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  1. def generate_distribution(distribution_name, domain):
  2. if distribution_name == "uniform":
  3. return np.full(shape=domain, fill_value=1.0 / domain)
  4. elif distribution_name == "gauss":
  5. u = domain / 2
  6. sigma = domain / 6
  7. x = np.arange(1, domain+1)
  8. fx = 1 / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma) * np.e**(- (x-u)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
  9. return fx / sum(fx)
  10. elif distribution_name == "exp":#返回一个domin的概率数组,并且单调递减且和为1
  11. lmda = 2
  12. prob_list = np.array([lmda * np.e**(-lmda * x) for x in np.arange(1, domain+1)/10])
  13. return prob_list / sum(prob_list)
  14. elif distribution_name == "one":
  15. return [1,0,0,0]
  16. else:
  17. raise Exception("the distribution is not contained")


  1. def discretization(value, lower=0, upper=1):
  2. if value > upper or value < lower:
  3. raise Exception("the range of value is not valid in Function @Func: discretization")
  4. p = (value - lower) / (upper - lower)#v决定p,若v = 1,p = 1,必输出upper
  5. rnd = np.random.random()
  6. return upper if rnd < p else lower


  1. def generate_bucket(n, bucket_size, distribution_name):
  2. distribution = generate_distribution(distribution_name, domain=bucket_size)#len = 4
  3. bucket_list = np.random.choice(range(bucket_size), n, p=distribution)#100,在04之间
  4. hist = np.histogram(bucket_list, bins=range(bucket_size+1))#返回数据统计,这里是10000划分成4份,1,2,3,...每个点出现了多少次
  5. return bucket_list, hist[0]


  1. #k-RR实现,p/((1-p)*1/k-1)suit DP
  2. def k_random_response(value, values, epsilon):
  3. if not isinstance(values, list):
  4. raise Exception("The values should be list")
  5. if value not in values:
  6. raise Exception("Errors in k-random response")
  7. p = np.e ** epsilon / (np.e ** epsilon + len(values) - 1)
  8. if np.random.random() < p:
  9. return value
  10. x = values[np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(values))]#返回0到len(values)的任一一个数
  11. while x == value:#避免返回一样的值
  12. x = values[np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(values))]
  13. return x


  1. def k_random_response_news(item, k, epsilon):
  2. if not item < k:
  3. raise Exception("the input domain is wrong, item = %d, k = %d." % (item, k))
  4. p_min = 1 / (np.e ** epsilon + (k - 1)*k/2)
  5. p_max = np.e ** epsilon / (np.e ** epsilon + (k - 1)*k/2)
  6. respond_probability = np.full(shape=k, fill_value=p_min)#构造一个k维,里面都是p1的数组
  7. respond_probability[item] = p_max
  8. perturbed_item = np.random.choice(a=range(k), p=respond_probability)#按照p里面的概率输出a
  9. return perturbed_item




  1. def aggregate_histogram(k,private_bucket_list):
  2. private_hist = np.zeros(shape=k)
  3. p_l = 1 / (np.e ** epsilon + k - 1)
  4. p_h = np.e ** epsilon / (np.e ** epsilon + k - 1)
  5. for private_bucket in private_bucket_list:
  6. private_hist[private_bucket] += 1#统计private_bucket_list里面0-100出现的次数
  7. estimate_hist = (private_hist - len(private_bucket_list) * p_l) / (p_h - p_l)#通过回推原始的值,s+p*N-N/2*P-1
  8. return estimate_hist


  1. bucket_size = 4
  2. epsilon = 1
  3. n = 10000
  4. values = [0,1,2,3]
  5. bucket_list, true_hist = generate_bucket(n=n, bucket_size=bucket_size, distribution_name='uniform')
  6. print("this is buckets: ", bucket_list)#10000的一个0-3的数组,这是原始数据
  7. print("this is true hist: ", true_hist)#10000里面出现了多少个数的统计,真实统计
  8. private_bucket_list = [k_random_response(item,values,epsilon) for item in bucket_list]
  9. estimate_hist = aggregate_histogram(bucket_size,private_bucket_list)
  10. print("this is krr estimate_hist", estimate_hist)


  1. this is buckets: [0 3 1 ... 1 0 1]
  2. this is true hist: [2467 2556 2465 2512]
  3. this is krr estimate_hist [2766.2325462 2373.53954056 2413.47442249 2446.75349076]



        为了具体介绍随机响应技术,下面首先引入一个具体的问题场景.假设有n个用户,其中艾滋病患者的真实 比例为乃但我们并不知道.我们希望对其比例君进行统计.于是发起一个敏感的问题.‘‘你是否为艾滋病患者?”。 每个用户对此进行响应,第f个用户的答案置为是或否,但出于隐私性考虑,用户不会直接响应真实答案.假设其 借助于一枚非均匀的硬币来给出答案,其正面向上的概率为P,反面向上的概率为1—p.抛出该硬币,若正面向上, 则回答真实答案,反面向上,则回答相反的答案. 首先,进行扰动性统计.利用上述扰动方法对n个用户的回答进行统计,可以得到艾滋病患者人数的统计值. 假设统计结果中,回答“是”的人数为,l。,则回答“否”的人数为阼一n,I显然,按照上述统计,回答“是”和“否”的用户比 例如下:

显然,上述统计比例并非真实比例的无偏估计,因此需要对统计结果进行校正. 接着,对统计结果进行校正.构建以下似然函数:

