任务: 识别猫咪。
- import torch
- import torchvision.models as models
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- # input
- image = Image.open("E:\\code\\c++\\libtorch_models\\data\\cat.jpg") # 图片发在了build文件夹下
- image = image.resize((224, 224), Image.ANTIALIAS)
- image = np.asarray(image)
- image = image / 255.0
- image = torch.Tensor(image).unsqueeze_(dim=0) # (b,h,w,c)
- image = image.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)).float() # (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)
- # model
- model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True)
- model = model.eval()
- resnet = torch.jit.trace(model, torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224))
- # infer
- output = resnet(image)
- max_index = torch.max(output, 1)[1].item()
- print(max_index) # ImageNet1000类的类别序号
- resnet.save('resnet.pt')

使用接口torch::jit::load 即可载入权重并获取resnet18模型。
- #include <iostream>
- #include <opencv.hpp>
- int main()
- {
- // load weights and model.
- auto resnet18 = torch::jit::load("E:\\code\\c++\\libtorch_models\\weights\\resnet18.pt");
- assert(module != nullptr);
- resnet18.to(torch::kCUDA);
- resnet18.eval();
- // pre
- cv::Mat image = cv::imread("E:\\code\\c++\\libtorch_models\\data\\cat.jpg");
- cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(224, 224));
- torch::Tensor tensor_image = torch::from_blob(image.data, {224, 224,3 }, torch::kByte);
- tensor_image = torch::unsqueeze(tensor_image, 0).permute({ 0,3,1,2 }).to(torch::kCUDA).to(torch::kFloat).div(255.0); // (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)
- std::cout << tensor_image.options() << std::endl;
- std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;
- inputs.push_back(tensor_image);
- // infer
- auto output = resnet18.forward(inputs).toTensor();
- auto max_result = output.max(1, true);
- auto max_index = std::get<1>(max_result).item<float>();
- std::cout << max_index << std::endl;
- return 0;
- }

间接使用是指基于libtorch c++ 复现一遍resnet网络,再利用前面得到的权重,初始化模型。输出结果依然是283.
- #include <iostream>
- #include "resnet.h" // libtorch实现的resnet
- #include <opencv.hpp>
- int main()
- {
- // load weights and model.
- ResNet resnet = resnet18(1000); // orig net
- torch::load(resnet, "E:\\code\\c++\\libtorch_models\\weights\\resnet18.pt"); // load weights.
- assert(resnet != nullptr);
- resnet->to(torch::kCUDA);
- resnet->eval();
- // pre
- cv::Mat image = cv::imread("E:\\code\\c++\\libtorch_models\\data\\cat.jpg");
- cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(224, 224));
- torch::Tensor tensor_image = torch::from_blob(image.data, { 224, 224,3 }, torch::kByte);
- tensor_image = torch::unsqueeze(tensor_image, 0).permute({ 0,3,1,2 }).to(torch::kCUDA).to(torch::kFloat).div(255.0); // (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)
- std::cout << tensor_image.options() << std::endl;
- // infer
- auto output = resnet->forward(tensor_image);
- auto max_result = output.max(1, true);
- auto max_index = std::get<1>(max_result).item<float>();
- std::cout << max_index << std::endl;
- return 0;
- }

- // resnet18 and resnet34
- class BasicBlockImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- BasicBlockImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride, torch::nn::Sequential downsample);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- public:
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample{ nullptr };
- private:
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2{ nullptr };
- };
- TORCH_MODULE(BasicBlock);
- // other resnet using BottleNeck
- class BottleNeckImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- public:
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample{ nullptr };
- private:
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv3{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn3{ nullptr };
- };
- TORCH_MODULE(BottleNeck);

- // conv3x3+bn+relu, conv3x3+bn,
- // downsample: 用来对原始输入进行下采样.
- // stride: 控制是否下采样,stride=2则是下采样,且downsample将用于对原始输入进行下采样.
- BasicBlockImpl::BasicBlockImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride, torch::nn::Sequential downsample) {
- this->downsample = downsample;
- conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(in_channels, out_channels, 3).stride(stride).padding(1).bias(false));
- bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels));
- conv2 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(out_channels, out_channels, 3).stride(1).padding(1).bias(false));
- bn2 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels));
- register_module("conv1", conv1);
- register_module("bn1", bn1);
- register_module("conv2", conv2);
- register_module("bn2", bn2);
- if (!downsample->is_empty()) {
- register_module("downsample", downsample);
- }
- }
- torch::Tensor BasicBlockImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- torch::Tensor identity = x.clone();
- x = conv1->forward(x); // scale/2. or keep scale unchange.
- x = bn1->forward(x);
- x = torch::relu(x);
- x = conv2->forward(x);
- x = bn2->forward(x);
- // 加入x的维度减半,则原始输入必须也减半。
- if (!downsample->is_empty()) identity = downsample->forward(identity);
- x += identity;
- x = torch::relu(x);
- return x;
- }

- // out_channels: 每一个block输出的通道数。
- // blocks: 每个layer包含的blocks数.
- torch::nn::Sequential ResNetImpl::_make_layer(int64_t out_channels, int64_t blocks, int64_t stride) {
- // 1, downsampe: stride or channel
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample;
- if (stride != 1 || this->in_channels != out_channels * expansion) { // 步长等于2,或者输入通道不等于输出通道,则都是接conv操作,改变输入x的维度
- downsample = torch::nn::Sequential(
- torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(this->in_channels, out_channels * this->expansion, 1).stride(stride).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false)),
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(out_channels * this->expansion)
- );
- }
- // 2, layers: first is downsample and others are conv with 1 stride.
- torch::nn::Sequential layers;
- if (this->is_basic) {
- layers->push_back(BasicBlock(this->in_channels, out_channels, stride, downsample)); // 控制是否下采样
- this->in_channels = out_channels; // 更新输入通道,以备下次使用
- for (int64_t i = 1; i < blocks; i++) { // 剩余的block都是in_channels == out_channels. and stride = 1.
- layers->push_back(BasicBlock(this->in_channels, this->in_channels, 1, torch::nn::Sequential())); // 追加多个conv3x3,且不改变维度
- }
- }
- else {
- layers->push_back(BottleNeck(this->in_channels, out_channels, stride, downsample, this->groups, this->base_width));
- this->in_channels = out_channels * this->expansion; // 更新输入通道,以备下次使用
- for (int64_t i = 1; i < blocks; i++) { // 剩余的block都是in_channels == out_channels. and stride = 1.
- layers->push_back(BottleNeck(this->in_channels, this->in_channels, 1, torch::nn::Sequential(), this->groups, this->base_width));
- }
- }
- return layers;
- }

- class ResNetImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- ResNetImpl(std::vector<int> layers, int num_classes, std::string model_type,
- int groups, int width_per_group);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- public:
- torch::nn::Sequential _make_layer(int64_t in_channels, int64_t blocks, int64_t stride = 1);
- private:
- int expansion = 1; // 通道扩大倍数,resnet50会用到
- bool is_basic = true; // 是BasicBlock,还是BottleNeck
- int in_channels = 64; // 记录输入通道数
- int groups = 1, base_width = 64;
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential layer1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential layer2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential layer3{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential layer4{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Linear fc{ nullptr };
- };

- // layers: resnet18: { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, resnet34: { 3, 4, 6, 3 }, resnet50: { 3, 4, 6, 3 };
- ResNetImpl::ResNetImpl(std::vector<int> layers, int num_classes = 1000, std::string model_type = "resnet18", int groups = 1, int width_per_group = 64) {
- if (model_type != "resnet18" && model_type != "resnet34") // 即不使用BasicBlock,使用BottleNeck
- {
- this->expansion = 4;
- is_basic = false;
- }
- this->groups = groups; // 1
- this->base_width = base_width; // 64
- this->conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(3, 64, 7).stride(2).padding(3).groups(1).bias(false)); // scale/2
- this->bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(64));
- this->layer1 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(64, layers[0])); // stride=1, scale and channels unchange
- this->layer2 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(128, layers[1], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double
- this->layer3 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(256, layers[2], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double
- this->layer4 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(512, layers[3], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double
- this->fc = torch::nn::Linear(512 * this->expansion, num_classes);
- register_module("conv1", conv1);
- register_module("bn1", bn1);
- register_module("layer1", layer1);
- register_module("layer2", layer2);
- register_module("layer3", layer3);
- register_module("layer4", layer4);
- register_module("fc", fc);
- }
- torch::Tensor ResNetImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- // 1,先是两次下采样. (b,3,224,224) -> (b,64,56,56)
- x = conv1->forward(x); // (b,3,224,224)->(b,64,112,112)
- x = bn1->forward(x);
- x = torch::relu(x); // feature 1
- x = torch::max_pool2d(x, 3, 2, 1); // k=3,s=2,p=1. (b,64,112,112)->(b,64,56,56)
- x = layer1->forward(x); // feature 2. (b,64,56,56)
- x = layer2->forward(x); // feature 3. (b,128,28,28)
- x = layer3->forward(x); // feature 4. (b,256,14,14)
- x = layer4->forward(x); // feature 5. (b,512,7,7)
- x = torch::adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, {1, 1}); // (b,512,1,1)
- //x = torch::avg_pool2d(x, 7, 1); // (b,512,1,1)
- x = x.view({ x.sizes()[0], -1 }); // (b,512)
- x = fc->forward(x); // (b,1000)
- return torch::log_softmax(x, 1); // score (负无穷,0]
- }

- // 创建不同resnet分类网络的函数
- ResNet resnet18(int64_t num_classes) {
- std::vector<int> layers = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
- ResNet model(layers, num_classes, "resnet18");
- return model;
- }
- ResNet resnet34(int64_t num_classes) {
- std::vector<int> layers = { 3, 4, 6, 3 };
- ResNet model(layers, num_classes, "resnet34");
- return model;
- }
(1)BottleNeck0: stride=1, only 4*channels;
(2)BottleNeck1: stride=1, only 4*channels;
(3)BottleNeck2: stride=2, 4*channels and scales/2
- // other resnet using BottleNeck
- class BottleNeckImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- public:
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample{ nullptr };
- private:
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv3{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn3{ nullptr };
- };
- TORCH_MODULE(BottleNeck);

- // stride: 控制是否下采样,stride=2则是下采样,且downsample将用于对原始输入进行下采样.
- // conv1x1+bn+relu, conv3x3+bn+relu, conv1x1+bn+relu
- BottleNeckImpl::BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
- torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width) {
- this->downsample = downsample;
- // 64 * (64 / 64) / 1 = 64, 128 * (64 / 64) / 1 = 128, 128 * (64 / 64) / 2 = 64.
- int width = int(out_channels * (base_width / 64.)) * groups; // 64 * (64/64) / 1. 当前的输出通道数
- // 1x1 conv
- conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(in_channels, width, 1).stride(1).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false));
- bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(width));
- // 3x3 conv
- conv2 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(width, width, 3).stride(stride).padding(1).groups(groups).bias(false));
- bn2 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(width));
- // 1x1 conv
- conv3 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(width, out_channels * 4, 1).stride(1).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false));
- bn3 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels * 4));
- register_module("conv1", conv1);
- register_module("bn1", bn1);
- register_module("conv2", conv2);
- register_module("bn2", bn2);
- register_module("conv3", conv3);
- register_module("bn3", bn3);
- if (!downsample->is_empty()) {
- register_module("downsample", downsample);
- }
- }
- torch::Tensor BottleNeckImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- torch::Tensor identity = x.clone();
- // conv1x1+bn+relu
- x = conv1->forward(x);
- x = bn1->forward(x);
- x = torch::relu(x);
- // conv3x3+bn+relu
- x = conv2->forward(x); // if stride==2, scale/2
- x = bn2->forward(x);
- x = torch::relu(x);
- // conv1x1+bn+relu
- x = conv3->forward(x); // double channels
- x = bn3->forward(x);
- if (!downsample->is_empty()) identity = downsample->forward(identity);
- x += identity;
- x = torch::relu(x);
- return x;
- }

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