#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "contrlDevices.h" #include "inputCommand.h" #define HIGH_TIME 32 // 433m端口 #define D0 4 #define D1 3 #define D2 2 #define D3 0 #define key 28 //拍照按键 // #define door_Lock 29 //门锁 //注意:定义线程不使用指针以免空指针异常 //注意:不建议线程传参(链表头)所以定为全局变量 pthread_t voiceThread; //语音识别线程 pthread_t socketThread; //服务器线程 pthread_t writeThread; //通知线程:向客服端发送消息 pthread_t fireThread; //火灾检测线程 pthread_t shakeThread; //震动检测线程 pthread_t humanThread; //人体红外检测线程 pthread_t remoteThread; //遥控线程 pthread_t keyThread; //按键检测线程 pthread_t cameraThread; //人脸识别线程 pthread_t monitoringThread; //视频监控线程 pthread_t clientWemosThread; //客服端线程 pthread_t dht11Thread; //温湿度线程 struct InputCommander *pCommandHead = NULL; struct Devices *pdeviceHead = NULL; struct InputCommander *socketHandler = NULL; // struct InputCommander *clientHandler = NULL; pthread_mutex_t mutex; //定义互斥量(锁) // pthread_cond_t cond; //条件 unsigned long databuf; int c_fd; //注意:涉及到多线程不要轻易的去传参 int beep = 0; //蜂鸣器标志位 0:未被使用 1:被火灾传感器使用 2:被震动传感器使用 //摄像头相关,改变返回值命名,因为C语言中没有这样的返回值 #define true 1 #define false 0 typedef unsigned int bool; char buf[1024] = {'\0'}; /*通知app [0]:温度 [1]:湿度 [2]:火灾监控 [3]:震动监控 [4]:人体红外监控*/ char Message[5][100] = {"未启用!", "未启用!", "未启用!", "未启用!", "未启用!"}; int write_flag = 0; //标记位,标记通知线程是否打开 1:打开 0:关闭 int human_flag = 0; //红外检测标志位 1:打开 0:关闭 struct Devices *findDeviceByName(char *name, struct Devices *phead) //查询设备 { if (phead == NULL) { return NULL; } while (phead != NULL) { // printf("phead:%s name:%s\n", phead->deviceName, name); if (strstr(phead->deviceName, name) != NULL) { return phead; } phead = phead->next; } return NULL; } struct InputCommander *findCommandByName(char *name, struct InputCommander *phead) //查询控制 { if (phead == NULL) { return NULL; } while (phead != NULL) { if (strcmp(phead->commandName, name) == 0) { return phead; } phead = phead->next; } return NULL; } //查找设备 void *cameraThread_func(void *data) //起线程的函数有格式要求 { struct Devices *cameraTemp; cameraTemp = findDeviceByName("camera", pdeviceHead); //设备都要从工厂里面取出来 if (cameraTemp == NULL) { //防止段错误的必需判断,当给指针赋值是,一定要考虑NULL的情况,否则后续操作都是空谈 printf("find camera error\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); //在线程中不用return } cameraTemp->justDoOnce(); //调用postUrl函数 } unsigned char readSensorData(void) //温湿度初始化 { char crc; char i; pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // 将模式设置为输出 digitalWrite(6, LOW); // 输出高电平 delay(25); digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // 输出低电平 pinMode(6, INPUT); // 将模式设置为输入 pullUpDnControl(6, PUD_UP); delayMicroseconds(27); if (digitalRead(6) == 0) // SENSOR ANS { while (!digitalRead(6)) ; // wait to high for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { while (digitalRead(6)) ; // 数据时钟启动 while (!digitalRead(6)) ; //数据开始 delayMicroseconds(HIGH_TIME); databuf *= 2; if (digitalRead(6) == 1) // 1 { databuf++; } } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { while (digitalRead(6)) ; // 数据时钟启动 while (!digitalRead(6)) ; // 数据开始 delayMicroseconds(HIGH_TIME); crc *= 2; if (digitalRead(6) == 1) // 1 { crc++; } } return 1; } else { return 0; } } void *dht11_thread(void *datas) //温湿度线程 { int W = 0, w = 0; int S = 0, s = 0; // int count = 0; int temp = 0; printf("Use GPIO4 to read data!\n"); if (-1 == wiringPiSetup()) { printf("Setup wiringPi failed!"); // return 1; } pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // set mode to output digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // output a high level printf("Enter OS-------\n"); while (1) { pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // set mode to output digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // output a high level delay(3000); if (readSensorData()) { W = (databuf >> 8) & 0xff; w = databuf & 0xff; S = (databuf >> 24) & 0xff; s = (databuf >> 16) & 0xff; // printf("传感器数据读取正常!\n"); if (temp == 0) { w++; s++; temp++; } else if (temp == 1) { if (w >= 1) { w--; } if (s >= 1) { w--; } temp--; } if ((W >= 15) && (W <= 35) && (S <= 95)) { memset(Message[0], 0, sizeof Message[0]); //清空数组 memset(Message[1], 0, sizeof Message[1]); // printf("温度:%d.%d 湿度:%d.%d\n", W, w, S, s); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[0], "%d.%d C", W, w); //温度 sprintf(Message[1], "%d.%d", S, s); //湿度 // printf("温度:%d.%d C", (databuf >> 8) & 0xff, databuf & 0xff); //温度 } // printf(" 湿度:%d.%d %\n", (databuf >> 24) & 0xff, (databuf >> 16) & 0xff); //湿度 databuf = 0; } else { // count++; // memset(Message[0], 0, sizeof Message[0]); //清空数组 // memset(Message[1], 0, sizeof Message[1]); //清空数组 // sprintf(Message[0], "监测错误!"); //温度 // sprintf(Message[1], "监测错误!"); //湿度 printf("Sorry! Sensor dosent ans!\n"); databuf = 0; } // if (count >= 3) // { // pthread_create(&dht11Thread, NULL, dht11_thread, NULL); // } } } void *fire_thread(void *datas) //火灾线程 { char msg[100]; int status; struct Devices *fireDeviceTmp = NULL; struct Devices *buzzerDeviceTmp = NULL; fireDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fire", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到火灾模块 buzzerDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); fireDeviceTmp->deviceInit(fireDeviceTmp->pinNum); //火灾模块初始化 buzzerDeviceTmp->deviceInit(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); printf("火灾线程初始化成功\n"); while (1) { delay(10); status = fireDeviceTmp->readStatus(fireDeviceTmp->pinNum); //读取火灾模块实时数据 if (status == 0) { beep = 1; //火灾传感器使用蜂鸣器 buzzerDeviceTmp->open(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //蜂鸣器报警 memset(Message[2], 0, sizeof Message[2]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[2], "警报:发生火灾 !"); //更新火灾信息 delay(200); //蜂鸣器报警延时 } else if ((beep != 2) && (beep != 3)) //未被震动传感器和人体红外传感器使用 { buzzerDeviceTmp->close(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭蜂鸣器 memset(Message[2], 0, sizeof Message[2]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[2], "正常"); //更新火灾信息 beep = 0; //蜂鸣器未被使用 } } } void *shake_thread(void *datas) //震动线程 { char msg[100]; int status; struct Devices *shakeDeviceTmp = NULL; struct Devices *buzzerDeviceTmp = NULL; shakeDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shake", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到火灾模块 buzzerDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); shakeDeviceTmp->deviceInit(shakeDeviceTmp->pinNum); //震动模块初始化 buzzerDeviceTmp->deviceInit(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); printf("震动线程初始化成功\n"); while (1) { delay(5); status = shakeDeviceTmp->readStatus(shakeDeviceTmp->pinNum); //读取震动模块实时数据 if (status == 0) { beep = 2; //震动传感器使用蜂鸣器 buzzerDeviceTmp->open(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); memset(Message[3], 0, sizeof Message[3]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[3], "警报:发生震动 !"); delay(300); } else if ((beep != 1) && (beep != 3)) //蜂鸣器未被火焰传感器和人体红外传感器使用 { memset(Message[3], 0, sizeof Message[3]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[3], "正常"); buzzerDeviceTmp->close(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; //蜂鸣器未被使用 } } } void *human_thread(void *datas) // 人体红外检测线程 { char msg[100]; int status; struct Devices *humanDeviceTmp = NULL; struct Devices *buzzerDeviceTmp = NULL; humanDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("human", pdeviceHead); //在设备工厂找到火灾模块 buzzerDeviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); humanDeviceTmp->deviceInit(humanDeviceTmp->pinNum); //红外模块初始化 buzzerDeviceTmp->deviceInit(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); printf("人体红外检测初始化\n"); while (1) { delay(10); status = humanDeviceTmp->readStatus(humanDeviceTmp->pinNum); //读取人体感应模块实时数据 if (status == 1) { beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 memset(Message[4], 0, sizeof Message[4]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[4], "警报:有人进入 !"); buzzerDeviceTmp->open(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); delay(200); buzzerDeviceTmp->close(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); delay(100); } else if ((beep != 1) && (beep != 2)) //未被火焰传感器和震动传感器使用 { memset(Message[4], 0, sizeof Message[4]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[4], "正常"); buzzerDeviceTmp->close(buzzerDeviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; //蜂鸣器未被使用 } } } void *monitoring_thread(void *datas) //视频监控线程 { system("./start_web_video.sh"); //执行脚本,打开视频监控 pthread_exit(NULL); //退出线程 } void *voice_thread(void *arg) //语音线程 { int i = 0; int nread; struct InputCommander *voiceHandler = NULL; struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL; voiceHandler = findCommandByName("voice", pCommandHead); //在控制工厂找到语音模块 if (voiceHandler == NULL) { printf("查找语音处理程序错误\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } else { if (voiceHandler->Init(voiceHandler, NULL, NULL) < 0) { //语音模块初始化 printf("语音初始化错误\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); //退出线程 } else { printf("%s 初始化成功\n", voiceHandler->commandName); } //语音初始化完成 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //加锁 //语音读取一级指令的时候,为了避免其它线程对于 紧接着读取二级指令的干扰 while (1) { memset(voiceHandler->comand, '\0', sizeof(voiceHandler->comand)); nread = voiceHandler->getCommand(voiceHandler); //读取来自语音模块的串口数据 printf("get voice command:%s\n", voiceHandler->comand); if (nread == 0) { printf("没有来自语音的数据,请再说一遍\n"); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kwsd") != NULL) //打开卧室灯命令 { printf("打开卧室灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); //查找卧室灯设备 deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); //卧室灯设备初始化 deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); //打开卧室灯 } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gwsd") != NULL) { printf("关闭卧室灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kysd") != NULL) { printf("打开浴室灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gysd") != NULL) { printf("关闭浴室灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kktd") != NULL) { printf("打开客厅灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gktd") != NULL) { printf("关闭客厅灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kctd") != NULL) { printf("打开餐厅灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gctd") != NULL) { printf("关闭餐厅灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kycd") != NULL) //开泳灯指令 { printf("打开泳池灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gqbd") != NULL) //关闭全部灯指令 { printf("关闭所有灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭餐厅灯 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭浴室灯 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭客厅灯 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭卧室灯 } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kqbd") != NULL) { printf("打开所有灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gycd") != NULL) //关泳池灯指令 { printf("关闭泳池灯光\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); //搜索泳池灯设备 deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); //泳池灯设备初始化 deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关泳池灯 } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "kdfs") != NULL) //开电风扇指令 { printf("打开电风扇\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "gdfs") != NULL) //关电风扇指令 { printf("关闭电风扇\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(voiceHandler->comand, "ks") != NULL) //开锁指令 { printf("打开门锁\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("lock", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(3000); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } /*else { deviceTmp = findDeviceByName(voiceHandler->comand, pdeviceHead); if (deviceTmp == NULL) { printf("查找设备按名称错误\n"); } else { printf("查找设备 = %s\n", deviceTmp->deviceName); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } }*/ } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //解锁 } } void *write_thread(void *datas) //通知线程,向客服端发送消息 { while (1) { delay(500); write(c_fd, Message, 500); } } void *read_thread(void *datas) //通过socket读取客户端发来的数据 { int n_read; struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL; while (1) { memset(socketHandler->comand, '\0', sizeof(socketHandler->comand)); n_read = read(c_fd, socketHandler->comand, sizeof(socketHandler->comand)); //读取客户端发来的数据 if (n_read == -1) { perror("read_thread"); } else if (n_read > 0) { printf("APP客户端指令:%s\n", socketHandler->comand); //处理客户端读到的命令 if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kws") != NULL) //开卧室灯 { printf("开卧室灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); //查找卧室灯设备 deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); //卧室灯设备初始化 deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); //打开卧室灯 } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gws") != NULL) //关卧室灯 { printf("关卧室灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kys") != NULL) //开浴室灯 { printf("开浴室灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gys") != NULL) //关浴室灯 { printf("关浴室灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kkt") != NULL) //开客厅灯 { printf("开客厅灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gkt") != NULL) //关客厅灯 { printf("关客厅灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kct") != NULL) //开餐厅灯 { printf("开餐厅灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gct") != NULL) //关餐厅灯 { printf("关餐厅灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kyc") != NULL) //开泳池灯 { printf("开泳池灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gyc") != NULL) //关泳池灯 { printf("关泳池灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kfs") != NULL) //开风扇 { printf("开电风扇\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gfs") != NULL) //关风扇 { printf("关电风扇\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kqb") != NULL) //开室内全部灯 { printf("开室内全部灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gqb") != NULL) //关室内全部灯 { printf("关室内全部灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "ks") != NULL) //开锁 { printf("开锁\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("lock", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gs") != NULL) //关锁 { deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("lock", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "kjk") != NULL) //开监控 { printf("打开监控\n"); pthread_create(&monitoringThread, NULL, monitoring_thread, NULL); //启动视频监控线程 } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gjk") != NULL) //关监控 { printf("关闭监控\n"); // pthread_cancel(monitoringThread); system("killall -TERM mjpg_streamer"); //关闭摄像头监控功能 } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "khw") != NULL) //打开人体红外检测 { printf("启动人体红外检测线程\n"); beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(700); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); if (human_flag == 0) { pthread_create(&humanThread, NULL, human_thread, NULL); human_flag = 1; } } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "ghw") != NULL) //关闭人体红外检测 { printf("关闭人体红外检测\n"); memset(Message[4], 0, sizeof Message[4]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[4], "未启用!"); if (human_flag == 1) { pthread_cancel(humanThread); //停止人体红外线程 human_flag = 0; } beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(300); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "gjms") != NULL) //归家模式 { printf("开室内全部灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); printf("关闭人体红外检测\n"); memset(Message[4], 0, sizeof Message[4]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[4], "未启用!"); if (human_flag == 1) { pthread_cancel(humanThread); //停止人体红外线程 human_flag = 0; } beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(300); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "ljms") != NULL) //离家模式 { printf("关全部灯\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("chu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yu", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("kt", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("shui", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); printf("关电风扇\n"); deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); printf("启动人体红外检测线程\n"); beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(700); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; if (human_flag == 0) { pthread_create(&humanThread, NULL, human_thread, NULL); human_flag = 1; } } else if (strstr(socketHandler->comand, "face") != NULL) { //启动人脸识别线程 printf("进行人脸识别开锁\n"); pthread_create(&cameraThread, NULL, cameraThread_func, NULL); } } else { printf("客户端退出\n"); // exit(-1); //客户端退出,服务器程序退出 pthread_cancel(writeThread); //停止通知线程 write_flag = 0; //通知线程标志位置0,通知线程关闭 pthread_exit(NULL); //退出本线程 } } } void *socket_thread(void *datas) //开启socket服务端,并将socket服务端初始化 { int n_read = 0; pthread_t readPthread; struct sockaddr_in c_addr; memset(&c_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); int clen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); socketHandler = findCommandByName("socketServer", pCommandHead); //在控制工厂找到socket if (socketHandler == NULL) { printf("查找套接字处理程序错误\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } else { printf("%s 初始化成功\n", socketHandler->commandName); } socketHandler->Init(socketHandler, NULL, NULL); //初始化socket while (1) { c_fd = accept(socketHandler->sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&c_addr, &clen); printf("c_fd = %d\n", c_fd); if (write_flag == 0) //通知线程处于关闭状态 { write_flag = 1; pthread_create(&writeThread, NULL, write_thread, NULL); //打开通知线程 } pthread_create(&readPthread, NULL, read_thread, NULL); } } void *remote_thread(void *datas) // 433m遥控线程 { int val = 0, val1 = 0, val2 = 0, val3 = 0; int count = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0; int temp = 0, temp1 = 0, temp2 = 0, temp3 = 0; struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL; wiringPiSetup(); pinMode(D0, INPUT); pinMode(D1, INPUT); pinMode(D2, INPUT); pinMode(D3, INPUT); digitalWrite(D0, LOW); digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); printf("遥控模块初始化成功\n"); while (1) { delay(10); val = digitalRead(D0); val1 = digitalRead(D1); val2 = digitalRead(D2); val3 = digitalRead(D3); if (val == 1) //电风扇遥控信号 { if (count == 0) //电风扇遥控按键被按下 { if (temp == 0) //打开电风扇 { printf("433M:打开电风扇\n"); temp = 1; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); //查找电风扇设备 deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); //电风扇设备初始化 deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); //打开电风扇 } else if (temp == 1) //关闭电风扇 { printf("433M:关闭电风扇\n"); temp = 0; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("fan", pdeviceHead); //查找电风扇设备 deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); //电风扇设备初始化 deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); //关闭电风扇 } count = 1; } } else if (val == 0) { count = 0; } if (val1 == 1) //门锁遥控 { if (count1 == 0) { if (temp1 == 0) { printf("433M:打开门锁\n"); temp1 = 1; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("lock", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(3000); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (temp1 == 1) { printf("433M:关闭门锁\n"); temp1 = 0; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("lock", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } count1 = 1; } } else if (val1 == 0) { count1 = 0; } if (val2 == 1) //泳池灯遥控 { if (count2 == 0) { if (temp2 == 0) { printf("433M:开泳池灯\n"); temp2 = 1; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); } else if (temp2 == 1) { printf("433M:关泳池灯\n"); temp2 = 0; deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("yong", pdeviceHead); deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); } count2 = 1; } } else if (val2 == 0) { count2 = 0; } if (val3 == 1) //人体红外线程控制 { if (count3 == 0) { if (temp3 == 0) // 启动人体红外检测线程 { printf("433M:启动人体红外\n"); temp3 = 1; printf("启动人体红外检测线程\n"); beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); // deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(700); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; if (human_flag == 0) { pthread_create(&humanThread, NULL, human_thread, NULL); human_flag = 1; } } else if (temp3 == 1) { printf("433M:关闭人体红外\n"); memset(Message[4], 0, sizeof Message[4]); //清空数组 sprintf(Message[4], "未启用!"); temp3 = 0; printf("关闭人体红外检测线程\n"); beep = 3; //人体红外使用蜂鸣器 // TerminateThread(human_thread, -1 ); // 中止人体红外检测线程 // CloseHandle(human_thread); //清楚人体红外线程堆栈 // _beginthread(human_thread,0, NULL); if (human_flag == 1) { pthread_cancel(humanThread); //停止人体红外线程 human_flag = 0; } deviceTmp = findDeviceByName("buzzser", pdeviceHead); // deviceTmp->deviceInit(deviceTmp->pinNum); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(300); deviceTmp->open(deviceTmp->pinNum); delay(400); deviceTmp->close(deviceTmp->pinNum); beep = 0; } count3 = 1; } } else if (val3 == 0) { count3 = 0; } } } //检测按键状态 void *key_thread() { // pinMode(door_Lock, OUTPUT); //将门锁端口置为输出 int val; while (1) { val = digitalRead(key); // printf("key = %d\n", val); if (val == 0) //防止重复检测 { delay(500); val = digitalRead(key); // printf("key = %d\n", val); if (val == 1) //按键按下,启动人脸识别线程 { pthread_create(&cameraThread, NULL, cameraThread_func, NULL); } } } } int main() { char name[32] = {'\0'}; //树莓派库初始化 if (wiringPiSetup() == -1) { printf("硬件接口初始化失败\n"); return -1; } pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); //初始化互斥量(锁) // 1、指令工厂初始化 pCommandHead = addVoiceContrlToInputCommanderLink(pCommandHead); //语音识别初始化 pCommandHead = addsocketContrlToInputCommanderLink(pCommandHead); //服务器初始化 // 2、设备控制工程初始化 pdeviceHead = addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //浴室灯光初始化 pdeviceHead = addupStairLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //卧室灯光初始化 pdeviceHead = addlivingroomLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //客厅灯光初始化 pdeviceHead = addrestaurantLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //餐厅灯光初始化 pdeviceHead = addpoolLightToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //泳池灯光初始化 pdeviceHead = addDoorLockToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //门锁初始化 pdeviceHead = addFanToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //电风扇初始化 pdeviceHead = addBuzzerToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //蜂鸣器初始化 pdeviceHead = addFireToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //火焰传感器初始化 pdeviceHead = addShakeToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //震动传感器初始化 pdeviceHead = addcameraToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //摄像头模块初始化 pdeviceHead = addHumanToDeviceLink(pdeviceHead); //人体感应传感器初始化 //参数2:线程属性,一般设置为NULL,参数3:线程干活的函数,参数4:往voice_thread线程里面传送数据。 pthread_create(&voiceThread, NULL, voice_thread, NULL); // 语音线程启动 pthread_create(&socketThread, NULL, socket_thread, NULL); // socket服务器线程启动 pthread_create(&fireThread, NULL, fire_thread, NULL); //火灾报警线程启动 pthread_create(&shakeThread, NULL, shake_thread, NULL); //震动报警线程启动 pthread_create(&keyThread, NULL, key_thread, NULL); //按键检测线程启动 pthread_create(&remoteThread, NULL, remote_thread, NULL); // 遥控线程启动 pthread_create(&dht11Thread, NULL, dht11_thread, NULL); // 温湿度检测线程启动 //等待线程 pthread_join(voiceThread, NULL); pthread_join(socketThread, NULL); pthread_join(fireThread, NULL); pthread_join(shakeThread, NULL); pthread_join(humanThread, NULL); pthread_join(keyThread, NULL); pthread_join(remoteThread, NULL); pthread_join(cameraThread, NULL); pthread_join(monitoringThread, NULL); pthread_join(clientWemosThread, NULL); pthread_join(dht11Thread, NULL); pthread_join(writeThread, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); //销毁互斥量 // pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); //条件的销毁 return 0; }
//摄像头 #include "contrlDevices.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <curl/curl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #define door_lock 29 //门锁 void postUrl(); size_t readData1(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream); char *getFace1(); char *getPicFromOCRBase641(char *Filepath); struct Devices *addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); char ocrRetBuf[1024] = {'\0'}; //全局变量,用来接收从OCR后台返回的数据 size_t readData1(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) //回调函数,把从后台的数据拷贝给ocrRetBuf { strncpy(ocrRetBuf, ptr, 1024); } char *getFace1() { printf("拍照中...\n"); system("raspistill -q 5 -t 1 -o image.jpg"); //-q 是图片质量,在0~100之间,我们调成5,压缩图片质量,生成的照片名字为imag.jpg //-t 是拍照延时,设定1s后拍照 while (access("./image.jpg", F_OK) != 0) ; //判断是否拍照完毕 printf("拍照完成\n"); char *base64BufFaceRec = getPicFromOCRBase641("./image.jpg"); // system("rm image.jpg"); return base64BufFaceRec; //返回刚才拍照的base64 } char *getPicFromOCRBase641(char *Filepath) { int fd; int filelen; char cmd[128] = {'\0'}; sprintf(cmd, "base64 %s > tmpFile", Filepath); system(cmd); fd = open("./tmpFile", O_RDWR); filelen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); char *bufpic = (char *)malloc(filelen + 2); memset(bufpic, '\0', filelen + 2); read(fd, bufpic, filelen + 128); system("rm -rf tmpFile"); close(fd); return bufpic; } void postUrl() { CURL *curl; CURLcode res; struct Devices *deviceTmp = NULL; //分开定义,然后字符串拼接 char *key = "XXXXejLCjAKZUN2D63XXXX"; //用自己的 char *secret = "XXXXXXXXadca46859adXXXX69092XXXXXXXX"; //用自己的 int typeId = 21; char *format = "xml"; char *base64BufPic1 = getFace1(); char *base64BufPic2 = getPicFromOCRBase641("gyf1.jpg"); int len = strlen(key) + strlen(secret) + strlen(base64BufPic1) + strlen(base64BufPic2) + 128; //分配空间不够会导致栈溢出 char *postString = (char *)malloc(len); memset(postString, '\0', len); //因为postString是一个指针,不能用sizeof来计算其指向的大小 sprintf(postString, "img1=%s&img2=%s&key=%s&secret=%s&typeId=%d&format=%s", base64BufPic1, base64BufPic2, key, secret, typeId, format); //根据平台的传参格式编写 curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postString); //指定post内容,传入参数 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://netocr.com/api/faceliu.do"); // 指定url curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, readData1); //回调函数readDate读取返回值 res = curl_easy_perform(curl); //类似于状态码 printf("OK:%d\n", res); if (strstr(ocrRetBuf, "是") != NULL) { //判断翔云后台返回的字符串中有没有“是” printf("是同一个人\n"); digitalWrite(door_lock, LOW); //打开门锁 delay(3000); //等待3s digitalWrite(door_lock, HIGH); //关闭门锁 } else { printf("不是同一个人\n"); } curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } } int cameraInit(int pinNum) //该函数无用 { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("摄像头模块初始化成功\n"); } struct Devices camera = { .deviceName = "camera", .deviceInit = cameraInit, .pinNum = 6, //此引脚号无用 .justDoOnce = postUrl, .getFace = getFace1, .getPicFromOCRBase64 = getPicFromOCRBase641, .readData = readData1 }; struct Devices *addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &camera; } else { camera.next = phead; phead = &camera; } }
//外设设备的头文件 #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <curl/curl.h> typedef unsigned int bool; struct Devices { char deviceName[128]; //设备名 int status; //读取到的数据 int pinNum; //引脚号 int (*open)(int pinNum); //打开设备函数指针 int (*close)(int pinNum); //关闭设备函数指针 int (*deviceInit)(int pinNum); //设备初始化函数指针 int (*readStatus)(int pinNum); //读取数据函数指针 int (*changStatus)(int status); //改变数据函数指针 //摄像头相关的 void (*justDoOnce)(); //用于摄像头 char *(*getFace)(); //用于摄像头 char *(*getPicFromOCRBase64)(); //用于摄像头 size_t (*readData)(); //用于摄像头 CURL *curl; char *key; char *secret; int typeId; char *format; bool (*cameraInit)(struct Devices *camera); int yesNum; int noNum; struct Devices *next; }; //每个设备加到链表函数的声明 struct Devices *addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addupStairLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addlivingroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addrestaurantLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addpoolLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addDoorLockToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addFanToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addFireToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addShakeToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addHumanToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) ; struct Devices *addBuzzerToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); // struct Devices *addcameraContrlToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead); struct Devices *addcameraToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead);
//控制的头文件 #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> struct InputCommander { char commandName[128]; // socket名 char deviceName[128]; //串口名 char comand[32]; //控制命令 int (*Init)(struct InputCommander *voicer, char *ipAdress, char *port); // socket初始化 int (*getCommand)(struct InputCommander *voicer); //读取数据 char log[1024]; int fd; char port[12]; //端口号 char ipAdress[32]; // IP地址 int sfd; int cfd; struct InputCommander *next; }; //每个控制添加到控制链表的函数声明 struct InputCommander *addVoiceContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead); struct InputCommander *addsocketContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead); struct InputCommander *addclientContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead);
//语音控制设备 #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wiringSerial.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include "inputCommand.h" int getCommand(struct InputCommander *voicer) //获取语音指令 { int nread = 0; memset(voicer->comand, '\0', sizeof(voicer->comand)); nread = read(voicer->fd, voicer->comand, sizeof(voicer->comand)); return nread; } //语音模块初始化 int voiceInit(struct InputCommander *voicer, char *ipAdress, char *port) { int fd; if ((fd = serialOpen(voicer->deviceName, 9600)) == -1) { printf("语音初始化失败\n"); exit(-1); } voicer->fd = fd; printf("语音初始化结束\n"); return fd; } //语音模块结构体 struct InputCommander voiceContrl = { .commandName = "voice", .deviceName = "/dev/ttyAMA0", .comand = {'\0'}, .Init = voiceInit, .getCommand = getCommand, .log = {'\0'}, .next = NULL}; struct InputCommander *addVoiceContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &voiceContrl; } else { voiceContrl.next = phead; phead = &voiceContrl; } return phead; }
//蜂鸣器 #include "contrlDevices.h" int buzzerOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int buzzerClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int buzzerInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); printf("蜂鸣器初始化成功\n"); } struct Devices buzzer = { .deviceName = "buzzser", .pinNum = 7, .open = buzzerOpen, .close = buzzerClose, .deviceInit = buzzerInit}; struct Devices *addBuzzerToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &buzzer; } else { buzzer.next = phead; phead = &buzzer; } return phead; }
//电风扇 #include "contrlDevices.h" int fanOpen(int pinNum) { // pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int fanClose(int pinNum) { // pinMode(pinNum, INPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int fanCloseInit(int pinNum) { // pinMode(pinNum, INPUT); pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); //printf("电风扇初始化成功\n"); } int fanCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices fan = { //.deviceName = "fan", .deviceName = "fan", .pinNum = 26, .open = fanOpen, .close = fanClose, .deviceInit = fanCloseInit, .changStatus = fanCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addFanToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &fan; } else { fan.next = phead; phead = &fan; } return phead; }
//人体红外检测 #include "contrlDevices.h" int humanInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, INPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("人体感应传感器初始化成功\n"); } int readhumanStatus(int pinNum) { return digitalRead(pinNum); } struct Devices human = { .deviceName = "human", .pinNum = 5, .deviceInit = humanInit, .readStatus = readhumanStatus}; struct Devices *addHumanToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &human; } else { human.next = phead; phead = &human; } return phead; }
//火焰传感器 #include "contrlDevices.h" int fireInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, INPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int readFireStatus(int pinNum) { return digitalRead(pinNum); } struct Devices fire = { .deviceName = "fire", .pinNum = 25, .deviceInit = fireInit, .readStatus = readFireStatus}; struct Devices *addFireToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &fire; } else { fire.next = phead; phead = &fire; } return phead; }
//震动传感器 #include "contrlDevices.h" int shakeInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, INPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int readShakeStatus(int pinNum) { return digitalRead(pinNum); } struct Devices shake = { .deviceName = "shake", .pinNum = 1, .deviceInit = shakeInit, .readStatus = readShakeStatus}; struct Devices *addShakeToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &shake; } else { shake.next = phead; phead = &shake; } return phead; }
// socket控制 #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wiringSerial.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "inputCommand.h" int socketgetCommand(struct InputCommander *socketMes) { int c_fd; int n_read; struct sockaddr_in c_addr; memset(&c_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); int clen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); // 4.accept c_fd = accept(socketMes->sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&c_addr, &clen); n_read = read(c_fd, socketMes->comand, sizeof(socketMes->comand)); if (n_read == -1) { perror("读"); } else if (n_read > 0) { printf("\n获取:%d\n", n_read); } else { printf("客户端退出\n"); } return n_read; } int socketInit(struct InputCommander *socketMes, char *ipAdress, char *port) { /*形参虽然定多了,用不上,咱不管*/ int s_fd; struct sockaddr_in s_addr; memset(&s_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); // 1.socket s_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s_fd == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(-1); } s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; s_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(socketMes->port)); inet_aton(socketMes->ipAdress, &s_addr.sin_addr); //解决服务器程序结束后端口被占用的情况 int opt = 1; setsockopt(s_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); // 2.bind bind(s_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); // 3.listen listen(s_fd, 10); printf("套接字服务器侦听......\n"); socketMes->sfd = s_fd; return s_fd; } struct InputCommander socketContrl = { .commandName = "socketServer", .comand = {'\0'}, .port = "8083", .ipAdress = "", // .ipAdress = "", .Init = socketInit, .getCommand = socketgetCommand, .log = {'\0'}, .next = NULL}; struct InputCommander *addsocketContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &socketContrl; } else { socketContrl.next = phead; phead = &socketContrl; } return phead; }
//树莓派作为客服端 连接wemos D1服务器 #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <wiringSerial.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "inputCommand.h" int clientInit(struct InputCommander *client, char *ipAdress, char *port) { struct sockaddr_in addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); // 1.socket 创建套接字 int s_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s_fd == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(-1); } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(client->port)); inet_aton(client->ipAdress, &addr.sin_addr); // 2.connect 连接服务器 if (connect(s_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) //这里是连接wemosD1 { perror("connect"); exit(-1); } printf("客户端 wemosD1 连接....\n"); client->sfd = s_fd; return s_fd; } struct InputCommander clientContrl = { .commandName = "client", //加入到控制链表的名字 .comand = {'\0'}, //命令 .port = "8888", // wemosD1 端口号 .ipAdress = "", // wemosD1 IP地址 .Init = clientInit, //树莓派客户端初始化 .next = NULL}; struct InputCommander *addclientContrlToInputCommanderLink(struct InputCommander *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &clientContrl; } else { clientContrl.next = phead; phead = &clientContrl; } return phead; }
//浴室灯 #include "contrlDevices.h" int bathroomLightOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int bathroomLightClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int bathroomLightCloseInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("浴室灯初始化成功\n"); } int bathroomLightCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices bathroomLight = { //.deviceName = "bathroomLight", .deviceName = "yu", .pinNum = 24, .open = bathroomLightOpen, .close = bathroomLightClose, .deviceInit = bathroomLightCloseInit, .changStatus = bathroomLightCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addBathroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &bathroomLight; } else { bathroomLight.next = phead; phead = &bathroomLight; } return phead; }
//门锁 #include "contrlDevices.h" int doorLockOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int doorLockClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int doorLockCloseInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("门锁初始化成功\n"); } int doorLockCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices doorLock = { //.deviceName = "doorLock", .deviceName = "lock", .pinNum = 29, .open = doorLockOpen, .close = doorLockClose, .deviceInit = doorLockCloseInit, .changStatus = doorLockCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addDoorLockToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &doorLock; } else { doorLock.next = phead; phead = &doorLock; } return phead; }
//卧室灯 #include "contrlDevices.h" int livingroomLightOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int livingroomLightClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int livingroomLightCloseInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("卧室灯初始化成功\n"); } int livingroomLightCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices livingroomLight = { //.deviceName = "livingroomLight", .deviceName = "shui", .pinNum = 21, .open = livingroomLightOpen, .close = livingroomLightClose, .deviceInit = livingroomLightCloseInit, .changStatus = livingroomLightCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addlivingroomLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &livingroomLight; } else { livingroomLight.next = phead; phead = &livingroomLight; } return phead; }
//泳池灯 #include "contrlDevices.h" int poolLightOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int poolLightClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int poolLightCloseInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("泳池灯初始化成功\n"); } int poolLightCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices poolLight = { //.deviceName = "poolLight", .deviceName = "yong", .pinNum = 27, .open = poolLightOpen, .close = poolLightClose, .deviceInit = poolLightCloseInit, .changStatus = poolLightCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addpoolLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &poolLight; } else { poolLight.next = phead; phead = &poolLight; } return phead; }
//餐厅灯 #include "contrlDevices.h" int restaurantLightOpen(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int restaurantLightClose(int pinNum) { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int restaurantLightCloseInit(int pinNum) { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); // printf("餐厅灯初始化成功\n"); } int restaurantLightCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices restaurantLight = { //.deviceName = "restaurantLight", .deviceName = "chu", .pinNum = 23, .open = restaurantLightOpen, .close = restaurantLightClose, .deviceInit = restaurantLightCloseInit, .changStatus = restaurantLightCloseStatus}; struct Devices *addrestaurantLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) { if (phead == NULL) { return &restaurantLight; } else { restaurantLight.next = phead; phead = &restaurantLight; } return phead; }
//客厅灯 #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "contrlDevices.h" int upstairLightOpen(int pinNum) //打开客厅灯函数 { digitalWrite(pinNum, LOW); } int upstairLightClose(int pinNum) //关闭客厅灯函数 { digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); } int upstairLightCloseInit(int pinNum) //初始化函数 { pinMode(pinNum, OUTPUT); //配置引脚为输出引脚 digitalWrite(pinNum, HIGH); //引脚输出高电平,即默认为关闭状态 // printf("客厅灯初始化成功\n"); } int upstairLightCloseStatus(int status) { } struct Devices upstairLight = { //客厅灯设备链表节点 .deviceName = "kt", .pinNum = 22, .open = upstairLightOpen, .close = upstairLightClose, .deviceInit = upstairLightCloseInit, .changStatus = upstairLightCloseStatus }; struct Devices *addupStairLightToDeviceLink(struct Devices *phead) //头插法将设备节点加入设备工厂链表函数 { if (phead == NULL) { return &upstairLight; } else { upstairLight.next = phead; phead = &upstairLight; } }
cd ../mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental/
./mjpg_streamer -i "./input_raspicam.so" -o "./output_http.so -w ./www"
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