表名 | 备注 | 表关键信息 |
hosts | 主机 | 主机ip,备注 |
hosts_groups | 主机组 | 主要起到服务器按组过滤 |
items | 监控项 | 各个具体的监控项如:cpu,内存,磁盘 |
trends | 趋势表 | 各个数值监控项,某一时间段内的数值 |
trends_uint | 趋势表 | 各个数值监控项,某一时间段内的数值 |
- select ip,
- max(case when item='Number of CPUs' or item='Number of cores' then value_max end) cpus,
- max(case when item='Total memory' then round(value_max/1024/1024/1024,0) end)totalMem,
- max(case when item='Used memory' then round(value_max/1024/1024/1024,0) end)usedMem,
- max(case when item='CPU utilization' then round(value_max,2) end)pusedCpuMax,
- max(case when item='CPU utilization' then round(value_avg,2) end)pusedCpuAvg,
- max(case when item='Memory utilization' then round(value_max,2) end)pusedMemMax,
- max(case when item='Memory utilization' then round(value_avg,2) end)pusedMemAvg
- from (
- select a.name ip ,b.name item,max(c.value_max) value_max,avg(c.value_avg)value_avg
- from hosts a
- join items b on a.hostid=b.hostid
- join trends c on b.itemid=c.itemid
- where c.clock>UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_sub(curdate(),interval 90 day))
- and b.name in ('Number of cores','Total memory','Memory utilization','Number of CPUs','Memory utilization','Used memory','CPU utilization')
- group by a.name,b.name
- union
- select a.name,b.name,max(c.value_max) value_max,avg(c.value_avg)value_avg
- from hosts a
- join items b on a.hostid=b.hostid
- join trends_uint c on b.itemid=c.itemid
- where c.clock>UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_sub(curdate(),interval 90 day))
- and b.name in ('Number of cores','Total memory','Memory utilization','Number of CPUs','Memory utilization','Used memory')
- group by a.name,b.name
- )t join hosts d on t.ip=d.name
- where d.error not like '%cannot connect%' and d.status=0 and not exists (select 1 from hosts_groups e where e.groupid=17 and e.hostid=d.hostid )
- group by ip
- order by pusedMemAvg;
- select ta.ip,substr(ta.item,1,locate(':',ta.item)) path,ta.utilization_max,tb.total_max
- from
- (select a.name ip ,b.name item,round(max(c.value_max),2) utilization_max
- from hosts a
- join items b on a.hostid=b.hostid
- join trends c on b.itemid=c.itemid
- where c.clock>UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_sub(now(),interval 2 hour))
- and length(b.name)<50 and b.name like '%Space utilization'
- group by a.name,b.name
- ) as ta
- join
- (select a.name ip ,b.name item,round(max(c.value_max)/1024/1024/1024,2) total_max
- from hosts a
- join items b on a.hostid=b.hostid
- join trends_uint c on b.itemid=c.itemid
- where c.clock>UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_sub(now(),interval 2 hour))
- and length(b.name)<50 and b.name like '%Total space'
- group by a.name,b.name
- )as tb
- on ta.ip=tb.ip and substr(ta.item,1,locate(':',ta.item))=substr(tb.item,1,locate(':',tb.item))
- join hosts d on ta.ip=d.name
- where ta.utilization_max<20 and tb.total_max>100
- and not exists (select * from hosts_groups e where e.groupid=17 and e.hostid=d.hostid )
- order by tb.total_max asc;
- select date_format(from_unixtime(clock),'%Y-%m-%d')time,name,count(*)
- from events
- where name like '%frequent%' and value=0
- group by date_format(from_unixtime(clock),'%Y-%m-%d'),name
- order by date_format(from_unixtime(clock),'%Y-%m-%d') desc limit 30;
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