哈希(Hash)算法也称散列算法,是一种从任意数据内容中通过单向函数(One-way Function)创建数字“指纹”的方法,是密码学安全性的重要基石。 该算法将消息或数据压缩成摘要(Digest),使得数据量变小并将数据格式固定下来,任意长度内容的明文信息通过哈希计算后,输出的信息摘要长度都是一致的。
from os import listdir from os.path import isdir, join from hashlib import md5 import sys indent = 0 #缩进初始值 class Node: #定义节点类 def add_child(self, child): assert isinstance(child, Node) is_leaf = False if child in self.children: return self.children.append(child) hashes = [] for node in self.children: hashes.append(node.get_hash()) prehash = ''.join(hashes) self.node_hash = md5(prehash.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def get_hash(self): #返回节点的哈希值 return self.node_hash def generate_file_hash(self, path): #生成文件的信息摘要 # print('{}Generating hash for {}'.format(' ' * indent * 2, path)) file_hash = md5() #文件信息摘要 if isdir(path): file_hash.update(''.encode('utf-8')) else: with open(path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b''): file_hash.update(chunk) return file_hash.hexdigest() def __str__(self): #定义输出格式 if isdir(self.path): output = self.path + ' (' + self.get_hash() + ')' else: output = self.path + ' (' + self.get_hash() + ')' child_count = 0 for child in self.children: toadd = str(child) line_count = 0 for line in toadd.split('\n'): output += '\n' if line_count == 0 and child_count == len(self.children) - 1: output += '`-- ' + line elif line_count == 0 and child_count != len(self.children) - 1: output += '|-- ' + line elif child_count != len(self.children) -1: output += '| ' + line else: output += ' ' + line line_count += 1 child_count += 1 return output def __init__(self, path): #初始化 global indent self.path = path self.children = [] self.node_hash = self.generate_file_hash(path) self.is_leaf = True if not isdir(path): # print("{}Exiting init".format(' ' * indent * 2)) return for obj in sorted(listdir(path)): # print("{}Adding child called {}".format(' ' * indent * 2, dir)) indent += 1 new_child = Node(join(path, obj)) indent -= 1 self.add_child(new_child) if __name__ == '__main__': #主程序 tree = None if len(sys.argv) < 2: #若没指定目录,则默认为程序当前目录 tree = Node('./') else: tree = Node(sys.argv[1]) #参数1为指定目录 print(tree) #输出带哈希值的目录树结构
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