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(Group Image of Consumers-----Intelligent Scoring of Credits)
2019数字中国创新大赛(Digital China Innovation Contest, DCIC 2019)由福建省数字福建建设领导小组办公室、福建省工业和信息化厅、福州市人民政府、中国电子信息产业发展研究院、数字中国研究院和中国互联网投资基金联合主办,第十二届全国政协副主席王钦敏担任大赛总顾问。作为第二届数字中国建设峰会的重要组成部分,本届赛事分为大数据、人工智能、工业互联网三大类算法题,旨在解决数字经济建设发展中的痛点、难点,推动新一代信息技术和传统产业的深入融合,助力数字中国建设。



import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"]#用来显示图中中文
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False #用来显示正常符号
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['sans-serif']
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

# 1.读取数据
data_path = 'myself_train_by_BSL_2_28/data/'
train_data = pd.read_csv(data_path+'train_dataset.csv',header =0,error_bad_lines = False)
test_data = pd.read_csv(data_path+'test_dataset.csv',header = 0,error_bad_lines = False)
sample_sub = pd.read_csv(data_path+'submit_example.csv')

# 2. 查看特征名称
# print(train_data.head())
# print(train_data.describe())
# print(train_data.columns)
# print(train_data.info())
# train_data.info()

# 3. 判断各列和信用分的相关度-----重点1
#object是基类--object 类:应该被翻译为“对象”,或者“东西”类。
# object 类是所有类的父类。换言之,其它的任何一个类,都直接或间接地继承了 object 类(的属性和方法)。
x_cols = [col for col in train_data.columns if col not in ["信用分"] and train_data[col].dtype!='object']
# for col in train_data.columns :
#     if col  in ["信用分"] :
#         print(col)
#         print("123")
#     elif train_data[col].dtype=='object':
        # print(col)
labels = []
values = []

for col in x_cols:
corr_df = pd.DataFrame({"col_labels":labels,'corr_values':values})
corr_df = corr_df.sort_values(by = 'corr_values')#由小到大排
# print(corr_df)
# 画图---注意画图是怎么画的
ind = np.arange(len(labels))
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,60))
rects = ax.barh(ind,np.array(corr_df.corr_values.values),color = 'y')
ax.set_xlabel('Correlation coefficient')
ax.set_title("Correlation coefficient of the variables")
# plt.show()

def plot_kde(data):

def plot_his(data):

# plt.show()

# 4.特征工程

#top up amount,充值金额是整数,和小数,应该对应不同的充值途径?
def produce_offline_feature(train_data):
    train_data['不同充值途径'] = 0
    train_data['不同充值途径'][(train_data['缴费用户最近一次缴费金额(元)'] % 10 == 0) & train_data['缴费用户最近一次缴费金额(元)'] != 0] = 1
    return train_data
train_data = produce_offline_feature(train_data)
test_data = produce_offline_feature(test_data)

#看importance,当月话费和最近半年平均话费都很高,算一下当月/半年  --》稳定性
def produce_fee_rate(train_data):
    train_data['当前费用稳定性'] = train_data['用户账单当月总费用(元)']/(train_data['最近近6个月平均消费值(元)'] +1)

    train_data['用户余额比例'] = train_data['用户账单当月总费用(元)']/(train_data['用户当月账户余额(元)'] +1)
    return train_data
train_data = produce_offline_feature(train_data)
test_data = produce_offline_feature(test_data)

def get_features(data):
    data.loc[data['用户年龄']==0,'用户年龄'] = data['用户年龄'].mode()
    data['缴费金额是否能覆盖当月账单'] = data['缴费用户最近一次缴费金额(元)'] - data['用户近6个月平均消费值(元)']
    data['当月账单是否超过平均消费额'] = data['用户账单当月总费用(元)'] - data['用户近6个月平均消费值(元)']

    def map_age(x):
        if x<=18:
            return 1
        elif x<=30:
            return 2
        elif x<=35:
            return 3
        elif x<=45:
            return 4
            return 5
    data['是否大学生_黑名单'] = data['是否大学生客户'] + data['是否黑名单客户']
    data['是否去过高档商场'] = data['当月是否到过福州山姆会员店'] + data['当月是否逛过福州仓山万达']
    data['是否去过高档商场'] = data['是否去过高档商场'].map(lambda x:1 if x>=1 else 0)
    data['是否_商场_电影'] = data['是否去过高档商场']*data['当月是否看电影']
    data['是否_商场_体育馆'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费']
    data['是否_商场_旅游'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否景点游览']
    data['是否_电影_体育馆'] = data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费']
    data['是否_电影_旅游'] = data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否景点游览']
    data['是否_旅游_体育馆'] = data['当月是否景点游览'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费']

    data['是否_商场_旅游_体育馆'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否景点游览'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费']
    data['是否_商场_电影_体育馆'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费']
    data['是否_商场_电影_旅游'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否景点游览']
    data['是否_体育馆_电影_旅游'] = data['当月是否体育场馆消费'] * data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否景点游览']

    data['是否_商场_体育馆_电影_旅游'] = data['是否去过高档商场'] * data['当月是否体育场馆消费'] * data['当月是否看电影'] * data['当月是否景点游览']

    discretize_features = ['交通类应用使用次数', '当月物流快递类应用使用次数', '当月飞机类应用使用次数', '当月火车类应用使用次数', '当月旅游资讯类应用使用次数']
    data['交通类应用使用次数'] = data['当月飞机类应用使用次数'] + data['当月火车类应用使用次数']

    data['6个月平均占比总费用'] = data['用户近6个月平均消费值(元)'] / (data['用户账单当月总费用(元)'] + 1)

    def map_discretize(x):
        if x==0:
            return 0
        elif x<=5:
            return 1
        elif x<=15:
            return 2
        elif x<=50:
            return 3
        elif x<=100:
            return 4
            return 5

    for col in discretize_features[:]:
        data[col] = data[col].map(lambda x:map_discretize(x))
    return data

train_data = get_features(train_data)
test_data = get_features(test_data)

def base_process(data):
    transform_value_feature = ['用户年龄', '用户网龄(月)', '当月通话交往圈人数', '近三个月月均商场出现次数', '当月网购类应用使用次数', '当月物流快递类应用使用次数'
        , '当月金融理财类应用使用总次数', '当月视频播放类应用使用次数', '当月飞机类应用使用次数', '当月火车类应用使用次数', '当月旅游资讯类应用使用次数']
    user_fea = ['缴费用户最近一次缴费金额(元)', '用户近6个月平均消费值(元)', '用户账单当月总费用(元)', '用户当月账户余额(元)']
    log_features = ['当月网购类应用使用次数', '当月金融理财类应用使用总次数', '当月物流快递类应用使用次数', '当月视频播放类应用使用次数']

    for col in transform_value_feature + user_fea + log_features:
        ulimit = np.percentile(train_data[col].values,99.9)
        llimit = np.percentile(train_data[col].values,0.1)
        train_data.loc[train_data[col]>ulimit,col] = ulimit
        train_data.loc[train_data[col]<llimit,col] = llimit

    for col in user_fea + log_features:
        data[col] = data[col].map(lambda x:np.log1p(x))

    return data
train_data = base_process(train_data)
test_data = base_process(test_data)

# 5. 特征重要度显示函数

def display_importances(feature_importance_df_):
    cols = feature_importance_df_[['feature','importance']].groupby('feature').mean().sort_values(by='importance',ascending = False)[:40].index
    best_features = feature_importance_df_.loc[feature_importance_df_.feature.isin(cols)]
    sns.barplot(x='importance',y = 'feature',data = best_features.sort_values(by='importance',ascending=False))
    plt.title('LightGBM Features (avg over folds)')

# 6. 训练及预测

params = {

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
cv_pred_all = 0
en_amount = 3

oof_lgb1 = np.zeros(len(train_data))
prediction_lgb1 = np.zeros(len(test_data))

for seed in range(en_amount):
    train_label = train_data["信用分"]

    # 交叉验证,shuffle指是否对数据洗牌,random_state为随机种子
    kfold = KFold(n_splits=NFOLDS,shuffle=True,random_state=seed)
    kf = kfold.split(train_data,train_label)#作用:返回样本切分之后数据集的indices,即索引

    train_data_use = train_data.drop(['用户编码','信用分'],axis=1)
    test_data_use = test_data.drop(['用户编码'],axis=1)
    # print(len(train_data_use.columns))
    cv_pred = np.zeros(test_data.shape[0])
    valid_best_l2_all = 0

    feature_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
    count = 0
    # 即对一个可遍历的数据对象(如列表、元组或字符串), enumerate会将该数据对象组合为一个索引序列, 同时列出数据和数据下标
    for i ,(train_fold,validate) in enumerate(kf):
        X_train,X_validate,label_train,label_validate = \
        dtrain = lgb.Dataset(X_train,label_train)
        dvalid = lgb.Dataset(X_validate,label_validate,reference=dtrain)
        bst = lgb.train(params,dtrain,num_boost_round=10000,valid_sets=dvalid,verbose_eval=-1,early_stopping_rounds=250)
        cv_pred += bst.predict(test_data_use,num_iteration=bst.best_iteration)
        valid_best_l2_all +=bst.best_score['valid_0']['l1']

        # print("Saving Model...")
        # bst.save_model(model_file)  # 保存模型
        oof_lgb1[validate] = bst.predict(X_validate,num_iteration=bst.best_iteration)
        prediction_lgb1 +=bst.predict(test_data_use,num_iteration = bst.best_iteration)/kfold.n_splits

        fold_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
        fold_importance_df['feature'] = list(X_train.columns)
        fold_importance_df['importance'] = bst.feature_importance(importance_type = 'split',iteration = bst.best_iteration)
        fold_importance_df['fold'] = count +1
        feature_importance_df =pd.concat([feature_importance_df,fold_importance_df],axis=0)
        count +=1

    cv_pred /=NFOLDS
    valid_best_l2_all /=NFOLDS

    cv_pred_all +=cv_pred
cv_pred_all /=en_amount
prediction_lgb1 /=en_amount
print('cv score for valid is :',1/(1+ valid_best_l2_all))


# 7. XGB训练及预测
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
xgb_params = {
cv_pred_allxgb = 0
en_amount = 3
oof_xgb1 = np.zeros(len(train_data))
prediction_xgb1 = np.zeros(len(test_data))

for seed in range(en_amount):
    train_label = train_data['信用分']

    kfold = KFold(n_splits=NFOLDS, shuffle=True,random_state=seed)
    kf = kfold.split(train_data,train_label)

    train_data_use = train_data.drop(['用户编码','信用分'],axis=1)
    test_data_use = test_data.drop(['用户编码'],axis=1)
    # print("test_data_use:",test_data_use.columns)
    cv_pred = np.zeros(test_data.shape[0])

    feature_importance_df = pd.DataFrame()
    count = 0

    for i,(train_fold,validate) in enumerate(kf):
        X_train,X_validate,label_train,label_validate = \
        dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train,label_train)
        dvalid = xgb.DMatrix(X_validate,label_validate)
        watchlist = [(dtrain,'train'),(dvalid,'valid_data')]
        bst = xgb.train(dtrain = dtrain,num_boost_round = 10000,evals = watchlist,
        cv_pred += bst.predict(xgb.DMatrix(test_data_use), ntree_limit=bst.best_ntree_limit)
        oof_xgb1[validate] = bst.predict(xgb.DMatrix(X_validate), ntree_limit=bst.best_ntree_limit)
        prediction_xgb1 += bst.predict(xgb.DMatrix(test_data_use), ntree_limit=bst.best_ntree_limit) / kfold.n_splits
        count += 1

    cv_pred /=NFOLDS
    cv_pred_allxgb +=cv_pred
cv_pred_allxgb /=en_amount
prediction_xgb1 /=en_amount

# 8. 贝叶斯

from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error

# 将lgb和xgb的结果进行stacking
train_stack = np.vstack([oof_lgb1, oof_xgb1]).transpose()
test_stack = np.vstack([prediction_lgb1, prediction_xgb1]).transpose()

folds_stack = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=2, random_state=2019)
oof_stack = np.zeros(train_stack.shape[0])
predictions = np.zeros(test_stack.shape[0])
target = train_data['信用分']
for fold_, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds_stack.split(train_stack, target)):
    print("fold {}".format(fold_))
    trn_data, trn_y = train_stack[trn_idx], target.iloc[trn_idx].values
    val_data, val_y = train_stack[val_idx], target.iloc[val_idx].values

    clf_3 = BayesianRidge()
    clf_3.fit(trn_data, trn_y)

    oof_stack[val_idx] = clf_3.predict(val_data)
    predictions += clf_3.predict(test_stack) / 10

mean_absolute_error(target.values, oof_stack)

test_data_sub1 = test_data[['用户编码']]
test_data_sub1['score'] =  predictions
test_data_sub1.columns = ['id','score']
test_data_sub1['score1'] = cv_pred_all

test_data_sub1['score'] = test_data_sub1['score'].apply(lambda x: int(np.round(x)))

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