A job may be resumed from a checkpoint just as from a savepoint by using the checkpoint’s meta data file instead (see the savepoint restore guide). Note that if the meta data file is not self-contained, the jobmanager needs to have access to the data files it refers to (see Directory Structure above).
$ bin/flink run -s :checkpointMetaDataPath [:runArgs]
$ bin/flink run -s hdfs://xxx/user/xxx/river/82d8fe12464eae32abeaadd5a252b888/chk-1 [:runArgs]
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.setString("execution.savepoint.path", "file:///c/xxx/3626c0cf8135dda32878ffa95b328888/chk-1");
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(configuration);
public SplitEnumerator<KafkaPartitionSplit, KafkaSourceEnumState> createEnumerator(
SplitEnumeratorContext<KafkaPartitionSplit> enumContext) {
return new KafkaSourceEnumerator(
public SplitEnumerator<KafkaPartitionSplit, KafkaSourceEnumState> restoreEnumerator(
SplitEnumeratorContext<KafkaPartitionSplit> enumContext,
KafkaSourceEnumState checkpoint)
throws IOException {
return new KafkaSourceEnumerator(
flink读取kafka checkpoint的operator状态包括两种:coordinatorState和operatorSubtaskStates状态:
OperatorStateHandle{stateNameToPartitionOffsets={SourceReaderState=StateMetaInfo{offsets=[233, 280, 327, 374, 421], distributionMode=SPLIT_DISTRIBUTE}}, delegateStateHandle=ByteStreamStateHandle{handleName=‘file:/c/Users/liuguiru/test/checkpoint/f388506c01e786ab059809d65f8b5229/chk-16/6ac4a8e0-d50f-4115-91cb-bafd536b7226’, dataBytes=468}}
初始化JobMaster时,会创建DefaultScheduler实例,其调用父类SchedulerBase时,然后在createAndRestoreExecutionGraph中调用DefaultExecutionGraphFactory.createAndRestoreExecutionGraph -> tryRestoreExecutionGraphFromSavepoint -> CheckpointCoordinator.restoreSavepoint
public boolean restoreSavepoint( SavepointRestoreSettings restoreSettings, Map<JobVertexID, ExecutionJobVertex> tasks, ClassLoader userClassLoader) throws Exception { final String savepointPointer = restoreSettings.getRestorePath(); final boolean allowNonRestored = restoreSettings.allowNonRestoredState(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(savepointPointer, "The savepoint path cannot be null."); LOG.info( "Starting job {} from savepoint {} ({})", job, savepointPointer, (allowNonRestored ? "allowing non restored state" : "")); final CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation checkpointLocation = checkpointStorageView.resolveCheckpoint(savepointPointer); // convert to checkpoint so the system can fall back to it final CheckpointProperties checkpointProperties; switch (restoreSettings.getRestoreMode()) { case CLAIM: checkpointProperties = this.checkpointProperties; break; case LEGACY: checkpointProperties = CheckpointProperties.forSavepoint( false, // we do not care about the format when restoring, the format is // necessary when triggering a savepoint SavepointFormatType.CANONICAL); break; case NO_CLAIM: checkpointProperties = CheckpointProperties.forUnclaimedSnapshot(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown snapshot restore mode"); } // Load the savepoint as a checkpoint into the system CompletedCheckpoint savepoint = Checkpoints.loadAndValidateCheckpoint( job, tasks, checkpointLocation, userClassLoader, allowNonRestored, checkpointProperties, restoreSettings.getRestoreMode()); // register shared state - even before adding the checkpoint to the store // because the latter might trigger subsumption so the ref counts must be up-to-date savepoint.registerSharedStatesAfterRestored( completedCheckpointStore.getSharedStateRegistry(), restoreSettings.getRestoreMode()); completedCheckpointStore.addCheckpointAndSubsumeOldestOne( savepoint, checkpointsCleaner, this::scheduleTriggerRequest); // Reset the checkpoint ID counter long nextCheckpointId = savepoint.getCheckpointID() + 1; checkpointIdCounter.setCount(nextCheckpointId); LOG.info("Reset the checkpoint ID of job {} to {}.", job, nextCheckpointId); final OptionalLong restoredCheckpointId = restoreLatestCheckpointedStateInternal( new HashSet<>(tasks.values()), OperatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior.RESTORE_IF_CHECKPOINT_PRESENT, true, allowNonRestored, true); return restoredCheckpointId.isPresent(); }
public static CompletedCheckpoint loadAndValidateCheckpoint( JobID jobId, Map<JobVertexID, ExecutionJobVertex> tasks, CompletedCheckpointStorageLocation location, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean allowNonRestoredState, CheckpointProperties checkpointProperties, RestoreMode restoreMode) throws IOException { checkNotNull(jobId, "jobId"); checkNotNull(tasks, "tasks"); checkNotNull(location, "location"); checkNotNull(classLoader, "classLoader"); final StreamStateHandle metadataHandle = location.getMetadataHandle(); final String checkpointPointer = location.getExternalPointer(); // (1) load the savepoint final CheckpointMetadata checkpointMetadata; try (InputStream in = metadataHandle.openInputStream()) { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); checkpointMetadata = loadCheckpointMetadata(dis, classLoader, checkpointPointer); } // generate mapping from operator to task Map<OperatorID, ExecutionJobVertex> operatorToJobVertexMapping = new HashMap<>(); for (ExecutionJobVertex task : tasks.values()) { for (OperatorIDPair operatorIDPair : task.getOperatorIDs()) { operatorToJobVertexMapping.put(operatorIDPair.getGeneratedOperatorID(), task); operatorIDPair .getUserDefinedOperatorID() .ifPresent(id -> operatorToJobVertexMapping.put(id, task)); } } // (2) validate it (parallelism, etc) HashMap<OperatorID, OperatorState> operatorStates = new HashMap<>(checkpointMetadata.getOperatorStates().size()); for (OperatorState operatorState : checkpointMetadata.getOperatorStates()) { ExecutionJobVertex executionJobVertex = operatorToJobVertexMapping.get(operatorState.getOperatorID()); if (executionJobVertex != null) { if (executionJobVertex.getMaxParallelism() == operatorState.getMaxParallelism() || executionJobVertex.canRescaleMaxParallelism( operatorState.getMaxParallelism())) { operatorStates.put(operatorState.getOperatorID(), operatorState); } else { String msg = String.format( "Failed to rollback to checkpoint/savepoint %s. " + "Max parallelism mismatch between checkpoint/savepoint state and new program. " + "Cannot map operator %s with max parallelism %d to new program with " + "max parallelism %d. This indicates that the program has been changed " + "in a non-compatible way after the checkpoint/savepoint.", checkpointMetadata, operatorState.getOperatorID(), operatorState.getMaxParallelism(), executionJobVertex.getMaxParallelism()); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } } else if (allowNonRestoredState) { LOG.info( "Skipping savepoint state for operator {}.", operatorState.getOperatorID()); } else { if (operatorState.getCoordinatorState() != null) { throwNonRestoredStateException( checkpointPointer, operatorState.getOperatorID()); } for (OperatorSubtaskState operatorSubtaskState : operatorState.getStates()) { if (operatorSubtaskState.hasState()) { throwNonRestoredStateException( checkpointPointer, operatorState.getOperatorID()); } } LOG.info( "Skipping empty savepoint state for operator {}.", operatorState.getOperatorID()); } } return new CompletedCheckpoint( jobId, checkpointMetadata.getCheckpointId(), 0L, 0L, operatorStates, checkpointMetadata.getMasterStates(), checkpointProperties, restoreMode == RestoreMode.CLAIM ? new ClaimModeCompletedStorageLocation(location) : location, null); }
public static CheckpointMetadata loadCheckpointMetadata( DataInputStream in, ClassLoader classLoader, String externalPointer) throws IOException { checkNotNull(in, "input stream"); checkNotNull(classLoader, "classLoader"); final int magicNumber = in.readInt(); if (magicNumber == HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER) { final int version = in.readInt(); final MetadataSerializer serializer = MetadataSerializers.getSerializer(version); return serializer.deserialize(in, classLoader, externalPointer); } else { throw new IOException( "Unexpected magic number. This can have multiple reasons: " + "(1) You are trying to load a Flink 1.0 savepoint, which is not supported by this " + "version of Flink. (2) The file you were pointing to is not a savepoint at all. " + "(3) The savepoint file has been corrupted."); } }
public CheckpointMetadata deserialize(
DataInputStream dis, ClassLoader classLoader, String externalPointer)
throws IOException {
return deserializeMetadata(dis, externalPointer);
protected CheckpointMetadata deserializeMetadata( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable String externalPointer) throws IOException { final DeserializationContext context = externalPointer == null ? null : new DeserializationContext(externalPointer); // first: checkpoint ID final long checkpointId = dis.readLong(); if (checkpointId < 0) { throw new IOException("invalid checkpoint ID: " + checkpointId); } // second: master state final List<MasterState> masterStates; final int numMasterStates = dis.readInt(); if (numMasterStates == 0) { masterStates = Collections.emptyList(); } else if (numMasterStates > 0) { masterStates = new ArrayList<>(numMasterStates); for (int i = 0; i < numMasterStates; i++) { masterStates.add(deserializeMasterState(dis)); } } else { throw new IOException("invalid number of master states: " + numMasterStates); } // third: operator states final int numTaskStates = dis.readInt(); final List<OperatorState> operatorStates = new ArrayList<>(numTaskStates); for (int i = 0; i < numTaskStates; i++) { operatorStates.add(deserializeOperatorState(dis, context)); } return new CheckpointMetadata(checkpointId, operatorStates, masterStates); }
protected OperatorState deserializeOperatorState( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException { final OperatorID jobVertexId = new OperatorID(dis.readLong(), dis.readLong()); final int parallelism = dis.readInt(); final int maxParallelism = dis.readInt(); ByteStreamStateHandle coordinateState = deserializeAndCheckByteStreamStateHandle(dis, context); final int numSubTaskStates = dis.readInt(); if (numSubTaskStates < 0) { checkState( coordinateState == null, "Coordinator State should be null for fully finished operator state"); return new FullyFinishedOperatorState(jobVertexId, parallelism, maxParallelism); } final OperatorState operatorState = new OperatorState(jobVertexId, parallelism, maxParallelism); // Coordinator state operatorState.setCoordinatorState(coordinateState); // Sub task states for (int j = 0; j < numSubTaskStates; j++) { SubtaskAndFinishedState subtaskAndFinishedState = deserializeSubtaskIndexAndFinishedState(dis); if (subtaskAndFinishedState.isFinished) { operatorState.putState( subtaskAndFinishedState.subtaskIndex, FinishedOperatorSubtaskState.INSTANCE); } else { final OperatorSubtaskState subtaskState = deserializeSubtaskState(dis, context); operatorState.putState(subtaskAndFinishedState.subtaskIndex, subtaskState); } } return operatorState; }
static ByteStreamStateHandle deserializeAndCheckByteStreamStateHandle(
DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
final StreamStateHandle handle = deserializeStreamStateHandle(dis, context);
if (handle == null || handle instanceof ByteStreamStateHandle) {
return (ByteStreamStateHandle) handle;
} else {
throw new IOException(
"Expected a ByteStreamStateHandle but found a " + handle.getClass().getName());
static StreamStateHandle deserializeStreamStateHandle( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException { final int type = dis.read(); if (NULL_HANDLE == type) { return null; } else if (FILE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { long size = dis.readLong(); String pathString = dis.readUTF(); return new FileStateHandle(new Path(pathString), size); } else if (BYTE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { String handleName = dis.readUTF(); int numBytes = dis.readInt(); byte[] data = new byte[numBytes]; dis.readFully(data); return new ByteStreamStateHandle(handleName, data); } else if (RELATIVE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { if (context == null) { throw new IOException( "Cannot deserialize a RelativeFileStateHandle without a context to make it relative to."); } String relativePath = dis.readUTF(); long size = dis.readLong(); Path statePath = new Path(context.getExclusiveDirPath(), relativePath); return new RelativeFileStateHandle(statePath, relativePath, size); } else if (KEY_GROUPS_HANDLE == type) { int startKeyGroup = dis.readInt(); int numKeyGroups = dis.readInt(); KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange = KeyGroupRange.of(startKeyGroup, startKeyGroup + numKeyGroups - 1); long[] offsets = new long[numKeyGroups]; for (int i = 0; i < numKeyGroups; ++i) { offsets[i] = dis.readLong(); } KeyGroupRangeOffsets keyGroupRangeOffsets = new KeyGroupRangeOffsets(keyGroupRange, offsets); StreamStateHandle stateHandle = deserializeStreamStateHandle(dis, context); return new KeyGroupsStateHandle(keyGroupRangeOffsets, stateHandle); } else { throw new IOException("Unknown implementation of StreamStateHandle, code: " + type); } }
2)deserializeSubtaskState反序列化OperatorSubtaskState状态,即获取到KafkaPartitionSplit offset值:
protected OperatorSubtaskState deserializeSubtaskState( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException { final OperatorSubtaskState.Builder state = OperatorSubtaskState.builder(); final boolean hasManagedOperatorState = dis.readInt() != 0; if (hasManagedOperatorState) { state.setManagedOperatorState(deserializeOperatorStateHandle(dis, context)); } final boolean hasRawOperatorState = dis.readInt() != 0; if (hasRawOperatorState) { state.setRawOperatorState(deserializeOperatorStateHandle(dis, context)); } final KeyedStateHandle managedKeyedState = deserializeKeyedStateHandle(dis, context); if (managedKeyedState != null) { state.setManagedKeyedState(managedKeyedState); } final KeyedStateHandle rawKeyedState = deserializeKeyedStateHandle(dis, context); if (rawKeyedState != null) { state.setRawKeyedState(rawKeyedState); } state.setInputChannelState(deserializeInputChannelStateHandle(dis, context)); state.setResultSubpartitionState(deserializeResultSubpartitionStateHandle(dis, context)); return state.build(); }
OperatorStateHandle deserializeOperatorStateHandle( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException { final int type = dis.readByte(); if (NULL_HANDLE == type) { return null; } else if (PARTITIONABLE_OPERATOR_STATE_HANDLE == type) { int mapSize = dis.readInt(); Map<String, OperatorStateHandle.StateMetaInfo> offsetsMap = new HashMap<>(mapSize); for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; ++i) { String key = dis.readUTF(); int modeOrdinal = dis.readByte(); OperatorStateHandle.Mode mode = OperatorStateHandle.Mode.values()[modeOrdinal]; long[] offsets = new long[dis.readInt()]; for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; ++j) { offsets[j] = dis.readLong(); } OperatorStateHandle.StateMetaInfo metaInfo = new OperatorStateHandle.StateMetaInfo(offsets, mode); offsetsMap.put(key, metaInfo); } StreamStateHandle stateHandle = deserializeStreamStateHandle(dis, context); return new OperatorStreamStateHandle(offsetsMap, stateHandle); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Reading invalid OperatorStateHandle, type: " + type); } }
static StreamStateHandle deserializeStreamStateHandle( DataInputStream dis, @Nullable DeserializationContext context) throws IOException { final int type = dis.read(); if (NULL_HANDLE == type) { return null; } else if (FILE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { long size = dis.readLong(); String pathString = dis.readUTF(); return new FileStateHandle(new Path(pathString), size); } else if (BYTE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { String handleName = dis.readUTF(); int numBytes = dis.readInt(); byte[] data = new byte[numBytes]; dis.readFully(data); return new ByteStreamStateHandle(handleName, data); } else if (RELATIVE_STREAM_STATE_HANDLE == type) { if (context == null) { throw new IOException( "Cannot deserialize a RelativeFileStateHandle without a context to make it relative to."); } String relativePath = dis.readUTF(); long size = dis.readLong(); Path statePath = new Path(context.getExclusiveDirPath(), relativePath); return new RelativeFileStateHandle(statePath, relativePath, size); } else if (KEY_GROUPS_HANDLE == type) { int startKeyGroup = dis.readInt(); int numKeyGroups = dis.readInt(); KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange = KeyGroupRange.of(startKeyGroup, startKeyGroup + numKeyGroups - 1); long[] offsets = new long[numKeyGroups]; for (int i = 0; i < numKeyGroups; ++i) { offsets[i] = dis.readLong(); } KeyGroupRangeOffsets keyGroupRangeOffsets = new KeyGroupRangeOffsets(keyGroupRange, offsets); StreamStateHandle stateHandle = deserializeStreamStateHandle(dis, context); return new KeyGroupsStateHandle(keyGroupRangeOffsets, stateHandle); } else { throw new IOException("Unknown implementation of StreamStateHandle, code: " + type); } }
private OptionalLong restoreLatestCheckpointedStateInternal( final Set<ExecutionJobVertex> tasks, final OperatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior operatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior, final boolean errorIfNoCheckpoint, final boolean allowNonRestoredState, final boolean checkForPartiallyFinishedOperators) throws Exception { synchronized (lock) { if (shutdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("CheckpointCoordinator is shut down"); } // Restore from the latest checkpoint CompletedCheckpoint latest = completedCheckpointStore.getLatestCheckpoint(); if (latest == null) { LOG.info("No checkpoint found during restore."); if (errorIfNoCheckpoint) { throw new IllegalStateException("No completed checkpoint available"); } LOG.debug("Resetting the master hooks."); MasterHooks.reset(masterHooks.values(), LOG); if (operatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior == OperatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior.RESTORE_OR_RESET) { // we let the JobManager-side components know that there was a recovery, // even if there was no checkpoint to recover from, yet LOG.info("Resetting the Operator Coordinators to an empty state."); restoreStateToCoordinators( OperatorCoordinator.NO_CHECKPOINT, Collections.emptyMap()); } return OptionalLong.empty(); } LOG.info("Restoring job {} from {}.", job, latest); this.forceFullSnapshot = latest.getProperties().isUnclaimed(); // re-assign the task states final Map<OperatorID, OperatorState> operatorStates = extractOperatorStates(latest); if (checkForPartiallyFinishedOperators) { VertexFinishedStateChecker vertexFinishedStateChecker = vertexFinishedStateCheckerFactory.apply(tasks, operatorStates); vertexFinishedStateChecker.validateOperatorsFinishedState(); } StateAssignmentOperation stateAssignmentOperation = new StateAssignmentOperation( latest.getCheckpointID(), tasks, operatorStates, allowNonRestoredState); stateAssignmentOperation.assignStates(); // call master hooks for restore. we currently call them also on "regional restore" // because // there is no other failure notification mechanism in the master hooks // ultimately these should get removed anyways in favor of the operator coordinators MasterHooks.restoreMasterHooks( masterHooks, latest.getMasterHookStates(), latest.getCheckpointID(), allowNonRestoredState, LOG); if (operatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior != OperatorCoordinatorRestoreBehavior.SKIP) { restoreStateToCoordinators(latest.getCheckpointID(), operatorStates); } // update metrics long restoreTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); RestoredCheckpointStats restored = new RestoredCheckpointStats( latest.getCheckpointID(), latest.getProperties(), restoreTimestamp, latest.getExternalPointer()); statsTracker.reportRestoredCheckpoint(restored); return OptionalLong.of(latest.getCheckpointID()); } }
private void restoreStateToCoordinators(
final long checkpointId, final Map<OperatorID, OperatorState> operatorStates)
throws Exception {
for (OperatorCoordinatorCheckpointContext coordContext : coordinatorsToCheckpoint) {
final OperatorState state = operatorStates.get(coordContext.operatorId());
final ByteStreamStateHandle coordinatorState =
state == null ? null : state.getCoordinatorState();
final byte[] bytes = coordinatorState == null ? null : coordinatorState.getData();
coordContext.resetToCheckpoint(checkpointId, bytes);
public void resetToCheckpoint(long checkpointId, @Nullable byte[] checkpointData) throws Exception { // the first time this method is called is early during execution graph construction, // before the main thread executor is set. hence this conditional check. if (mainThreadExecutor != null) { mainThreadExecutor.assertRunningInMainThread(); } eventValve.openValveAndUnmarkCheckpoint(); context.resetFailed(); // when initial savepoints are restored, this call comes before the mainThreadExecutor // is available, which is needed to set up these gateways. So during the initial restore, // we ignore this, and instead the gateways are set up in the "lazyInitialize" method, which // is called when the scheduler is properly set up. // this is a bit clumsy, but it is caused by the non-straightforward initialization of the // ExecutionGraph and Scheduler. if (mainThreadExecutor != null) { setupAllSubtaskGateways(); } coordinator.resetToCheckpoint(checkpointId, checkpointData); }
接下来调用RecreateOnResetOperatorCoordinator.resetToCheckpoint方法 ->resetAndStart中调用SourceCoordinator.resetToCheckpoint将字节数组类型的checkpoint数据进行反序列化SourceCoordinator.deserializeCheckpoint,然后调用source.restoreEnumerator进行任务的恢复:
public void resetToCheckpoint(final long checkpointId, @Nullable final byte[] checkpointData) throws Exception { checkState(!started, "The coordinator can only be reset if it was not yet started"); assert enumerator == null; // the checkpoint data is null if there was no completed checkpoint before // in that case we don't restore here, but let a fresh SplitEnumerator be created // when "start()" is called. if (checkpointData == null) { return; } LOG.info("Restoring SplitEnumerator of source {} from checkpoint.", operatorName); final ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader = context.getCoordinatorContext().getUserCodeClassloader(); try (TemporaryClassLoaderContext ignored = TemporaryClassLoaderContext.of(userCodeClassLoader)) { final EnumChkT enumeratorCheckpoint = deserializeCheckpoint(checkpointData); enumerator = source.restoreEnumerator(context, enumeratorCheckpoint); } }
private EnumChkT deserializeCheckpoint(byte[] bytes) throws Exception { try (ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); DataInputStream in = new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(bais)) { final int coordinatorSerdeVersion = readAndVerifyCoordinatorSerdeVersion(in); int enumSerializerVersion = in.readInt(); int serializedEnumChkptSize = in.readInt(); byte[] serializedEnumChkpt = readBytes(in, serializedEnumChkptSize); if (coordinatorSerdeVersion != SourceCoordinatorSerdeUtils.VERSION_0 && bais.available() > 0) { throw new IOException("Unexpected trailing bytes in enumerator checkpoint data"); } return enumCheckpointSerializer.deserialize(enumSerializerVersion, serializedEnumChkpt); } }
public KafkaSourceEnumState deserialize(int version, byte[] serialized) throws IOException { if (version == CURRENT_VERSION) { final Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = deserializeTopicPartitions(serialized); return new KafkaSourceEnumState(assignedPartitions); } // Backward compatibility if (version == VERSION_0) { Map<Integer, Set<KafkaPartitionSplit>> currentPartitionAssignment = SerdeUtils.deserializeSplitAssignments( serialized, new KafkaPartitionSplitSerializer(), HashSet::new); Set<TopicPartition> currentAssignedSplits = new HashSet<>(); currentPartitionAssignment.forEach( (reader, splits) -> splits.forEach( split -> currentAssignedSplits.add(split.getTopicPartition()))); return new KafkaSourceEnumState(currentAssignedSplits); } throw new IOException( String.format( "The bytes are serialized with version %d, " + "while this deserializer only supports version up to %d", version, CURRENT_VERSION)); }
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