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解决报错SyntaxError:Unexpected end of JSON input_syntaxerror: unexpected end of json input

syntaxerror: unexpected end of json input


  1. var selectWorker = JSON.stringify(selectWorker);
  2. uni.navigateTo({
  3. url: '../recordForm/recordForm?selectWorker=' + selectWorker
  4. })
  1. onLoad(option) {
  2. console.log(option)
  3. var _this = this;
  4. // 选中的工人
  5. var selectWorker = JSON.parse(option.selectWorker);
  6. var workerIdsArray = [];
  7. for (var i = 0; i < selectWorker.length; i++) {
  8. workerIdsArray.push(selectWorker[i].id);
  9. }
  10. var workerIds = workerIdsArray.join(',');
  11. console.log(workerIds);
  12. _this.selectWorker = selectWorker;
  13. _this.workerIds = workerIds;
  14. },

报错提示SyntaxError:Unexpected end of JSON input


原因:若对象的参数或数组的元素中遇到地址中包括?& - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )等特殊符号时,对象/数组先要通过JSON.stringify转化为字符串再通过encodeURIComponent编码,接收时,先通过decodeURIComponent解码再通过JSON.parse转换为JSON格式的对象/数组。


  1. var selectWorker = JSON.stringify(selectWorker);
  2. uni.navigateTo({
  3. url: '../recordForm/recordForm?selectWorker=' + encodeURIComponent(selectWorker)
  4. })
  1. onLoad(option) {
  2. console.log(option)
  3. var _this = this;
  4. // 选中的工人
  5. var selectWorker = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(option.selectWorker));
  6. var workerIdsArray = [];
  7. for (var i = 0; i < selectWorker.length; i++) {
  8. workerIdsArray.push(selectWorker[i].id);
  9. }
  10. var workerIds = workerIdsArray.join(',');
  11. console.log(workerIds);
  12. _this.selectWorker = selectWorker;
  13. _this.workerIds = workerIds;
  14. },

