代码主要来自ApiDemos/App/Service/Remote Service Binding,下面对代码进行说明。
- package com.easyliu.demo.aidl;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteServiceCallback;
- /**
- * Example of defining an interface for calling on to a remote service
- * (running in another process).
- */
- interface IRemoteService {
- /**
- * Often you want to allow a service to call back to its clients.
- * This shows how to do so, by registering a callback interface with
- * the service.
- */
- void registerCallback(IRemoteServiceCallback cb);
- /**
- * Remove a previously registered callback interface.
- */
- void unregisterCallback(IRemoteServiceCallback cb);
- }

- package com.easyliu.demo.aidl;
- /**
- * Example of a callback interface used by IRemoteService to send
- * synchronous notifications back to its clients. Note that this is a
- * one-way interface so the server does not block waiting for the client.
- */
- oneway interface IRemoteServiceCallback {
- /**
- * Called when the service has a new value for you.
- */
- void valueChanged(int value);
- }
- interface ISecondary {
- /**
- * Request the PID of this service, to do evil things with it.
- */
- int getPid();
- /**
- * This demonstrates the basic types that you can use as parameters
- * and return values in AIDL.
- */
- void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat,
- double aDouble, String aString);
- }
- final int N = mCallbacks.beginBroadcast();
- for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
- try {
- mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem(i).valueChanged(value);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // The RemoteCallbackList will take care of removing
- // the dead object for us.
- }
- }
- mCallbacks.finishBroadcast();
- package com.easyliu.demo.aidldemo;
- import android.app.Activity;
- import android.app.Notification;
- import android.app.NotificationManager;
- import android.app.PendingIntent;
- import android.app.Service;
- import android.content.ComponentName;
- import android.content.Context;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.content.ServiceConnection;
- import android.os.Bundle;
- import android.os.Handler;
- import android.os.IBinder;
- import android.os.Message;
- import android.os.Process;
- import android.os.RemoteCallbackList;
- import android.os.RemoteException;
- import android.view.View;
- import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
- import android.widget.Button;
- import android.widget.TextView;
- import android.widget.Toast;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteService;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteServiceCallback;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.ISecondary;
- public class RemoteService extends Service {
- /**
- * This is a list of callbacks that have been registered with the
- * service. Note that this is package scoped (instead of private) so
- * that it can be accessed more efficiently from inner classes.
- */
- final RemoteCallbackList<IRemoteServiceCallback> mCallbacks
- = new RemoteCallbackList<IRemoteServiceCallback>();
- private int mValue = 0;
- private static final int REPORT_MSG = 1;
- @Override
- public void onCreate() {
- mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(REPORT_MSG);
- }
- @Override
- public void onDestroy() {
- // Tell the user we stopped.
- Toast.makeText(this, R.string.remote_service_stopped, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
- // Unregister all callbacks.
- mCallbacks.kill();
- // Remove the next pending message to increment the counter, stopping
- // the increment loop.
- mHandler.removeMessages(REPORT_MSG);
- }
- @Override
- public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
- // Select the interface to return. If your service only implements
- // a single interface, you can just return it here without checking
- // the Intent.
- if (IRemoteService.class.getName().equals(intent.getAction())) {
- return mBinder;
- }
- if (ISecondary.class.getName().equals(intent.getAction())) {
- return mSecondaryBinder;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * The IRemoteInterface is defined through IDL
- */
- private final IRemoteService.Stub mBinder = new IRemoteService.Stub() {
- public void registerCallback(IRemoteServiceCallback cb) {
- if (cb != null) mCallbacks.register(cb);
- }
- public void unregisterCallback(IRemoteServiceCallback cb) {
- if (cb != null) mCallbacks.unregister(cb);
- }
- };
- /**
- * A secondary interface to the service.
- */
- private final ISecondary.Stub mSecondaryBinder = new ISecondary.Stub() {
- public int getPid() {
- return Process.myPid();
- }
- public void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean,
- float aFloat, double aDouble, String aString) {
- }
- };
- @Override
- public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) {
- Toast.makeText(this, "Task removed: " + rootIntent, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
- }
- /**
- * Our Handler used to execute operations on the main thread. This is used
- * to schedule increments of our value.
- */
- private final Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
- @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- switch (msg.what) {
- // It is time to bump the value!
- case REPORT_MSG: {
- // Up it goes.
- int value = ++mValue;
- // Broadcast to all clients the new value.
- final int N = mCallbacks.beginBroadcast();
- for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
- try {
- mCallbacks.getBroadcastItem(i).valueChanged(value);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // The RemoteCallbackList will take care of removing
- // the dead object for us.
- }
- }
- mCallbacks.finishBroadcast();
- // Repeat every 1 second.
- sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(REPORT_MSG), 1*1000);
- } break;
- default:
- super.handleMessage(msg);
- }
- }
- };
- }

- <service
- android:name=".RemoteService"
- android:process=":remote">
- <intent-filter>
- <action android:name="com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteService" />
- <action android:name="com.easyliu.demo.aidl.ISecondary" />
- <action android:name="com.easyliu.demo.aidldemo.RemoteService" />
- </intent-filter>
- </service>
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:gravity="center"
- android:orientation="vertical">
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/bind"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/bind_service">
- <requestFocus />
- </Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/unbind"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/unbind_service"></Button>
- <Button
- android:id="@+id/kill"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="@string/kill_process"></Button>
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/callback"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_weight="0"
- android:gravity="center_horizontal"
- android:paddingTop="4dip"
- android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium" />
- </LinearLayout>

1、点击BIND SERVICE按钮的时候,同时绑定ISecondary和IRemoteService,返回相应的接口。同时,给返回的IRemoteService接口注册一个回调接口,用于接收服务端发来的信息。IRemoteServiceCallback回调接口如下所示,在注释中已经有了说明,由于valuedChanged方法是运行客户端的Binder线程当中,是不能直接访问主UI当中的控件的,所以需要通过Handler切换到主UI线程中去执行。
- private IRemoteServiceCallback mCallback = new IRemoteServiceCallback.Stub() {
- /**
- * This is called by the remote service regularly to tell us about
- * new values. Note that IPC calls are dispatched through a thread
- * pool running in each process, so the code executing here will
- * NOT be running in our main thread like most other things -- so,
- * to update the UI, we need to use a Handler to hop over there.
- */
- public void valueChanged(int value) {
- mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(BUMP_MSG, value, 0));
- }
- };
- private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
- @Override
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- switch (msg.what) {
- case BUMP_MSG:
- mCallbackText.setText("Received from service: " + msg.arg1);
- break;
- default:
- super.handleMessage(msg);
- }
- }
- };
3、在执行bindService的时候,代码如下所示,第三个参数有几个可选项,一般选Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE,意思是如果在绑定过程中,Service进程被意外杀死了,系统还会自动重新启动被绑定的Service。所以当我们点击KILL PROCESS按钮的时候会杀死Service进程,但是马上又会自动重启,重新调用onServiceConnected方法重新绑定。当然,这个参数还有别的一些选择。
- bindService(intent,
- mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
- package com.easyliu.demo.aidldemo;
- import android.app.Activity;
- import android.content.ComponentName;
- import android.content.Context;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.content.ServiceConnection;
- import android.os.Handler;
- import android.os.IBinder;
- import android.os.Message;
- import android.os.Process;
- import android.os.RemoteException;
- import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
- import android.os.Bundle;
- import android.view.View;
- import android.widget.Button;
- import android.widget.TextView;
- import android.widget.Toast;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteService;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.IRemoteServiceCallback;
- import com.easyliu.demo.aidl.ISecondary;
- public class BindActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
- IRemoteService mService = null;
- ISecondary mSecondaryService = null;
- Button mKillButton;
- TextView mCallbackText;
- private boolean mIsBound;
- private static final int BUMP_MSG = 1;
- @Override
- protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- setContentView(R.layout.remote_service_binding);
- Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.bind);
- button.setOnClickListener(mBindListener);
- button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.unbind);
- button.setOnClickListener(mUnbindListener);
- mKillButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.kill);
- mKillButton.setOnClickListener(mKillListener);
- mKillButton.setEnabled(false);
- mCallbackText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.callback);
- mCallbackText.setText("Not attached.");
- }
- private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
- @Override
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- switch (msg.what) {
- case BUMP_MSG:
- mCallbackText.setText("Received from service: " + msg.arg1);
- break;
- default:
- super.handleMessage(msg);
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Class for interacting with the main interface of the service.
- */
- private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
- public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className,
- IBinder service) {
- // This is called when the connection with the service has been
- // established, giving us the service object we can use to
- // interact with the service. We are communicating with our
- // service through an IDL interface, so get a client-side
- // representation of that from the raw service object.
- mService = IRemoteService.Stub.asInterface(service);
- mKillButton.setEnabled(true);
- mCallbackText.setText("Attached.");
- // We want to monitor the service for as long as we are
- // connected to it.
- try {
- mService.registerCallback(mCallback);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // In this case the service has crashed before we could even
- // do anything with it; we can count on soon being
- // disconnected (and then reconnected if it can be restarted)
- // so there is no need to do anything here.
- }
- // As part of the sample, tell the user what happened.
- Toast.makeText(BindActivity.this, R.string.remote_service_connected,
- Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
- }
- public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
- // This is called when the connection with the service has been
- // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed.
- mService = null;
- mKillButton.setEnabled(false);
- mCallbackText.setText("Disconnected.");
- // As part of the sample, tell the user what happened.
- Toast.makeText(BindActivity.this, R.string.remote_service_disconnected,
- Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
- }
- };
- /**
- * Class for interacting with the secondary interface of the service.
- */
- private ServiceConnection mSecondaryConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
- public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className,
- IBinder service) {
- // Connecting to a secondary interface is the same as any
- // other interface.
- mSecondaryService = ISecondary.Stub.asInterface(service);
- mKillButton.setEnabled(true);
- }
- public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
- mSecondaryService = null;
- mKillButton.setEnabled(false);
- }
- };
- /**
- * 绑定
- */
- private View.OnClickListener mBindListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
- public void onClick(View v) {
- Intent intent=new Intent(IRemoteService.class.getName());
- intent.setPackage("com.easyliu.demo.aidldemo");
- //注意这里的Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE,这意味这如果在绑定的过程中,
- //如果Service由于某种原因被Destroy了,Android还会自动重新启动被绑定的Service。
- // 你可以点击Kill Process 杀死Service看看结果
- bindService(intent,
- mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
- intent=new Intent(ISecondary.class.getName());
- intent.setPackage("com.easyliu.demo.aidldemo");
- bindService(intent,
- mSecondaryConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
- mIsBound = true;
- mCallbackText.setText("Binding.");
- }
- };
- /**
- * 解除绑定
- */
- private View.OnClickListener mUnbindListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
- public void onClick(View v) {
- if (mIsBound) {
- if (mService != null) {
- try {
- mService.unregisterCallback(mCallback);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // There is nothing special we need to do if the service
- // has crashed.
- }
- }
- // Detach our existing connection.
- unbindService(mConnection);
- unbindService(mSecondaryConnection);
- mKillButton.setEnabled(false);
- mIsBound = false;
- mCallbackText.setText("Unbinding.");
- }
- }
- };
- private View.OnClickListener mKillListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
- public void onClick(View v) {
- // To kill the process hosting our service, we need to know its
- // PID. Conveniently our service has a call that will return
- // to us that information.
- if (mSecondaryService != null) {
- try {
- int pid = mSecondaryService.getPid();
- // Note that, though this API allows us to request to
- // kill any process based on its PID, the kernel will
- // still impose standard restrictions on which PIDs you
- // are actually able to kill. Typically this means only
- // the process running your application and any additional
- // processes created by that app as shown here; packages
- // sharing a common UID will also be able to kill each
- // other's processes.
- Process.killProcess(pid);
- mCallbackText.setText("Killed service process.");
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- // Recover gracefully from the process hosting the
- // server dying.
- // Just for purposes of the sample, put up a notification.
- Toast.makeText(BindActivity.this,
- R.string.remote_call_failed,
- Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * 远程回调接口实现
- */
- private IRemoteServiceCallback mCallback = new IRemoteServiceCallback.Stub() {
- /**
- * This is called by the remote service regularly to tell us about
- * new values. Note that IPC calls are dispatched through a thread
- * pool running in each process, so the code executing here will
- * NOT be running in our main thread like most other things -- so,
- * to update the UI, we need to use a Handler to hop over there.
- */
- public void valueChanged(int value) {
- mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(BUMP_MSG, value, 0));
- }
- };
- }

当点击BIND SERVICE按钮,就会每隔一秒收到服务端发来的消息:
当点击KILL PROCESS按钮的时候,首先会杀死Service进程,然后马上就会重新启动Service进程,重新绑定。这是因为在bindService的时候,第三个参数设置为了Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE,所以就会出现这样的效果。
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