- <view class="index">
- <view class="head">
- <view class="headbox">
- <view class="position">
- <view class="face">
- <view class="img">
- <block wx:if="{{avatarimg}}">
- <image class="self" mode="widthFix" src="{{avatarimg}}"></image>
- </block>
- <block wx:else>
- <image mode="widthFix" src="headlogonew.png"></image>
- </block>
- </view>
- <block wx:if="{{nickname}}">
- <view class="name">{{nickname}}</view>
- </block>
- <block wx:else>
- <view class="name" bindtap="getUserProfile">点击登录/注册</view>
- </block>
- </view>
- <block wx:if="{{isShowPhone}}">
- <view class="dialog-mask"></view>
- <view class="dialog-info">
- <view class="dialog-title">请点击获取授权选择绑定的手机号</view>
- <view class="dialog-footer"><button class="button" open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber">获取授权</button></view>
- </view>
- </block>
- <block wx:if="{{isShowUserInfo}}">
- <view class="dialog-mask"></view>
- <view class="dialog-info">
- <view class="dialog-title">请设置头像和昵称</view>
- <view class="dialog-footer dialog-line">
- <div class="set">
- <button open-type="chooseAvatar" bindchooseavatar="onChooseAvatar">
- <block wx:if="{{avatarimg}}">
- <image mode="widthFix" src="{{avatarimg}}"></image>
- </block>
- <block wx:else>
- <image mode="widthFix" src="/images/uploadface.png"></image>
- </block>
- </button>
- </div>
- <div class="set">
- <input placeholder="请输入您的昵称" type="nickname" value="{{nickname}}" bindblur="bindblur"></input>
- </div>
- <div class="set">
- <button class="button" bindtap="setBtnTap">保存</button>
- </div>
- </view>
- </view>
- </block>
- <div class="clear"></div>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- /**
- * 页面的初始数据
- */
- data: {
- isShowPhone: false, //默认先不显示获取手机号
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- user_id: '',
- phone: '',
- avatarimg: '',
- nickname:'',
- },
- /** 获取昵称信息 */
- bindblur(e) {
- this.data.nickname = e.detail.value
- },
- /** 更换头像 */
- onChooseAvatar(e) {
- var that = this
- wx.getFileSystemManager().readFile({
- filePath: e.detail.avatarUrl, //选择图片返回的相对路径
- encoding: 'base64',
- success: res => {
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + "imgupload",
- data: {
- file: 'data:image/png;base64,' + res.data,
- },
- header: {
- 'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
- },
- success: function (res) {
- if (res.data.status == 'success') {
- that.setData({
- avatarimg: res.data.data.image_name,
- //isShowUserInfo: false,
- })
- } else {
- console.log('fail');
- }
- }
- })
- console.log('data:image/png;base64,' + res.data)
- }
- })
- },
- setBtnTap() {
- var that = this
- if (that.data.avatarimg.length == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请上传头像!',
- icon: 'error',
- duration: 1500
- })
- } else if (that.data.nickname.length == 0) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请填写昵称!',
- icon: 'error',
- duration: 1500
- })
- } else {
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + "setUserInfo",
- data: {
- user_id: that.data.user_id,
- nickname: that.data.nickname,
- avatarimg: that.data.avatarimg,
- },
- method: 'GET',
- header: {
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
- },
- success: function (res) {
- if (res.data.data.phone != '') {
- that.setData({
- isShowPhone: false,
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- nickname: that.data.nickname,
- })
- wx.setStorageSync('user_id', res.data.data.user_id);
- wx.setStorageSync('phone', res.data.data.phone);
- wx.setStorageSync('nickname', that.data.nickname);
- wx.setStorageSync('avatarimg', that.data.avatarimg);
- wx.showToast({
- title: '更新成功!',
- icon: 'success',
- duration: 1500
- });
- } else {
- that.setData({
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- isShowPhone: true,
- })
- }
- }
- })
- }
- },
- getUserProfile() {
- var that = this
- wx.showLoading({
- title: '获取授权中'
- })
- wx.getUserProfile({
- desc: '使用户得到更好的体验',
- success: (res) => {
- wx.hideLoading()
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + "getopenid",
- data: {
- code: that.data.code
- },
- method: 'GET',
- header: {
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
- },
- success: function (res) {
- that.setData({
- session_key: res.data.data.session_key,
- openid: res.data.data.openid
- })
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + "checkuser",
- data: {
- openid: res.data.data.openid
- },
- method: 'GET',
- header: {
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
- },
- success: function (res) {
- if (res.data.data.phone == '') {
- that.setData({
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- isShowPhone: true,
- })
- }else if (res.data.data.nickname == '') {
- that.setData({
- isShowUserInfo: true,
- isShowPhone: false,
- })
- }else {
- that.setData({
- isShowPhone: false,
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- user_id:res.data.data.user_id,
- phone:res.data.data.phone,
- nickname:res.data.data.nickname,
- avatarimg:res.data.data.avatarimg,
- })
- wx.setStorageSync('user_id', res.data.data.user_id);
- wx.setStorageSync('phone', res.data.data.phone);
- wx.setStorageSync('nickname', res.data.data.nickname);
- wx.setStorageSync('avatarimg', res.data.data.avatarimg);
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }),
- that.setData({
- })
- },
- fail: res => {
- wx.hideLoading()
- console.log("获取用户信息失败", res)
- }
- })
- },
- getLogin() {
- //code获取成功,保存为当前页面的全局变量code
- wx.login({
- success: res => {
- this.setData({
- code: res.code
- })
- },
- fail: res => {
- //失败
- }
- })
- },
- getPhoneNumber: function (e) {
- // 登录
- wx.showLoading({
- title: '加载中...'
- })
- var self = this
- wx.login({
- success: res => {
- wx.hideLoading()
- var encryptedData = encodeURI(e.detail.encryptedData) // 完整的加密数据
- var iv = e.detail.iv //加密算法的初始向量
- console.log('encryptedData', encryptedData)
- console.log('iv', iv)
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + 'getPhoneNumber',
- data: {
- 'session_key': self.data.session_key,
- 'encryptedData': encryptedData,
- 'iv': iv,
- },
- method: 'GET',
- header: {
- 'content-type': 'application/json'
- },
- success: function (res) {
- wx.hideLoading()
- if (res.data.status == 1) {
- self.setData({
- phone: res.data.data.phoneNumber,
- isShowPhone: false,
- isShowUserInfo: false,
- })
- wx.setStorageSync('phone', res.data.data.phoneNumber);
- if (self.data.nickname == '') {
- wx.request({
- url: app.SiteUrl + 'login',
- data: {
- phone: self.data.phone,
- password: 888888,
- openid: self.data.openid,
- },
- success: function (res) {
- if (res.data != null) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: "" + res.data.msg + "",
- icon: 'loading',
- duration: 2000
- })
- self.setData({
- user_id: res.data.data.user_id,
- isShowPhone: false,
- isShowUserInfo: true,
- })
- wx.setStorageSync('user_id', res.data.data.user_id);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- },
- fail: function (err) {
- console.log(err);
- }
- })
- }
- })
- },
- //登陆时先判断用户是否存在,OPENID唯一值
- public function api_checkuser() {
- $attr = $this->getattr();
- $openid = trim($attr['openid']);
- $usercount = db('user')->where(['openid' => $openid])->count();
- if ($usercount!=0) {
- $usercheck = db('user')->where(['openid' => $openid])->find();
- $newid = $usercheck['id'];
- $phone = $usercheck['phone'];
- $nickname = $usercheck['nickname'];
- $avatarimg=$usercheck['avatarimg'];
- $tiptext = "0";
- } else {
- $newid='';
- $phone = '';
- $nickname = '';
- $avatarimg='';
- $tiptext = "1";
- }
- $json = $this->message(1,$tiptext,["user_id" => $newid,"phone" => $phone,"nickname" => $nickname,"avatarimg" => $avatarimg]);
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- //登陆/注册
- public function api_login() {
- $attr = $this->getattr();
- $phone = trim($attr['phone']);
- $password = trim($attr['password']);
- $openid = trim($attr['openid']);
- $nickname = trim($attr['nickname']);
- $avatarimg = trim($attr['avatarimg']);
- $gender = trim($attr['gender']);
- $params = [
- "phone" => $phone,
- "password" => md5($password),
- "openid" => $openid,
- "nickname" => $nickname,
- "avatarimg" => $avatarimg,
- "gender" => $gender,
- "status" => 1,
- "create_time" => time(),
- ];
- $newid = 0;
- try {
- $newid = db('user')->where(['openid' => $openid])->count() >= 1 ? true : false;
- if (!$newid) {
- $newid = db('user')->insert($params, false, true, "id");
- $tiptext = "注册成功";
- } else {
- $newid = db('user')->where(['openid' => $openid])->find();
- $newid = $newid['id'];
- $tiptext = "登陆成功";
- }
- } catch (Exception $ex1) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- } catch (PDOException $ex) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- if ($newid <= 0) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- $json = $this->message(1, $tiptext, ["user_id" => $newid]);
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- //更新头像和昵称
- public function api_setUserInfo() {
- $attr = $this->getattr();
- $user_id = trim($attr['user_id']);
- $nickname = trim($attr['nickname']);
- $avatarimg = trim($attr['avatarimg']);
- $params = [
- "nickname" => $nickname,
- "avatarimg" => $avatarimg,
- ];
- $newid = 0;
- try {
- $newid = db('user')->where(['id' => $user_id])->count() >= 1 ? true : false;
- // echo($newid);
- if (!$newid) {
- // $newid = db('user')->update(['nickname' => 'thinkphp','avatarimg'=>1])->where('id',$user_id);
- // echo($newid);
- $tiptext = "更新失败";
- } else {
- // $tiptext = "更新失败";
- $newid = db('user')->where(['id'=>$user_id])->update($params);
- $tiptext = "更新成功";
- }
- } catch (Exception $ex1) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- } catch (PDOException $ex) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- if ($newid <= 0) {
- $json = $this->message(0, "网络错误,请刷新后再填写!");
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
- $json = $this->message(1, $tiptext, ["user_id" => $newid]);
- return $this->returnjson($json, $attr['callback']);
- }
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