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通过SUBSCRIBE_ID搜索分布式组网内的远端设备,详见registerDeviceListCallback(callback) {}模块[源码参考]。
/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedDeviceManager'; import Logger from '../model/Logger'; let SUBSCRIBE_ID: number = 100; const RANDOM: number = 65536; const TAG: string = 'RemoteDeviceModel'; export class RemoteDeviceModel { public deviceLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; public discoverLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; private callback: () => void = null; private authCallback: () => void = null; private deviceManager: deviceManager.DeviceManager = undefined; registerDeviceListCallback(callback) { if (typeof (this.deviceManager) === 'undefined') { Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceManager.createDeviceManager begin'); try { this.deviceManager = deviceManager.createDeviceManager('ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer'); this.registerDeviceList(callback); Logger.info(TAG, `createDeviceManager callback returned, value= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceManager)}`); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `createDeviceManager throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceManager.createDeviceManager end'); } else { this.registerDeviceList(callback); }; }; registerDeviceList(callback) { Logger.info(TAG, 'registerDeviceListCallback'); this.callback = callback; if (this.deviceManager === undefined) { Logger.error(TAG, 'deviceManager has not initialized'); this.callback(); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'getTrustedDeviceListSync begin'); let list: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo[] = []; try { list = this.deviceManager.getAvailableDeviceListSync(); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); }; Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync end, deviceLists= ${JSON.stringify(list)}`); if (typeof (list) !== 'undefined' && typeof (list.length) !== 'undefined') { this.deviceLists = list; }; this.callback(); Logger.info(TAG, 'callback finished'); try { this.deviceManager.on('deviceStateChange', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `deviceStateChange data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); switch (data.action) { case deviceManager.DeviceStateChange.AVAILABLE: this.discoverLists = []; this.deviceLists.push(data.device); Logger.info(TAG, `reday, updated device list= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)} `); let list: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo[] = []; try { list = this.deviceManager.getAvailableDeviceListSync(); } catch (err) { Logger.info(TAG, `this err is ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync end, deviceList= ${JSON.stringify(list)}`); if (typeof (list) !== 'undefined' && typeof (list.length) !== 'undefined') { this.deviceLists = list; } this.callback(); break; case deviceManager.DeviceStateChange.UNAVAILABLE: if (this.deviceLists.length > 0) { let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.deviceLists.length; i++) { if (this.deviceLists[i].deviceId !== data.device.deviceId) { list[i] = data.device; }; }; this.deviceLists = list; }; Logger.info(TAG, `offline, updated device list= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)}`); this.callback(); break; default: break; }; }); this.deviceManager.on('discoverSuccess', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `discoverSuccess data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); Logger.info(TAG, `discoverSuccess this.deviceLists= ${this.deviceLists}, this.deviceLists.length= ${this.deviceLists.length}`); for (let i = 0;i < this.discoverLists.length; i++) { if (this.discoverLists[i].deviceId === data.device.deviceId) { Logger.info(TAG, 'device founded, ignored'); return; }; }; this.discoverLists[this.discoverLists.length] = data.device; this.callback(); }); this.deviceManager.on('discoverFailure', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `discoverFailure data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); }); this.deviceManager.on('serviceDie', () => { Logger.error(TAG, 'serviceDie'); }); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `on throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } let discoverParam = { 'discoverTargetType': 1 }; let filterOptions = { 'availableStatus': 0 }; Logger.info(TAG, `startDiscovering ${SUBSCRIBE_ID}`); try { if (this.deviceManager !== null) { this.deviceManager.startDiscovering(discoverParam, filterOptions); }; } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `startDiscovering throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); }; }; authDevice(device, callback) { Logger.info(TAG, `authDevice ${device}`); if (device !== undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < this.discoverLists.length; i++) { if (this.discoverLists[i].deviceId === device.deviceId) { Logger.info(TAG, 'device founded, ignored'); let bindParam = { bindType: 1, targetPkgName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer', appName: 'Music', }; Logger.info(TAG, `authenticateDevice ${JSON.stringify(this.discoverLists[i])}`); try { this.deviceManager.bindTarget(device.deviceId, bindParam, (err, data) => { if (err) { Logger.error(TAG, `authenticateDevice error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); this.authCallback = () => { }; return; }; Logger.info(TAG, `authenticateDevice succeed, data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); this.authCallback = callback; }); } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `authenticateDevice throw error, error=${JSON.stringify(error)} message=${error.message}`); } } } } }; unregisterDeviceListCallback() { Logger.info(TAG, `stopDiscovering ${SUBSCRIBE_ID}`); if (this.deviceManager === undefined) { return; }; try { this.deviceManager.stopDiscovering(); this.deviceManager.off('deviceStateChange'); this.deviceManager.off('discoverSuccess'); this.deviceManager.off('discoverFailure'); this.deviceManager.off('serviceDie'); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `stopDeviceDiscovery throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } this.deviceLists = []; }; }
/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedDeviceManager'; import Logger from '../model/Logger'; const TAG: string = 'DeviceDialog'; @CustomDialog export struct DeviceDialog { controller?: CustomDialogController; private deviceLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; private selectedIndex: number = 0; private selectedIndexChange: (selectedIndex: number) => void = () => { }; build() { Column() { Text($r('app.string.choiceDevice')) .fontSize('32px') .width('434px') .fontColor(Color.Black) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .fontWeight(600) List() { ForEach(this.deviceLists, (item: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo, index: number | undefined) => { ListItem() { Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) { Text(item.deviceName) .fontSize(16) .width('86%') .fontColor(Color.Black) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) Radio({ value: '', group: 'radioGroup' }) .radioStyle({ checkedBackgroundColor: '#ff0d64fb' }) .width('7%') .checked(index === this.selectedIndex ? true : false) } .height(55) .onClick(() => { Logger.info(TAG, `select device: ${item.deviceId}`) if (index === this.selectedIndex) { Logger.info(TAG, 'index === this.selectedIndex') return } this.selectedIndex = index !== undefined ? index : 0 if (this.controller !== undefined) { this.controller.close() } this.selectedIndexChange(this.selectedIndex) }) } .width('434px') .height('80px') }) } .margin({ top: 12 }) .width('434px') .height('18%') Button() { Text($r('app.string.cancel')) .width('90%') .fontSize(21) .fontColor('#ff0d64fb') .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .margin({ bottom: 16 }) .type(ButtonType.Capsule) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onClick(() => { if (this.controller !== undefined) { this.controller.close() } }) } .margin({ bottom: 36 }) .width('500px') .padding(10) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .border({ color: Color.White, radius: 20 }) } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import abilityAccessCtrl, { Permissions } from '@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl'; import display from '@ohos.display'; import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common'; import mediaQuery from '@ohos.mediaquery'; import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'; import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want'; import PermissionRequestResult from 'security/PermissionRequestResult'; import KvStoreModel from '../model/KvStoreModel'; import Logger from '../model/Logger'; import PlayerModel from '../model/PlayerModel'; import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedDeviceManager'; import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability'; import { RemoteDeviceModel } from '../model/RemoteDeviceModel'; import { DeviceDialog } from '../common/DeviceDialog'; import { APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME, APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME, MusicSharedEventCode, MusicSharedStatus, MusicConnectEvent } from '../common/MusicSharedDefinition'; const TAG: string = 'Index'; const DESIGN_WIDTH: number = 720.0; const SYSTEM_UI_HEIGHT: number = 134; const DESIGN_RATIO: number = 16 / 9; const ONE_HUNDRED: number = 100; const ONE_THOUSAND: number = 1000; const SIXTY: number = 60; const REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED: string = 'remoteAbilityStarted'; const ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON = 0; const DEFAULT_NUM = -1; const PREVIOUS_CLICK = 2; interface Params { uri: string, seekTo: number, isPlaying: boolean }; @Entry @Component struct Index { private listener = mediaQuery.matchMediaSync('screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 1.5) or (orientation: landscape)'); @State isLand: boolean = false; @State currentTimeText: string = ''; @State currentProgress: number = 0; @State totalMs: number = 0; @State riscale: number = 1; @State risw: number = 720; @State rish: number = 1280; @State isSwitching: boolean = false; @State deviceLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; @State isDialogShowing: boolean = false; @State isDistributed: boolean = false; @State title: string = ''; @State totalTimeText: string = '00:00'; @State albumSrc: Resource = $r('app.media.album'); @State selectedIndex: number = 0; @State imageArrays: Array<Resource> = [$r('app.media.ic_hop'), $r('app.media.ic_play_previous'), $r('app.media.ic_play'), $r('app.media.ic_play_next')]; private dialogController: CustomDialogController | null = null; @StorageLink('exitMusicApp') @Watch('exitMusicApp') isExitMusicApp: boolean = false; @StorageLink('remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent') @Watch('remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent') isRemoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent: boolean = false; @StorageLink('musicPlay') @Watch('musicPlay') isMusicPlay: boolean = false; @StorageLink('musicPause') @Watch('musicPause') isMusicPause: boolean = false; private remoteDeviceModel: RemoteDeviceModel = new RemoteDeviceModel(); private context: common.UIAbilityContext | null = null; private deviceId: string | null = null; private clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; private localExtensionRemote: rpc.IRemoteObject | null = null; onLand = (mediaQueryResult: mediaQuery.MediaQueryResult) => { Logger.info(TAG, `onLand: mediaQueryResult.matches= ${mediaQueryResult.matches}`); if (mediaQueryResult.matches) { this.isLand = true; } else { this.isLand = false; }; }; showDialog() { this.remoteDeviceModel.registerDeviceListCallback(() => { Logger.info(TAG, 'registerDeviceListCallback, callback entered'); this.deviceLists = []; this.deviceLists.push({ deviceId: '0', deviceName: 'local device', deviceType: '0', networkId: '' }); let deviceTempList = this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists.length > 0 ? this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists : this.remoteDeviceModel.deviceLists; for (let i = 0; i < deviceTempList.length; i++) { Logger.info(TAG, `device ${i}/${deviceTempList.length} deviceId= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceId}, deviceName= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceName}, deviceType= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceType}`); this.deviceLists.push(deviceTempList[i]); Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceLists push end'); }; Logger.info(TAG, 'CustomDialogController start'); if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); this.dialogController = null; } this.dialogController = new CustomDialogController({ builder: DeviceDialog({ deviceLists: this.deviceLists, selectedIndex: this.selectedIndex, selectedIndexChange: this.selectedIndexChange }), autoCancel: true, customStyle: true }); this.dialogController.open(); Logger.info(TAG, 'CustomDialogController end'); }) }; showPromptDialog(title: ResourceStr, str: ResourceStr) { AlertDialog.show({ title: title, message: str, confirm: { value: $r('app.string.cancel'), action: () => { Logger.info(TAG, `Button-clicking callback`); } }, cancel: () => { Logger.info(TAG, `Closed callbacks`); } }); }; remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent(event: string) { if (typeof (event) === 'string') { let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); if (viewThis !== undefined) { if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_CONNECT) { viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_STOP_SHARED; viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); Logger.info(TAG, 'remote service on connect callbacked'); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_DISCONNECT) { viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.onDisconnectService')); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_FAILED) { viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.onFailedService')); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_TIMEOUT) { this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.ConnectionTimeout')); } } } else { Logger.info(TAG, 'event is not a string'); }; }; musicPause() { Logger.info(TAG, 'music pause recv'); PlayerModel.pause(); let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); viewThis!.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); }; musicPlay() { Logger.info(TAG, 'music play recv'); PlayerModel.play(DEFAULT_NUM, true); let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); viewThis!.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; exitMusicApp() { Logger.info(TAG, `exit music app called`); if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest( MusicSharedEventCode.STOP_LOCAL_SERIVCE, data, reply, option); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote start type is error or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; connectLocalExtension() { let localServiceWant: Want = { bundleName: APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME, abilityName: APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME, }; let connectOptions: ability.ConnectOptions = { onConnect: (elementName, remote) => { this.localExtensionRemote = remote; Logger.info(TAG, `onConnect called elementName is ${JSON.stringify(elementName)}`); }, onDisconnect: (elementName) => { if (this.context !== null) { this.context.terminateSelf(); Logger.info(TAG, `OnDisconnect called elementName is ${JSON.stringify(elementName)}`); }; }, onFailed: (code) => { if (this.context !== null) { this.context.terminateSelf(); Logger.info(TAG, `OnFailed called code is ${JSON.stringify(code)}`); } } }; if (this.context !== null) { this.context.connectServiceExtensionAbility(localServiceWant, connectOptions); }; }; startRemoteExtension(deviceId: string, params: object) { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object' && typeof (deviceId) === 'string' && deviceId !== '') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); data.writeString(deviceId); data.writeString(JSON.stringify(params)); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.START_DISTRIBUTED_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); this.deviceId = deviceId; this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote start type is error or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; stopRemoteExtension() { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object' && typeof (this.deviceId) === 'string' && this.deviceId !== '') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); data.writeString(this.deviceId); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.STOP_DISTRIBUTED_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); this.deviceId = ''; } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote stopped type is wrong or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; sendMessagePlay() { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null) { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.PLAY_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); Logger.info(TAG, `onPlayClick send mssage success`); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `can not get proxy`); return; }; }; sendMessagePause() { if (this.localExtensionRemote === null) { Logger.info(TAG, `can not get proxy`); return; }; let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.PAUSE_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); Logger.info(TAG, `onPauseClick send mssage success`); }; onBackPress() { if (this.isDialogShowing === true) { this.dismissDialog(); return true; }; return false; }; onPageHide() { if (this.isDialogShowing === true) { this.dismissDialog(); return true; }; return false; }; dismissDialog() { if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); } this.remoteDeviceModel.unregisterDeviceListCallback(); this.isDialogShowing = false; }; startAbilityContinuation(deviceId: string) { let params: Params = { uri: '', seekTo: 0, isPlaying: false }; Logger.info(TAG, `startAbilityContinuation PlayerModel.index= ${PlayerModel.index}/${PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length}`); if (PlayerModel.index >= 0 && PlayerModel.index <= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { params = { uri: PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles[PlayerModel.index].fileUri, seekTo: PlayerModel.getCurrentMs(), isPlaying: PlayerModel.isPlaying }; }; Logger.info(TAG, `context.startAbility deviceId= ${deviceId}`); if (this.context !== null) { KvStoreModel.setOnMessageReceivedListener(this.context, REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED, () => { Logger.info(TAG, 'OnMessageReceived, terminateSelf'); }); }; Logger.info(TAG, `context.startAbility start`); this.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_REMOTING; this.startRemoteExtension(deviceId, params); this.clearSelectState(); Logger.info(TAG, 'context.startAbility end'); }; selectedIndexChange = (selectedIndex: number) => { if (this.context !== null && selectedIndex === 0) { this.context.startAbility({ bundleName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer', abilityName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer.MainAbility', deviceId: this.deviceLists[selectedIndex].deviceId, parameters: { isFA: 'EXIT' } }).then(() => { Logger.info(TAG, `startAbility finished`); }).catch((err: Error) => { Logger.info(TAG, `startAbility filed error = ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); }); this.isDistributed = false; this.selectedIndex = 0; if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); } this.deviceLists = []; return; }; this.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; this.selectDevice(); }; selectDevice() { Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability ......'); if (this.selectedIndex !== undefined && (this.remoteDeviceModel === null || this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists.length <= 0)) { Logger.info(TAG, `start ability device:${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)}`); this.startAbilityContinuation(this.deviceLists[this.selectedIndex].networkId as string); this.clearSelectState(); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability, needAuth'); if (this.selectedIndex !== undefined){ this.remoteDeviceModel.authDevice(this.deviceLists[this.selectedIndex], (device: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo) => { Logger.info(TAG, 'auth and online finished'); this.startAbilityContinuation(device.networkId); }); } Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability2 ......'); this.clearSelectState(); }; clearSelectState() { this.deviceLists = []; if (this.dialogController) { this.dialogController.close(); this.dialogController = null; }; }; getShownTimer(ms: number) { let minStr: string; let secStr: string; let seconds = Math.floor(ms / ONE_THOUSAND); let sec = seconds % SIXTY; Logger.info(TAG, `getShownTimer sec = ${sec}`); let min = (seconds - sec) / SIXTY; Logger.info(TAG, `getShownTimer min = ${min}`); if (sec < 10) { secStr = '0' + sec; } else { secStr = sec.toString(10); }; if (min < 10) { minStr = '0' + min; } else { minStr = min.toString(10); }; Logger.warn(TAG, `getShownTimer = ${minStr}:${secStr}`); return minStr + ':' + secStr; }; refreshSongInfo(index: number) { Logger.info(TAG, `refreshSongInfo ${index}/${PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length}`); if (index >= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { Logger.warn(TAG, 'refreshSongInfo ignored'); return; }; // update song title this.title = PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles[index].name; this.albumSrc = (index % 2 === 0) ? $r('app.media.album') : $r('app.media.album2'); // update duration this.totalMs = PlayerModel.getDuration(); this.totalTimeText = this.getShownTimer(this.totalMs); this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(PlayerModel.getCurrentMs()); Logger.info(TAG, `refreshSongInfo this.title= ${this.title}, this.totalMs= ${this.totalMs}, this.totalTimeText= ${this.totalTimeText},this.currentTimeText= ${this.currentTimeText}`); }; onAppSharedClick() { if (this.clickFlag === MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED) { Logger.info(TAG, `1start button is ${JSON.stringify(this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON])}`); this.showDialog(); } else if (this.clickFlag === MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_STOP_SHARED) { Logger.info(TAG, `2start button is ${JSON.stringify(this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON])}`); this.stopRemoteExtension(); this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); }; }; onPreviousClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onPreviousClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'onPreviousClick'); PlayerModel.index--; if (PlayerModel.index < 0 && PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length >= 1) { PlayerModel.index = PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length - 1; }; this.currentProgress = 0; this.isSwitching = true; PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(PlayerModel.index); PlayerModel.play(0, true); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; this.isSwitching = false; }); }; onNextClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onNextClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'onNextClick'); PlayerModel.index++; if (PlayerModel.index >= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { PlayerModel.index = 0; }; this.currentProgress = 0; this.isSwitching = true; PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(PlayerModel.index); PlayerModel.play(0, true); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; this.isSwitching = false; }); }; onPlayClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onPlayClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, `onPlayClick isPlaying= ${PlayerModel.isPlaying}`); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { PlayerModel.pause(); this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); this.sendMessagePause(); } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { PlayerModel.play(DEFAULT_NUM, true); this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); this.sendMessagePlay(); }) }; }; restoreFromWant() { Logger.info(TAG, 'restoreFromWant'); let status: Record<string, Object> | undefined = AppStorage.get('status'); if (status !== undefined && status !== null && status.uri !== null) { KvStoreModel.broadcastMessage(this.context, REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED); Logger.info(TAG, 'restorePlayingStatus'); PlayerModel.restorePlayingStatus(status, (index: number) => { Logger.info(TAG, `restorePlayingStatus finished, index= ${index}`); if (index >= 0) { this.refreshSongInfo(index); } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(0, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(0); }) } if (status !== undefined) { Logger.info(TAG, `Index PlayerModel.restorePlayingStatus this.totalMs = ${this.totalMs}, status.seekTo = ${status.seekTo}`); this.currentProgress = Math.floor(Number(status.seekTo) / this.totalMs * ONE_HUNDRED); } }) } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(0, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(0); }); } }; aboutToAppear() { Logger.info(TAG, `begin`); Logger.info(TAG, 'grantPermission'); this.context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; let atManager: abilityAccessCtrl.AtManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); let permission: Array<Permissions> = ['ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC']; try { atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, permission).then((data: PermissionRequestResult) => { Logger.info(TAG, `data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); }).catch((err: object) => { Logger.info(TAG, `err: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); }) } catch (err) { Logger.info(TAG, `catch err->${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } display.getDefaultDisplay().then((dis: display.Display) => { Logger.info(TAG, `getDefaultDisplay dis= ${JSON.stringify(dis)}`); let proportion = DESIGN_WIDTH / dis.width; let screenWidth = DESIGN_WIDTH; let screenHeight = (dis.height - SYSTEM_UI_HEIGHT) * proportion; this.riscale = (screenHeight / screenWidth) / DESIGN_RATIO; if (this.riscale < 1) { // The screen ratio is shorter than design ratio this.risw = screenWidth * this.riscale; this.rish = screenHeight; } else { // The screen ratio is longer than design ratio this.risw = screenWidth; this.rish = screenHeight / this.riscale; } Logger.info(TAG, `proportion=${proportion} , screenWidth= ${screenWidth}, screenHeight= ${screenHeight} , riscale= ${this.riscale} , risw= ${this.risw} , rish= ${this.rish}`); }) Logger.info(TAG, 'getDefaultDisplay end'); this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(0); PlayerModel.setOnStatusChangedListener((isPlaying: string) => { Logger.info(TAG, `on player status changed, isPlaying= ${isPlaying} refresh ui`); PlayerModel.setOnPlayingProgressListener((currentTimeMs: number) => { this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(currentTimeMs); this.currentProgress = Math.floor(currentTimeMs / this.totalMs * ONE_HUNDRED); }); if (isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); } else { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); } }); PlayerModel.getPlaylist(() => { Logger.info(TAG, 'on playlist generated, refresh ui'); this.restoreFromWant(); }); AppStorage.setOrCreate('viewThis', this); this.connectLocalExtension(); }; aboutToDisappear() { Logger.info(TAG, `aboutToDisappear begin`) if (PlayerModel === undefined) { return } PlayerModel.release() this.remoteDeviceModel.unregisterDeviceListCallback() this.dialogController = null KvStoreModel.deleteKvStore() Logger.info(TAG, `aboutToDisappear end`) }; build() { Column() { Blank() .width('100%') .height(72) Text(this.title) .width('100%') .fontSize(28) .margin({ top: '10%' }) .fontColor(Color.White) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) Image(this.albumSrc) .width(this.isLand ? '60%' : '89%') .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) .margin({ top: 50, left: 40, right: 40 }) Row() { Text(this.currentTimeText) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) Blank() Text(this.totalTimeText) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) } .width('90%') .margin({ top: '12%' }) Slider({ value: typeof (this.currentProgress) === 'number' ? this.currentProgress : 0 }) .trackColor('#64CCE7FF') .width('90%') .selectedColor('#ff0c4ae7') .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => { this.currentProgress = value; if (typeof (this.totalMs) !== 'number') { this.currentProgress = 0; Logger.info(TAG, `setProgress ignored, totalMs= ${this.totalMs}`); return; }; let currentMs = this.currentProgress / ONE_HUNDRED * this.totalMs; this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(currentMs); if (mode === SliderChangeMode.End || mode === 3) { Logger.info(TAG, `player.seek= ${currentMs}`); PlayerModel.seek(currentMs); }; }) Row() { ForEach(this.imageArrays, (item: Resource, index: number | undefined) => { Column() { Image(item) .size({ width: 74, height: 74 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) .onClick(() => { switch (index) { case 0: this.onAppSharedClick(); break; case 1: this.onPreviousClick(); break; case 2: this.onPlayClick(); break; case 3: this.onNextClick(); break; default: break; } }) } .id('image' + (index !== undefined ? (index + 1) : 0)) .width(100) .height(100) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) }) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: '4%' }) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceEvenly) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .backgroundImage($r('app.media.bg_blurry')) .backgroundImageSize({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }) } }
(1) 管理分布式数据库
创建一个KVManager对象实例,用于管理分布式数据库对象。通过distributedData.createKVManager(config),并通过指定Options和storeId,创建并获取KVStore数据库,并通过Promise方式返回,此方法为异步方法,例如this.kvManager.getKVStore(STORE_ID, options).then((store) => {})
(2) 订阅分布式数据变化
/* * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import abilityAccessCtrl, { Permissions } from '@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl'; import display from '@ohos.display'; import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common'; import mediaQuery from '@ohos.mediaquery'; import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'; import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want'; import PermissionRequestResult from 'security/PermissionRequestResult'; import KvStoreModel from '../model/KvStoreModel'; import Logger from '../model/Logger'; import PlayerModel from '../model/PlayerModel'; import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedDeviceManager'; import ability from '@ohos.ability.ability'; import { RemoteDeviceModel } from '../model/RemoteDeviceModel'; import { DeviceDialog } from '../common/DeviceDialog'; import { APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME, APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME, MusicSharedEventCode, MusicSharedStatus, MusicConnectEvent } from '../common/MusicSharedDefinition'; const TAG: string = 'Index'; const DESIGN_WIDTH: number = 720.0; const SYSTEM_UI_HEIGHT: number = 134; const DESIGN_RATIO: number = 16 / 9; const ONE_HUNDRED: number = 100; const ONE_THOUSAND: number = 1000; const SIXTY: number = 60; const REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED: string = 'remoteAbilityStarted'; const ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON = 0; const DEFAULT_NUM = -1; const PREVIOUS_CLICK = 2; interface Params { uri: string, seekTo: number, isPlaying: boolean }; @Entry @Component struct Index { private listener = mediaQuery.matchMediaSync('screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 1.5) or (orientation: landscape)'); @State isLand: boolean = false; @State currentTimeText: string = ''; @State currentProgress: number = 0; @State totalMs: number = 0; @State riscale: number = 1; @State risw: number = 720; @State rish: number = 1280; @State isSwitching: boolean = false; @State deviceLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; @State isDialogShowing: boolean = false; @State isDistributed: boolean = false; @State title: string = ''; @State totalTimeText: string = '00:00'; @State albumSrc: Resource = $r('app.media.album'); @State selectedIndex: number = 0; @State imageArrays: Array<Resource> = [$r('app.media.ic_hop'), $r('app.media.ic_play_previous'), $r('app.media.ic_play'), $r('app.media.ic_play_next')]; private dialogController: CustomDialogController | null = null; @StorageLink('exitMusicApp') @Watch('exitMusicApp') isExitMusicApp: boolean = false; @StorageLink('remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent') @Watch('remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent') isRemoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent: boolean = false; @StorageLink('musicPlay') @Watch('musicPlay') isMusicPlay: boolean = false; @StorageLink('musicPause') @Watch('musicPause') isMusicPause: boolean = false; private remoteDeviceModel: RemoteDeviceModel = new RemoteDeviceModel(); private context: common.UIAbilityContext | null = null; private deviceId: string | null = null; private clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; private localExtensionRemote: rpc.IRemoteObject | null = null; onLand = (mediaQueryResult: mediaQuery.MediaQueryResult) => { Logger.info(TAG, `onLand: mediaQueryResult.matches= ${mediaQueryResult.matches}`); if (mediaQueryResult.matches) { this.isLand = true; } else { this.isLand = false; }; }; showDialog() { this.remoteDeviceModel.registerDeviceListCallback(() => { Logger.info(TAG, 'registerDeviceListCallback, callback entered'); this.deviceLists = []; this.deviceLists.push({ deviceId: '0', deviceName: 'local device', deviceType: '0', networkId: '' }); let deviceTempList = this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists.length > 0 ? this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists : this.remoteDeviceModel.deviceLists; for (let i = 0; i < deviceTempList.length; i++) { Logger.info(TAG, `device ${i}/${deviceTempList.length} deviceId= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceId}, deviceName= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceName}, deviceType= ${deviceTempList[i].deviceType}`); this.deviceLists.push(deviceTempList[i]); Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceLists push end'); }; Logger.info(TAG, 'CustomDialogController start'); if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); this.dialogController = null; } this.dialogController = new CustomDialogController({ builder: DeviceDialog({ deviceLists: this.deviceLists, selectedIndex: this.selectedIndex, selectedIndexChange: this.selectedIndexChange }), autoCancel: true, customStyle: true }); this.dialogController.open(); Logger.info(TAG, 'CustomDialogController end'); }) }; showPromptDialog(title: ResourceStr, str: ResourceStr) { AlertDialog.show({ title: title, message: str, confirm: { value: $r('app.string.cancel'), action: () => { Logger.info(TAG, `Button-clicking callback`); } }, cancel: () => { Logger.info(TAG, `Closed callbacks`); } }); }; remoteServiceExtensionConnectEvent(event: string) { if (typeof (event) === 'string') { let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); if (viewThis !== undefined) { if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_CONNECT) { viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_STOP_SHARED; viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); Logger.info(TAG, 'remote service on connect callbacked'); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_DISCONNECT) { viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.onDisconnectService')); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_FAILED) { viewThis.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.onFailedService')); } else if (event === MusicConnectEvent.EVENT_TIMEOUT) { this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); viewThis.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED; viewThis.showPromptDialog($r('app.string.ConnectRemoteDevices'), $r('app.string.ConnectionTimeout')); } } } else { Logger.info(TAG, 'event is not a string'); }; }; musicPause() { Logger.info(TAG, 'music pause recv'); PlayerModel.pause(); let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); viewThis!.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); }; musicPlay() { Logger.info(TAG, 'music play recv'); PlayerModel.play(DEFAULT_NUM, true); let viewThis = AppStorage.get<Index>('viewThis'); viewThis!.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; exitMusicApp() { Logger.info(TAG, `exit music app called`); if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest( MusicSharedEventCode.STOP_LOCAL_SERIVCE, data, reply, option); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote start type is error or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; connectLocalExtension() { let localServiceWant: Want = { bundleName: APPLICATION_BUNDLE_NAME, abilityName: APPLICATION_SERVICE_NAME, }; let connectOptions: ability.ConnectOptions = { onConnect: (elementName, remote) => { this.localExtensionRemote = remote; Logger.info(TAG, `onConnect called elementName is ${JSON.stringify(elementName)}`); }, onDisconnect: (elementName) => { if (this.context !== null) { this.context.terminateSelf(); Logger.info(TAG, `OnDisconnect called elementName is ${JSON.stringify(elementName)}`); }; }, onFailed: (code) => { if (this.context !== null) { this.context.terminateSelf(); Logger.info(TAG, `OnFailed called code is ${JSON.stringify(code)}`); } } }; if (this.context !== null) { this.context.connectServiceExtensionAbility(localServiceWant, connectOptions); }; }; startRemoteExtension(deviceId: string, params: object) { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object' && typeof (deviceId) === 'string' && deviceId !== '') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); data.writeString(deviceId); data.writeString(JSON.stringify(params)); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.START_DISTRIBUTED_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); this.deviceId = deviceId; this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote start type is error or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; stopRemoteExtension() { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null && typeof (this.localExtensionRemote) === 'object' && typeof (this.deviceId) === 'string' && this.deviceId !== '') { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); data.writeString(this.deviceId); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.STOP_DISTRIBUTED_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); this.deviceId = ''; } else { Logger.info(TAG, `Remote stopped type is wrong or deviceID is empty, typeof= ${typeof (this.localExtensionRemote)}`); }; }; sendMessagePlay() { if (this.localExtensionRemote !== null) { let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.PLAY_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); Logger.info(TAG, `onPlayClick send mssage success`); } else { Logger.info(TAG, `can not get proxy`); return; }; }; sendMessagePause() { if (this.localExtensionRemote === null) { Logger.info(TAG, `can not get proxy`); return; }; let option = new rpc.MessageOption(); let data = new rpc.MessageParcel(); let reply = new rpc.MessageParcel(); this.localExtensionRemote.sendRequest(MusicSharedEventCode.PAUSE_MUSIC_SERVICE, data, reply, option); Logger.info(TAG, `onPauseClick send mssage success`); }; onBackPress() { if (this.isDialogShowing === true) { this.dismissDialog(); return true; }; return false; }; onPageHide() { if (this.isDialogShowing === true) { this.dismissDialog(); return true; }; return false; }; dismissDialog() { if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); } this.remoteDeviceModel.unregisterDeviceListCallback(); this.isDialogShowing = false; }; startAbilityContinuation(deviceId: string) { let params: Params = { uri: '', seekTo: 0, isPlaying: false }; Logger.info(TAG, `startAbilityContinuation PlayerModel.index= ${PlayerModel.index}/${PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length}`); if (PlayerModel.index >= 0 && PlayerModel.index <= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { params = { uri: PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles[PlayerModel.index].fileUri, seekTo: PlayerModel.getCurrentMs(), isPlaying: PlayerModel.isPlaying }; }; Logger.info(TAG, `context.startAbility deviceId= ${deviceId}`); if (this.context !== null) { KvStoreModel.setOnMessageReceivedListener(this.context, REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED, () => { Logger.info(TAG, 'OnMessageReceived, terminateSelf'); }); }; Logger.info(TAG, `context.startAbility start`); this.clickFlag = MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_REMOTING; this.startRemoteExtension(deviceId, params); this.clearSelectState(); Logger.info(TAG, 'context.startAbility end'); }; selectedIndexChange = (selectedIndex: number) => { if (this.context !== null && selectedIndex === 0) { this.context.startAbility({ bundleName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer', abilityName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer.MainAbility', deviceId: this.deviceLists[selectedIndex].deviceId, parameters: { isFA: 'EXIT' } }).then(() => { Logger.info(TAG, `startAbility finished`); }).catch((err: Error) => { Logger.info(TAG, `startAbility filed error = ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); }); this.isDistributed = false; this.selectedIndex = 0; if (this.dialogController !== null) { this.dialogController.close(); } this.deviceLists = []; return; }; this.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; this.selectDevice(); }; selectDevice() { Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability ......'); if (this.selectedIndex !== undefined && (this.remoteDeviceModel === null || this.remoteDeviceModel.discoverLists.length <= 0)) { Logger.info(TAG, `start ability device:${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)}`); this.startAbilityContinuation(this.deviceLists[this.selectedIndex].networkId as string); this.clearSelectState(); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability, needAuth'); if (this.selectedIndex !== undefined){ this.remoteDeviceModel.authDevice(this.deviceLists[this.selectedIndex], (device: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo) => { Logger.info(TAG, 'auth and online finished'); this.startAbilityContinuation(device.networkId); }); } Logger.info(TAG, 'start ability2 ......'); this.clearSelectState(); }; clearSelectState() { this.deviceLists = []; if (this.dialogController) { this.dialogController.close(); this.dialogController = null; }; }; getShownTimer(ms: number) { let minStr: string; let secStr: string; let seconds = Math.floor(ms / ONE_THOUSAND); let sec = seconds % SIXTY; Logger.info(TAG, `getShownTimer sec = ${sec}`); let min = (seconds - sec) / SIXTY; Logger.info(TAG, `getShownTimer min = ${min}`); if (sec < 10) { secStr = '0' + sec; } else { secStr = sec.toString(10); }; if (min < 10) { minStr = '0' + min; } else { minStr = min.toString(10); }; Logger.warn(TAG, `getShownTimer = ${minStr}:${secStr}`); return minStr + ':' + secStr; }; refreshSongInfo(index: number) { Logger.info(TAG, `refreshSongInfo ${index}/${PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length}`); if (index >= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { Logger.warn(TAG, 'refreshSongInfo ignored'); return; }; // update song title this.title = PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles[index].name; this.albumSrc = (index % 2 === 0) ? $r('app.media.album') : $r('app.media.album2'); // update duration this.totalMs = PlayerModel.getDuration(); this.totalTimeText = this.getShownTimer(this.totalMs); this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(PlayerModel.getCurrentMs()); Logger.info(TAG, `refreshSongInfo this.title= ${this.title}, this.totalMs= ${this.totalMs}, this.totalTimeText= ${this.totalTimeText},this.currentTimeText= ${this.currentTimeText}`); }; onAppSharedClick() { if (this.clickFlag === MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_SHARED) { Logger.info(TAG, `1start button is ${JSON.stringify(this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON])}`); this.showDialog(); } else if (this.clickFlag === MusicSharedStatus.MUSIC_STOP_SHARED) { Logger.info(TAG, `2start button is ${JSON.stringify(this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON])}`); this.stopRemoteExtension(); this.imageArrays[ABILITY_SHARED_BUTTON] = $r('app.media.ic_hop'); }; }; onPreviousClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onPreviousClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'onPreviousClick'); PlayerModel.index--; if (PlayerModel.index < 0 && PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length >= 1) { PlayerModel.index = PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length - 1; }; this.currentProgress = 0; this.isSwitching = true; PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(PlayerModel.index); PlayerModel.play(0, true); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; this.isSwitching = false; }); }; onNextClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onNextClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'onNextClick'); PlayerModel.index++; if (PlayerModel.index >= PlayerModel.playlist.audioFiles.length) { PlayerModel.index = 0; }; this.currentProgress = 0; this.isSwitching = true; PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(PlayerModel.index); PlayerModel.play(0, true); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); }; this.isSwitching = false; }); }; onPlayClick() { if (this.isSwitching) { Logger.info(TAG, 'onPlayClick ignored, isSwitching'); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, `onPlayClick isPlaying= ${PlayerModel.isPlaying}`); if (PlayerModel.isPlaying) { PlayerModel.pause(); this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); this.sendMessagePause(); } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(PlayerModel.index, () => { PlayerModel.play(DEFAULT_NUM, true); this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); this.sendMessagePlay(); }) }; }; restoreFromWant() { Logger.info(TAG, 'restoreFromWant'); let status: Record<string, Object> | undefined = AppStorage.get('status'); if (status !== undefined && status !== null && status.uri !== null) { KvStoreModel.broadcastMessage(this.context, REMOTE_ABILITY_STARTED); Logger.info(TAG, 'restorePlayingStatus'); PlayerModel.restorePlayingStatus(status, (index: number) => { Logger.info(TAG, `restorePlayingStatus finished, index= ${index}`); if (index >= 0) { this.refreshSongInfo(index); } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(0, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(0); }) } if (status !== undefined) { Logger.info(TAG, `Index PlayerModel.restorePlayingStatus this.totalMs = ${this.totalMs}, status.seekTo = ${status.seekTo}`); this.currentProgress = Math.floor(Number(status.seekTo) / this.totalMs * ONE_HUNDRED); } }) } else { PlayerModel.preLoad(0, () => { this.refreshSongInfo(0); }); } }; aboutToAppear() { Logger.info(TAG, `begin`); Logger.info(TAG, 'grantPermission'); this.context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext; let atManager: abilityAccessCtrl.AtManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); let permission: Array<Permissions> = ['ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC']; try { atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, permission).then((data: PermissionRequestResult) => { Logger.info(TAG, `data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); }).catch((err: object) => { Logger.info(TAG, `err: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); }) } catch (err) { Logger.info(TAG, `catch err->${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } display.getDefaultDisplay().then((dis: display.Display) => { Logger.info(TAG, `getDefaultDisplay dis= ${JSON.stringify(dis)}`); let proportion = DESIGN_WIDTH / dis.width; let screenWidth = DESIGN_WIDTH; let screenHeight = (dis.height - SYSTEM_UI_HEIGHT) * proportion; this.riscale = (screenHeight / screenWidth) / DESIGN_RATIO; if (this.riscale < 1) { // The screen ratio is shorter than design ratio this.risw = screenWidth * this.riscale; this.rish = screenHeight; } else { // The screen ratio is longer than design ratio this.risw = screenWidth; this.rish = screenHeight / this.riscale; } Logger.info(TAG, `proportion=${proportion} , screenWidth= ${screenWidth}, screenHeight= ${screenHeight} , riscale= ${this.riscale} , risw= ${this.risw} , rish= ${this.rish}`); }) Logger.info(TAG, 'getDefaultDisplay end'); this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(0); PlayerModel.setOnStatusChangedListener((isPlaying: string) => { Logger.info(TAG, `on player status changed, isPlaying= ${isPlaying} refresh ui`); PlayerModel.setOnPlayingProgressListener((currentTimeMs: number) => { this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(currentTimeMs); this.currentProgress = Math.floor(currentTimeMs / this.totalMs * ONE_HUNDRED); }); if (isPlaying) { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_pause'); } else { this.imageArrays[PREVIOUS_CLICK] = $r('app.media.ic_play'); } }); PlayerModel.getPlaylist(() => { Logger.info(TAG, 'on playlist generated, refresh ui'); this.restoreFromWant(); }); AppStorage.setOrCreate('viewThis', this); this.connectLocalExtension(); }; aboutToDisappear() { Logger.info(TAG, `aboutToDisappear begin`) if (PlayerModel === undefined) { return } PlayerModel.release() this.remoteDeviceModel.unregisterDeviceListCallback() this.dialogController = null KvStoreModel.deleteKvStore() Logger.info(TAG, `aboutToDisappear end`) }; build() { Column() { Blank() .width('100%') .height(72) Text(this.title) .width('100%') .fontSize(28) .margin({ top: '10%' }) .fontColor(Color.White) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) Image(this.albumSrc) .width(this.isLand ? '60%' : '89%') .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) .margin({ top: 50, left: 40, right: 40 }) Row() { Text(this.currentTimeText) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) Blank() Text(this.totalTimeText) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.White) } .width('90%') .margin({ top: '12%' }) Slider({ value: typeof (this.currentProgress) === 'number' ? this.currentProgress : 0 }) .trackColor('#64CCE7FF') .width('90%') .selectedColor('#ff0c4ae7') .onChange((value: number, mode: SliderChangeMode) => { this.currentProgress = value; if (typeof (this.totalMs) !== 'number') { this.currentProgress = 0; Logger.info(TAG, `setProgress ignored, totalMs= ${this.totalMs}`); return; }; let currentMs = this.currentProgress / ONE_HUNDRED * this.totalMs; this.currentTimeText = this.getShownTimer(currentMs); if (mode === SliderChangeMode.End || mode === 3) { Logger.info(TAG, `player.seek= ${currentMs}`); PlayerModel.seek(currentMs); }; }) Row() { ForEach(this.imageArrays, (item: Resource, index: number | undefined) => { Column() { Image(item) .size({ width: 74, height: 74 }) .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) .onClick(() => { switch (index) { case 0: this.onAppSharedClick(); break; case 1: this.onPreviousClick(); break; case 2: this.onPlayClick(); break; case 3: this.onNextClick(); break; default: break; } }) } .id('image' + (index !== undefined ? (index + 1) : 0)) .width(100) .height(100) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) }) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: '4%' }) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceEvenly) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .backgroundImage($r('app.media.bg_blurry')) .backgroundImageSize({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }) } }
(1)分布式设备管理器绑定应用包 deviceManager.createDeviceManager(‘ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer’) [源码参考]。
/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedDeviceManager'; import Logger from '../model/Logger'; let SUBSCRIBE_ID: number = 100; const RANDOM: number = 65536; const TAG: string = 'RemoteDeviceModel'; export class RemoteDeviceModel { public deviceLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; public discoverLists: Array<deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo> = []; private callback: () => void = null; private authCallback: () => void = null; private deviceManager: deviceManager.DeviceManager = undefined; registerDeviceListCallback(callback) { if (typeof (this.deviceManager) === 'undefined') { Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceManager.createDeviceManager begin'); try { this.deviceManager = deviceManager.createDeviceManager('ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer'); this.registerDeviceList(callback); Logger.info(TAG, `createDeviceManager callback returned, value= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceManager)}`); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `createDeviceManager throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } Logger.info(TAG, 'deviceManager.createDeviceManager end'); } else { this.registerDeviceList(callback); }; }; registerDeviceList(callback) { Logger.info(TAG, 'registerDeviceListCallback'); this.callback = callback; if (this.deviceManager === undefined) { Logger.error(TAG, 'deviceManager has not initialized'); this.callback(); return; }; Logger.info(TAG, 'getTrustedDeviceListSync begin'); let list: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo[] = []; try { list = this.deviceManager.getAvailableDeviceListSync(); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); }; Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync end, deviceLists= ${JSON.stringify(list)}`); if (typeof (list) !== 'undefined' && typeof (list.length) !== 'undefined') { this.deviceLists = list; }; this.callback(); Logger.info(TAG, 'callback finished'); try { this.deviceManager.on('deviceStateChange', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `deviceStateChange data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); switch (data.action) { case deviceManager.DeviceStateChange.AVAILABLE: this.discoverLists = []; this.deviceLists.push(data.device); Logger.info(TAG, `reday, updated device list= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)} `); let list: deviceManager.DeviceBasicInfo[] = []; try { list = this.deviceManager.getAvailableDeviceListSync(); } catch (err) { Logger.info(TAG, `this err is ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } Logger.info(TAG, `getTrustedDeviceListSync end, deviceList= ${JSON.stringify(list)}`); if (typeof (list) !== 'undefined' && typeof (list.length) !== 'undefined') { this.deviceLists = list; } this.callback(); break; case deviceManager.DeviceStateChange.UNAVAILABLE: if (this.deviceLists.length > 0) { let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.deviceLists.length; i++) { if (this.deviceLists[i].deviceId !== data.device.deviceId) { list[i] = data.device; }; }; this.deviceLists = list; }; Logger.info(TAG, `offline, updated device list= ${JSON.stringify(this.deviceLists)}`); this.callback(); break; default: break; }; }); this.deviceManager.on('discoverSuccess', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `discoverSuccess data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); Logger.info(TAG, `discoverSuccess this.deviceLists= ${this.deviceLists}, this.deviceLists.length= ${this.deviceLists.length}`); for (let i = 0;i < this.discoverLists.length; i++) { if (this.discoverLists[i].deviceId === data.device.deviceId) { Logger.info(TAG, 'device founded, ignored'); return; }; }; this.discoverLists[this.discoverLists.length] = data.device; this.callback(); }); this.deviceManager.on('discoverFailure', (data) => { Logger.info(TAG, `discoverFailure data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); }); this.deviceManager.on('serviceDie', () => { Logger.error(TAG, 'serviceDie'); }); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `on throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } let discoverParam = { 'discoverTargetType': 1 }; let filterOptions = { 'availableStatus': 0 }; Logger.info(TAG, `startDiscovering ${SUBSCRIBE_ID}`); try { if (this.deviceManager !== null) { this.deviceManager.startDiscovering(discoverParam, filterOptions); }; } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `startDiscovering throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); }; }; authDevice(device, callback) { Logger.info(TAG, `authDevice ${device}`); if (device !== undefined) { for (let i = 0; i < this.discoverLists.length; i++) { if (this.discoverLists[i].deviceId === device.deviceId) { Logger.info(TAG, 'device founded, ignored'); let bindParam = { bindType: 1, targetPkgName: 'ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer', appName: 'Music', }; Logger.info(TAG, `authenticateDevice ${JSON.stringify(this.discoverLists[i])}`); try { this.deviceManager.bindTarget(device.deviceId, bindParam, (err, data) => { if (err) { Logger.error(TAG, `authenticateDevice error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); this.authCallback = () => { }; return; }; Logger.info(TAG, `authenticateDevice succeed, data= ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); this.authCallback = callback; }); } catch (error) { Logger.error(TAG, `authenticateDevice throw error, error=${JSON.stringify(error)} message=${error.message}`); } } } } }; unregisterDeviceListCallback() { Logger.info(TAG, `stopDiscovering ${SUBSCRIBE_ID}`); if (this.deviceManager === undefined) { return; }; try { this.deviceManager.stopDiscovering(); this.deviceManager.off('deviceStateChange'); this.deviceManager.off('discoverSuccess'); this.deviceManager.off('discoverFailure'); this.deviceManager.off('serviceDie'); } catch (error) { Logger.info(TAG, `stopDeviceDiscovery throw error, error=${error} message=${error.message}`); } this.deviceLists = []; }; }
(2) 初始化播放器 构造函数中通过’@ohos.multimedia.media’组件对播放器进行实例化,并调用播放器初始化函数,通过播放器的on函数,监听error、finish、timeUpdate
(3) 同步当前播放数据 播放器通过调用selectedIndexChange(),将当前播放的资源、时间、以及播放状态同步给选中的设备。
(4) 接收当前播放数据 播放器通过在aboutToAppear()时调用this.restoreFromWant(), KvStoreModel组件获取播放列表,playerModel组件重新加载播放器状态和资源。
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