1. 获得基础词表(base vocabulary),由语料的所有单个字符组成(是在标准化和预处理之后)
"hug", "pug", "pun", "bun", "hugs"
那么我们的基础词表就是 ["b", "g", "h", "n", "p", "s", "u"],
2. 统计词表中,任意两个token的组合次数,次数最大的加入词表,直到词表达到设定大小(vocabulary size)
Tokenization follows the training process closely, in the sense that new inputs are tokenized by applying the following steps:
使用WordPiece的模型:BERT, DistilBERT
("hug", 10), ("pug", 5), ("pun", 12), ("bun", 4), ("hugs", 5)
["b", "h", "p", "##g", "##n", "##s", "##u"]
2. 根据如下公式,计算每个组合的score,score最高的组合添加到词表中,直到词表达到设定大小(vocabulary size)
["b", "h", "p", "##g", "##n", "##s", "##u", "##gs", "hu", "hug"]
WordPiece 只保存最终词表,不保存合并规则(这点和BPE不一样)
从要标记化的单词开始,WordPiece 找到词汇表中最长的子词,然后对其进行分割。例如,如果我们使用在上面的示例中学习的词汇表,对于单词,"hugs"
,因此我们在那里进行分割并得到["hug", "##s"]
,它在词汇表中,所以 的标记化"hugs"
是["hug", "##s"]
如果使用 BPE,按照合并规则的顺序,最红将获得["hu", "##gs"]
是从词汇表中单词开头开始的最长子词,因此我们在那里拆分并得到["b", "##ugs"]
是词汇表中从其开头开始的最长子词,因此我们将其拆分并得到["b", "##u, "##gs"]。最后,"##gs"
是 在词汇表中,所以最终分词结果是["b", "##u, "##gs"]。
1. BPE保存合并顺序,而wordPiece不保存,总是从单词起始搜索在词表中出现的最长子词。
2. 合并规则不同,BPE简单计算共现次数,而wordPiece是计算score(计算联合概率除以边缘概率)
3. 当分某个单词分词后,只要有一个token不在词表,wordPiece将整个单词标记为UNK,而BPE只将不在词表的token标记为UNK
and "##u"都在词表,但是"##m"不在词表,那最终的分词结果就是
["[UNK]"], 而不是["b", "##u", "[UNK]"],而如果使用BPE,则结果为["b", "##u", "[UNK]"]。
Unigram tokenization also starts with setting a desired vocabulary size. However, the main difference between unigram and the previous 2 approaches is that we don’t start with a base vocabulary of characters only. Instead, the base vocabulary has all the words and symbols. And tokens are gradually removed to arrive at the final vocabulary.
The way that tokens are removed is key to the unigram tokenizer. It uses a language model at each step and keeps removing x% of the pair (definition of pair is same as in word piece) which have the highest loss. Loss is generally defined as the log likelihood over the vocabulary at that training step.
The Unigram algorithm always keeps the base characters so that any word can be tokenized.
Unigram is mostly used in conjunction with the SentencePiece.
- corpus = [
- "This is the Hugging Face Course.",
- "This chapter is about tokenization.",
- "This section shows several tokenizer algorithms.",
- "Hopefully, you will be able to understand how they are trained and generate tokens.",
- ]
- from transformers import AutoTokenizer
- tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("/home/chenjq/model/xlnet-base-cased/")
- from collections import defaultdict
- word_freqs = defaultdict(int)
- for text in corpus:
- words_with_offsets = tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer.pre_tokenize_str(text)
- new_words = [word for word, offset in words_with_offsets]
- for word in new_words:
- word_freqs[word] += 1
- word_freqs
- char_freqs = defaultdict(int)
- subwords_freqs = defaultdict(int)
- for word, freq in word_freqs.items():
- for i in range(len(word)):
- char_freqs[word[i]] += freq
- # Loop through the subwords of length at least 2
- for j in range(i + 2, len(word) + 1):
- subwords_freqs[word[i:j]] += freq
- # Sort subwords by frequency
- sorted_subwords = sorted(subwords_freqs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- sorted_subwords[:10]
- token_freqs = list(char_freqs.items()) + sorted_subwords[: 300 - len(char_freqs)]
- token_freqs = {token: freq for token, freq in token_freqs}
- from math import log
- total_sum = sum([freq for token, freq in token_freqs.items()])
- model = {token: -log(freq / total_sum) for token, freq in token_freqs.items()}
- def encode_word(word, model):
- best_segmentations = [{"start": 0, "score": 1}] + [
- {"start": None, "score": None} for _ in range(len(word))
- ]
- for start_idx in range(len(word)):
- # This should be properly filled by the previous steps of the loop
- best_score_at_start = best_segmentations[start_idx]["score"]
- for end_idx in range(start_idx + 1, len(word) + 1):
- token = word[start_idx:end_idx]
- if token in model and best_score_at_start is not None:
- score = model[token] + best_score_at_start
- # If we have found a better segmentation ending at end_idx, we update
- if (
- best_segmentations[end_idx]["score"] is None
- or best_segmentations[end_idx]["score"] > score
- ):
- best_segmentations[end_idx] = {"start": start_idx, "score": score}
- segmentation = best_segmentations[-1]
- if segmentation["score"] is None:
- # We did not find a tokenization of the word -> unknown
- return ["<unk>"], None
- score = segmentation["score"]
- start = segmentation["start"]
- end = len(word)
- tokens = []
- while start != 0:
- tokens.insert(0, word[start:end])
- next_start = best_segmentations[start]["start"]
- end = start
- start = next_start
- tokens.insert(0, word[start:end])
- return tokens, score
- print(encode_word("Hopefully", model))
- print(encode_word("This", model))
- def compute_loss(model):
- loss = 0
- for word, freq in word_freqs.items():
- _, word_loss = encode_word(word, model)
- loss += freq * word_loss
- return loss
- compute_loss(model)
- import copy
- def compute_scores(model):
- scores = {}
- model_loss = compute_loss(model)
- for token, score in model.items():
- # We always keep tokens of length 1
- if len(token) == 1:
- continue
- model_without_token = copy.deepcopy(model)
- _ = model_without_token.pop(token)
- scores[token] = compute_loss(model_without_token) - model_loss
- return scores
- scores = compute_scores(model)
- print(scores["ll"])
- print(scores["his"])
- percent_to_remove = 0.1
- while len(model) > 100:
- scores = compute_scores(model)
- sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
- # Remove percent_to_remove tokens with the lowest scores.
- for i in range(int(len(model) * percent_to_remove)):
- _ = token_freqs.pop(sorted_scores[i][0])
- total_sum = sum([freq for token, freq in token_freqs.items()])
- model = {token: -log(freq / total_sum) for token, freq in token_freqs.items()}
- def tokenize(text, model):
- words_with_offsets = tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer.pre_tokenize_str(text)
- pre_tokenized_text = [word for word, offset in words_with_offsets]
- encoded_words = [encode_word(word, model)[0] for word in pre_tokenized_text]
- return sum(encoded_words, [])
- tokenize("This is the Hugging Face course.", model)
All the tokenizers discussed above assume that space separates words. This is true except for a few languages like Chinese, Japanese etc. SentencePiece does not treat space as a separator, instead, it takes the string as input in its original raw format, i.e. along with all spaces. It then uses BPE or unigram as its tokenizers to construct the vocabulary.
Example: “I just got a funky phone case!”
Tokenized: [“_I”, “_just”, “_got”, “_a”, “_fun”, “ky”, “_phone”, “_case”]
The tokens can be joined to form a string and “_” can be replaced with space to get the original string back.
- import pandas as pd
- from datasets import Dataset
- from transformers import AutoTokenizer
- # 加载原有的bert tokenizer
- old_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('../models/bert-base-chinese')
- # 读取数据
- src = pd.read_csv('./test.src', names=['src'])
- tgt = pd.read_csv('./test.tgt', names=['tgt'])
- src_tgt = pd.concat([src[['src']], tgt[['tgt']]], axis=1)
- src_tgt.columns = ['document', 'summary']
- raw_datasets = Dataset.from_pandas(src_tgt)
- print(raw_datasets)
- # 构建一个生成器读取语料
- def get_training_corpus():
- dataset = raw_datasets
- for start_idx in range(0, len(dataset), 1000):
- samples = dataset[start_idx: start_idx + 1000]
- yield samples["document"]
- training_corpus = get_training_corpus()
- # 训练一个和原来一样的分词器,但是词表不一样,是基于我们自己的语料生成的
- tokenizer = old_tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator(training_corpus, 52000) # 设置新的词表大小为52000
- # 保存到test-tok目录
- tokenizer.save_pretrained("test-tok")
- from tokenizers import Tokenizer
- from tokenizers.models import BPE
- tokenizer = Tokenizer(BPE(unk_token="[UNK]"))
- from tokenizers.trainers import BpeTrainer
- trainer = BpeTrainer(special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"])
- from tokenizers.pre_tokenizers import Whitespace
- tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = Whitespace()
- files = ['./train_sample.txt']
- tokenizer.train(files, trainer)
- tokenizer.save("./my-vocab.json")
- from tokenizers import Tokenizer
- from tokenizers.models import BPE
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- ability_main.xml代码:
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