- # 解析高光谱数据
- def get_dataset(target_folder,dataset_name):
- palette = None
- # 拼接文件路径
- folder = target_folder + '/' + dataset_name
- # 打开数据文件
- if dataset_name == 'IndianPines':
- img = open_file(folder + '/Indian_pines_corrected.mat')
- img = img['indian_pines_corrected'] #选择矩阵
- rgb_bands = (43, 21, 11) # AVIRIS sensor
- gt = open_file(folder + '/Indian_pines_gt.mat')['indian_pines_gt']
- # 设置标签
- label_values = ["Undefined", "Alfalfa", "Corn-notill", "Corn-mintill",
- "Corn", "Grass-pasture", "Grass-trees",
- "Grass-pasture-mowed", "Hay-windrowed", "Oats",
- "Soybean-notill", "Soybean-mintill", "Soybean-clean",
- "Wheat", "Woods", "Buildings-Grass-Trees-Drives",
- "Stone-Steel-Towers"]
- ignored_labels = [0]
- # 设置背景标签
- nan_mask = np.isnan(img.sum(axis=-1))
- img[nan_mask] = 0
- gt[nan_mask] = 0
- ignored_labels.append(0)
- # 数据格式转换
- ignored_labels = list(set(ignored_labels))
- img = np.asarray(img, dtype='float32')
- data = img.reshape(np.prod(img.shape[:2]), np.prod(img.shape[2:]))
- data = preprocessing.minmax_scale(data)
- img = data.reshape(img.shape)
- return img, gt, label_values, ignored_labels, rgb_bands, palette
- # 打开高光谱文件
- def open_file(dataset):
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(dataset)
- ext = ext.lower()
- # 根据格式不同打开文件
- if ext == '.mat':
- return io.loadmat(dataset)
- elif ext == '.tif' or ext == '.tiff':
- return imageio.imread(dataset)
- elif ext == '.hdr':
- img = spectral.open_image(dataset)
- return img.load()
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknown file format: {}".format(ext))
- DataSetName = 'IndianPines'
- target_folder = 'Dataset'
- palette = get_dataset(target_folder,DataSetName)
- def sample_gt(gt, train_size, mode='random'):
- indices = np.nonzero(gt)
- X = list(zip(*indices)) # x,y features
- y = gt[indices].ravel() # classes
- train_gt = np.zeros_like(gt)
- test_gt = np.zeros_like(gt)
- if train_size > 1:
- train_size = int(train_size)
- if mode == 'random':
- train_indices, test_indices = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X, train_size=train_size, stratify=y)
- train_indices = [list(t) for t in zip(*train_indices)]
- test_indices = [list(t) for t in zip(*test_indices)]
- train_gt[tuple(train_indices)] = gt[tuple(train_indices)]
- test_gt[tuple(test_indices)] = gt[tuple(test_indices)]
- elif mode == 'fixed':
- print("Sampling {} with train size = {}".format(mode, train_size))
- train_indices, test_indices = [], []
- for c in np.unique(gt):
- if c == 0:
- continue
- indices = np.nonzero(gt == c)
- X = list(zip(*indices)) # x,y features
- train, test = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X, train_size=train_size)
- train_indices += train
- test_indices += test
- train_indices = [list(t) for t in zip(*train_indices)]
- test_indices = [list(t) for t in zip(*test_indices)]
- train_gt[train_indices] = gt[train_indices]
- test_gt[test_indices] = gt[test_indices]
- elif mode == 'disjoint':
- train_gt = np.copy(gt)
- test_gt = np.copy(gt)
- for c in np.unique(gt):
- mask = gt == c
- for x in range(gt.shape[0]):
- first_half_count = np.count_nonzero(mask[:x, :])
- second_half_count = np.count_nonzero(mask[x:, :])
- try:
- ratio = first_half_count / second_half_count
- if ratio > 0.9 * train_size and ratio < 1.1 * train_size:
- break
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- continue
- mask[:x, :] = 0
- train_gt[mask] = 0
- test_gt[train_gt > 0] = 0
- else:
- raise ValueError("{} sampling is not implemented yet.".format(mode))
- return train_gt, test_gt
- #--训练集占比
- #--数据集划分
- train_gt, test_gt = sample_gt(gt,SAMPLE_PERCENTAGE,mode='random')
- train_gt, val_gt = sample_gt(train_gt, 0.95, mode='random')
- data-高光谱数据集;
- gt-标签集;
- patch_size-邻居个数(即感受野,影响提取的每个块大小);
- ignored_labels - 需要忽略的类别;
- flip_augmentation - 是否使用随机折叠;
- radiation_augmentation - 是否使用随机噪声;
- mixture_augmentation - 是否对光谱进行随机混合
- center_pixel - 设置为True以仅考虑中心像素的标签
- supervision - 训练模式,可选'full'-全监督 或 'semi'-半监督
- # 高光谱dataset类
- class HyperX(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
- def __init__(self,data,gt,patch_size,ignored_labels,flip_augmentation,radiation_augmentation,mixture_augmentation,center_pixel,supervision):
- super().__init__()
- self.data = data
- self.label = gt
- self.patch_size = patch_size
- self.ignored_labels = ignored_labels
- self.flip_augmentation = flip_augmentation
- self.radiation_augmentation = radiation_augmentation
- self.mixture_augmentation = mixture_augmentation
- self.center_pixel = center_pixel
- supervision = supervision
- # 监督模式
- if supervision == 'full':
- mask = np.ones_like(gt)
- for l in self.ignored_labels:
- mask[gt == l] = 0
- # 半监督模式
- elif supervision == 'semi':
- mask = np.ones_like(gt)
- x_pos, y_pos = np.nonzero(mask)
- p = self.patch_size // 2
- self.indices = np.array([(x,y) for x,y in zip(x_pos, y_pos) if x > p-1 and x < data.shape[0] - p and y > p-1 and y < data.shape[1] - p])
- self.labels = [self.label[x,y] for x,y in self.indices]
- np.random.shuffle(self.indices)
- @staticmethod #静态方法
- def flip(*arrays):
- horizontal = np.random.random() > 0.5
- vertical = np.random.random() > 0.5
- if horizontal:
- arrays = [np.fliplr(arr) for arr in arrays]
- if vertical:
- arrays = [np.flipud(arr) for arr in arrays]
- return arrays
- @staticmethod
- def radiation_noise(data, alpha_range=(0.9, 1.1), beta=1/25):
- alpha = np.random.uniform(*alpha_range)
- noise = np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=1.0, size=data.shape)
- return alpha * data + beta * noise
- def mixture_noise(self, data, label, beta=1/25):
- alpha1, alpha2 = np.random.uniform(0.01, 1., size=2)
- noise = np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=1.0, size=data.shape)
- data2 = np.zeros_like(data)
- for idx, value in np.ndenumerate(label):
- if value not in self.ignored_labels:
- l_indices = np.nonzero(self.labels == value)[0]
- l_indice = np.random.choice(l_indices)
- assert(self.labels[l_indice] == value)
- x, y = self.indices[l_indice]
- data2[idx] = self.data[x,y]
- return (alpha1 * data + alpha2 * data2) / (alpha1 + alpha2) + beta * noise
- # 获得长度数据
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.indices)
- # 获得元素
- def __getitem__(self, i):
- x,y = self.indices[i]
- x1,y1 = x-self.patch_size // 2, y-self.patch_size // 2
- x2,y2 = x1+self.patch_size, y1+self.patch_size
- data = self.data[x1:x2,y1:y2]
- label = self.label[x1:x2,y1:y2]
- # 选择数据增强模式
- if self.flip_augmentation and self.patch_size > 1: #
- data, label = self.flip(data, label)
- if self.radiation_augmentation and np.random.random() < 0.1:
- data = self.radiation_noise(data)
- if self.mixture_augmentation and np.random.random() < 0.2:
- data = self.mixture_noise(data, label)
- # mat->np->tensor
- data = np.asarray(np.copy(data).transpose((2, 0, 1)), dtype='float32')
- label = np.asarray(np.copy(label), dtype='int64')
- data = torch.from_numpy(data)
- label = torch.from_numpy(label)
- # 提取中心标签
- if self.center_pixel and self.patch_size > 1:
- label = label[self.patch_size // 2, self.patch_size // 2]
- # 使用不可见光谱时删除未使用部分
- elif self.patch_size == 1:
- data = data[:, 0, 0]
- label = label[0, 0]
- # 进行3D卷积时增加一维
- if self.patch_size > 1:
- data = data.unsqueeze(0)
- return data,label
- def HyperX_collate(batch):
- datas = []
- labels = []
- for data, label in batch:
- datas.append(data)
- labels.append(label)
- datas = np.array(datas)
- labels = np.array(labels)
- return datas, labels
- # 调用dataset
- train_dataset = HyperX(img, train_gt,patch_size,IGNORED_LABELS,True,True,True,True,'full')
- val_dataset = HyperX(img, val_gt,patch_size,IGNORED_LABELS,True,True,True,True,'full')
- # 调用dataloader
- train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset,batch_size=batch_size,pin_memory=True,shuffle=True)
- val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset,batch_size=batch_size,pin_memory=True,shuffle=True)
- # 可视化展示
- for item in train_dataset:
- img,label = item
- img = torch.squeeze(img,0) #除去第0维度
- img = img.permute(1,2,0) #调整通道位置
- print('tensor尺寸:{}'.format(img.shape))
- img = img.numpy() #转换为numpy
- view1 = spy.imshow(data=img, bands=RGB_BANDS, title="train") # 图像显示
- print('标签编号:{}'.format(label.numpy()))
- print("模拟训练")
- for epoch in range(3):
- step = 0
- for data in train_loader:
- imgs, labels = data
- print(imgs.shape)
- print(labels.shape)
- img = imgs[0]
- img = torch.squeeze(img,0).permute(1,2,0).numpy() #通道调整和numpy转换
- view1 = spy.imshow(data=img, bands=RGB_BANDS, title="train") # 图像显示
- step=step+1
- input("按任意键继续")
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