import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import math import cv2 import numpy as np def edit_xml(xml_file): if ".xml" not in xml_file: return tree = ET.parse(xml_file) objs = tree.findall('object') txt=xml_file.replace(".xml",".txt") png=xml_file.replace(".xml",".png") src=cv2.imread(png,1) with open(txt,'w') as wf: wf.write("imagesource:GoogleEarth\n") wf.write("gsd:0.115726939386\n") for ix, obj in enumerate(objs): x0text = "" y0text ="" x1text = "" y1text ="" x2text = "" y2text = "" x3text = "" y3text = "" difficulttext="" className="" obj_type = obj.find('type') type = obj_type.text obj_name = obj.find('name') className = obj_name.text obj_difficult= obj.find('difficult') difficulttext = obj_difficult.text if type == 'bndbox': obj_bnd = obj.find('bndbox') obj_xmin = obj_bnd.find('xmin') obj_ymin = obj_bnd.find('ymin') obj_xmax = obj_bnd.find('xmax') obj_ymax = obj_bnd.find('ymax') xmin = float(obj_xmin.text) ymin = float(obj_ymin.text) xmax = float(obj_xmax.text) ymax = float(obj_ymax.text) x0text = str(xmin) y0text = str(ymin) x1text = str(xmax) y1text = str(ymin) x2text = str(xmin) y2text = str(ymax) x3text = str(xmax) y3text = str(ymax) points=np.array([[int(x0text),int(y0text)],[int(x1text),int(y1text)],[int(x2text),int(y2text)],[int(x3text),int(y3text)]],np.int32) cv2.polylines(src,[points],True,(255,0,0)) #画任意多边 elif type == 'robndbox': obj_bnd = obj.find('robndbox') obj_bnd.tag = 'bndbox' # 修改节点名 obj_cx = obj_bnd.find('cx') obj_cy = obj_bnd.find('cy') obj_w = obj_bnd.find('w') obj_h = obj_bnd.find('h') obj_angle = obj_bnd.find('angle') cx = float(obj_cx.text) cy = float(obj_cy.text) w = float(obj_w.text) h = float(obj_h.text) angle = float(obj_angle.text) x0text, y0text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) x1text, y1text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) x2text, y2text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) x3text, y3text = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) points=np.array([[int(x0text),int(y0text)],[int(x1text),int(y1text)],[int(x2text),int(y2text)],[int(x3text),int(y3text)]],np.int32) cv2.polylines(src,[points],True,(255,0,0)) #画任意多边形 # print(x0text,y0text,x1text,y1text,x2text,y2text,x3text,y3text,className,difficulttext) wf.write("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(x0text,y0text,x1text,y1text,x2text,y2text,x3text,y3text,className,difficulttext)) cv2.imshow("ddd",src) cv2.waitKey() # 转换成四点坐标 def rotatePoint(xc, yc, xp, yp, theta): xoff = xp - xc; yoff = yp - yc; cosTheta = math.cos(theta) sinTheta = math.sin(theta) pResx = cosTheta * xoff + sinTheta * yoff pResy = - sinTheta * xoff + cosTheta * yoff return str(int(xc + pResx)), str(int(yc + pResy)) if __name__ == '__main__': dir="/home/trust/PIC"#文件位置 filelist = os.listdir(dir) for file in filelist: edit_xml(os.path.join(dir,file))
import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import math def voc_to_dota(xml_path, xml_name): txt_name = xml_name[:-4] + '.txt' txt_path = xml_path + '/txt_label' if not os.path.exists(txt_path): os.makedirs(txt_path) txt_file = os.path.join(txt_path, txt_name) file_path = os.path.join(xml_path, file_list[i]) tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(file_path)) root = tree.getroot() # print(root[6][0].text) with open(txt_file, "w+", encoding='UTF-8') as out_file: # out_file.write('imagesource:null' + '\n' + 'gsd:null' + '\n') for obj in root.findall('object'): name = obj.find('name').text difficult = obj.find('difficult').text # print(name, difficult) robndbox = obj.find('robndbox') cx = float(robndbox.find('cx').text) cy = float(robndbox.find('cy').text) w = float(robndbox.find('w').text) h = float(robndbox.find('h').text) angle = float(robndbox.find('angle').text) # print(cx, cy, w, h, angle) p0x, p0y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) p1x, p1y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy - h / 2, -angle) p2x, p2y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx + w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) p3x, p3y = rotatePoint(cx, cy, cx - w / 2, cy + h / 2, -angle) data = str(p0x) + " " + str(p0y) + " " + str(p1x) + " " + str(p1y) + " " + \ str(p2x) + " " + str(p2y) + " " + str(p3x) + " " + str(p3y) + " " data = data + name + " " + difficult + "\n" out_file.write(data) # 转换成四点坐标 def rotatePoint(xc, yc, xp, yp, theta): xoff = xp - xc yoff = yp - yc cosTheta = math.cos(theta) sinTheta = math.sin(theta) pResx = cosTheta * xoff + sinTheta * yoff pResy = - sinTheta * xoff + cosTheta * yoff # pRes = (xc + pResx, yc + pResy) # 保留一位小数点 return float(format(xc + pResx, '.1f')), float(format(yc + pResy, '.1f')) # return xc + pResx, yc + pResy if __name__ == '__main__': root_path = '../annotation' file_list = os.listdir(root_path) for i in range(0, len(file_list)): if ('.xml' in file_list[i]) or ('.XML' in file_list[i]): voc_to_dota(root_path, file_list[i]) print('----------------------------------------{}{}----------------------------------------' .format(file_list[i], ' has Done!')) else: print(file_list[i] + ' is not xml file')
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