- import re
- def get_birthdate(id_card):
- pattern = r'^\d{18}$'#只会匹配由18个数字组成的字符串
- if not re.match(pattern, id_card):
- return None
- # 身份证号的第7位到第14位是出生日期
- birthdate = id_card[6:14]
- year = birthdate[:4]
- month = birthdate[4:6]
- day = birthdate[6:]
- return f"{year}年{month}月{day}日"
- # 用户输入身份证号
- id_card = input("请输入身份证号:")
- birthdate = get_birthdate(id_card)
- if birthdate:
- print("出生日期是:", birthdate)
- else:
- print("输入的身份证号无效")

2、自幂数是指一个n位数 (n≥3),它的每个位上的数字的n次幂之和等于它本身。例如153就是一个自幂数(当n=3时也称为水仙花数),因为153=1^3+5^3+3^3。请按下面的运行结果找出用户输入范围内的所有自幂数。
- t = int(input('请输入10的n次幂:(n>3)'))
- n=10**t
- print(f"{n}以内的自幂数包括:",n)
- for i in range(100, n):
- s = 0
- p = str(i)
- for x in p:
- s += int(x) ** len(p)
- if s == i:
- print(i)
3、对于给定的字符串"Where there is a will, there is a way. The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success.",请统计该字符串中不重复的单词数,并把这些单词按字母顺序降序排列,输出效果如下所示:
- s = "Where there is a will, there is a way. The important point is that you must have the will to achieve success."
- s = s.replace(".", " ").replace(","," ")
- words = s.split() # 按空格分割单词
- words = list(set(words)) # 去重
- words.sort(reverse=True) # 排序
- print("不重复的单词数有:", len(words))
- print("单词按字母顺序降序排列:", words)
- words = []
- menu=[]
- while True:
- word = input("请输入食品大类:(输入q退出食品输入)")
- menu.append(word)
- if word.lower() == "q":
- break
- food=input(f"请输入{word}的详细食物菜单,多个食物直接用空格分开:")
- words.append(food)
- menu=menu[0:-1]
- print("当前的食品大类包括:",menu)
- print("当前的详细食品菜单是:",words)
- while True:
- s=int(input("请输入要查询的食品大类(输入0则退出程序):"))
- if s==0:
- break
- print(f"{menu[s-1]}食品的详细食物菜单是{words[s-1].split()}")

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