神经网络的优化多采用诸如梯度下降法的基于一阶导数的优化方法(PS:可参见之前写的一篇文章 http://www.cnblogs.com/simplex/p/6777705.html,用下降单纯形优化一个非常简单的神经网络,无需求梯度)。在计算待优化变量的一阶导数时,最常用的方法就是 back propagation (BP)算法。BP算法可以认为是自动微分(Automatic Differentiation )的一个特例,但是很多讲述BP算法在神经网络中应用的文章都是先手工推导出各个参数的导函数表达式,再写代码实现导数的计算,这样不但导致推导十分繁复,而且也没有体现出BP算法的效果,因为BP算法(或者更一般的自动微分算法)的一个重要目的就是避免我们手动计算复杂的解析形式的导函数。本文就自动微分方法做一个介绍,包括比较简单的前向自动微分算法和基于计算图实现的后向自动微分算法(BP算法),并给出了相应的python代码实现。
自动微分(Automatic Differentiation )的目的是为了求函数在某点的导数值。它可以认为是介于符号计算和数值计算之间的一种求微分的方式,主要原理是利用求导的链式法则:
- 前向模式(或tangent-linear mode),即沿着上式乘积的反向依次求导,先求 (seed)。它与函数求值的顺序相同,求导所需函数值可以和对应的微分一起求出来。
- 反向模式(或adjoint mode),即沿着上式乘积的正向依次求导,先求 (seed)。它与函数求值的顺序相反,求导所需函数值没法和对应的微分一起求出来,得分别计算函数值和到数值。
- 前向模式中是已知的,需要求的是,即待求导函数的自变量的导数是已知的。
- 反向模式中是已知的,需要求的是,即待求导函数的因变量的导数是已知的。
注意,由多元微积分可知,维空间到维空间的函数的导数是一个的线性算符(雅可比矩阵),所以在多维情况下,上面涉及到的导数乘积都是矩阵乘积,这也是很多back propagation算法教程中提到的某个节点的导数要沿所有路径求和的来历。
关于自动微分详细的教程可以参见文献 [1] ,从原理到实现都有很详细的介绍。
import numpy as np from prettytable import PrettyTable class ADT: x = 0 dx = 0 def __init__(self, x, dx): self.x = x self.dx = dx def __str__(self): return "value:%s\nderivative:%s" % (self.x, self.dx) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): x = self.x + other.x dx = self.dx + other.dx elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x + other dx = self.dx else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x + other dx = self.dx else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): self.x += other.x self.dx += other.dx elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x += other else: return NotImplemented return self def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): x = self.x - other.x dx = self.dx - other.dx elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x - other dx = self.dx else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = other - self.x dx = -self.dx else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): self.x -= other.x self.dx -= other.dx elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x -= other else: return NotImplemented return self def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): x = self.x * other.x dx = self.x * other.dx + self.dx * other.x elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x * other dx = self.dx * other else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x * other dx = self.dx * other else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __imul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): self.x *= other.x self.dx = self.x * other.dx + self.dx * other.x elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x *= other self.dx *= other else: return NotImplemented return self def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): x = self.x / other.x dx = (self.dx * other.x - self.x * other.dx) / other.x**2 elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = self.x / other dx = self.dx / other else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __rtruediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): x = other / self.x dx = -other / (self.x)**2 * self.dx else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __itruediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ADT): self.x /= other.x self.dx = (self.dx * other.x - self.x * other.dx) / other.x**2 elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x /= other self.dx /= other else: return NotImplemented return ADT(x, dx) def __pow__(self, n): x = self.x**n dx = n * self.x**(n - 1) * self.dx return ADT(x, dx) # some frequently used function def exp(this): x = np.exp(this.x) dx = this.dx * np.exp(this.x) return ADT(x, dx) def log(this): x = np.log(this.x) dx = 1 / this.x * this.dx return ADT(x, dx) def sin(this): x = np.sin(this.x) dx = this.dx * np.cos(this.x) return ADT(x, dx) def cos(this): x = np.cos(this.x) dx = -this.dx * np.sin(this.x) return ADT(x, dx)
def table_show(rows): table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = ["Method", "Value", "Derivative"] for row in rows: table.add_row(row) print('\n') print(table)
## one-dimensional 1 x = 0.5 dx = 1 z = ADT(x, dx) result = ADT.exp((z + 2)**2) y_analytical = np.exp((x + 2)**2) dy_analytical = 2 * (x + 2) * np.exp((x + 2)**2) rows = [['auto diff', result.x, result.dx], ['analytical', y_analytical, dy_analytical]] table_show(rows)
+------------+---------------+---------------+ | Method | Value | Derivative | +------------+---------------+---------------+ | auto diff | 518.012824668 | 2590.06412334 | | analytical | 518.012824668 | 2590.06412334 | +------------+---------------+---------------+
反向模式相对前向模式来说比较复杂,因为要首先正向求出函数值,然后再反向求导数。这一般用computation graph实现:将函数求值过程中的所有中间节点按求值顺序存储到栈中,得到表达式对应的计算图,然后再挨个弹出栈中的元素,求相应的导数。
import numpy as np from enum import Enum from prettytable import PrettyTable import tensorflow as tf class CGraph: def __init__(self): self.Nodec = 0 self.NodeList = [] def connect(self): Node.cgraph = self return self def clear(self): self.Nodec = 0 self.NodeList = [] def disconnect(self): Node.cgraph = None return self def append(self, node): self.Nodec += 1 self.NodeList.append(node) def compute_value(self): for node in self.NodeList: if node.op is Node.operators.add: node.value = self.NodeList[node.arg1].value + self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value elif node.op is Node.operators.sub: node.value = self.NodeList[node.arg1].value - self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value elif node.op is Node.operators.mul: node.value = self.NodeList[node.arg1].value * self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value elif node.op is Node.operators.truediv: node.value = self.NodeList[node.arg1].value / self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value elif node.op is Node.operators.power: node.value = self.NodeList[node.arg1].value**self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value elif node.op is Node.operators.sin: node.value = np.sin(self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) elif node.op is Node.operators.cos: node.value = np.cos(self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) elif node.op is Node.operators.log: node.value = np.log(self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) elif node.op is Node.operators.exp: node.value = np.exp(self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) def compute_gradient(self, seedID): for node in self.NodeList: node.derivative = 0.0 self.NodeList[seedID].derivative = 1.0 for node in self.NodeList[-1::-1]: if node.op is Node.operators.add: self.NodeList[node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative self.NodeList[node.arg2].derivative += node.derivative elif node.op is Node.operators.sub: self.NodeList[node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative self.NodeList[node.arg2].derivative += -node.derivative elif node.op is Node.operators.mul: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative * self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value self.NodeList[ node.arg2].derivative += node.derivative * self.NodeList[ node.arg1].value elif node.op is Node.operators.truediv: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative / self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value self.NodeList[ node.arg2].derivative += -node.derivative * self.NodeList[ node.arg1].value / (self.NodeList[node.arg2].value)**2 elif node.op is Node.operators.power: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative * self.NodeList[ node.arg2].value * self.NodeList[node.arg1].value**( self.NodeList[node.arg2].value - 1) elif node.op is Node.operators.sin: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative * np.cos( self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) elif node.op is Node.operators.cos: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += -node.derivative * np.sin( self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) elif node.op is Node.operators.log: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative / self.NodeList[ node.arg1].value elif node.op is Node.operators.exp: self.NodeList[ node.arg1].derivative += node.derivative * np.exp( self.NodeList[node.arg1].value) class Node: cgraph = None operators = Enum('operators', ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'power', 'sin', 'cos', 'log', 'exp')) def __init__(self, value=np.NaN, derivative=0.0, op=None, arg1=None, arg2=None, name=None): self.value = value self.derivative = derivative self.op = op self.arg1 = arg1 self.arg2 = arg2 self.name = name # if graph is trace on, allocate an id for every newly created Node and add it # to the graph. if Node.cgraph is not None: self.ID = Node.allocate_ID() Node.cgraph.append(self) def __str__(self): return '\nvalue:%s\nderivative:%s\nop:%s\narg1:%s\narg2:%s\nname:%s' % ( self.value, self.derivative, self.op, self.arg1, self.arg2, self.name) @classmethod def allocate_ID(cls): if cls.cgraph is not None: return cls.cgraph.Nodec else: return None @classmethod def tome(cls, x): if isinstance(x, cls): return x else: # x is always constant return cls(x, op='constant') def __add__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( self.value + other.value, op=Node.operators.add, arg1=self.ID, arg2=other.ID) def __sub__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( self.value - other.value, op=Node.operators.sub, arg1=self.ID, arg2=other.ID) def __mul__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( self.value * other.value, op=Node.operators.mul, arg1=self.ID, arg2=other.ID) def __truediv__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( self.value / other.value, op=Node.operators.truediv, arg1=self.ID, arg2=other.ID) def __radd__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( other.value + self.value, op=Node.operators.add, arg1=other.ID, arg2=self.ID) def __rsub__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( other.value - self.value, op=Node.operators.sub, arg1=other.ID, arg2=self.ID) def __rmul__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( other.value * self.value, op=Node.operators.mul, arg1=other.ID, arg2=self.ID) def __rtruediv__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( other.value / self.value, op=Node.operators.truediv, arg1=other.ID, arg2=self.ID) def __pow__(self, other): other = Node.tome(other) return Node( self.value**other.value, op=Node.operators.power, arg1=self.ID, arg2=other.ID) def sin(self): return Node(np.sin(self.value), op=Node.operators.sin, arg1=self.ID) def cos(self): return Node(np.cos(self.value), op=Node.operators.cos, arg1=self.ID) def log(self): return Node(np.log(self.value), op=Node.operators.log, arg1=self.ID) def exp(self): return Node(np.exp(self.value), op=Node.operators.exp, arg1=self.ID)
graph = CGraph() graph.connect() x1 = Node() x2 = Node() x3 = Node() x4 = Node() y1 = Node.sin(x1 * x2) + Node.exp(x1 / x2) + x3**2 - x4**3 y2 = x3 * x4 # assign value for each input x1.value = 1.234 x2.value = 2.345 x3.value = 3.456 x4.value = 4.567 # forward pass, compute the function value. graph.compute_value() # backward pass, compute the derivative result = [] graph.compute_gradient(y1.ID) result.append(x1.derivative) result.append(x2.derivative) result.append(x3.derivative) result.append(x4.derivative) graph.compute_gradient(y2.ID) result.append(x3.derivative) result.append(x4.derivative)
xx1 = tf.Variable(x1.value, dtype=tf.float32) xx2 = tf.Variable(x2.value, dtype=tf.float32) xx3 = tf.Variable(x3.value, dtype=tf.float32) xx4 = tf.Variable(x4.value, dtype=tf.float32) yy1 = tf.sin(xx1 * xx2) + tf.exp(xx1 / xx2) + xx3**2 - xx4**3 yy2 = xx3 * xx4 dyy1dxx1 = tf.gradients(yy1, xx1) dyy1dxx2 = tf.gradients(yy1, xx2) dyy1dxx3 = tf.gradients(yy1, xx3) dyy1dxx4 = tf.gradients(yy1, xx4) dyy2dxx3 = tf.gradients(yy2, xx3) dyy2dxx4 = tf.gradients(yy2, xx4) sess = tf.Session() sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) result_tf = sess.run( [dyy1dxx1, dyy1dxx2, dyy1dxx3, dyy1dxx4, dyy2dxx3, dyy2dxx4]) result_tf=[a[0] for a in result_tf]
table = PrettyTable() table.field_names = ["Method", "dy1/dx1","dy1/dx2","dy1/dx3","dy1/dx4","dy2/dx3","dy2/dx4"] row1=['this code'] row1.extend(result) row2=['tensorflow'] row2.extend(result_tf) table.add_row(row1) table.add_row(row2) print('\n') print(table)
+------------+----------------+---------------+---------+------------+---------+---------+ | Method | dy1/dx1 | dy1/dx2 | dy1/dx3 | dy1/dx4 | dy2/dx3 | dy2/dx4 | +------------+----------------+---------------+---------+------------+---------+---------+ | this code | -1.55157212465 | -1.5760978298 | 6.912 | -62.572467 | 4.567 | 3.456 | | tensorflow | -1.55157 | -1.5761 | 6.912 | -62.5725 | 4.567 | 3.456 | +------------+----------------+---------------+---------+------------+---------+---------+
[1] The Art of Differentiating Computer Programs- An Introduction toAlgorithmic Differentiation
[2] Deep Learning