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一起来学pygame吧 游戏开发30例(开篇词)——环境搭建+游戏效果展示

pip install pygame



用python的pygame来实现,很简单python 炫酷代码雨













  1. '''
  2. Function:
  3. 主游戏
  4. '''
  5. import sys
  6. import time
  7. import random
  8. import pygame
  9. '''拼图精灵类'''
  10. class pacerSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
  11. def __init__(self, img_path, size, position, downlen, **kwargs):
  12. pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
  13. self.image = pygame.image.load(img_path)
  14. self.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.image, size)
  15. self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
  16. self.rect.left, self.rect.top = position
  17. self.downlen = downlen
  18. self.target_x = position[0]
  19. self.target_y = position[1] + downlen
  20. self.type = img_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
  21. self.fixed = False
  22. self.speed_x = 9
  23. self.speed_y = 9
  24. self.direction = 'down'
  25. def move(self):
  26. #下移
  27. if self.direction == 'down':
  28. self.rect.top = min(self.target_y, self.rect.top+self.speed_y)
  29. if self.target_y == self.rect.top:
  30. self.fixed = True
  31. #上移
  32. elif self.direction == 'up':
  33. self.rect.top = max(self.target_y, self.rect.top-self.speed_y)
  34. if self.target_y == self.rect.top:
  35. self.fixed = True
  36. #左移
  37. elif self.direction == 'left':
  38. self.rect.left = max(self.target_x, self.rect.left-self.speed_x)
  39. if self.target_x == self.rect.left:
  40. self.fixed = True
  41. #右移
  42. elif self.direction == 'right':
  43. self.rect.left = min(self.target_x, self.rect.left+self.speed_x)
  44. if self.target_x == self.rect.left:
  45. self.fixed = True
  46. '''获取当前坐标'''
  47. def getPosition(self):
  48. return self.rect.left, self.rect.top
  49. '''设置星星坐标'''
  50. def setPosition(self, position):
  51. self.rect.left, self.rect.top = position

game.py 第二部分


  1. '''主游戏类'''
  2. class pacerGame():
  3. def __init__(self, screen, sounds, font, pacer_imgs, cfg, **kwargs):
  4. self.info = 'pacer'
  5. self.screen = screen
  6. self.sounds = sounds
  7. self.font = font
  8. self.pacer_imgs = pacer_imgs
  9. self.cfg = cfg
  10. self.reset()
  11. '''开始游戏'''
  12. def start(self):
  13. clock = pygame.time.Clock()
  14. # 遍历整个游戏界面更新位置
  15. overall_moving = True
  16. # 指定某些对象个体更新位置
  17. individual_moving = False
  18. # 定义一些必要的变量
  19. pacer_selected_xy = None
  20. pacer_selected_xy2 = None
  21. swap_again = False
  22. add_score = 0
  23. add_score_showtimes = 10
  24. time_pre = int(time.time())
  25. # 游戏主循环
  26. while True:
  27. for event in pygame.event.get():
  28. if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
  29. pygame.quit()
  30. sys.exit()
  31. elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
  32. if (not overall_moving) and (not individual_moving) and (not add_score):
  33. position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
  34. if pacer_selected_xy is None:
  35. pacer_selected_xy = self.checkSelected(position)
  36. else:
  37. pacer_selected_xy2 = self.checkSelected(position)
  38. if pacer_selected_xy2:
  39. if self.swappacer(pacer_selected_xy, pacer_selected_xy2):
  40. individual_moving = True
  41. swap_again = False
  42. else:
  43. pacer_selected_xy = None
  44. if overall_moving:
  45. overall_moving = not self.droppacers(0, 0)
  46. # 移动一次可能可以拼出多个3连块
  47. if not overall_moving:
  48. res_match = self.isMatch()
  49. add_score = self.removeMatched(res_match)
  50. if add_score > 0:
  51. overall_moving = True
  52. if individual_moving:
  53. pacer1 = self.getpacerByPos(*pacer_selected_xy)
  54. pacer2 = self.getpacerByPos(*pacer_selected_xy2)
  55. pacer1.move()
  56. pacer2.move()
  57. if pacer1.fixed and pacer2.fixed:
  58. res_match = self.isMatch()
  59. if res_match[0] == 0 and not swap_again:
  60. swap_again = True
  61. self.swappacer(pacer_selected_xy, pacer_selected_xy2)
  62. self.sounds['mismatch'].play()
  63. else:
  64. add_score = self.removeMatched(res_match)
  65. overall_moving = True
  66. individual_moving = False
  67. pacer_selected_xy = None
  68. pacer_selected_xy2 = None
  69. self.screen.fill((135, 206, 235))
  70. self.drawGrids()
  71. self.pacers_group.draw(self.screen)
  72. if pacer_selected_xy:
  73. self.drawBlock(self.getpacerByPos(*pacer_selected_xy).rect)
  74. if add_score:
  75. if add_score_showtimes == 10:
  76. random.choice(self.sounds['match']).play()
  77. self.drawAddScore(add_score)
  78. add_score_showtimes -= 1
  79. if add_score_showtimes < 1:
  80. add_score_showtimes = 10
  81. add_score = 0
  82. self.remaining_time -= (int(time.time()) - time_pre)
  83. time_pre = int(time.time())
  84. self.showRemainingTime()
  85. self.drawScore()
  86. if self.remaining_time <= 0:
  87. return self.score
  88. pygame.display.update()
  89. clock.tick(self.cfg.FPS)

game.py 第三部分


  1. '''初始化'''
  2. def reset(self):
  3. # 随机生成各个块(即初始化游戏地图各个元素)
  4. while True:
  5. self.all_pacers = []
  6. self.pacers_group = pygame.sprite.Group()
  7. for x in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  8. self.all_pacers.append([])
  9. for y in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  10. pacer = pacerSprite(img_path=random.choice(self.pacer_imgs), size=(self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.GRIDSIZE), position=[self.cfg.XMARGIN+x*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.YMARGIN+y*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE-self.cfg.NUMGRID*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE], downlen=self.cfg.NUMGRID*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE)
  11. self.all_pacers[x].append(pacer)
  12. self.pacers_group.add(pacer)
  13. if self.isMatch()[0] == 0:
  14. break
  15. # 得分
  16. self.score = 0
  17. # 拼出一个的奖励
  18. self.reward = 10
  19. # 时间
  20. self.remaining_time = 300
  21. '''显示剩余时间'''
  22. def showRemainingTime(self):
  23. remaining_time_render = self.font.render('CountDown: %ss' % str(self.remaining_time), 1, (85, 65, 0))
  24. rect = remaining_time_render.get_rect()
  25. rect.left, rect.top = (self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[0]-201, 6)
  26. self.screen.blit(remaining_time_render, rect)
  27. '''显示得分'''
  28. def drawScore(self):
  29. score_render = self.font.render('SCORE:'+str(self.score), 1, (85, 65, 0))
  30. rect = score_render.get_rect()
  31. rect.left, rect.top = (10, 6)
  32. self.screen.blit(score_render, rect)
  33. '''显示加分'''
  34. def drawAddScore(self, add_score):
  35. score_render = self.font.render('+'+str(add_score), 1, (255, 100, 100))
  36. rect = score_render.get_rect()
  37. rect.left, rect.top = (250, 250)
  38. self.screen.blit(score_render, rect)
  39. '''生成新的拼图块'''
  40. def generateNewpacers(self, res_match):
  41. if res_match[0] == 1:
  42. start = res_match[2]
  43. while start > -2:
  44. for each in [res_match[1], res_match[1]+1, res_match[1]+2]:
  45. pacer = self.getpacerByPos(*[each, start])
  46. if start == res_match[2]:
  47. self.pacers_group.remove(pacer)
  48. self.all_pacers[each][start] = None
  49. elif start >= 0:
  50. pacer.target_y += self.cfg.GRIDSIZE
  51. pacer.fixed = False
  52. pacer.direction = 'down'
  53. self.all_pacers[each][start+1] = pacer
  54. else:
  55. pacer = pacerSprite(img_path=random.choice(self.pacer_imgs), size=(self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.GRIDSIZE), position=[self.cfg.XMARGIN+each*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.YMARGIN-self.cfg.GRIDSIZE], downlen=self.cfg.GRIDSIZE)
  56. self.pacers_group.add(pacer)
  57. self.all_pacers[each][start+1] = pacer
  58. start -= 1
  59. elif res_match[0] == 2:
  60. start = res_match[2]
  61. while start > -4:
  62. if start == res_match[2]:
  63. for each in range(0, 3):
  64. pacer = self.getpacerByPos(*[res_match[1], start+each])
  65. self.pacers_group.remove(pacer)
  66. self.all_pacers[res_match[1]][start+each] = None
  67. elif start >= 0:
  68. pacer = self.getpacerByPos(*[res_match[1], start])
  69. pacer.target_y += self.cfg.GRIDSIZE * 3
  70. pacer.fixed = False
  71. pacer.direction = 'down'
  72. self.all_pacers[res_match[1]][start+3] = pacer
  73. else:
  74. pacer = pacerSprite(img_path=random.choice(self.pacer_imgs), size=(self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.GRIDSIZE), position=[self.cfg.XMARGIN+res_match[1]*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.YMARGIN+start*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE], downlen=self.cfg.GRIDSIZE*3)
  75. self.pacers_group.add(pacer)
  76. self.all_pacers[res_match[1]][start+3] = pacer
  77. start -= 1
  78. '''移除匹配的pacer'''
  79. def removeMatched(self, res_match):
  80. if res_match[0] > 0:
  81. self.generateNewpacers(res_match)
  82. self.score += self.reward
  83. return self.reward
  84. return 0
  85. '''游戏界面的网格绘制'''
  86. def drawGrids(self):
  87. for x in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  88. for y in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  89. rect = pygame.Rect((self.cfg.XMARGIN+x*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.YMARGIN+y*self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.GRIDSIZE, self.cfg.GRIDSIZE))
  90. self.drawBlock(rect, color=(0, 0, 255), size=1)
  91. '''画矩形block框'''
  92. def drawBlock(self, block, color=(255, 0, 255), size=4):
  93. pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, block, size)
  94. '''下落特效'''
  95. def droppacers(self, x, y):
  96. if not self.getpacerByPos(x, y).fixed:
  97. self.getpacerByPos(x, y).move()
  98. if x < self.cfg.NUMGRID - 1:
  99. x += 1
  100. return self.droppacers(x, y)
  101. elif y < self.cfg.NUMGRID - 1:
  102. x = 0
  103. y += 1
  104. return self.droppacers(x, y)
  105. else:
  106. return self.isFull()
  107. '''是否每个位置都有拼图块了'''
  108. def isFull(self):
  109. for x in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  110. for y in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  111. if not self.getpacerByPos(x, y).fixed:
  112. return False
  113. return True
  114. '''检查有无拼图块被选中'''
  115. def checkSelected(self, position):
  116. for x in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  117. for y in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  118. if self.getpacerByPos(x, y).rect.collidepoint(*position):
  119. return [x, y]
  120. return None
  121. '''是否有连续一样的三个块(无--返回0/水平--返回1/竖直--返回2)'''
  122. def isMatch(self):
  123. for x in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  124. for y in range(self.cfg.NUMGRID):
  125. if x + 2 < self.cfg.NUMGRID:
  126. if self.getpacerByPos(x, y).type == self.getpacerByPos(x+1, y).type == self.getpacerByPos(x+2, y).type:
  127. return [1, x, y]
  128. if y + 2 < self.cfg.NUMGRID:
  129. if self.getpacerByPos(x, y).type == self.getpacerByPos(x, y+1).type == self.getpacerByPos(x, y+2).type:
  130. return [2, x, y]
  131. return [0, x, y]
  132. '''根据坐标获取对应位置的拼图对象'''
  133. def getpacerByPos(self, x, y):
  134. return self.all_pacers[x][y]
  135. '''交换拼图'''
  136. def swappacer(self, pacer1_pos, pacer2_pos):
  137. margin = pacer1_pos[0] - pacer2_pos[0] + pacer1_pos[1] - pacer2_pos[1]
  138. if abs(margin) != 1:
  139. return False
  140. pacer1 = self.getpacerByPos(*pacer1_pos)
  141. pacer2 = self.getpacerByPos(*pacer2_pos)
  142. if pacer1_pos[0] - pacer2_pos[0] == 1:
  143. pacer1.direction = 'left'
  144. pacer2.direction = 'right'
  145. elif pacer1_pos[0] - pacer2_pos[0] == -1:
  146. pacer2.direction = 'left'
  147. pacer1.direction = 'right'
  148. elif pacer1_pos[1] - pacer2_pos[1] == 1:
  149. pacer1.direction = 'up'
  150. pacer2.direction = 'down'
  151. elif pacer1_pos[1] - pacer2_pos[1] == -1:
  152. pacer2.direction = 'up'
  153. pacer1.direction = 'down'
  154. pacer1.target_x = pacer2.rect.left
  155. pacer1.target_y = pacer2.rect.top
  156. pacer1.fixed = False
  157. pacer2.target_x = pacer1.rect.left
  158. pacer2.target_y = pacer1.rect.top
  159. pacer2.fixed = False
  160. self.all_pacers[pacer2_pos[0]][pacer2_pos[1]] = pacer1
  161. self.all_pacers[pacer1_pos[0]][pacer1_pos[1]] = pacer2
  162. return True
  163. '''信息显示'''
  164. def __repr__(self):
  165. return self.info







我们的消消乐 就没有任何图形了




  1. '''
  2. Function:
  3. 消消乐
  4. '''
  5. import os
  6. import sys
  7. import cfg
  8. import pygame
  9. from modules import *
  10. '''主程序'''
  11. def main():
  12. pygame.init()
  13. screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE)
  14. pygame.display.set_caption('hacklex')
  15. # 加载背景音乐
  16. pygame.mixer.init()
  17. pygame.mixer.music.load(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, "res/audios/bg.mp3"))
  18. pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.6)
  19. pygame.mixer.music.play(-1)
  20. # 加载音效
  21. sounds = {}
  22. sounds['mismatch'] = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'res/audios/badswap.wav'))
  23. sounds['match'] = []
  24. for i in range(6):
  25. sounds['match'].append(pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'res/audios/match%s.wav' % i)))
  26. # 字体显示
  27. font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'res/font/font.TTF'), 25)
  28. # 星星
  29. pacer_imgs = []
  30. for i in range(1, 8):
  31. pacer_imgs.append(os.path.join(cfg.ROOTDIR, 'res/imgs/pacer%s.png' % i))
  32. # 循环
  33. game = pacerGame(screen, sounds, font, pacer_imgs, cfg)
  34. while True:
  35. score = game.start()
  36. flag = False
  37. # 给出选择,玩家选择重玩或者退出
  38. while True:
  39. for event in pygame.event.get():
  40. if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
  41. pygame.quit()
  42. sys.exit()
  43. elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_r:
  44. flag = True
  45. if flag:
  46. break
  47. screen.fill((136, 207, 236))
  48. text0 = 'Final score: %s' % score
  49. text1 = 'Press <R> to restart the game.'
  50. text2 = 'Press <Esc> to quit the game.'
  51. y = 150
  52. for idx, text in enumerate([text0, text1, text2]):
  53. text_render = font.render(text, 1, (85, 65, 0))
  54. rect = text_render.get_rect()
  55. if idx == 0:
  56. rect.left, rect.top = (223, y)
  57. elif idx == 1:
  58. rect.left, rect.top = (133.5, y)
  59. else:
  60. rect.left, rect.top = (126.5, y)
  61. y += 99
  62. screen.blit(text_render, rect)
  63. pygame.display.update()
  64. game.reset()
  65. '''游戏运行'''
  66. if __name__ == '__main__':
  67. main()










