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I'm trying to solve an equation in python using SymPy. I have a generated equation (something like function = y(8.0-(y**3.0)) which I use with SymPy to create a new equation like this: eq = sympy.Eq(function, 2) which outputs y(8.0-(y**3.0)) == 2. but sympy.solve(eq) doesn't seem to work.

>>> from sympy import Eq, Symbol as sym, solve

>>> y = sym('y')

>>> eqa = Eq(y(8.0-(y**3.0)), 8)

>>> solve(eqa)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sympy/solvers/solvers.py", line 332, in solve

result = tsolve(f, *symbols)

File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sympy/solvers/solvers.py", line 716, in tsolve

raise NotImplementedError("Unable to solve the equation.")

NotImplementedError: Unable to solve the equation.

thanks for reading.


(I don't know why you mention scipy in your question when you use sympy in your code. I'll assume you are using sympy.)

Sympy can solve this equation if you specify an integer power for y (ie y**3.0 changed to y**3).

The following works for me using Sympy 0.6.7.

from sympy import Eq, Symbol, solve

y = Symbol('y')

eqn = Eq(y*(8.0 - y**3), 8.0)

print solve(eqn)

