相机模型论文:A Flexible Technique for Accurate Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and
Structure from Motion
\left[u^{\prime}, v^{\prime}\right]^{T}
[u′,v′]T为image plane,
[u, v]^{T}
[u,v]T为sensor plane,对应于针孔相机模型来说,其实就是像素平面和图像平面。
上述公式(3)中,为image point到空间三维点的映射方程。经过标定你会发现a1=0,这是因为,通过观察上图投影模型你会发现,当
// cam_model_general.h #pragma once #ifndef CAM_MODEL_GENERAL_H #define CAM_MODEL_GENERAL_H #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> // horner scheme for evaluating polynomials at a value x template<typename T> T horner(T* coeffs, int s, T x) { T res = 0.0; for (int i = s - 1; i >= 0; i--) res = res * x + coeffs[i]; return res; } // template class implementation of the general atan model template <typename T> class cCamModelGeneral { public: // construtors cCamModelGeneral() : c(T(1)), d(T(0)), e(T(0)), u0(T(0)), v0(T(0)), p((cv::Mat_<T>(1, 1) << T(1))), invP((cv::Mat_<T>(1, 1) << T(1))), p_deg(1), invP_deg(1), Iwidth(T(0)), Iheight(T(0)) {} cCamModelGeneral(cv::Vec<T, 5> cdeu0v0, cv::Mat_<T> p_, cv::Mat_<T> invP_) : c(cdeu0v0[0]), d(cdeu0v0[1]), e(cdeu0v0[2]), u0(cdeu0v0[3]), v0(cdeu0v0[4]), p(p_), invP(invP_) { // initialize degree of polynomials p_deg = (p_.rows > 1) ? p_.rows : p_deg = p_.cols; invP_deg = (p_.rows > 1) ? invP_deg = invP_.rows : invP_deg = invP_.cols; cde1 = (cv::Mat_<T>(2, 2) << c, d, e, T(1)); } cCamModelGeneral(cv::Vec<T, 5> cdeu0v0, cv::Mat_<T> p_, cv::Mat_<T> invP_, int Iw_, int Ih_) : c(cdeu0v0[0]), d(cdeu0v0[1]), e(cdeu0v0[2]), u0(cdeu0v0[3]), v0(cdeu0v0[4]), p(p_), invP(invP_), Iwidth(Iw_), Iheight(Ih_) { // initialize degree of polynomials p_deg = (p_.rows > 1) ? p_.rows : p_deg = p_.cols; invP_deg = (p_.rows > 1) ? invP_deg = invP_.rows : invP_deg = invP_.cols; cde1 = (cv::Mat_<T>(2, 2) << c, d, e, T(1)); } ~cCamModelGeneral() {} template <typename T> inline void WorldToImg(const T& x, const T& y, const T& z, // 3D scene point T& u, T& v) // 2D image point { T norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y); if (norm == T(0)) norm = 1e-14; T theta = atan(-z / norm); T rho = horner<T>((T*)invP.data, invP_deg, theta); T uu = x / norm * rho; T vv = y / norm * rho; u = uu*c + vv*d + u0; v = uu*e + vv + v0; } template <typename T> inline void WorldToImg(const cv::Point3_<T>& X, // 3D scene point cv::Point_<T>& m) // 2D image point { T norm = sqrt(X.x*X.x + X.y*X.y); if (norm == T(0)) norm = 1e-14; T theta = atan(-X.z / norm); T rho = horner<T>((T*)invP.data, invP_deg, theta); T uu = X.x / norm * rho; T vv = X.y / norm * rho; m.x = uu*c + vv*d + u0; m.y = uu*e + vv + v0; } // fastest by about factor 2 template <typename T> inline void WorldToImg(const cv::Vec<T, 3>& X, // 3D scene point cv::Vec<T, 2>& m) // 2D image point { double norm = cv::sqrt(X(0)*X(0) + X(1)*X(1)); if (norm == 0.0) norm = 1e-14; double theta = atan(-X(2) / norm); double rho = horner<T>((T*)invP.data, invP_deg, theta); double uu = X(0) / norm * rho; double vv = X(1) / norm * rho; m(0) = uu*c + vv*d + u0; m(1) = uu*e + vv + v0; } template <typename T> inline void ImgToWorld(T& x, T& y, T& z, // 3D scene point const T& u, const T& v) // 2D image point { T invAff = c - d*e; T u_t = u - u0; T v_t = v - v0; // inverse affine matrix image to sensor plane conversion x = (1 * u_t - d * v_t) / invAff; y = (-e * u_t + c * v_t) / invAff; T X2 = x*x; T Y2 = y*y; z = -horner<T>((T*)p.data, p_deg, sqrt(X2 + Y2)); // normalize vectors spherically T norm = sqrt(X2 + Y2 + z*z); x /= norm; y /= norm; z /= norm; } template <typename T> inline void ImgToWorld(cv::Point3_<T>& X, // 3D scene point const cv::Point_<T>& m) // 2D image point { T invAff = c - d*e; T u_t = m.x - u0; T v_t = m.y - v0; // inverse affine matrix image to sensor plane conversion X.x = (1 * u_t - d * v_t) / invAff; X.y = (-e * u_t + c * v_t) / invAff; T X2 = X.x*X.x; T Y2 = X.y*X.y; X.z = -horner<T>((T*)p.data, p_deg, sqrt(X2 + Y2)); // normalize vectors spherically T norm = sqrt(X2 + Y2 + X.z*X.z); X.x /= norm; X.y /= norm; X.z /= norm; } template <typename T> inline void ImgToWorld(cv::Vec<T, 3>& X, // 3D scene point const cv::Vec<T, 2>& m) // 2D image point { T invAff = c - d*e; T u_t = m(0) - u0; T v_t = m(1) - v0; // inverse affine matrix image to sensor plane conversion X(0) = (1 * u_t - d * v_t) / invAff; X(1) = (-e * u_t + c * v_t) / invAff; T X2 = X(0)*X(0); T Y2 = X(1)*X(1); X(2) = -horner<T>((T*)p.data, p_deg, sqrt(X2 + Y2)); // normalize vectors spherically T norm = sqrt(X2 + Y2 + X(2)*X(2)); X(0) /= norm; X(1) /= norm; X(2) /= norm; } // get functions T Get_c() { return c; } T Get_d() { return d; } T Get_e() { return e; } T Get_u0() { return u0; } T Get_v0() { return v0; } int GetInvDeg() { return invP_deg; } int GetPolDeg() { return p_deg; } cv::Mat_<T> Get_invP() { return invP; } cv::Mat_<T> Get_P() { return p; } T GetWidth() { return Iwidth; } T GetHeight() { return Iheight; } cv::Mat GetMirrorMask(int pyrL) { return mirrorMasks[pyrL]; } void SetMirrorMasks(std::vector<cv::Mat> mirrorMasks_) { mirrorMasks = mirrorMasks_; } bool isPointInMirrorMask(const T& u, const T& v, int pyr) { int ur = cvRound(u); int vr = cvRound(v); // check image bounds if (ur >= mirrorMasks[pyr].cols || ur <= 0 || vr >= mirrorMasks[pyr].rows || vr <= 0) return false; // check mirror if (mirrorMasks[pyr].at<uchar>(vr, ur) > 0) return true; else return false; } private: // affin parameters T c; T d; T e; cv::Mat_<T> cde1; // principal point T u0; T v0; // polynomial cv::Mat_<T> p; int p_deg; // inverse polynomial cv::Mat_<T> invP; int invP_deg; // image width and height int Iwidth; int Iheight; // mirror mask on pyramid levels std::vector<cv::Mat> mirrorMasks; }; #endif
// cam_model_general.cpp #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include "cam_model_general.h" using namespace std; using namespace cv; double time2double(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end) { return static_cast<double>( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start).count() * (double)1e-9); } double dRand(double fMin, double fMax) { return fMin + (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * (fMax - fMin); } int main() { // number of iterations for speed test long iterations = 1e8; // take some real world cam model // this is the camera model of data set Fisheye1_ // ATTENTION!! I also switched the principal point coordinates Vec<double, 5> interior_orientation(0.998883018922937, -0.0115128845387445, //cdeu0v0 均是标定得到 0.0107836324042904, 544.763473297893, 378.781825009886); Mat_<double> p = (Mat_<double>(5, 1) << -338.405137634369, // poly系数,标定得到 0.0, 0.00120189826837736, -1.27438189154991e-06, 2.85466623521256e-09); // attention: this is the reverse order of findinvpoly // as matlab evaluates the polynomials differently Mat_<double> pInv = (Mat_<double>(11, 1) << 510.979186217526, // invPoly系数,标定得到 291.393724562448, -13.8758863124724, 42.4238251854176, 23.054291112414, -7.18539785128328, 14.1452111052043, 18.5034196957122, -2.39675686593404, -7.18896323060144, -1.85081569557094); // here comes the camera model cCamModelGeneral<double> camModel(interior_orientation, p, pInv); // test the correctness of the implementation, at least internally double x0 = dRand(0, 5);//不应该是随机数产生的3D点么?为什么每次运行都一样呢? double y0 = dRand(0, 5); double z0 = dRand(0, 5); Vec3d vec3d(x0, y0, z0); Vec3d vec3d_normalized = (1 / norm(vec3d)) * vec3d; Vec2d projection; Vec3d unprojected; camModel.WorldToImg(vec3d, projection);//3D点投影到2D点 cout << "projected point: " << projection << endl; camModel.ImgToWorld(unprojected, projection);//把2D点投影到3D点,但这个3D点是归一化的三维点 cout << "unprojected:" << unprojected << endl; cerr << "difference after unproject: " << norm(vec3d_normalized - unprojected) << endl; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // timings for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { camModel.WorldToImg(vec3d, projection); camModel.ImgToWorld(unprojected, projection); } std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); cout << "total time for " << iterations << " iterations of world2cam and cam2world: " << time2double(begin, end) << " s" << endl; cout << "time for one iteration: " << time2double(begin, end) / iterations * 1e9 << " nano seconds" << endl; return 0; }
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