以太坊的区块头中包含了3个Merkle Patricia Tree的根:
3)receiptsRoot:每一个区块都会有一棵Receipts树树,其key为rlp(transactionIndex)(交易在区块中的编号,0,1…),其value值为经过rlp编码的交易收据。在实际情况中该树并不会真的存储到数据库中,只是在生成block以及校验block的时候用于得到当前区块的ReceiptsRoot。实际中同一个区块的交易收据会一起编码然后存储在一个条目中的。【Receipts 本质上为 pieces of data showing the effect of each transaction。】
基于以上设计,light client可查询验证以下信息:
其中1)和4)可很直观计算:server仅需找到该object,然后 fetches the Merkle branch (the list of hashes going up from the object to the tree root) and replies back to the light client with the branch。
5)计算起来会更复杂:需构建a Merkle state transition proof——为a proof which make the claim “if you run transaction T
on the state with root S
, the result will be a state with root S'
, with log L
and output O
” (“output” exists as a concept in Ethereum because every transaction is a function call; it is not theoretically necessary)。【To compute the proof, the server locally creates a fake block, sets the state to S
, and pretends to be a light client while applying the transaction. That is, if the process of applying the transaction requires the client to determine the balance of an account, the light client makes a balance query. If the light client needs to check a particular item in the storage of a particular contract, the light client makes a query for that, and so on. The server “responds” to all of its own queries correctly, but keeps track of all the data that it sends back. The server then sends the client the combined data from all of these requests as a proof. The client then undertakes the exact same procedure, but using the provided proof as its database; if its result is the same as what the server claims, then the client accepts the proof.】
RPC接口提供的proofs,对于secure Layer2技术很重要。这些proofs可验证accounts outside the client。
以太坊的state树存储了the state of accounts and their storage,可简单通过创建Merkle Proof来验证每个值。以太坊的eth_getProof
RPC接口会创建Merkle Proofs for accounts and Storage values。结合区块头中的stateRoot,可offline验证任何account或storage value。从而使得无法运行light client 的IOT设备或移动APP也可在仅知a trusted blockhash的情况下,验证responses from an untrusted source。
返回the account- and storage-values of the specified account including the Merkle-proof。
Object:为account object,包含了:
[nonce, balance, storageHash, codeHash ]
在黄皮书中定义为了an account-object的4 fields,用于存储a hash of the account-object in order to keep track of changes。accountProof
:为 MerkleProof for the account starting with a stateRoot from the specified block。storageProof
:为MerkleProof for each requested storage entry starting with a storageHash from the account。如请求:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getProof",
"params": [
[ "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421" ],
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "accountProof": [ "0xf90211a...0701bc80", "0xf90211a...0d832380", "0xf90211a...5fb20c80", "0xf90211a...0675b80", "0xf90151a0...ca08080" ], "balance": "0x0", "codeHash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470", "nonce": "0x0", "storageHash": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", "storageProof": [ { "key": "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421", "proof": [ "0xf90211a...0701bc80", "0xf90211a...0d832380" ], "value": "0x1" } ] } }
若某address或storage value不存在,则proof中需要提供足够的data来验证。即意味着client需要follow the from the root node and deliver until the last matching node。若the last matching node is a branch, the proof value in the node must be an empty one。对于leaf-type,it must be pointing to a different relative-path in order to proof that the requested path does not exist。
and storageProof
. The Fields balance
, nonce
, storageHash
and codeHash
could be taken from the last Node in the proof by deserializing it.[1] EIP-1186: RPC-Method to get Merkle Proofs - eth_getProof
[2] 以太坊详解 之 Merkle Patricia Tree
[3] Merkling in Ethereum
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