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CVPR2023 | 70+目标检测论文及代码整理_目标检测应用的论文


目标检测是当下应用最广的计算机视觉任务之一。本文整理了CVPR 2023 目标检测相关论文72篇,覆盖包括2D目标检测、3D目标检测、视频目标检测、人物交互检测、异常检测、伪装目标检测、关键点检测、显著性目标检测、车道线检测、边缘检测等10个细分任务。并且每篇论文都尽可能附了上对应的代码。



[1]CapDet: Unifying Dense Captioning and Open-World Detection Pretraining


[2]Enhanced Training of Query-Based Object Detection via Selective Query Recollection


[3]DETRs with Hybrid Matching


[4]YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors


[5]Object-Aware Distillation Pyramid for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection


[6]Detecting Everything in the Open World: Towards Universal Object Detection


[7]NeRF-RPN: A general framework for object detection in NeRFs


[8]What Can Human Sketches Do for Object Detection?


[9]Object Discovery from Motion-Guided Tokens


[10]Continual Detection Transformer for Incremental Object Detection


[11]Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal Factors for Object Detection in Unseen Domains


[12]Mapping Degeneration Meets Label Evolution: Learning Infrared Small Target Detection with Single Point Supervision


[13]Benchmarking the Physical-world Adversarial Robustness of Vehicle Detection


[14]DetCLIPv2: Scalable Open-Vocabulary Object Detection Pre-training via Word-Region Alignment



[1]CAPE: Camera View Position Embedding for Multi-View 3D Object Detection


[2]Weakly Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection using Multi-View Projection and Direction Consistency


[3]AeDet: Azimuth-invariant Multi-view 3D Object Detection


[4]Bi3D: Bi-domain Active Learning for Cross-domain 3D Object Detection


[5]PiMAE: Point Cloud and Image Interactive Masked Autoencoders for 3D Object Detection


[6]MSF: Motion-guided Sequential Fusion for Efficient 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud Sequences


[7]Towards Domain Generalization for Multi-view 3D Object Detection in Bird-Eye-View


[8]X³KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and Stages for Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection


[9]Virtual Sparse Convolution for Multimodal 3D Object Detection


[10]MSMDFusion: Fusing LiDAR and Camera at Multiple Scales with Multi-Depth Seeds for 3D Object Detection


[11]Uni3D: A Unified Baseline for Multi-dataset 3D Object Detection


[12]ConQueR: Query Contrast Voxel-DETR for 3D Object Detection


[13]LoGoNet: Towards Accurate 3D Object Detection with Local-to-Global Cross-Modal Fusion


[14]MonoATT: Online Monocular 3D Object Detection with Adaptive Token Transformer


[15]OcTr: Octree-based Transformer for 3D Object Detection


[16]VoxelNeXt: Fully Sparse VoxelNet for 3D Object Detection and Tracking


[17]Benchmarking Robustness of 3D Object Detection to Common Corruptions in Autonomous Driving


[18]NS3D: Neuro-Symbolic Grounding of 3D Objects and Relations


[19]FrustumFormer: Adaptive Instance-aware Resampling for Multi-view 3D Detection


[20]Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detection in the Wild


[21]itKD: Interchange Transfer-based Knowledge Distillation for 3D Object Detection


[22]Neural Part Priors: Learning to Optimize Part-Based Object Completion in RGB-D Scans


[23]Viewpoint Equivariance for Multi-View 3D Object Detection


[24]Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images


[25]Learned Two-Plane Perspective Prior based Image Resampling for Efficient Object Detection


[26]Understanding the Robustness of 3D Object Detection with Bird's-Eye-View Representations in Autonomous Driving


[27]Hierarchical Supervision and Shuffle Data Augmentation for 3D Semi-Supervised Object Detection


[28]Curricular Object Manipulation in LiDAR-based Object Detection



[1]SCOTCH and SODA: A Transformer Video Shadow Detection Framework


[2]3D Video Object Detection with Learnable Object-Centric Global Optimization


[3]Collaborative Noisy Label Cleaner: Learning Scene-aware Trailers for Multi-modal Highlight Detection in Movies


[4]Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video



[1]Detecting Human-Object Contact in Images


[2]Category Query Learning for Human-Object Interaction Classification


[3]Instant-NVR: Instant Neural Volumetric Rendering for Human-object Interactions from Monocular RGBD Stream


[4]Relational Context Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection



[1]Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection with Transformers



[1]Texture-guided Saliency Distilling for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection


[2]Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Human Drawings



[1]Unified Keypoint-based Action Recognition Framework via Structured Keypoint Pooling


[2]Few-shot Geometry-Aware Keypoint Localization



[1]BEV-LaneDet: a Simple and Effective 3D Lane Detection Baseline



[1]Iterative Next Boundary Detection for Instance Segmentation of Tree Rings in Microscopy Images of Shrub Cross Sections


[2]The Treasure Beneath Multiple Annotations: An Uncertainty-aware Edge Detector



[1]DeSTSeg: Segmentation Guided Denoising Student-Teacher for Anomaly Detection


[2]Diversity-Measurable Anomaly Detection


[3]Block Selection Method for Using Feature Norm in Out-of-distribution Detection


[4]Lossy Compression for Robust Unsupervised Time-Series Anomaly Detection


[5]Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection via Hybrid Fusion


[6]Hierarchical Semantic Contrast for Scene-aware Video Anomaly Detection


[7]Normalizing Flow based Feature Synthesis for Outlier-Aware Object Detection


[8]SQUID: Deep Feature In-Painting for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection


[9]Prompt-Guided Zero-Shot Anomaly Action Recognition using Pretrained Deep Skeleton Features


[10]SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization


[11]WinCLIP: Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation


[12]OpenMix: Exploring Outlier Samples for Misclassification Detection


[13]Robust Outlier Rejection for 3D Registration with Variational Bayes


[14]Video Event Restoration Based on Keyframes for Video Anomaly Detection




