MicroPico是一个Visual Studio代码扩展,旨在简化和加速树莓派Pico和Pico W板的MicroPython项目的开发。该工具简化了编码过程,提供了代码高亮、自动补全、代码片段和项目管理功能,所有这些都是为Raspberry Pi Pico和Pico W微控制器上使用MicroPython的无缝开发体验量身定制的。
基于树莓派Pico W MicroPython固件的自动补全:RPI_PICO_W-20231005-v1.21.0.uf2来自micropython-stub项目的Uf2。
1,去 https://micropython.org/download/RPI_PICO_W/ 下载RPI_PICO_W-20231005-v1.21.0.uf2固件。
3,将下载好的Pico W最新Micropython固件拖曳到PI-RP2的盘符中去。
6,VScode打开项目文件夹,按住ctrl+shift+p输入MicroPico: Configure Project。
由于CYW43439无线芯片,Pico W具有无线功能。
每颗Pico W的核心是RP2040,这是Raspberry Pi的首要芯片。
英飞凌CYW43439支持 IEEE 802.11 b/g/n WLAN (Wi-Fi)和蓝牙 5.2。1.20版本在发布以前的固件和软件仅支持Wi-Fi。该CYW43439支持BLE和Wi-Fi和蓝牙之间共享的单个天线。板载 LED 通过英飞凌 43439 芯片的WL_GPIO0引脚进行控制。在 Pico 上,LED 连接到 GPIO 引脚 25。
Pico W 可与蓝牙经典和低功耗蓝牙配合使用。经典蓝牙和低功耗蓝牙(BLE)是设备在蓝牙规范内进行通信的两种不同方式。
低功耗蓝牙 (BLE),也称为智能蓝牙,是蓝牙的一种节能变体。BLE 是作为蓝牙 4.0 规范的一部分引入的,针对需要长电池寿命的低功耗设备进行了优化,例如健身追踪器、智能手表、家庭自动化设备和无线传感器。
Pico W既可以用作中央设备,也可以用作外围设备。
新建 ble_advertising.py
- # Helpers for generating BLE advertising payloads.
- from micropython import const
- import struct
- import bluetooth
- # Advertising payloads are repeated packets of the following form:
- # 1 byte data length (N + 1)
- # 1 byte type (see constants below)
- # N bytes type-specific data
- _ADV_TYPE_FLAGS = const(0x01)
- _ADV_TYPE_NAME = const(0x09)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID16_COMPLETE = const(0x3)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID32_COMPLETE = const(0x5)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID128_COMPLETE = const(0x7)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID16_MORE = const(0x2)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID32_MORE = const(0x4)
- _ADV_TYPE_UUID128_MORE = const(0x6)
- _ADV_TYPE_APPEARANCE = const(0x19)
- # Generate a payload to be passed to gap_advertise(adv_data=...).
- def advertising_payload(limited_disc=False, br_edr=False, name=None, services=None, appearance=0):
- payload = bytearray()
- def _append(adv_type, value):
- nonlocal payload
- payload += struct.pack("BB", len(value) + 1, adv_type) + value
- _append(
- struct.pack("B", (0x01 if limited_disc else 0x02) + (0x18 if br_edr else 0x04)),
- )
- if name:
- _append(_ADV_TYPE_NAME, name)
- if services:
- for uuid in services:
- b = bytes(uuid)
- if len(b) == 2:
- _append(_ADV_TYPE_UUID16_COMPLETE, b)
- elif len(b) == 4:
- _append(_ADV_TYPE_UUID32_COMPLETE, b)
- elif len(b) == 16:
- _append(_ADV_TYPE_UUID128_COMPLETE, b)
- # See org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.appearance.xml
- if appearance:
- _append(_ADV_TYPE_APPEARANCE, struct.pack("<h", appearance))
- return payload
- def decode_field(payload, adv_type):
- i = 0
- result = []
- while i + 1 < len(payload):
- if payload[i + 1] == adv_type:
- result.append(payload[i + 2 : i + payload[i] + 1])
- i += 1 + payload[i]
- return result
- def decode_name(payload):
- n = decode_field(payload, _ADV_TYPE_NAME)
- return str(n[0], "utf-8") if n else ""
- def decode_services(payload):
- services = []
- for u in decode_field(payload, _ADV_TYPE_UUID16_COMPLETE):
- services.append(bluetooth.UUID(struct.unpack("<h", u)[0]))
- for u in decode_field(payload, _ADV_TYPE_UUID32_COMPLETE):
- services.append(bluetooth.UUID(struct.unpack("<d", u)[0]))
- for u in decode_field(payload, _ADV_TYPE_UUID128_COMPLETE):
- services.append(bluetooth.UUID(u))
- return services
- def demo():
- payload = advertising_payload(
- name="micropython",
- services=[bluetooth.UUID(0x181A), bluetooth.UUID("6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E")],
- )
- print(payload)
- print(decode_name(payload))
- print(decode_services(payload))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- demo()

- import bluetooth
- import random
- import struct
- import time
- import machine
- import ubinascii
- from ble_advertising import advertising_payload
- from micropython import const
- from machine import Pin
- _FLAG_READ = const(0x0002)
- _FLAG_NOTIFY = const(0x0010)
- _FLAG_INDICATE = const(0x0020)
- # org.bluetooth.service.environmental_sensing
- _ENV_SENSE_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x181A)
- # org.bluetooth.characteristic.temperature
- _TEMP_CHAR = (
- bluetooth.UUID(0x2A6E),
- )
- (_TEMP_CHAR,),
- )
- # org.bluetooth.characteristic.gap.appearance.xml
- class BLETemperature:
- def __init__(self, ble, name=""):
- self._sensor_temp = machine.ADC(4)
- self._ble = ble
- self._ble.active(True)
- self._ble.irq(self._irq)
- ((self._handle,),) = self._ble.gatts_register_services((_ENV_SENSE_SERVICE,))
- self._connections = set()
- if len(name) == 0:
- name = 'Pico %s' % ubinascii.hexlify(self._ble.config('mac')[1],':').decode().upper()
- print('Sensor name %s' % name)
- self._payload = advertising_payload(
- name=name, services=[_ENV_SENSE_UUID]
- )
- self._advertise()
- def _irq(self, event, data):
- # Track connections so we can send notifications.
- if event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT:
- conn_handle, _, _ = data
- self._connections.add(conn_handle)
- elif event == _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT:
- conn_handle, _, _ = data
- self._connections.remove(conn_handle)
- # Start advertising again to allow a new connection.
- self._advertise()
- elif event == _IRQ_GATTS_INDICATE_DONE:
- conn_handle, value_handle, status = data
- def update_temperature(self, notify=False, indicate=False):
- # Write the local value, ready for a central to read.
- temp_deg_c = self._get_temp()
- print("write temp %.2f degc" % temp_deg_c);
- self._ble.gatts_write(self._handle, struct.pack("<h", int(temp_deg_c * 100)))
- if notify or indicate:
- for conn_handle in self._connections:
- if notify:
- # Notify connected centrals.
- self._ble.gatts_notify(conn_handle, self._handle)
- if indicate:
- # Indicate connected centrals.
- self._ble.gatts_indicate(conn_handle, self._handle)
- def _advertise(self, interval_us=500000):
- self._ble.gap_advertise(interval_us, adv_data=self._payload)
- # ref https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-micropython-examples/blob/master/adc/temperature.py
- def _get_temp(self):
- conversion_factor = 3.3 / (65535)
- reading = self._sensor_temp.read_u16() * conversion_factor
- # The temperature sensor measures the Vbe voltage of a biased bipolar diode, connected to the fifth ADC channel
- # Typically, Vbe = 0.706V at 27 degrees C, with a slope of -1.721mV (0.001721) per degree.
- return 27 - (reading - 0.706) / 0.001721
- def demo():
- ble = bluetooth.BLE()
- temp = BLETemperature(ble)
- counter = 0
- led = Pin('LED', Pin.OUT)
- while True:
- if counter % 10 == 0:
- temp.update_temperature(notify=True, indicate=False)
- led.toggle()
- time.sleep_ms(1000)
- counter += 1
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- demo()

1,点击最底部命令快捷键All commands。
2,选择 MicroPico:upload project to pico 。
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