public class TextureCompressOnPhone { private const string AndroidPlatformName = "Android"; private const string IOSPlatformName = "iPhone"; [MenuItem( "Tools/Android/CompressTexture" )] private static void CompressTextureOnAndroid() { CompressInPlotform(AndroidPlatformName); } [MenuItem( "Tools/IOS/CompressTexture" )] private static void CompressTextureOnIOS() { CompressInPlotform(IOSPlatformName); } private static void CompressInPlotform( string platform ) { var message = "You are going to perform the following operation to ALL Texture2D! Continue?\n"; //弹出对话框进行二次确认 if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Change Max Size", message, "OK", "Cancel") == false) { return; } // 显示进度条 EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Change Max Size", "", 0.0f); // 找到所有纹理 var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Texture2D"); for (int i = 0; i < guids.Length; i++) { var dialogTitle = "Change Max Size" + " (" + i + "/" + guids.Length + ")"; var progress = (float)i / guids.Length; var guid = guids[i]; var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); var go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(path); if (go == null) { continue; } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(dialogTitle, go.name, progress); //拿到TextureImporter才能对图片进行压缩 var assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); if (assetImporter != null) { var textureImporter = assetImporter as TextureImporter; if (textureImporter == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(go, "MissingImporter Texture2D: '{0}'", go.name); continue; } //拿到不压缩前的size var defaultMaxSize = textureImporter.maxTextureSize; TextureImporterPlatformSettings platformImporter = textureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings(platform); platformImporter.overridden = true; platformImporter.maxTextureSize = defaultMaxSize / 4; var width = 0; var height = 0; //拿到宽高 GetTextureRealWidthAndHeight(textureImporter, ref width, ref height); //判断有无alpha var haveAlpha = textureImporter.DoesSourceTextureHaveAlpha(); platformImporter.format = GetCompressFormat(platform, width, height, haveAlpha); textureImporter.SetPlatformTextureSettings(platformImporter); EditorUtility.SetDirty(go); Debug.LogFormat(go, "Processed Texture2D: '{0}'", go.name); textureImporter.SaveAndReimport(); } } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } // 得到目标压缩格式 private static TextureImporterFormat GetCompressFormat( string platform , int width, int height ,bool haveAlpha ) { //分几种情况讨论,是不是2的次幂以及是不是有alpha通道 var isPowerOfTwo = WidthAndHeightIsPowerOfTwo(width, height); if ( isPowerOfTwo == false ) { if ( haveAlpha ) { return TextureImporterFormat.RGBA16; } else { return TextureImporterFormat.RGB16; } } else { if ( platform == AndroidPlatformName ) { if( haveAlpha ) { return TextureImporterFormat.ETC2_RGBA8Crunched; } else { return TextureImporterFormat.ETC_RGB4Crunched; } } else if( platform == IOSPlatformName) { if( haveAlpha ) { return TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4; } else { return TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB4; } } } return TextureImporterFormat.RGBA16; } // 判断宽和高是否是2的次幂 private static bool WidthAndHeightIsPowerOfTwo( int width, int height ) { if ( IsPowerOfTwo(width) && IsPowerOfTwo(height) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } //用二进制与运算,如果一个数是2的次幂,n&(n-1) = 0 private static bool IsPowerOfTwo( int number ) { if ( number <= 0 ) { return false; } return ( number & ( number - 1 ) ) == 0; } //得到要压缩成几分之一,这里是二分之一 private static int GetCompressedMaxSize( int sourceMaxSize ) { return sourceMaxSize / 2; } //用反射得到纹理宽高 public static void GetTextureRealWidthAndHeight( TextureImporter texImpoter, ref int width, ref int height ) { System.Type type = typeof( TextureImporter ); System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod( "GetWidthAndHeight", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic ); var args = new object[] { width, height }; method.Invoke( texImpoter, args ); width = (int)args[0]; height = (int)args[1]; } }
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