胜数 是指连续获胜的次数,且没有被平局或输球中断。
结果可以以 任何顺序 返回。
--建表 if object_id('Matches','u') is not null drop table Matches go create table Matches( player_id int ,match_day date , result varchar(20) ) go insert into Matches values (1 ,'2022-01-17', 'Win' ) ,(1 ,'2022-01-18', 'Win' ) ,(1 ,'2022-01-25', 'Win' ) ,(1 ,'2022-01-31', 'Draw' ) ,(1 ,'2022-02-08', 'Win' ) ,(2 ,'2022-02-06', 'Lose' ) ,(2 ,'2022-02-08', 'Lose' ) ,(3 ,'2022-03-30', 'Win' ) go --查询 select distinct a.player_id ,isnull(b.longest_streak,0) as longest_streak from Matches a left join (select player_id,max(cnt) as longest_streak from (select player_id,count(*) cnt from (select * ,rnk-rnk2 as diff from (select * ,row_number() over(partition by player_id order by match_day) as rnk ,row_number() over(partition by player_id,result order by match_day ) as rnk2 from Matches a ) a where result = 'win' )a group by player_id ,diff)a group by player_id ) b on a.player_id = b.player_id
公交车和乘客到达 LeetCode 站。如果一辆公交车在 tbus 时间点到达车站,乘客在 tpassenger 到达车站,其中 tpassenger <= tbus,而该乘客没有赶上任何公交车,则该乘客将搭乘该公交车。此外,每辆公交车都有一个容量。如果在公交车到站的那一刻,等待的乘客超过了它的载客量 capacity,只有 capacity 个乘客才会搭乘该公交车。
返回按 bus_id 升序排序 的结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Buses','u') is not null drop table Buses go create table Buses( bus_id int , arrival_time int , capacity int ) go insert into Buses values ( 1 ,2 ,1 ) ,( 2 ,4 ,10 ) ,( 3 ,7 ,2 ) go if object_id('Passengers','u') is not null drop table Passengers go create table Passengers( passenger_id int , arrival_time int ) go insert into Passengers values ( 11 ,1 ) ,( 12 ,1 ) ,( 13 ,5 ) ,( 14 ,6 ) ,( 15 ,7 ) go --查询 alter table Passengers add flag int go alter table Passengers add bus_id int go update Passengers set flag = 0 update Passengers set bus_id = null --select * from Passengers declare @bus_id int,@arrival_time int ,@capacity int,@i int declare C cursor for select bus_id, arrival_time,capacity from Buses order by arrival_time open C fetch next from C into @bus_id,@arrival_time,@capacity while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin select @bus_id,@arrival_time,@capacity select * from (select passenger_id,arrival_time,ROW_NUMBER()over(order by arrival_time)Rnk from Passengers where arrival_time <= @arrival_time and flag = 0)a where Rnk <= @capacity update a set bus_id = @bus_id,flag = 1 from Passengers a inner join (select * from (select passenger_id,arrival_time,ROW_NUMBER()over(order by arrival_time)Rnk from Passengers where arrival_time <= @arrival_time and flag = 0)a where Rnk<=@capacity)b on a.passenger_id = b.passenger_id fetch next from C into @bus_id,@arrival_time,@capacity end close C deallocate C select a.bus_id,count(b.passenger_id) as passengers_cnt from Buses a left join (select * from Passengers)b on a.bus_id = b.bus_id group by a.bus_id
重要提示: 这个问题针对的是那些对 SQL 有丰富经验的人。如果你是初学者,我们建议你现在跳过它。
实现 UnpivotProducts 过程来重新组织 Products 表,使每一行都有一个产品的 id、销售该商品的商店名称以及该商品在该商店中的价格。如果某个商品在某个商店中不可用,则不要在结果表中包含该 product_id 和 store 组合的行。结果应该有三列:product_id、store 和 price。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--建表 if object_id('Products','u') is not null drop table Products go create table Products( product_id int ,LC_Store int ,Nozama int ,Shop int ,Souq int ) go insert into Products values ( 1 , 100 ,null ,110 , null) ,( 2 , null ,200 ,null , 190 ) ,( 3 , null ,null ,1000 , 1900) go --查询 CREATE PROCEDURE UnpivotProducts AS BEGIN declare @SQL VARCHAR(MAX),@store_name varchar(200) select @store_name = STUFF( (SELECT ',' +column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'Products' and column_name <>'Product_id' FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') set @sql = ' select product_id,store ,price from Products unpivot ( price for store in ('+@store_name+'))p' print(@sql) exec (@sql) END
编写一个解决方案,查找每个用户的加入日期和他们作为买家在 2019 年下的订单数。
以 任意顺序 返回结果表。
--这道题目描述和给出来的输出示例不符 --建表 if object_id('Users','u') is not null drop table Users go create table Users( user_id int , join_date date , favorite_brand varchar(20) ) go insert into Users values ( 1 ,'2019-01-01', 'Lenovo' ) ,( 2 ,'2019-02-09', 'Samsung' ) ,( 3 ,'2019-01-19', 'LG' ) ,( 4 ,'2019-05-21', 'HP' ) go if object_id('Orders','u') is not null drop table Orders go create table Orders( order_id int , order_date date , item_id int , buyer_id int , seller_id int ) go insert into Orders values ( 1 ,'2019-08-01', 4 ,1 ,2 ) ,( 2 ,'2019-08-02', 2 ,1 ,3 ) ,( 3 ,'2019-08-03', 3 ,2 ,3 ) ,( 4 ,'2019-08-04', 1 ,4 ,2 ) ,( 5 ,'2019-08-04', 1 ,3 ,4 ) ,( 6 ,'2019-08-05', 2 ,2 ,4 ) go if object_id('Items','u') is not null drop table Items go create table Items( item_id int ,item_brand varchar(20) ) go insert into Items values ( 1 ,'Samsung' ) ,( 2 ,'Lenovo' ) ,( 3 ,'LG' ) ,( 4 ,'HP' ) go --查询 select distinct a.user_id as seller_id , case when isnull(a.favorite_brand,'') <> isnull(c.Item_brand,'') then 'no' else 'yes' end as [2nd_item_fav_brand] from Users a left join (select a.*,b.Item_brand ,row_number() over(partition by seller_id order by order_date) as rnk from Orders a left join Items b on a.item_id = b.item_id ) c on a.user_id = c.seller_id and c.rnk = 2
编写解决方案以报告 2020 年每个月的工作驱动因素 百分比(working_percentage),其中:
注意:如果一个月内可用驾驶员的数量为零,我们认为 working_percentage 为 0。
返回按 month 升序 排列的结果表,其中 month 是月份的编号(一月是 1,二月是 2,等等)。将 working_percentage 四舍五入至 小数点后两位。
--建表 if object_id('Drivers','u') is not null drop table Drivers go create table Drivers( driver_id int , join_date date ) go insert into Drivers values ( 10 ,'2019-12-10' ) ,( 8 ,'2020-1-13' ) ,( 5 ,'2020-2-16' ) ,( 7 ,'2020-3-8' ) ,( 4 ,'2020-5-17' ) ,( 1 ,'2020-10-24' ) ,( 6 ,'2021-1-5' ) go if object_id('Rides','u') is not null drop table Rides go create table Rides( ride_id int , user_id int , requested_at date ) go insert into Rides values ( 6 ,75 ,'2019-12-9' ) ,( 1 ,54 ,'2020-2-9' ) ,( 10 ,63 ,'2020-3-4' ) ,( 19 ,39 ,'2020-4-6' ) ,( 3 ,41 ,'2020-6-3' ) ,( 13 ,52 ,'2020-6-22' ) ,( 7 ,69 ,'2020-7-16' ) ,( 17 ,70 ,'2020-8-25' ) ,( 20 ,81 ,'2020-11-2' ) ,( 5 ,57 ,'2020-11-9' ) ,( 2 ,42 ,'2020-12-9' ) ,( 11 ,68 ,'2021-1-11' ) ,( 15 ,32 ,'2021-1-17' ) ,( 12 ,11 ,'2021-1-19' ) ,( 14 ,18 ,'2021-1-27' ) go if object_id('AcceptedRides','u') is not null drop table AcceptedRides go create table AcceptedRides( ride_id int , driver_id int , ride_distance int , ride_duration int ) go insert into AcceptedRides values ( 10 ,10 ,63 , 38 ) ,( 13 ,10 ,73 , 96 ) ,( 7 ,8 ,100 , 28 ) ,( 17 ,7 ,119 , 68 ) ,( 20 ,1 ,121 , 92 ) ,( 5 ,7 ,42 , 101 ) ,( 2 ,4 ,6 , 38 ) ,( 11 ,8 ,37 , 43 ) ,( 15 ,8 ,108 , 82 ) ,( 12 ,8 ,38 , 34 ) ,( 14 ,1 ,90 , 74 ) go --查询 select number as month ,case when isnull(count(distinct c.driver_id ),0) = 0 then 0 else cast(isnull(count(distinct b.driver_id ),0) * 1.0 /isnull(count(distinct c.driver_id ),0) * 100 as decimal(19,2)) end as working_percentage from master..spt_values o left join Rides a on datepart(MM,a.requested_at) = o.number and datepart(year,requested_at) = 2020 left join Drivers c on ( datepart(MM,c.join_date ) <= o.number and datepart(year,join_date) <= 2020) OR YEAR(join_date ) <2020 left join AcceptedRides b on a.ride_id = b.ride_id where type = 'p' and number between 1 and 12 group by o.number order by o.number
编写一个解决方案,计算出从 2020 年 1 月至 3 月 至 2020 年 10 月至 12 月 的每三个月窗口的 average_ride_distance 和 average_ride_duration 。并将 average_ride_distance 和 average_ride_duration 四舍五入至 小数点后两位 。
通过将三个月的总 ride_distance 相加并除以 3 来计算 average_ride_distance 。average_ride_duration 的计算方法与此类似。
返回按 month 升序排列的结果表,其中 month 是起始月份的编号(一月为 1,二月为 2 …)。
--建表 if object_id('Drivers','u') is not null drop table Drivers go create table Drivers( driver_id int , join_date date ) go insert into Drivers values ( 10 ,'2019-12-10' ) ,( 8 ,'2020-1-13' ) ,( 5 ,'2020-2-16' ) ,( 7 ,'2020-3-8' ) ,( 4 ,'2020-5-17' ) ,( 1 ,'2020-10-24' ) ,( 6 ,'2021-1-5' ) go if object_id('Rides','u') is not null drop table Rides go create table Rides( ride_id int , user_id int , requested_at date ) go insert into Rides values ( 6 ,75 ,'2019-12-9' ) ,( 1 ,54 ,'2020-2-9' ) ,( 10 ,63 ,'2020-3-4' ) ,( 19 ,39 ,'2020-4-6' ) ,( 3 ,41 ,'2020-6-3' ) ,( 13 ,52 ,'2020-6-22' ) ,( 7 ,69 ,'2020-7-16' ) ,( 17 ,70 ,'2020-8-25' ) ,( 20 ,81 ,'2020-11-2' ) ,( 5 ,57 ,'2020-11-9' ) ,( 2 ,42 ,'2020-12-9' ) ,( 11 ,68 ,'2021-1-11' ) ,( 15 ,32 ,'2021-1-17' ) ,( 12 ,11 ,'2021-1-19' ) ,( 14 ,18 ,'2021-1-27' ) go if object_id('AcceptedRides','u') is not null drop table AcceptedRides go create table AcceptedRides( ride_id int , driver_id int , ride_distance int , ride_duration int ) go insert into AcceptedRides values ( 10 ,10 ,63 , 38 ) ,( 13 ,10 ,73 , 96 ) ,( 7 ,8 ,100 , 28 ) ,( 17 ,7 ,119 , 68 ) ,( 20 ,1 ,121 , 92 ) ,( 5 ,7 ,42 , 101 ) ,( 2 ,4 ,6 , 38 ) ,( 11 ,8 ,37 , 43 ) ,( 15 ,8 ,108 , 82 ) ,( 12 ,8 ,38 , 34 ) ,( 14 ,1 ,90 , 74 ) go --查询 with T AS ( select number as month from master..spt_values o where type = 'p' and number between 1 and 10 ) select month ,cast(isnull(sum(ride_distance ) ,0) * 1.0 /3 as decimal(19,2)) as average_ride_distance ,cast(isnull(sum(ride_duration ) ,0)* 1.0 /3 as decimal(19,2)) as average_ride_duration from T o left join Rides a on datepart(MM,a.requested_at) - 2 <= o.month and datepart(MM,a.requested_at) >= o.month and datepart(year,requested_at) = 2020 left join AcceptedRides b on a.ride_id = b.ride_id group by month order by o.month
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