我们在之前的文章 “城市之旅:使用 LLM 和 Elasticsearch 简化地理空间搜索(一)”,在今天的练习中,我将使用本地部署来做那里面的 Jupyter notebook。
如果你还没有安装好自己的 Elasticsearch 及 Kibana,请参考如下的链接来进行安装:
在安装的时候,我们选择 Elastic Stack 8.x 来进行安装。特别值得指出的是:ES|QL 只在 Elastic Stack 8.11 及以后得版本中才有。你需要下载 Elastic Stack 8.11 及以后得版本来进行安装。
在首次启动 Elasticsearch 的时候,我们可以看到如下的输出:
我们需要记下 Elasticsearch 超级用户 elastic 的密码。
我们还可以在安装 Elasticsearch 目录中找到 Elasticsearch 的访问证书:
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/elastic/elasticsearch-8.13.4/config/certs
- $ ls
- http.p12 http_ca.crt transport.p12
在上面,http_ca.crt 是我们需要用来访问 Elasticsearch 的证书。
git clone https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/elasticsearch-labs
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
- $ cp ~/elastic/elasticsearch-8.13.4/config/certs/http_ca.crt .
- $ ls
- 09-geospatial-search.ipynb http_ca.crt
在上面,我们把 Elasticsearch 的证书拷贝到当前的目录下。上面的 09-geospatial-search.ipynb 就是我们下面要展示的 notebook。
在下面,我们需要使用 ELSER。这是一个白金试用的功能。我们按照如下的步骤来启动白金试用:
为了能够使得下面的应用顺利执行,我们在当前的项目根目录下创建一个叫做 .env 的文件。它的内容如下:
- ES_USER="elastic"
- ES_ENDPOINT="localhost"
- OPENAI_API_KEY="YourOpenAIkey"
你需要根据自己的 Elasticsearch 的配置来修改上面的配置。你需要申请自己的 OpenAI key 来完成上面的配置。你可以在地址 https://platform.openai.com/api-keys 进行申请。
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
- $ ls -al
- total 176
- drwxr-xr-x 5 liuxg staff 160 May 31 11:10 .
- drwxr-xr-x 16 liuxg staff 512 May 31 09:55 ..
- -rw-r--r-- 1 liuxg staff 146 May 31 11:10 .env
- -rw-r--r-- 1 liuxg staff 78674 May 31 09:48 09-geospatial-search.ipynb
- -rw-r----- 1 liuxg staff 1915 May 31 10:55 http_ca.crt
我们在项目的根目录下,我们使用如下的命令来打开 notebook:
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/python/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
- $ jupyter notebook 09-geospatial-search.ipynb
首先,我们需要使用 Python 客户端连接到 Elastic 部署。
!pip install -qU elasticsearch requests openai python-dotenv
- from dotenv import load_dotenv
- import os
- from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers, exceptions
- from elasticsearch.helpers import BulkIndexError
- import time
- import json as JSON
现在我们可以实例化 Python Elasticsearch 客户端。然后我们创建一个客户端对象来实例化 Elasticsearch 类的实例
- load_dotenv()
- ES_USER = os.getenv("ES_USER")
- ES_PASSWORD = os.getenv("ES_PASSWORD")
- ES_ENDPOINT = os.getenv("ES_ENDPOINT")
- url = f"https://{ES_USER}:{ES_PASSWORD}@{ES_ENDPOINT}:9200"
- print(url)
- client = Elasticsearch(url, ca_certs = "./http_ca.crt", verify_certs = True)
在此示例中,我们将下载 ELSER 模型并将其部署到 ML 节点中。确保你有一个 ML 节点才能运行 ELSER 模型。
- # delete model if already downloaded and deployed
- try:
- client.ml.delete_trained_model(model_id=".elser_model_2", force=True)
- print("Model deleted successfully, We will proceed with creating one")
- except exceptions.NotFoundError:
- print("Model doesn't exist, but We will proceed with creating one")
- # Creates the ELSER model configuration. Automatically downloads the model if it doesn't exist.
- client.ml.put_trained_model(
- model_id=".elser_model_2", input={"field_names": ["text_field"]}
- )
注意:针对 x86 架构,我们可以使用模型 .elser_model_2_linux-x86_64 来代替 .elser_model_2 以获取更好的性能。在下面的代码中,我们也需要相应的更换。
- while True:
- status = client.ml.get_trained_models(
- model_id=".elser_model_2", include="definition_status"
- )
- if status["trained_model_configs"][0]["fully_defined"]:
- print("ELSER Model is downloaded and ready to be deployed.")
- break
- else:
- print("ELSER Model is downloaded but not ready to be deployed.")
- time.sleep(5)
运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 中进行查看:
下载模型后,我们可以将模型部署到 ML 节点中。使用以下命令来部署模型。
- # Start trained model deployment if not already deployed
- client.ml.start_trained_model_deployment(
- model_id=".elser_model_2", number_of_allocations=1, wait_for="starting"
- )
- while True:
- status = client.ml.get_trained_models_stats(
- model_id=".elser_model_2",
- )
- if status["trained_model_stats"][0]["deployment_stats"]["state"] == "started":
- print("ELSER Model has been successfully deployed.")
- break
- else:
- print("ELSER Model is currently being deployed.")
- time.sleep(5)
运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 再次进行查看:
我们也可以从 Kibana 中来部署 ELSER。请详细阅读之前的文章 “Elasticsearch:部署 ELSER - Elastic Learned Sparse EncoderR”。
为了在我们的 Elasticsearch 部署上使用 ELSER,我们需要创建一个包含运行 ELSER 模型的推理处理器的摄取管道。让我们使用 put_pipeline 方法添加该管道。
- client.ingest.put_pipeline(
- id="elser-ingest-pipeline",
- description="Ingest pipeline for ELSER",
- processors=[
- {"html_strip": {"field": "name", "ignore_failure": True}},
- {"html_strip": {"field": "description", "ignore_failure": True}},
- {"html_strip": {"field": "amenities", "ignore_failure": True}},
- {"html_strip": {"field": "host_about", "ignore_failure": True}},
- {
- "inference": {
- "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
- "input_output": [
- {"input_field": "name", "output_field": "name_embedding"}
- ],
- "ignore_failure": True,
- }
- },
- {
- "inference": {
- "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
- "input_output": [
- {
- "input_field": "description",
- "output_field": "description_embedding",
- }
- ],
- "ignore_failure": True,
- }
- },
- {
- "inference": {
- "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
- "input_output": [
- {"input_field": "amenities", "output_field": "amenities_embedding"}
- ],
- "ignore_failure": True,
- }
- },
- {
- "inference": {
- "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
- "input_output": [
- {
- "input_field": "host_about",
- "output_field": "host_about_embedding",
- }
- ],
- "ignore_failure": True,
- }
- },
- ],
- )
ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True})
接下来我们需要准备索引。除非另有说明,我们会将所有内容映射为关键字。我们还将使用 ELSER 将列表的 name 和 decription 映射为 sparse_vectors 。
- client.indices.delete(index="airbnb-listings", ignore_unavailable=True)
- client.indices.create(
- index="airbnb-listings",
- settings={"index": {"default_pipeline": "elser-ingest-pipeline"}},
- mappings={
- "dynamic_templates": [
- {
- "stringsaskeywords": {
- "match": "*",
- "match_mapping_type": "string",
- "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
- }
- }
- ],
- "properties": {
- "host_about_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
- "amenities_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
- "description_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
- "name_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
- "location": {"type": "geo_point"},
- },
- },
- )
ObjectApiResponse({'acknowledged': True, 'shards_acknowledged': True, 'index': 'airbnb-listings'})
运行完上面的代码后,我们可以在 Kibana 中找到已经创建的 airbnb-listings 索引:
接下来,我们将下载 AirBnB 列表 csv 并将其上传到 Elasticsearch。这可能需要几分钟! AirBnB 列表包含大约 80mb 的 CSV 扩展文件和大约 40,000 个文档。在下面的代码中,我们添加了一个 if 条件以仅处理前 5,000 个文档。
为了能够使得下面的代码能够正常运行,我们使用如下的命令来活动 airbnb 数据:
wget https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/tmp/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
- $ wget https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz
- --2024-05-31 12:59:59-- https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz
- Resolving data.insideairbnb.com (data.insideairbnb.com)...,,, ...
- Connecting to data.insideairbnb.com (data.insideairbnb.com)||:443... connected.
- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
- Length: 21315678 (20M) [application/x-gzip]
- Saving to: ‘listings.csv.gz’
- listings.csv.gz 100%[=============================>] 20.33M 12.2MB/s in 1.7s
- 2024-05-31 13:00:01 (12.2 MB/s) - ‘listings.csv.gz’ saved [21315678/21315678]
- $ ls
- 09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv.gz
- $ pwd
- /Users/liuxg/tmp/elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm
- $ ls
- 09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv.gz
- $ gunzip listings.csv.gz
- $ ls
- 09-geospatial-search.ipynb listings.csv
- import requests
- import gzip
- import shutil
- import csv
- # Download the CSV file
- # url = "https://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2024-03-07/data/listings.csv.gz"
- # response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
- # Save the downloaded file
- #with open("listings.csv.gz", "wb") as file:
- # shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)
- # Unpack the CSV file
- #with gzip.open("./listings.csv.gz", "rb") as file_in:
- # with open("listings.csv", "wb") as file_out:
- # shutil.copyfileobj(file_in, file_out)
- def remove_empty_fields(data):
- empty_fields = []
- # Iterate over the dictionary items
- for key, value in data.items():
- # Check if the value is empty (None, empty string, empty list, etc.)
- if not value:
- empty_fields.append(key)
- # Remove empty fields from the dictionary
- for key in empty_fields:
- del data[key]
- return data
- def prepare_documents():
- with open("./listings.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=",")
- # we are going to only add the first 5.000 listings.
- limit = 5000
- for index, row in enumerate(reader):
- if index >= limit:
- break
- if index % 250 == 0:
- print(f"Processing document {index}")
- row["location"] = {
- "lat": float(row["latitude"]),
- "lon": float(row["longitude"]),
- }
- row = remove_empty_fields(row)
- yield {
- "_index": "airbnb-listings",
- "_source": dict(row),
- }
- # Note: A bigger chunk_size might cause "connection timeout error"
- helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents(), chunk_size=10)
在上面,我们有意识地把 chunk_size 设置为较小的一个数字。如果这个数字较大,那么很有可能会造成 “Connection timeout” 错误信息。这个依赖于我们的 Elasticsearch 的配置及计算机运行的速度。现在每次写入都需要调动 ingest pipeline 来进行向量化。如果这个数字值太大,那么向量化的时间需要的越长,那么极有可能会使得这个 helper.bulk 代码的执行出现 Connection timeout 错误,因为这个执行是需要在规定的时间范围里返回结果的。另外一种解决办法是使用一般操作来完成。
我们可以在 Kibana 中进行查看:
最终,我们把所需要的 5000 个文档写入到 Elasticsearch 中:
我们需要准备索引并确保我们将地理位置视为 geo_point 类型。
- client.indices.delete(index="mta-stations", ignore_unavailable=True)
- client.indices.create(
- index="mta-stations",
- mappings={
- "dynamic_templates": [
- {
- "stringsaskeywords": {
- "match": "*",
- "match_mapping_type": "string",
- "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
- }
- }
- ],
- "properties": {"location": {"type": "geo_point"}},
- },
- )
我们现在需要为 MTA 的数据建立索引。
- import csv
- # Download the CSV file
- url = "https://data.ny.gov/api/views/39hk-dx4f/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
- response = requests.get(url)
- # Parse and index the CSV data
- def prepare_documents():
- reader = csv.DictReader(response.text.splitlines())
- for row in reader:
- row["location"] = {
- "lat": float(row["GTFS Latitude"]),
- "lon": float(row["GTFS Longitude"]),
- }
- yield {
- "_index": "mta-stations",
- "_source": dict(row),
- }
- # Index the documents
- helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents())
和之前一样。我们想要索引兴趣点并使用 ELSER 来确保任何语义搜索都有效。例如。搜索 "sights with gardens" 应该返回 "Central Park",即使它的名称中不包含 garden。
- client.indices.delete(index="points-of-interest", ignore_unavailable=True)
- client.indices.create(
- index="points-of-interest",
- settings={"index": {"default_pipeline": "elser-ingest-pipeline"}},
- mappings={
- "dynamic_templates": [
- {
- "stringsaskeywords": {
- "match": "*",
- "match_mapping_type": "string",
- "mapping": {"type": "keyword"},
- }
- }
- ],
- "properties": {
- "NAME": {"type": "text"},
- "location": {"type": "geo_point"},
- "name_embedding": {"type": "sparse_vector"},
- },
- },
- )
the_geom 看起来像这样: POINT (-74.00701717096757 40.724634757833414) 其格式为众所周知的文本点格式,我们正式支持这一点。我个人总是喜欢将经纬度坐标存储为对象,以确保不会造成混淆。
- import csv
- # Download the CSV file
- url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/t95h-5fsr/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
- response = requests.get(url)
- # Parse and index the CSV data
- def prepare_documents():
- reader = csv.DictReader(response.text.splitlines())
- for row in reader:
- row["location"] = {
- "lat": float(row["the_geom"].split(" ")[2].replace(")", "")),
- "lon": float(row["the_geom"].split(" ")[1].replace("(", "")),
- }
- row["name"] = row["NAME"].lower()
- yield {
- "_index": "points-of-interest",
- "_source": dict(row),
- }
- # Index the documents
- helpers.bulk(client, prepare_documents(),chunk_size=10)
首先让我们看看 ELSER 在 “geo” 查询方面的表现如何。我们就以 Central Park 和 Empire State 旁边的爱彼迎 (AirBnB) 为例。此外,我们现在只查看 description,而不是 name 或作者简介。让我们保持简单。
- response = client.search(
- index="airbnb-*",
- size=10,
- query={
- "text_expansion": {
- "description_embedding": {
- "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
- "model_text": "Next to Central Park and Empire State Building",
- }
- }
- },
- )
- for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- doc_id = hit["_id"]
- score = hit["_score"]
- name = hit["_source"]["name"]
- location = hit["_source"]["location"]
- print(
- f"Score: {score}\nTitle: {name}\nLocation: {location}\nDocument ID: {doc_id}\n"
- )
我们对所有 AirBnB 进行了索引,因此可能与你仅索引前 5,000 个时获得的结果略有不同。
下一步是在 Elasticsearch 中运行 geo_distance 查询。首先来分析一下中央公园(Central Park)和帝国大厦(Empire State Building)相距多远。由于中央公园相当大并且包含许多景点,因此我们将使用 Bow Bridge 作为标志性景点。
我们将使用一个简单的术语查询来获取中央公园弓桥的地理位置,然后使用 _geo_distance 排序运行 geo_distance 查询来获取准确的距离。目前,geo_distance 查询始终需要距离参数。我们添加了一个术语来搜索帝国大厦,因为我们只对此感兴趣。
- response = client.search(
- index="points-of-interest",
- size=1,
- query={"term": {"name": "central park bow bridge"}},
- )
- for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- # this should now be the central park bow bridge.
- print(f"Name: {hit['_source']['name']}\nLocation: {hit['_source']['location']}\n")
- response = client.search(
- index="points-of-interest",
- size=1,
- query={
- "bool": {
- "must": {"term": {"name": "empire state building"}},
- "filter": {
- "geo_distance": {
- "distance": "200km",
- "location": {
- "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
- "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
- },
- }
- },
- }
- },
- sort=[
- {
- "_geo_distance": {
- "location": {
- "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
- "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
- },
- "unit": "km",
- "distance_type": "plane",
- "order": "asc",
- }
- }
- ],
- )
- print(
- f"Distance to Empire State Building: {response['hits']['hits'][0]['sort'][0]} km"
- )
- Name: central park bow bridge
- Location: {'lon': -73.97178440451849, 'lat': 40.77577539823907}
- Distance to Empire State Building: 3.247504472145157 km
- Score: 20.003891
- Title: Gorgeous 1 Bedroom - Upper East Side Manhattan -
- Location: {'lon': -73.95856, 'lat': 40.76701}
- Document ID: AkgfEI8BHToGwgcUA6-7
让我们使用 geo_distance 运行上面的计算。
- response = client.search(
- index="points-of-interest",
- size=10,
- query={
- "bool": {
- "must": {
- "terms": {"name": ["central park bow bridge", "empire state building"]}
- },
- "filter": {
- "geo_distance": {
- "distance": "200km",
- "location": {"lat": "40.76701", "lon": "-73.95856"},
- }
- },
- }
- },
- sort=[
- {
- "_geo_distance": {
- "location": {"lat": "40.76701", "lon": "-73.95856"},
- "unit": "km",
- "distance_type": "plane",
- "order": "asc",
- }
- }
- ],
- )
- for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- print("Distance between AirBnB and", hit["_source"]["name"], hit["sort"][0], "km")
- Distance between AirBnB and central park bow bridge 1.4799179352060348 km
- Distance between AirBnB and empire state building 3.0577584374128617 km
距离两个景点仅1.4公里和 3 公里。没有那么糟糕。让我们看看当我们创建一个包含帝国大厦和中央公园 Bow Bridge 的地理边界框时我们能发现什么。此外,我们将按照到中央公园 Bow Bridge 的距离对结果进行排序,然后按照到帝国大厦的距离进行排序。
- response = client.search(
- index="points-of-interest",
- size=2,
- query={"terms": {"name": ["central park bow bridge", "empire state building"]}},
- )
- # for easier access we store the locations in two variables
- central = {}
- empire = {}
- for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- hit = hit["_source"]
- if "central park bow bridge" in hit["name"]:
- central = hit["location"]
- elif "empire state building" in hit["name"]:
- empire = hit["location"]
- # Now we can run the geo_bounding_box query and sort it by the
- # distance first to Central Park Bow Bridge
- # and then to the Empire State Building.
- response = client.search(
- index="airbnb-*",
- size=50,
- query={
- "geo_bounding_box": {
- "location": {
- "top_left": {"lat": central["lat"], "lon": empire["lon"]},
- "bottom_right": {"lat": empire["lat"], "lon": central["lon"]},
- }
- }
- },
- sort=[
- {
- "_geo_distance": {
- "location": {"lat": central["lat"], "lon": central["lon"]},
- "unit": "km",
- "distance_type": "plane",
- "order": "asc",
- }
- },
- {
- "_geo_distance": {
- "location": {"lat": empire["lat"], "lon": empire["lon"]},
- "unit": "km",
- "distance_type": "plane",
- "order": "asc",
- }
- },
- ],
- )
- for hit in response["hits"]["hits"]:
- print(f"Distance to Central Park Bow Bridge: {hit['sort'][0]} km")
- print(f"Distance to Empire State Building: {hit['sort'][1]} km")
- print(f"Title: {hit['_source']['name']}\nDocument ID: {hit['_id']}\n")
现在让我们终于进入 AI 部分。所有这些都是设置和理解地理空间搜索的作用及其工作原理。还有很多东西有待发现。让我们将其连接到我们的 OpenAI 实例。在这里我们使用 OpenAI 资源。
- from openai import OpenAI
- client = OpenAI(
- # This is the default and can be omitted
- api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
- )
- # Set API key
- openai = OpenAI()
- # Let's do a test:
- question = "What is the capital of France? Answer with just the capital city."
- answer = openai.chat.completions.create(
- messages=[
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": question,
- }
- ],
- model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
- )
- print(answer.choices[0].message.content)
上面显示出来正确的答案。它表明我们的 OpenAI 是工作正常的。
既然这可行了,我们确信我们是在正确的地方开始我们的问题。我们正在编写一个提示,强制 ChatGPT 创建 JSON 响应并从问题中提取信息。
- question = """
- As an expert in named entity recognition machine learning models, I will give you a sentence from which I would like you to extract what needs to be found (location, apartment, airbnb, sight, etc) near which location and the distance between them. The distance needs to be a number expressed in kilometers. I would like the result to be expressed in JSON with the following fields: "what", "near", "distance_in_km". Only return the JSON.
- Here is the sentence: "Get me the closest AirBnB between 1 miles distance from the Empire State Building"
- """
- answer = openai.chat.completions.create(
- messages=[
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": question,
- }
- ],
- model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
- )
- print(answer.choices[0].message.content)
- {
- "what": "AirBnB",
- "near": "Empire State Building",
- "distance_in_km": 1.6
- }
- {
- "what": "AirBnB",
- "near": "Empire State Building",
- "distance_in_km": 1610
- }
- json = answer.choices[0].message.content
- # This now should contain just the json.
- json = JSON.loads(json)
- # first let's grab the location of the `near` field
- # it could be multiple locations, so we will search for all of them.
- near = client.search(
- index="points-of-interest",
- size=100,
- query={"bool": {"must": {"terms": {"name": [json["near"].lower()]}}}},
- )
- # we store just all of the geo-locations of the near locations.
- near_location = []
- sort = []
- for hit in near["hits"]["hits"]:
- near_location.append(hit["_source"]["location"])
- sort.append(
- {
- "_geo_distance": {
- "location": {
- "lat": hit["_source"]["location"]["lat"],
- "lon": hit["_source"]["location"]["lon"],
- },
- "unit": "km",
- "distance_type": "plane",
- "order": "asc",
- }
- }
- )
- query = {
- "geo_distance": {
- "distance": str(json["distance_in_km"]) + "km",
- "location": {"lat": near_location[0]["lat"], "lon": near_location[0]["lon"]},
- }
- }
- # Now let's get all the AirBnBs `what` near the `near` location.
- # We always use the first location as our primary reference.
- airbnbs = client.search(index="airbnb-*", size=100, query=query, sort=sort)
- for hit in airbnbs["hits"]["hits"]:
- print(f"Distance to {json['near']}: {hit['sort'][0]} km")
- print(f"Title: {hit['_source']['name']}\nDocument ID: {hit['_id']}\n")
现在,我们将地理空间搜索与 LLMs 结合起来。
所有的源码可以在地址:elasticsearch-labs/supporting-blog-content/geospatial-llm/09-geospatial-search.ipynb at main · liu-xiao-guo/elasticsearch-labs · GitHub 进行下载。
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