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卷积神经网络——vgg16网络及其python实现_python vgg16

python vgg16











  1. class VGG16(Model):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. super(VGG16, self).__init__()
  4. self.c1 = Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  5. self.b1 = BatchNormalization()
  6. self.a1 = Activation('relu')
  7. self.c2 = Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', )
  8. self.b2 = BatchNormalization()
  9. self.a2 = Activation('relu')
  10. self.p1 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=2, padding='same')
  11. self.d1 = Dropout(0.2)
  12. self.c3 = Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  13. self.b3 = BatchNormalization()
  14. self.a3 = Activation('relu')
  15. self.c4 = Conv2D(filters=128, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  16. self.b4 = BatchNormalization()
  17. self.a4 = Activation('relu')
  18. self.p2 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=2, padding='same')
  19. self.d2 = Dropout(0.2)
  20. self.c5 = Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  21. self.b5 = BatchNormalization()
  22. self.a5 = Activation('relu')
  23. self.c6 = Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  24. self.b6 = BatchNormalization()
  25. self.a6 = Activation('relu')
  26. self.c7 = Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  27. self.b7 = BatchNormalization()
  28. self.a7 = Activation('relu')
  29. self.p3 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=2, padding='same')
  30. self.d3 = Dropout(0.2)
  31. self.c8 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  32. self.b8 = BatchNormalization()
  33. self.a8 = Activation('relu')
  34. self.c9 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  35. self.b9 = BatchNormalization()
  36. self.a9 = Activation('relu')
  37. self.c10 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  38. self.b10 = BatchNormalization()
  39. self.a10 = Activation('relu')
  40. self.p4 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=2, padding='same')
  41. self.d4 = Dropout(0.2)
  42. self.c11 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  43. self.b11 = BatchNormalization()
  44. self.a11 = Activation('relu')
  45. self.c12 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  46. self.b12 = BatchNormalization()
  47. self.a12 = Activation('relu')
  48. self.c13 = Conv2D(filters=512, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same')
  49. self.b13 = BatchNormalization()
  50. self.a13 = Activation('relu')
  51. self.p5 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=2, padding='same')
  52. self.d5 = Dropout(0.2)
  53. self.flatten = Flatten()
  54. self.f1 = Dense(512, activation='relu')
  55. self.d6 = Dropout(0.2)
  56. self.f2 = Dense(512, activation='relu')
  57. self.d7 = Dropout(0.2)
  58. self.f3 = Dense(10, activation='softmax')
  59. def call(self, x):
  60. x = self.c1(x)
  61. x = self.b1(x)
  62. x = self.a1(x)
  63. x = self.c2(x)
  64. x = self.b2(x)
  65. x = self.a2(x)
  66. x = self.p1(x)
  67. x = self.d1(x)
  68. x = self.c3(x)
  69. x = self.b3(x)
  70. x = self.a3(x)
  71. x = self.c4(x)
  72. x = self.b4(x)
  73. x = self.a4(x)
  74. x = self.p2(x)
  75. x = self.d2(x)
  76. x = self.c5(x)
  77. x = self.b5(x)
  78. x = self.a5(x)
  79. x = self.c6(x)
  80. x = self.b6(x)
  81. x = self.a6(x)
  82. x = self.c7(x)
  83. x = self.b7(x)
  84. x = self.a7(x)
  85. x = self.p3(x)
  86. x = self.d3(x)
  87. x = self.c8(x)
  88. x = self.b8(x)
  89. x = self.a8(x)
  90. x = self.c9(x)
  91. x = self.b9(x)
  92. x = self.a9(x)
  93. x = self.c10(x)
  94. x = self.b10(x)
  95. x = self.a10(x)
  96. x = self.p4(x)
  97. x = self.d4(x)
  98. x = self.c11(x)
  99. x = self.b11(x)
  100. x = self.a11(x)
  101. x = self.c12(x)
  102. x = self.b12(x)
  103. x = self.a12(x)
  104. x = self.c13(x)
  105. x = self.b13(x)
  106. x = self.a13(x)
  107. x = self.p5(x)
  108. x = self.d5(x)
  109. x = self.flatten(x)
  110. x = self.f1(x)
  111. x = self.d6(x)
  112. x = self.f2(x)
  113. x = self.d7(x)
  114. y = self.f3(x)
  115. return y
  116. model = VGG16()


  1. import tensorflow as tf
  2. import os
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  5. from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, BatchNormalization, Activation, MaxPool2D, Dropout, Flatten, Dense
  6. from tensorflow.keras import Model
  7. np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)
  8. fashion = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist
  9. (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = fashion.load_data()
  10. x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0
  11. x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 28, 28, 1)
  12. x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], 28, 28, 1)


  1. model.compile(optimizer='adam',
  2. loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=False),
  3. metrics=['sparse_categorical_accuracy'])
  4. cp_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=checkpoint_save_path,
  5. save_weights_only=True,
  6. save_best_only=True)
  7. history = model.fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size=64, epochs=20, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), validation_freq=1,
  8. callbacks=[cp_callback])


  1. acc = history.history['sparse_categorical_accuracy']
  2. val_acc = history.history['val_sparse_categorical_accuracy']
  3. loss = history.history['loss']
  4. val_loss = history.history['val_loss']
  5. plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
  6. plt.plot(acc, label='Training Accuracy')
  7. plt.plot(val_acc, label='Validation Accuracy')
  8. plt.title('Training and Validation Accuracy')
  9. plt.legend()
  10. plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
  11. plt.plot(loss, label='Training Loss')
  12. plt.plot(val_loss, label='Validation Loss')
  13. plt.title('Training and Validation Loss')
  14. plt.legend()
  15. plt.show()



