定义启发式函数(加入Tie Breaker效率可能更高)
▲if CurrentNode与目标点一致,说明找到完整路径,结束路径规划进程
if id==0 计算f值,加入openSet,设置父系节点
if id==1 判断当前f值是否小于已知f值,如果小于则更新f值,重新设置父系节点
if id==-1 在closeSet中不予考虑
double AstarPathFinder::getHeu(GridNodePtr node1, GridNodePtr node2) { /* choose possible heuristic function you want Manhattan, Euclidean, Diagonal, or 0 (Dijkstra) Remember tie_breaker learned in lecture, add it here ? * * * STEP 1: finish the AstarPathFinder::getHeu , which is the heuristic function please write your code below * * */ //尝试以欧几里得距离作为启发式函数 double Heu; double x1,y1,z1; double x2,y2,z2; x1 = (double)node1->index[0]; y1 = (double)node1->index[1]; z1 = (double)node1->index[2]; x2 = (double)node2->index[0]; y2 = (double)node2->index[1]; z2 = (double)node2->index[2]; Heu = sqrt(pow(x1-x2, 2) + pow(y1-y2, 2) + pow(z1-z2, 2)); // Tie Breaker Heu = Heu + Heu*0.001; // ROS_INFO("point1(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f),point2(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f),Heu = %.2f",x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,Heu); return Heu; }
inline void AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc(GridNodePtr currentPtr, vector<GridNodePtr> & neighborPtrSets, vector<double> & edgeCostSets) { neighborPtrSets.clear(); edgeCostSets.clear(); /* * STEP 4: finish AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc yourself please write your code below * * */ //将currentPtr所有邻居节点写入vector<GridNodePtr> neighborPtrSets;计算对应的vector<double> edgeCostSets; if(currentPtr == nullptr) ROS_INFO ("Error: Current pointer is null!"); Vector3i idx = currentPtr->index; int current_x = idx[0]; int current_y = idx[1]; int current_z = idx[2]; for(int i = (current_x-1);i <= (current_x + 1); i++){ for(int j = (current_y - 1);j <= (current_y + 1); j++){ for(int k = (current_z - 1);k <= (current_z + 1); k++){ //currentPtr不算入neighborPtrSets if(i == current_x && j ==current_y && k == current_z) { continue; } //防止x,y,z索引越界 if(i < 0 || i > (GLX_SIZE - 1) || j < 0 || j > (GLY_SIZE - 1) || k < 0 || k > (GLZ_SIZE - 1)) { continue; } //周围栅格若存在障碍物则跳过 Vector3i tmpIdx(i,j,k); if(isOccupied(tmpIdx)) { continue; } //若存在closelist中 if(GridNodeMap[i][j][k]->id == -1) { continue; } neighborPtrSets.push_back(GridNodeMap[i][j][k]); edgeCostSets.push_back(sqrt(pow(i-idx(0),2)+pow(j-idx(1),2)+pow(k-idx(2),2))); Vector3d test = gridIndex2coord(tmpIdx); GridNodeMap[i][j][k]->coord = test; } } } }
void AstarPathFinder::AstarGraphSearch(Vector3d start_pt, Vector3d end_pt) { ros::Time time_1 = ros::Time::now(); //index of start_point and end_point ROS_INFO("start_pt_z = %.2f",start_pt(2)); Vector3i start_idx = coord2gridIndex(start_pt); Vector3i end_idx = coord2gridIndex(end_pt); ROS_INFO("goal_idx(%d,%d,%d)",end_idx[0],end_idx[1],end_idx[2]); goalIdx = end_idx; start_pt = gridIndex2coord(start_idx); end_pt = gridIndex2coord(end_idx); //Initialize the pointers of struct GridNode which represent start node and goal node GridNodePtr startPtr = new GridNode(start_idx, start_pt); //结构体指针建立 GridNodePtr endPtr = new GridNode(end_idx, end_pt); //openSet is the open_list implemented through multimap in STL library openSet.clear(); // currentPtr represents the node with lowest f(n) in the open_list GridNodePtr currentPtr = NULL;//open_list中f(n)最小的节点指针为currentPtr GridNodePtr neighborPtr = NULL;//open_list中f(n)最小的节点相邻节点的结构体指针为neighborPtr //put start node in open set startPtr -> gScore = 0; startPtr -> fScore = getHeu(startPtr,endPtr); //STEP 1: finish the AstarPathFinder::getHeu , which is the heuristic function startPtr -> id = 1; startPtr -> coord = start_pt; openSet.insert( make_pair(startPtr -> fScore, startPtr) ); //ROS_INFO("fScore = %.2f",startPtr -> fScore); /* * STEP 2 : some else preparatory works which should be done before while loop please write your code below * * */ //Step2中不知道该写啥,最后也实现了规划路径的效果 vector<GridNodePtr> neighborPtrSets; vector<double> edgeCostSets; // this is the main loop while ( !openSet.empty() ){ /* * * step 3: Remove the node with lowest cost function from open set to closed set please write your code below IMPORTANT NOTE!!! This part you should use the C++ STL: multimap, more details can be find in Homework description * * */ //弹出一个代价最小的节点作为currentPtr加入close list currentPtr = openSet.begin()->second;//注意 openSet.erase(openSet.begin()); currentPtr->id = -1; //closeset ROS_INFO("currentPtr_idx(%d,%d,%d)",currentPtr->index[0],currentPtr->index[1],currentPtr->index[2]); // if the current node is the goal if( currentPtr->index == goalIdx ){ ros::Time time_2 = ros::Time::now(); terminatePtr = currentPtr; ROS_WARN("[A*]{sucess} Time in A* is %f ms, path cost if %f m", (time_2 - time_1).toSec() * 1000.0, currentPtr->gScore * resolution ); return; } //get the succetion ROS_INFO("start count neighborcost and edgecost"); AstarGetSucc(currentPtr, neighborPtrSets, edgeCostSets); //STEP 4: finish AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc yourself /* * * STEP 5: For all unexpanded neigbors "m" of node "n", please finish this for loop please write your code below * */ //进行邻居节点的遍历 for(int i = 0; i < (int)neighborPtrSets.size(); i++){ /* * * Judge if the neigbors have been expanded please write your code below IMPORTANT NOTE!!! neighborPtrSets[i]->id = -1 : unexpanded 关列表 neighborPtrSets[i]->id = 1 : expanded, equal to this node is in close set 开列表 * */ ROS_INFO("neighborPtrSets[%d]->id = %d ",i,neighborPtrSets[i] -> id); if(neighborPtrSets[i] -> id == 0){ //discover a new node, which is not in the closed set and open set 不在开列表也不在关列表 /* * * STEP 6: As for a new node, do what you need do ,and then put neighbor in open set and record it please write your code below * */ //ROS_INFO("[node] neighborid = 0"); neighborPtrSets[i]->id = 1; neighborPtrSets[i]->gScore = currentPtr->gScore +(double)edgeCostSets[i]; neighborPtrSets[i]->fScore = neighborPtrSets[i]->gScore + getHeu(neighborPtrSets[i],endPtr); neighborPtrSets[i]->cameFrom = currentPtr; openSet.insert( make_pair(neighborPtrSets[i] -> fScore, neighborPtrSets[i]) ); continue; } /* * STEP 7: As for a node in open set, update it , maintain the openset ,and then put neighbor in open set and record it please write your code below * */ if(neighborPtrSets[i] -> id == 1 )//this node is in open set and need to judge if it needs to update, the "0" should be deleted when you are coding { if((neighborPtrSets[i]->gScore )>( currentPtr->gScore +edgeCostSets[i])) { auto ptr = openSet.equal_range(neighborPtrSets[i]->fScore); neighborPtrSets[i]->gScore = currentPtr->gScore + edgeCostSets[i]; neighborPtrSets[i]->fScore = neighborPtrSets[i]->gScore + getHeu(neighborPtrSets[i],endPtr); neighborPtrSets[i]->cameFrom = currentPtr; } continue; } //this node is in closed set else{ continue; } } } //if search fails ros::Time time_2 = ros::Time::now(); ROS_INFO("get time_2"); if((time_2 - time_1).toSec() > 0.1) ROS_WARN("Time consume in Astar path finding is %f", (time_2 - time_1).toSec() ); }
vector<Vector3d> AstarPathFinder::getPath() { vector<Vector3d> path; vector<GridNodePtr> gridPath; GridNodePtr currentNodePtr = terminatePtr; /* * * STEP 8: trace back from the curretnt nodePtr to get all nodes along the path please write your code below * */ while (currentNodePtr != nullptr) { gridPath.push_back(currentNodePtr); currentNodePtr = currentNodePtr->cameFrom; } for (auto ptr: gridPath) //遍历容器中所有的元素 path.push_back(ptr->coord); reverse(path.begin(),path.end()); return path; }
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find grid_path_searcher)/launch/rviz_config/demo.rviz" output="screen" />
roslaunch grid_path_searcher demo.launch
Diagonal 函数三维情况的推导
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