关于LIF神经元模型的详细解释可以参考官网文档snntorch 0.7.0 --- Tutorial 2 - The Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron — snntorch 0.7.0 documentation
LIF 神经元模型相当复杂,需要调整一系列超参数,这导致需要跟踪的参数非常多,如果扩展到完整的 SNN,就会变得更加繁琐。因此,我们不妨做一些简化。
如果我们假设 t 代表序列中的时间步长而不是连续时间,那么我们可以设置 Δt=1 。为了进一步减少超参数的数量,可以假设 R=1 ,则有
W 是一个可学习的参数,而 Uthr 通常只是设置为 1 (尽管可以调整),因此衰减率β是唯一需要指定的超参数。
- # imports
- import snntorch as snn
- from snntorch import spikeplot as splt
- from snntorch import spikegen
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- def leaky_integrate_and_fire(mem, x, w, beta, threshold=1):
- spk = (mem > threshold) # if membrane exceeds threshold, spk=1, else, 0
- mem = beta * mem + w*x - spk*threshold
- return spk, mem
- #@title Plotting Settings
- def plot_cur_mem_spk(cur, mem, spk, thr_line=False, vline=False, title=False, ylim_max1=1.25, ylim_max2=1.25):
- # Generate Plots
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(8,6), sharex=True,
- gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': [1, 1, 0.4]})
- # Plot input current
- ax[0].plot(cur, c="tab:orange")
- ax[0].set_ylim([0, ylim_max1])
- ax[0].set_xlim([0, 200])
- ax[0].set_ylabel("Input Current ($I_{in}$)")
- if title:
- ax[0].set_title(title)
- # Plot membrane potential
- ax[1].plot(mem)
- ax[1].set_ylim([0, ylim_max2])
- ax[1].set_ylabel("Membrane Potential ($U_{mem}$)")
- if thr_line:
- ax[1].axhline(y=thr_line, alpha=0.25, linestyle="dashed", c="black", linewidth=2)
- plt.xlabel("Time step")
- # Plot output spike using spikeplot
- splt.raster(spk, ax[2], s=400, c="black", marker="|")
- if vline:
- ax[2].axvline(x=vline, ymin=0, ymax=6.75, alpha = 0.15, linestyle="dashed", c="black", linewidth=2, zorder=0, clip_on=False)
- plt.ylabel("Output spikes")
- plt.yticks([])
- plt.show()
- # set neuronal parameters
- delta_t = torch.tensor(1e-3)
- tau = torch.tensor(5e-3)
- beta = torch.exp(-delta_t/tau)
- print(f"The decay rate is: {beta:.3f}")
- num_steps = 200
- # initialize inputs/outputs + small step current input
- x = torch.cat((torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(190)*0.5), 0)
- mem = torch.zeros(1)
- spk_out = torch.zeros(1)
- mem_rec = []
- spk_rec = []
- # neuron parameters
- w = 0.4
- beta = 0.819
- # neuron simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- spk, mem = leaky_integrate_and_fire(mem, x[step], w=w, beta=beta)
- mem_rec.append(mem)
- spk_rec.append(spk)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem_rec = torch.stack(mem_rec)
- spk_rec = torch.stack(spk_rec)
- plot_cur_mem_spk(x*w, mem_rec, spk_rec, thr_line=1,ylim_max1=0.5,
- title="LIF Neuron Model With Weighted Step Voltage")
在snntorch中,通过实例化 snn.Leaky
lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=0.8)
神经元模型现在存储在 lif1
中, lif1
- # 定义神经元
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=0.8)
- # Small step current input
- w=0.21
- cur_in = torch.cat((torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(190)*w), 0)
- mem = torch.zeros(1)
- spk = torch.zeros(1)
- mem_rec = []
- spk_rec = []
- # 模拟神经元
- for step in range(num_steps):
- spk, mem = lif1(cur_in[step], mem)
- mem_rec.append(mem)
- spk_rec.append(spk)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem_rec = torch.stack(mem_rec)
- spk_rec = torch.stack(spk_rec)
- plot_cur_mem_spk(cur_in, mem_rec, spk_rec, thr_line=1, ylim_max1=0.5,
- title="snn.Leaky Neuron Model")
到目前为止,我们只考虑了单个神经元如何对输入刺激做出响应。snnTorch 可以直接将其扩展为深度神经网络。在本节中,我们将创建一个维数为 784-1000-10 的 3 层全连接神经网络。
PyTorch 用于形成神经元之间的连接,而 snnTorch 则用于创建神经元。首先,初始化所有层。
- # layer parameters
- num_inputs = 784
- num_hidden = 1000
- num_outputs = 10
- beta = 0.99
- # initialize layers
- fc1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hidden)
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
- fc2 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs)
- lif2 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
接下来,初始化每个尖峰神经元的隐藏变量和输出。随着网络规模的扩大,这项工作会变得越来越繁琐。静态方法 init_leaky()
可以解决这个问题 。在第一次前向传递时,隐藏状态的形状会根据输入数据的维度自动初始化。
- # Initialize hidden states
- mem1 = lif1.init_leaky()
- mem2 = lif2.init_leaky()
- # record outputs
- mem2_rec = []
- spk1_rec = []
- spk2_rec = []
创建输入脉冲序列,并将其传递给网络。有 200 个时间步来模拟 784 个输入神经元,即输入的原始维度为 200×784 。 然而,神经网络通常以小批次处理数据:
spk_in = spikegen.rate_conv(torch.rand((200, 784))).unsqueeze(1)
如果U[t+1]大于阈值 ,则从该神经元触发一个脉冲
- # layer parameters
- num_inputs = 784
- num_hidden = 1000
- num_outputs = 10
- beta = 0.99
- # initialize layers
- fc1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hidden)
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
- fc2 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs)
- lif2 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
- # Initialize hidden states
- mem1 = lif1.init_leaky()
- mem2 = lif2.init_leaky()
- # record outputs
- mem2_rec = []
- spk1_rec = []
- spk2_rec = []
- spk_in = spikegen.rate_conv(torch.rand((200, 784))).unsqueeze(1)
- # network simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- cur1 = fc1(spk_in[step]) # post-synaptic current <-- spk_in x weight
- spk1, mem1 = lif1(cur1, mem1) # mem[t+1] <--post-syn current + decayed membrane
- cur2 = fc2(spk1)
- spk2, mem2 = lif2(cur2, mem2)
- mem2_rec.append(mem2)
- spk1_rec.append(spk1)
- spk2_rec.append(spk2)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem2_rec = torch.stack(mem2_rec)
- spk1_rec = torch.stack(spk1_rec)
- spk2_rec = torch.stack(spk2_rec)
- def plot_snn_spikes(spk_in, spk1_rec, spk2_rec, title):
- # Generate Plots
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(8,7), sharex=True,
- gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': [1, 1, 0.4]})
- # Plot input spikes
- splt.raster(spk_in[:,0], ax[0], s=0.03, c="black")
- ax[0].set_ylabel("Input Spikes")
- ax[0].set_title(title)
- # Plot hidden layer spikes
- splt.raster(spk1_rec.reshape(num_steps, -1), ax[1], s = 0.05, c="black")
- ax[1].set_ylabel("Hidden Layer")
- # Plot output spikes
- splt.raster(spk2_rec.reshape(num_steps, -1), ax[2], c="black", marker="|")
- ax[2].set_ylabel("Output Spikes")
- ax[2].set_ylim([0, 10])
- plt.show()
- plot_snn_spikes(spk_in, spk1_rec, spk2_rec, "Fully Connected Spiking Neural Network")
- # imports
- import snntorch as snn
- from snntorch import spikeplot as splt
- from snntorch import spikegen
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- def leaky_integrate_and_fire(mem, x, w, beta, threshold=1):
- spk = (mem > threshold) # if membrane exceeds threshold, spk=1, else, 0
- mem = beta * mem + w*x - spk*threshold
- return spk, mem
- #@title Plotting Settings
- def plot_cur_mem_spk(cur, mem, spk, thr_line=False, vline=False, title=False, ylim_max1=1.25, ylim_max2=1.25):
- # Generate Plots
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(8,6), sharex=True,
- gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': [1, 1, 0.4]})
- # Plot input current
- ax[0].plot(cur, c="tab:orange")
- ax[0].set_ylim([0, ylim_max1])
- ax[0].set_xlim([0, 200])
- ax[0].set_ylabel("Input Current ($I_{in}$)")
- if title:
- ax[0].set_title(title)
- # Plot membrane potential
- ax[1].plot(mem)
- ax[1].set_ylim([0, ylim_max2])
- ax[1].set_ylabel("Membrane Potential ($U_{mem}$)")
- if thr_line:
- ax[1].axhline(y=thr_line, alpha=0.25, linestyle="dashed", c="black", linewidth=2)
- plt.xlabel("Time step")
- # Plot output spike using spikeplot
- splt.raster(spk, ax[2], s=400, c="black", marker="|")
- if vline:
- ax[2].axvline(x=vline, ymin=0, ymax=6.75, alpha = 0.15, linestyle="dashed", c="black", linewidth=2, zorder=0, clip_on=False)
- plt.ylabel("Output spikes")
- plt.yticks([])
- plt.show()
- def plot_snn_spikes(spk_in, spk1_rec, spk2_rec, title):
- # Generate Plots
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(8,7), sharex=True,
- gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': [1, 1, 0.4]})
- # Plot input spikes
- splt.raster(spk_in[:,0], ax[0], s=0.03, c="black")
- ax[0].set_ylabel("Input Spikes")
- ax[0].set_title(title)
- # Plot hidden layer spikes
- splt.raster(spk1_rec.reshape(num_steps, -1), ax[1], s = 0.05, c="black")
- ax[1].set_ylabel("Hidden Layer")
- # Plot output spikes
- splt.raster(spk2_rec.reshape(num_steps, -1), ax[2], c="black", marker="|")
- ax[2].set_ylabel("Output Spikes")
- ax[2].set_ylim([0, 10])
- plt.show()
- # set neuronal parameters
- delta_t = torch.tensor(1e-3)
- tau = torch.tensor(5e-3)
- beta = torch.exp(-delta_t/tau)
- print(f"The decay rate is: {beta:.3f}")
- num_steps = 200
- # initialize inputs/outputs + small step current input
- x = torch.cat((torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(190)*0.5), 0)
- mem = torch.zeros(1)
- spk_out = torch.zeros(1)
- mem_rec = []
- spk_rec = []
- # neuron parameters
- w = 0.4
- beta = 0.819
- # neuron simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- spk, mem = leaky_integrate_and_fire(mem, x[step], w=w, beta=beta)
- mem_rec.append(mem)
- spk_rec.append(spk)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem_rec = torch.stack(mem_rec)
- spk_rec = torch.stack(spk_rec)
- plot_cur_mem_spk(x*w, mem_rec, spk_rec, thr_line=1,ylim_max1=0.5,
- title="LIF Neuron Model With Weighted Step Voltage")
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=0.8)
- # Small step current input
- w=0.21
- cur_in = torch.cat((torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(190)*w), 0)
- mem = torch.zeros(1)
- spk = torch.zeros(1)
- mem_rec = []
- spk_rec = []
- # neuron simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- spk, mem = lif1(cur_in[step], mem)
- mem_rec.append(mem)
- spk_rec.append(spk)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem_rec = torch.stack(mem_rec)
- spk_rec = torch.stack(spk_rec)
- plot_cur_mem_spk(cur_in, mem_rec, spk_rec, thr_line=1, ylim_max1=0.5,
- title="snn.Leaky Neuron Model")
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=0.8)
- # Small step current input
- w=0.21
- cur_in = torch.cat((torch.zeros(10), torch.ones(190)*w), 0)
- mem = torch.zeros(1)
- spk = torch.zeros(1)
- mem_rec = []
- spk_rec = []
- # neuron simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- spk, mem = lif1(cur_in[step], mem)
- mem_rec.append(mem)
- spk_rec.append(spk)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem_rec = torch.stack(mem_rec)
- spk_rec = torch.stack(spk_rec)
- plot_cur_mem_spk(cur_in, mem_rec, spk_rec, thr_line=1, ylim_max1=0.5,
- title="snn.Leaky Neuron Model")
- # layer parameters
- num_inputs = 784
- num_hidden = 1000
- num_outputs = 10
- beta = 0.99
- # initialize layers
- fc1 = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hidden)
- lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
- fc2 = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs)
- lif2 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta)
- # Initialize hidden states
- mem1 = lif1.init_leaky()
- mem2 = lif2.init_leaky()
- # record outputs
- mem2_rec = []
- spk1_rec = []
- spk2_rec = []
- spk_in = spikegen.rate_conv(torch.rand((200, 784))).unsqueeze(1)
- # network simulation
- for step in range(num_steps):
- cur1 = fc1(spk_in[step]) # post-synaptic current <-- spk_in x weight
- spk1, mem1 = lif1(cur1, mem1) # mem[t+1] <--post-syn current + decayed membrane
- cur2 = fc2(spk1)
- spk2, mem2 = lif2(cur2, mem2)
- mem2_rec.append(mem2)
- spk1_rec.append(spk1)
- spk2_rec.append(spk2)
- # convert lists to tensors
- mem2_rec = torch.stack(mem2_rec)
- spk1_rec = torch.stack(spk1_rec)
- spk2_rec = torch.stack(spk2_rec)
- plot_snn_spikes(spk_in, spk1_rec, spk2_rec, "Fully Connected Spiking Neural Network")
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