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【论文阅读】14-Accurate Multiple View 3D Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Stereo for Large-Scale Scenes

accurate multiple view 3d reconstruction using patch-based stereo for large-

0 basic information

Shen S . Accurate Multiple View 3D Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Stereo for Large-Scale Scenes[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2013, 22(5):1901-1914.
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1 characteristic

  1. patch-matching + refinement — accurancy
  2. computation --speed ???
  3. image parallelizing

2 method–patch-based stereo matching

2.0 patch-matching 参考& 改进

  1. 参考论文:

PatchMatch Stereo - Stereo Matching with Slanted Support Windows

  1. 改进点:
  • 平面表示的方式及坐标系
  • 简化

(the paper VS 参考论文 )

  1. NCC – adjust weight neighboring pixels within
    correspondence views ???
  2. Space aggregation – space + view + temporal
  3. Refinement – left/right consistency

2.1 pair selection

  1. 从reference image i的邻居view中选择最佳的correspondding view j
reference image i --- N ( i) ------- image j
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  1. 选择要求及量化方式:
  • similar viewing direction–average [ sita (同名光线夹角)]
  • suitable baseline–Distance(相机中心Ci_Cj)
  1. 具体操作步骤:
  • 选择 sita满足阈值,且diatance满足关于mean(distance)的 view ,得到N(i)–neighboring views

  • 选择 sita* distance min ,得到 best matching view: image j

2.2 depth map computaion

  1. supporting plane( each pixel):
    基于相机坐标系,根据3D point + normal 表示该平面
  2. 初始化: 大量随机(normal在一定范围内随机)—ensure get good initial at least one
    (计算完image i后,imge j 的初始化可根据视图传递得到较优初值,空间传递值 vs 随机,得到较优初值)

PS :normal在一定范围内随机—–结合patch 在camera visibility(见下图)

  1. 平面参数优化–深度值计算

遍历每个像素,迭代更新平面参数,使得aggregation cost min 并判断是否满足阈值要求,作为有效参数估计

aggregation cost: 采用NCC (between image i and image j) ---enough for high resolution image ----相对于原论文的改进点1

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2.3 depth refinement

  1. 核心思想:the consistency over neighboring views
  2. 量化指标: depth difference (measurement & projection)

Image i 中each pixel 对应X
d’(X,Nk)—将X投影到Nk的depth map上得到的深度值–projection

  1. refinement 的具体方式

判断d & d’差异(阈值),并根据满足要求的d &d’在N(i)中具体的个数,判断是否remove/keep

2.4 depth merging

  1. 关键点:
    去除冗余(见下图)后直接project 得到 dense 3D point cloud:

3 result & other

  1. 和当前的方法对比: ours & PMVS & DAISY

  2. Parallelizing

  3. Assume memory

  4. benchmark data
    Fountain-P11 and Herz-Jesu-P8

  5. 定量化评价指标:
    The depth maps( density point cloud – depth map) VS the ground truth( LIDAR SCAN triangle mesh – depth map)

  6. 参数分析(实验证明有效参数选择的原因)

  7. 实验分析每一个步骤处理的有效性(定量指标说明)

  8. 算法时间\speed比较

