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MarZ:通过Asset Store进行RTS

right values

Indie devs doorfortyfour used the Asset Store’s Script Inspector, Amplify Shader Editor, and Volumetric Fog and Mist heavily to streamline production and fill in skill gaps for their game MarZ: Tactical Base Defense. Read more about how this two-person team made use of these assets to create the game.

独立开发者doorfortyfour大量使用了Asset Store的脚本检查器Amplify Shader编辑器以及Volumeistic Fog和Mist来简化生产流程并填补其游戏《 MarZ:战术基础防御》的技能差距。 阅读有关此两人团队如何利用这些资产来创建游戏的更多信息。

MarZ: Tactical Base Defense is a game of strategy and tactical defense where you must carefully manage your crew and resources as you protect your base from undead hordes, while also uncovering the hidden history of the Red Planet. Classic real-time strategy and the focus of tower defense. Soviet-era secrecy and space tech. Zombies on Mars.

MarZ:战术基础防御是一种战略和战术防御游戏,在保护基地免遭亡灵大军的同时,您还必须仔细管理团队和资源,同时还要发现红色星球的隐秘历史。 经典的实时策略和塔防的重点。 苏联时代的保密和太空技术。 火星上的僵尸。

网络周大型促销: 节省多达2000%资产的50% (Cyber Week Mega Sale: Save up to 50% on over 2,000 assets)

From student projects to world-class AAA games like Hearthstone, the Asset Store saves developers time. Indie devs doorfortyfour used the Asset Store’s Script Inspector, Amplify Shader Editor, and Volumetric Fog and Mist heavily to streamline production and fill in skill gaps for their game MarZ: Tactical Base Defense.
The tools they used are now heavily discounted during the Cyber Week Mega Sale, along with over 2,000 other quality assets. It’s our biggest sales event of the year, with up to 50% off on a massive selection of highly-rated art, Editor extensions, visual effects, time-saving tools, and more. 
Now’s the time to get the assets you’ll be using in 2020 at a steep discount. Do your future self a solid by shaving weeks or months off of your production time, and read on for insight into how assets can help you level up your project. 

从学生项目到《炉石传说》等世界一流的AAA游戏,Asset Store可以节省开发人员的时间。 独立开发者doorfortyfour大量使用了Asset Store的 脚本检查器Amplify Shader编辑器 以及 Volumeistic Fog和Mist 来简化生产流程并填补其游戏《 MarZ:战术基础防御》的 技能差距 。
现在,在网络周超级销售期间,他们使用的工具与2000多种其他优质资产一起打折。 这是我们一年中最大的销售活动,最多可享受50%的折扣,其中包括大量精选的高级艺术品,编辑器扩展,视觉效果,省时的工具等。
现在该以很大的折扣获得您将在2020年使用的资产。 通过节省数周或数月的生产时间来使自己的未来更加坚实,并继续阅读以了解资产如何帮助您提升项目质量。

See what’s on sale


Miriam and Marc Egli are doorfortyfour, and MarZ is their brainchild. They’re married, and together they worked on MarZ for four years. As a team of two, they were realistic about their aspirations – no need for multiplayer complexities, just a single player game with a strong campaign. They both love strategy games, especially real-time strategy games like Command & Conquer, Age of Empires, StarCraft, and Caesar III. But they enjoy tower defense games too. So it wasn’t a stretch for them to combine these two genres.

Miriam和Marc Egli是 doorfortyfour ,而 MarZ 是他们的创意。 他们结婚了,一起在 MarZ工作 了四年。 作为一个由两个人组成的团队,他们对自己的愿望很现实–不需要多人游戏,只需一个具有强大战役的单人游戏。 他们俩都喜欢策略游戏,尤其是实时策略游戏,例如 《命令与征服》《帝国时代》 ,《 星际争霸 》和《 凯撒大帝3》 。 但是他们也喜欢塔防游戏。 因此,将这两种类型结合起来对他们来说并不是一件容易的事。

Marc & Miriam from doorfortyfour


The tactical strategy genre allows for a lot of experimentation; doorfortyfour was interested in adding new gameplay mechanics, which makes it difficult to describe MarZ in terms of other games. Their prototype didn’t even have a story. Their main focus was gameplay and art direction.

战术策略 类型允许进行大量实验; doorfortyfour有兴趣 添加新的游戏机制,这使得很难 用其他游戏 来描述 MarZ 。 他们的原型甚至没有故事。 他们的主要重点是游戏玩法和美术指导。

融合技术和艺术技能 (Blending technical and artistic skills)

Miriam previously worked as an architect. When MarZ was conceived, Miriam was readily convinced to make the leap to game development. Her training as an architect was quickly brought to bear on 2D and 3D graphics. Her attention to detail and project planning skills were invaluable too.

Miriam以前是建筑师。 当 MarZ诞生 时,Miriam很快就被说服了向游戏开发的飞跃。 她作为建筑师的培训很快就涉及到2D和3D图形。 她对细节和项目计划技巧的关注也非常宝贵。

Marc, on the other hand, has been in the game industry for more than 10 years. As a senior 3D artist in an outsourcing company, he contributed to several AAA games, such as Forza Horizon, The Crew, Split/Second, Crackdown 2, and Test Drive Unlimited, to name a few.

另一方面,Marc从事游戏行业已有10多年了。 作为一家外包公司的高级3D美术师,他参与了AAA游戏,例如 Forza Horizo​​nThe CrewSplit / SecondCrackdown 2Test Drive Unlimited 等。

Marc’s first job was creating websites, specializing in Flash, but he aspired to work in the film or game industry. His work on music video projects and studies at the German Film School led him to an internship at Rabcat doing 3D art. As a web designer, much of his free time was spent on projects that combine art and tech.

Marc的第一份工作是创建专门从事Flash的网站,但他渴望从事电影或游戏行业。 他在德国电影学院从事音乐视频项目和研究的工作使他进入Rabcat进行3D艺术实习。 作为一名网页设计师,他的大部分空闲时间都花在了结合艺术与科技的项目上。

Trying out Unity was a logical next step. Marc was struck by the simplicity of Unity and how easy it was to create something that is both 3D and interactive.

试用Unity是合理的下一步。 Marc为Unity的简单性以及创建3D和交互式内容变得如此容易而感到震惊。


寻找正确的价值 (Finding the right values)

The biggest challenge of MarZ development was balancing. Balancing the movement and speed took weeks, even months. Twice they overworked the balancing during the Early Access phase due to player feedback. What started as a simple spreadsheet became increasingly complex, but they dropped it – the values just didn’t feel good during play.

MarZ 开发 的最大挑战 是平衡。 平衡运动和速度需要花费数周甚至数月的时间。 由于玩家的反馈,他们两次在抢先体验阶段过度平衡。 最初是从一个简单的电子表格开始变得越来越复杂,但后来却放弃了–这些值在播放过程中感觉并不好。

Marc then created a simple in-game editor UI that allowed them to change values on the fly, so Miriam could playtest a build without using the Unity Editor and make her changes directly. Later Marc implemented an upload system in the development build to upload the new values to the server, ensuring the latest build always had the newest values.

然后,Marc创建了一个简单的游戏内编辑器UI,允许他们即时更改值,因此Miriam可以在不使用Unity编辑器的情况下进行构建测试,并直接进行更改。 后来,Marc在开发版本中实现了一个上载系统,以将新值上载到服务器,从而确保最新版本始终具有最新值。

一起工作,一起玩 (Working together, playing together)

Marc and Miriam have always loved gaming, but it was Marc who pulled the former architect into the game industry. Miriam could clearly see parallels between these two career tracks. The goal of building their own game was an easy sell. Above all, they wanted to create the kind of game they’d love to play. Before diving in deep on MarZ, the couple tested the waters to make sure they could work together and stay married. They made flavourit, a mobile cookbook app where users can create their own intuitive recipes with an easy-to-use editor, made entirely with Unity, proving its versatility. They work from home, and although their schedule is flexible, a daily routine is important for maintaining work-life balance and their relationship. “Working as a married couple is quite an adventure but we love it.” As a two-person team, doorfortyfour can move twice as fast, so it can be immensely productive and satisfying to try out new prototypes or features. A simple idea can grow into something new and fun very quickly.

马克(Marc)和米里亚姆(Miriam)一直热爱游戏,但正是马克(Marc)将这位前建筑师带入了游戏行业。 Miriam可以清楚地看到这两个职业道路之间的相似之处。 建立自己的游戏的目标是轻松卖出。 最重要的是,他们想创造自己喜欢玩的游戏。   在深入 探查MarZ 之前 ,这对夫妇测试了水域,以确保他们可以在一起工作并保持婚姻状态。 他们制作了 flavourit ,这是一款移动菜谱应用程序,用户可以在其中使用易于使用的编辑器(完全由Unity制作)来创建自己的直观食谱,从而证明其多功能性。 他们在家工作,尽管日程安排灵活,但日常工作对于保持工作与生活之间的平衡及其关系至关重要。 “作为已婚夫妇工作是一种冒险,但我们喜欢它。” 作为一个由两个人组成的团队,doorfortyfour的移动速度可以快一倍,因此尝试新的原型或功能可以极大地提高工作效率和满意度。 一个简单的想法可以很快发展成为一种新颖有趣的事物。


加快生产力 (Speeding up productivity)

But it’s impossible for a small team to cover all aspects of game development. Although doorfortyfour built some of their own tools along the way, several assets were already available on the Asset Store, which eased production and filled their skills gaps. “It saved us a lot of time and headaches.” They used Script Inspector, which has tight integration with Unity, for coding. And not having a lot of shader programming knowledge, they used Amplify Shader Editor to create their own triplanar terrain shader. One of the biggest technical challenges was achieving MarZ’s fog of war. At first, Marc used a simple mesh plane and some textures, but the camera angles were off. When he came across Volumetric Fog & Mist, suddenly it was simple to create the right effect. “Thanks to the runtime fog of war and vertex color feature, it was quite easy to integrate it into our Marsform map editor.” The fog is a major part of the game visually, adding a lot of atmosphere and depth.

但是,一个小的团队不可能涵盖游戏开发的所有方面。 尽管doorfortyfour一直在构建自己的工具,但是Asset Store上已经有一些资产可用,这简化了生产并填补了他们的技能空白。 “它为我们节省了很多时间和头痛。” 他们使用了 与Unity紧密集成的 Script Inspector 进行编码。 由于没有大量的着色器编程知识,他们使用了 Amplify Shader Editor 创建了自己的三边形地形着色器。 最大的技术挑战之一是实现 MarZ 的战争迷雾。 最初,Marc使用了简单的网格平面和一些纹理,但摄影机角度不对。 当他遇到 Volume Volume Fog&Mist时 ,突然间创建正确的效果很简单。 “由于运行时出现战争迷雾和顶点颜色功能,将其集成到我们的Marsform地图编辑器中非常容易。” 从视觉上看,雾是游戏的主要部分,增加了很多气氛和深度。

Among the Unity editor tools doorfortyfour made to support the development of MarZ, one standout is a flexible flow graph node tool. It started as a simple tool for in-game dialog, but quickly expanded to all actions, tutorials and menus. Unity is extremely versatile in terms of creating your own tools, which can speed up your productivity significantly. They want to polish this tool before releasing it on the Unity Asset Store.

在支持 MarZ 开发的Unity编辑器工具doorfortyfour中 ,一个引人注目的是灵活的流程图节点工具。 它起初只是用于游戏中对话的简单工具,但很快就扩展到了所有操作,教程和菜单。 在创建自己的工具方面, Unity具有 多种用途,可以显着提高生产率。 他们想在将此工具发布到Unity Asset Store之前对其进行完善。

Check out the tools published by doorfortyfour on the Asset Store. With TileWorldCreator you can create stunning islands or dungeons for your game or quickly build a level for your prototype. And Particle ProFX One gives you high-quality particle prefabs. Meanwhile, several ideas are brewing regarding producing for the Asset Store, MarZ, or a new game in the base-building/management strategy genre. Stay tuned.

看看doorfortyfour在 Asset Store 上发布的工具 。 使用TileWorldCreator,您可以 为游戏 创建 迷人的岛屿或地牢,也可以快速为原型建立关卡。 颗粒ProFX One可为您提供高质量的颗粒预制件。 同时,关于为Asset Store, MarZ 或基础建设/管理策略类型的新游戏 制作的想法正在酝酿中 。 敬请关注。

You can get MarZ: Tactical Base Defense on Steam.

您可以 在 Steam 上 获得 MarZ:战术基础防御

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/12/02/introducing-marz-a-game-created-with-assets/

