原始标签由两部分组成,每个物体的所有候选抓取标签and每个场景的collision masks。
The raw label on each object is a list of numpy arrays.
import numpy as np import os root_dir = '/media/robotics/data/datasets/GraspNet/' data_dir1 = os.path.join(root_dir, 'grasp_label/000_labels.npz') label = np.load(data_dir1) # GRASPNET_ROOT/grasp_label/000_labels.npz print(label.files) # ['points', 'offsets', 'collision', 'scores'] print(label['points'].shape) # (3459, 3) print(label['offsets'].shape) # (3459, 300, 12, 4, 3) print(label['collision'].shape, # (3459, 300, 12, 4) label['collision'].dtype) # dtype('bool') print(label['scores'].shape, # (3459, 300, 12, 4) label['scores'][0][0][0][0]) # -1.0
name | 含义 | 翻译 |
‘points’ | records the grasp center point coordinates in model frame. | 记录抓取中心坐标。 |
‘offsets’ | records the in-plane rotation, depth and width of the gripper respectively in the last dimension. | 记录gripper的旋转、深度和宽度。 |
‘collision’ | records the bool mask for if the grasp pose collides with the model. | 记录布尔mask。 |
‘scores’ | records the minimum coefficient of friction between the gripper and object to achieve a stable grasp. | 记录gripper与物体之间的最小摩擦系数to实现稳定抓取。 |
但是,score = -1.0表示grasp pose完全不能被接受。
每个场景的collision mask均为一个np.arry列表。
import numpy as np
data_dir2 = os.path.join(root_dir, 'collision_label/scene_0000/collision_labels.npz')
c_labels = np.load(data_dir2) # GRASPNET_ROOT/collision_label/scene_0000/collision_labels.npz
#['arr_0', 'arr_4', 'arr_5', 'arr_2', 'arr_3', 'arr_7', 'arr_1', 'arr_8', 'arr_6']
print(c_labels['arr_0'].shape, # (487, 300, 12, 4)
c_labels['arr_0'].dtype) # dtype('bool')
print(c_labels['arr_0'][10][20][3]) # array([ True, True, True, True])
‘arr_i’是每个场景的object_id_list.txt中第i个物体的collision mask,其shape = (num points, 300, 12, 4)。
num_points, 300, 12, 4分别为点数、视角ID、内旋ID、深度ID。
通过调用graspnetAPI.GraspNet.loadGrasp(),可以方便的get场景中的所以grasp labels、params、scores.
加载grasp labels有四种数据结构:Grasp, GraspGroup, RectGrasp and RectGraspGroup.
它们的定义见 grasp.py
from graspnetAPI import GraspNet
import open3d as o3d
import cv2
# loading grasp for a scene.
graspnet_root = '/media/robotics/data/datasets/GraspNet' # ROOT PATH FOR GRASPNET
sceneId = 1
annId = 3
# 1.initialize a GraspNet instance
g = GraspNet(graspnet_root, camera='kinect', split='test_novel')
# load grasps of scene 1 with annotation id = 3, camera = kinect and fric_coef_thresh = 0.2
_6d_grasp = g.loadGrasp(sceneId = sceneId, annId = annId, format = '6d', camera = 'kinect', fric_coef_thresh = 0.2)
print('6d grasp:\n{}'.format(_6d_grasp))
Grasp Group, Number=90332: Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.11247877031564713, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.029999999329447746, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919] rotation: [[-0.81045675 -0.57493848 0.11227506] [ 0.49874267 -0.77775514 -0.38256073] [ 0.30727136 -0.25405255 0.91708326]] object id:66 Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.10030215978622437, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.019999999552965164, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919] rotation: [[-0.73440629 -0.67870212 0.0033038 ] [ 0.64608938 -0.70059127 -0.3028869 ] [ 0.20788456 -0.22030747 0.95302087]] object id:66 Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.08487851172685623, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.019999999552965164, translation:[-0.10412319 -0.13797761 0.38312319] rotation: [[ 0.03316294 0.78667933 -0.61647028] [-0.47164679 0.55612749 0.68430358] [ 0.88116372 0.26806271 0.38947761]] object id:66
通过index or slice访问元素
# index(索引)
# slice(切片)
_6d_grasp[0] (grasp):
Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.11247877031564713, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.029999999329447746, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
[[-0.81045675 -0.57493848 0.11227506]
[ 0.49874267 -0.77775514 -0.38256073]
[ 0.30727136 -0.25405255 0.91708326]]
object id:66
Grasp Group, Number=2:
Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.11247877031564713, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.029999999329447746, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
[[-0.81045675 -0.57493848 0.11227506]
[ 0.49874267 -0.77775514 -0.38256073]
[ 0.30727136 -0.25405255 0.91708326]]
object id:66
Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.10030215978622437, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.019999999552965164, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
[[-0.73440629 -0.67870212 0.0033038 ]
[ 0.64608938 -0.70059127 -0.3028869 ]
[ 0.20788456 -0.22030747 0.95302087]]
object id:66
Grasp Group, Number=2:
Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.11247877031564713, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.029999999329447746, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
[[-0.81045675 -0.57493848 0.11227506]
[ 0.49874267 -0.77775514 -0.38256073]
[ 0.30727136 -0.25405255 0.91708326]]
object id:66
Grasp: score:0.9000000357627869, width:0.10030215978622437, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.019999999552965164, translation:[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
[[-0.73440629 -0.67870212 0.0033038 ]
[ 0.64608938 -0.70059127 -0.3028869 ]
[ 0.20788456 -0.22030747 0.95302087]]
object id:66
# grasp is a Grasp instance defined in grasp.py
# access and set properties.
grasp = _6d_grasp[0]
grasp.translation = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
print('After modification, grasp.translation={}'.format(grasp.translation))
grasp.rotation_matrix = np.eye(3).reshape((9))
print('After modification, grasp.rotation_matrix={}'.format(grasp.rotation_matrix))
print('grasp.width={}, height:{}, depth:{}, score:{}'.format(grasp.width, grasp.height, grasp.depth, grasp.score))
grasp.translation=[-0.09166837 -0.16910084 0.39480919]
After modification, grasp.translation=[1. 2. 3.]
grasp.rotation_matrix=[[-0.81045675 -0.57493848 0.11227506]
[ 0.49874267 -0.77775514 -0.38256073]
[ 0.30727136 -0.25405255 0.91708326]]
After modification, grasp.rotation_matrix=[[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]
grasp.width=0.11247877031564713, height:0.019999999552965164, depth:0.029999999329447746, score:0.9000000357627869
# load rectangle grasps of scene 1 with annotation id = 3, camera = realsense and fric_coef_thresh = 0.2 rect_grasp_group = g.loadGrasp(sceneId = sceneId, annId = annId, format = 'rect', camera = 'realsense', fric_coef_thresh = 0.2) print('rectangle grasp group:\n{}'.format(rect_grasp_group)) # rect_grasp is an RectGraspGroup instance defined in grasp.py print('rect_grasp_group:\n{}'.format(rect_grasp_group)) # index rect_grasp = rect_grasp_group[0] print('rect_grasp_group[0](rect_grasp):\n{}'.format(rect_grasp)) # slice print('rect_grasp_group[0:2]:\n{}'.format(rect_grasp_group[0:2])) print('rect_grasp_group[[0,1]]:\n{}'.format(rect_grasp_group[[0,1]])) # properties of rect_grasp print('rect_grasp.center_point:{}, open_point:{}, height:{}, score:{}'.format(rect_grasp.center_point, rect_grasp.open_point, rect_grasp.height, rect_grasp.score))
rectangle grasp group: ---------- Rectangle Grasp Group, Number=29036: Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.59913635253906, open point:(677.3685, -87.56467), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.5867805480957, open point:(682.6998, -85.73743), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.6000000238418579, height:52.63461685180664, open point:(649.1359, -68.900116), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.30000001192092896, height:52.629859924316406, open point:(651.5441, -67.304474), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.800000011920929, height:52.84688186645508, open point:(625.3405, -55.22821), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 ...... Rectangle Grasp: score:0.30000001192092896, height:40.82650375366211, open point:(613.7542, 459.35962), center point:(668.34296, 521.0328), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:40.82828140258789, open point:(749.2127, 549.03204), center point:(668.34296, 521.0328), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.6000000238418579, height:39.991939544677734, open point:(584.6618, 410.68518), center point:(658.4677, 494.0827), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.5, height:39.60657501220703, open point:(596.4554, 400.3207), center point:(670.0193, 483.46442), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:39.93021774291992, open point:(602.8676, 408.1247), center point:(673.44824, 487.8963), object id:14 ---------- rect_grasp_group: ---------- Rectangle Grasp Group, Number=29036: Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.59913635253906, open point:(677.3685, -87.56467), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.5867805480957, open point:(682.6998, -85.73743), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.6000000238418579, height:52.63461685180664, open point:(649.1359, -68.900116), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.30000001192092896, height:52.629859924316406, open point:(651.5441, -67.304474), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.800000011920929, height:52.84688186645508, open point:(625.3405, -55.22821), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 ...... Rectangle Grasp: score:0.30000001192092896, height:40.82650375366211, open point:(613.7542, 459.35962), center point:(668.34296, 521.0328), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:40.82828140258789, open point:(749.2127, 549.03204), center point:(668.34296, 521.0328), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.6000000238418579, height:39.991939544677734, open point:(584.6618, 410.68518), center point:(658.4677, 494.0827), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.5, height:39.60657501220703, open point:(596.4554, 400.3207), center point:(670.0193, 483.46442), object id:14 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:39.93021774291992, open point:(602.8676, 408.1247), center point:(673.44824, 487.8963), object id:14 ---------- rect_grasp_group[0](rect_grasp): Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.59913635253906, open point:(677.3685, -87.56467), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 rect_grasp_group[0:2]: ---------- Rectangle Grasp Group, Number=2: Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.59913635253906, open point:(677.3685, -87.56467), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.5867805480957, open point:(682.6998, -85.73743), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 ---------- rect_grasp_group[[0,1]]: ---------- Rectangle Grasp Group, Number=2: Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.59913635253906, open point:(677.3685, -87.56467), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 Rectangle Grasp: score:0.40000003576278687, height:52.5867805480957, open point:(682.6998, -85.73743), center point:(560.52704, -127.61005), object id:66 ---------- rect_grasp.center_point:(560.52704, -127.61005), open_point:(677.3685, -87.56467), height:52.59913635253906, score:0.40000003576278687
17 个浮点数用于定义通用的 6d grasp,width、height、 depth、 score and 附加object id也是定义的一部分。
实际上,score = 1.1 - raw_score(摩擦系数)
class Grasp(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be a numpy array or tuple of the score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix, translation, object_id - the format of numpy array is [score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix(9), translation(3), object_id] - the length of the numpy array is 17. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.grasp_array = np.array([0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ,0 , 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1], dtype = np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if type(args[0]) == np.ndarray: self.grasp_array = copy.deepcopy(args[0]) else: raise TypeError('if only one arg is given, it must be np.ndarray.') elif len(args) == 7: score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix, translation, object_id = args self.grasp_array = np.concatenate([np.array((score, width, height, depth)),rotation_matrix.reshape(-1), translation, np.array((object_id)).reshape(-1)]).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError('only 1 or 7 arguments are accepted')
相比Grasp,GraspGroup包含一个二维 numpy 数组,额外的维度是每个grasp的索引。
class GraspGroup(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be (1) nothing (2) numpy array of grasp group array (3) str of the npy file. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.grasp_group_array = np.zeros((0, GRASP_ARRAY_LEN), dtype=np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): self.grasp_group_array = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], str): self.grasp_group_array = np.load(args[0]) else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.')
实现了对列表的常见操作,例如s indexing, slicing and sorting。
此外,一个重要的功能是用户可以将GraspGroup转储到一个 numpy 文件中,并通过调用GraspGroup.save_npy()和GraspGroup.from_npy()将其加载到另一个程序中。
7个浮点数用于定义通用的矩形抓取,即the center point, the open point, height, score and the
attached object id.。每个参数的详细定义如上图所示,中心点和开放点的坐标在像素框中。
class RectGrasp(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be a numpy array or tuple of the center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id - the format of numpy array is [center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id] - the length of the numpy array is 7. ''' if len(args) == 1: if type(args[0]) == np.ndarray: self.rect_grasp_array = copy.deepcopy(args[0]) else: raise TypeError('if only one arg is given, it must be np.ndarray.') elif len(args) == RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN: self.rect_grasp_array = np.array(args).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError('only one or six arguments are accepted')
class RectGraspGroup(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be (1) nothing (2) numpy array of rect_grasp_group_array (3) str of the numpy file. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.zeros((0, RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN), dtype=np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): self.rect_grasp_group_array = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], str): self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.load(args[0]) else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.')
可以转换 Grasp 或 GraspGroup 得到 4x4 矩阵。
from graspnetAPI import * # transform grasp g = Grasp() # simple Grasp frame = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(0.1) # Grasp before transformation o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([g.to_open3d_geometry(), frame]) g.translation = np.array((0,0,0.01)) # setup a transformation matrix T = np.eye(4) T[:3,3] = np.array((0.01, 0.02, 0.03)) T[:3,:3] = np.array([[0,0,1.0],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]) g.transform(T) # Grasp after transformation o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([g.to_open3d_geometry(), frame]) g1 = Grasp() gg = GraspGroup() gg.add(g) gg.add(g1) # GraspGroup before transformation o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([*gg.to_open3d_geometry_list(), frame]) gg.transform(T) # GraspGroup after transformation o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([*gg.to_open3d_geometry_list(), frame])
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