2.将时间序列转成图像——短时傅里叶方法 Matlab实现_vm-1215的博客-CSDN博客
3.将时间序列转成图像——希尔伯特-黄变换方法 Matlab实现_vm-1215的博客-CSDN博客
小波变换(Wavelet Transform, WT)是1984年由Morlet和Grossman提出的概念,该方法承袭了短时间窗变换的局部化思想,且克服了时间-窗口大小不变的缺陷,提供了一个窗口宽度可随频率变化而变宽变窄的时频窗,从而充分突出信号的某些特征。其基本思想是:先构造一个有限长或快速衰减的母小波,然后通过缩放和平移生成多个子小波,再叠加以匹配输入信号。将其缩放尺度和平移参数对应频率和时间参数,最终得到信号的时频图。
其中, ψa,b
- clear, close all
- %% initialize parameters
- samplerate=500; % in Hz
- fstep=1; % frequency step for wavelet
- %% generate simulated signals with step changes in frequency
- data = csvread('3_1_link6_28_5_30min.csv'); % input the signal from the Excle
- data = data'; % change the signal from column to row
- N = length(data); % calculate the length of the data
- taxis = [1:N]/samplerate; % time axis for whole data length
- figure,
- plot(taxis,data),xlim([taxis(1) taxis(end)])
- xlabel('Time (s)')
- %% Time-frequency analysis (CWT, morlet wavelet)
- spec = tfa_morlet(data, samplerate, 1, 250, fstep);
- faxis=[1:fstep:250];
- Mag=abs(spec); % get spectrum magnitude
- im = figure('color',[1 1 1]);
- imagesc(taxis,faxis,Mag) % plot spectrogram as an image
- colorbar
- axis([taxis(1) taxis(end) faxis(1) faxis(end)])
- xlabel('Time (s)')
- ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
- title('Time-frequency analysis (CWT)')
- saveas(im,'CWT_1.bmp')
- function TFmap = tfa_morlet(td, fs, fmin, fmax, fstep)
- TFmap = [];
- for fc=fmin:fstep:fmax
- MW = MorletWavelet(fc/fs); % calculate the Morlet Wavelet by giving the central freqency
- cr = conv(td, MW, 'same'); % convolution
- TFmap = [TFmap; abs(cr)];
- end
- function MW = MorletWavelet(fc)
- F_RATIO = 7; % frequency ratio (number of cycles): fc/sigma_f, should be greater than 5
- Zalpha2 = 3.3; % value of Z_alpha/2, when alpha=0.001
- sigma_f = fc/F_RATIO;
- sigma_t = 1/(2*pi*sigma_f);
- A = 1/sqrt(sigma_t*sqrt(pi));
- max_t = ceil(Zalpha2 * sigma_t);
- t = -max_t:max_t;
- %MW = A * exp((-t.^2)/(2*sigma_t^2)) .* exp(2i*pi*fc*t);
- v1 = 1/(-2*sigma_t^2);
- v2 = 2i*pi*fc;
- MW = A * exp(t.*(t.*v1+v2));

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