类 | 范围 | 子网掩码 |
A | 1-126 | \8 |
B | 128-191 | \16 |
C | 192-223 | \24 |
D | 224-239 | _ |
E | 240-255 | _ |
- public enum IPClass { A, B, C, D, E, notDetected }
- IPClass getIPClass(string IP)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IP) && IP.Split('.').Length == 4 &&
- !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IP.Split('.').Last()))
- {
- string ipclassstr = IP.Split('.').First();
- int ipclasssnum = int.Parse(ipclassstr);
- if (0 <= ipclasssnum && ipclasssnum <= 126)
- {
- return IPClass.A;
- }
- if (128 <= ipclasssnum && ipclasssnum <= 191)
- {
- return IPClass.B;
- }
- if (192 <= ipclasssnum && ipclasssnum <= 223)
- {
- return IPClass.C;
- }
- if (224 <= ipclasssnum && ipclasssnum <= 239)
- {
- return IPClass.D;
- }
- if (240 <= ipclasssnum && ipclasssnum <= 255)
- {
- return IPClass.E;
- }
- }
- else return IPClass.notDetected;
- return IPClass.notDetected;
- }
- int getSubnetMaskBitsCount(string ip)
- {
- IPClass iPClass = getIPClass(ip);
- if (iPClass == IPClass.A)
- return 8;
- if (iPClass == IPClass.B)
- return 16;
- if (iPClass == IPClass.C)
- return 24;
- if (iPClass == IPClass.D)
- return 31;
- if (iPClass == IPClass.E)
- return 32;
- return -1;
- }
在下一步中,我们将提取给定 IP 的网络 ID、可用主机的数量、可用网络 ID 的数量、该网络的第一个IP和最后一个IP,这是基于当前子网掩码及其位数的灵活动态方式进行的。
从IP中的第一个数字可以清楚地看出它属于C类,这意味着子网掩码为\24 255.255 .255 .0
我们现在将IP及其子网掩码转换为位,并通过AND操作符计算网络 id:
- 11000000.10101000.10110010.01110000 (
- &
- 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 (255.255 .255 .0)
- ----------------------------------------------
- 11000000.10101000.10110010.00000000 (
- public string getNetID(string ipadresse, string subnetmask)
- {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- string[] subMaskValues = subnetmask.Split('.');
- string[] subIpValues = ipadresse.Split('.');
- for (int i = 0; i < subMaskValues.Length; i++)
- {
- if (i == subMaskValues.Length - 1)
- sb.Append((int.Parse(subMaskValues[i]) &
- int.Parse(subIpValues[i])).ToString());
- else
- {
- int maskvalue = int.Parse(subMaskValues[i]);
- int ipvalue = int.Parse(subIpValues[i]);
- string str = ((maskvalue & ipvalue).ToString());
- str += ".";
- sb.Append(str);
- }
- }
- return sb.ToString();
- }
网络和广播地址不能分配给网络上的主机。因此,您可以分配给主机的可用地址数是地址总数减去2 =(2^(32 -当前子网掩码位计数))-2。
- int getHostcount(int Current_Subnetmask_Bits_Count)
- {
- double resultbits = Math.Max(Math.Pow(2,
- (32 - (Current_Subnetmask_Bits_Count))) - 2, 0);
- return (int)resultbits;
- }
(2^(IP CLass Standart Subnetmask Bits Count - Current Subnetmask Bits Count))
- int getNetcount(int IP_CLass_Standart_Subnetmask_Bits_Count,
- int Current_Subnetmask_Bits_Count)
- {
- double resultbits = Math.Max(
- Math.Pow(
- 2, Current_Subnetmask_Bits_Count -
- IP_CLass_Standart_Subnetmask_Bits_Count),
- 0);
- return (int)resultbits;
- }
第 1 步:从给定的子网掩码中获取主机部分。
第 2 步:将主机部分的最后一位更改为1。
第 3 步:如果为D>0,则从子网掩码中获取子网部分,然后对提取的子网部分和IP地址中的等效位应用And操作。
第 4 步:将主机和子网部分转换为二进制。
第 5 步:更换给定IP地址中的主机部分。
示例:地址192.168.178.112作为示例,我们采用子网掩码255.255.255.128 IP地址为192.168.178.112 =>IP类为C =>标准子网掩码为\24
- 255 . 255 . 255 . 128
- 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000
- the Subnet Part(First One) <_ ---------->host part(just the Zeros)
步骤 2:将主机部分的最后一位更改为1 => 0000001
步骤 3:如果为D>0,则从子网掩码中获取子网部分,然后对提取的子网部分和IP地址中的等效位应用And操作 =>子网部分位于索引上:25 = 1
- 192 . 168 . 178 . 112
- 11000000.10101000.10110010.01110000
- ->the equivalent Bit(the first one(0))
- so 1 & 0 = 0 => now we add the Host Part 0000001 =>00000001
步骤 4:将主机和子网部分转换为二进制 =>00000001 = 1
步骤 5:替换给定IP地址中的主机部分=>
- public string getFirstIpAdresse(string ipadresse,
- int standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, int current_subnet_mask_bits_count,
- string current_subnet_mask_bits)
- {
- int hostlength = 32 - current_subnet_mask_bits_count;
- int subnet_length = current_subnet_mask_bits_count -
- standard_subnet_mask_bits_count;
- string hostpart = current_subnet_mask_bits.Substring
- (current_subnet_mask_bits_count, hostlength);
- string ip_bits = ip_to_bit_string(ipadresse);
- StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < hostpart.Length; i++)
- {
- if (i == hostpart.Length - 1) stringBuilder.Append("1");
- else stringBuilder.Append("0");
- }
- string net_id_plus_host = stringBuilder.ToString();
- if (subnet_length > 0)
- {
- string subnet_part = current_subnet_mask_bits.Substring
- (standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, subnet_length);
- string to_operat_ip_bits = ip_bits.Substring
- (standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, subnet_length);
- // var And_operation_result = Convert.ToByte(to_operat_ip_bits, 2) &
- // Convert.ToByte(subnet_part, 2);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < subnet_part.Length; i++)
- sb.Append(Convert.ToUInt64(to_operat_ip_bits[i].ToString(), 2)
- & Convert.ToUInt64(subnet_part[i].ToString(), 2));
- for (int i = 0; i < hostpart.Length; i++)
- if (i == hostpart.Length - 1) sb.Append("1");
- else sb.Append("0");
- net_id_plus_host = sb.ToString();
- }
- //*****************
- int IPPartsLength = net_id_plus_host.Length / 8;
- string[] ipnewparts = new string[IPPartsLength];
- int j = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ipnewparts.Length; i++)
- {
- ipnewparts[i] = net_id_plus_host.Substring(j, 8);
- j = j + 8;
- }
- string[] ipparts = ipadresse.Split('.');
- j = ipparts.Length - 1;
- for (int i = ipnewparts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- ipparts[j] = Convert.ToInt64(ipnewparts[i], 2).ToString();
- j--;
- }
- StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < ipparts.Length; i++)
- if (i == ipparts.Length - 1) stringBuilder1.Append(ipparts[i]);
- else stringBuilder1.Append(ipparts[i] + ".");
- return stringBuilder1.ToString();
- //*****************
- }
- public string getLastIpAdresse(string ipadresse,
- int standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, int current_subnet_mask_bits_count,
- string current_subnet_mask_bits)
- {
- int hostlength = 32 - current_subnet_mask_bits_count;
- int subnet_length = current_subnet_mask_bits_count -
- standard_subnet_mask_bits_count;
- string hostpart = current_subnet_mask_bits.Substring
- (current_subnet_mask_bits_count, hostlength);
- string ip_bits = ip_to_bit_string(ipadresse);
- StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < hostpart.Length; i++)
- {
- if (i == hostpart.Length - 1) stringBuilder.Append("0");
- else stringBuilder.Append("1");
- }
- string net_id_plus_host = stringBuilder.ToString();
- if (subnet_length > 0)
- {
- // string net_id_part = current_subnet_mask_bits.Substring
- // (standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, net_id_length).PadRight
- // (net_id_length + hostlength, '0');
- string subnet_part = current_subnet_mask_bits.Substring
- (standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, subnet_length);
- string to_operat_ip_bits = ip_bits.Substring
- (standard_subnet_mask_bits_count, subnet_length);
- // var And_operation_result = Convert.ToByte(to_operat_ip_bits, 2)
- // & Convert.ToByte(subnet_part, 2);
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < subnet_part.Length; i++)
- sb.Append(Convert.ToUInt64(to_operat_ip_bits[i].ToString(), 2)
- & Convert.ToUInt64(subnet_part[i].ToString(), 2));
- for (int i = 0; i < hostpart.Length; i++)
- if (i == hostpart.Length - 1) sb.Append("0");
- else sb.Append("1");
- net_id_plus_host = sb.ToString();
- }
- //*****************
- int IPPartsLength = net_id_plus_host.Length / 8;
- string[] ipnewparts = new string[IPPartsLength];
- int j = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ipnewparts.Length; i++)
- {
- ipnewparts[i] = net_id_plus_host.Substring(j, 8);
- j = j + 8;
- }
- string[] ipparts = ipadresse.Split('.');
- j = ipparts.Length - 1;
- for (int i = ipnewparts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- ipparts[j] = Convert.ToInt64(ipnewparts[i], 2).ToString();
- j--;
- }
- StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < ipparts.Length; i++)
- if (i == ipparts.Length - 1) stringBuilder1.Append(ipparts[i]);
- else stringBuilder1.Append(ipparts[i] + ".");
- return stringBuilder1.ToString();
- //*****************
- }
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