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无法访问gcr.io的解决办法_error [internal] load metadata for gcr.io/distrole

error [internal] load metadata for gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot-amd64\

1. 使用国内作者制作的gcr.io镜像安装工具
GitHub - zhangguanzhang/gcr.io: sync the docker images of the gcr.io and quay.io:cyclone: sync the docker images of the gcr.io and quay.io - GitHub - zhangguanzhang/gcr.io: sync the docker images of the gcr.io and quay.iohttps://github.com/zhangguanzhang/gcr.io

2. 安装EPEL源

yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y jq

3. 查询namespace

curl -s https://zhangguanzhang.github.io/bash/pull.sh | bash -s search gcr.io

4. 查询镜像

curl -s https://zhangguanzhang.github.io/bash/pull.sh | bash -s search gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot

5. 下载镜像

5.1 下载

curl -s https://zhangguanzhang.github.io/bash/pull.sh | bash -s gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot

5.2. 验证

docker images | grep static

