1用户给出一个任务(Prompt) -> 2思考(Thought) -> 3行动(Action) -> 4观察(Observation)
更详细地流程可参考GitHub wiki介绍
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field import requests from configs.kb_config import SENIVERSE_API_KEY def weather(location: str, api_key: str): url = f"https://api.seniverse.com/v3/weather/now.json?key={api_key}&location={location}&language=zh-Hans&unit=c" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() weather = { "temperature": data["results"][0]["now"]["temperature"], "description": data["results"][0]["now"]["text"], } return weather else: raise Exception( f"Failed to retrieve weather: {response.status_code}") def weathercheck(location: str): return weather(location, SENIVERSE_API_KEY) class WeatherInput(BaseModel): location: str = Field(description="City name,include city and county")
from langchain.utilities import ArxivAPIWrapper from langchain_experimental.tools import PythonAstREPLTool from typing import Dict, Tuple import os import json arxiv = ArxivAPIWrapper() python=PythonAstREPLTool() class ElectricityBillTool: def run(self, name, start_date, end_date): # 假设这里执行了某些操作来查询电费 # 为了简化,我们直接返回一条测试信息 return f"电费查询结果:姓名:{name}, 期间:{start_date} 到 {end_date}, 电费:100元" def tool_wrapper_for_model(tool, expects_kwargs=True): def tool_(args_json): args = json.loads(args_json) if expects_kwargs: return tool.run(**args) # 使用 **args 将字典展开为关键字参数 else: # 如果 run 方法期望位置参数,我们假设所有参数都聚合在一个叫 'query' 的键下 return tool.run(args['query']) # 使用位置参数调用 return tool_ electricity_bill_tool = ElectricityBillTool() # 以下是给模型看的工具描述: TOOLS = [ { 'name_for_human': 'arxiv', 'name_for_model': 'Arxiv', 'description_for_model': 'A wrapper around Arxiv.org Useful for when you need to answer questions about Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering, and Economics from scientific articles on arxiv.org.', 'parameters': [{ "name": "query", "type": "string", "description": "the document id of arxiv to search", 'required': True }], 'tool_api': tool_wrapper_for_model(arxiv, expects_kwargs=False) }, { 'name_for_human': 'python', 'name_for_model': 'python', 'description_for_model': "A Python shell. Use this to execute python commands. When using this tool, sometimes output is abbreviated - Make sure it does not look abbreviated before using it in your answer. " "Don't add comments to your python code.", 'parameters': [{ "name": "query", "type": "string", "description": "a valid python command.", 'required': True }], 'tool_api': tool_wrapper_for_model(python, expects_kwargs=False) }, { 'name_for_human': 'electricity_bill', 'name_for_model': 'ElectricityBill', 'description_for_model': '查询电费工具,根据姓名、开始时间和结束时间查询电费。', 'parameters': [ {"name": "name", "type": "string", "description": "姓名", 'required': True}, {"name": "start_date", "type": "string", "description": "开始时间", 'required': True}, {"name": "end_date", "type": "string", "description": "结束时间", 'required': True} ], 'tool_api': tool_wrapper_for_model(electricity_bill_tool, expects_kwargs=True) } ] TOOL_DESC = """{name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters: {parameters} Format the arguments as a JSON object.""" REACT_PROMPT = """Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools: {tool_descs} Use the following format: Question: the input question you must answer Thought: you should always think about what to do Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}] Action Input: the input to the action Observation: the result of the action ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times) Thought: I now know the final answer Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question Begin! Question: {query}""" def build_planning_prompt(TOOLS, query): tool_descs = [] tool_names = [] for info in TOOLS: tool_descs.append( TOOL_DESC.format( name_for_model=info['name_for_model'], name_for_human=info['name_for_human'], description_for_model=info['description_for_model'], parameters=json.dumps( info['parameters'], ensure_ascii=False), ) ) tool_names.append(info['name_for_model']) tool_descs = '\n\n'.join(tool_descs) tool_names = ','.join(tool_names) prompt = REACT_PROMPT.format(tool_descs=tool_descs, tool_names=tool_names, query=query) return prompt def parse_latest_plugin_call(text: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: i = text.rfind('\nAction:') j = text.rfind('\nAction Input:') k = text.rfind('\nObservation:') if 0 <= i < j: # If the text has `Action` and `Action input`, if k < j: # but does not contain `Observation`, # then it is likely that `Observation` is ommited by the LLM, # because the output text may have discarded the stop word. text = text.rstrip() + '\nObservation:' # Add it back. k = text.rfind('\nObservation:') if 0 <= i < j < k: plugin_name = text[i + len('\nAction:'):j].strip() plugin_args = text[j + len('\nAction Input:'):k].strip() return plugin_name, plugin_args return '', '' def use_api(tools, response): use_toolname, action_input = parse_latest_plugin_call(response) if use_toolname == "": return "no tool founds" used_tool_meta = list(filter(lambda x: x["name_for_model"] == use_toolname, tools)) if len(used_tool_meta) == 0: return "no tool founds" api_output = used_tool_meta[0]["tool_api"](action_input) return api_output def get_model_response(prompt, stop): from openai import OpenAI client = OpenAI() completion = client.chat.completions.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": prompt} ], stream=False, stop = stop, ) response = completion.choices[0].message.content return response def main(query, choose_tools): prompt = build_planning_prompt(choose_tools, query) # 组织prompt stop = ["Observation:", "Observation:\n"] print(prompt) response = get_model_response(prompt, stop) while "Final Answer:" not in response: # 出现final Answer时结束 api_output = use_api(choose_tools, response) # 抽取入参并执行api api_output = str(api_output) # 部分api工具返回结果非字符串格式需进行转化后输出 if "no tool founds" == api_output: break print("\033[32m" + response + "\033[0m" + "\033[34m" + ' ' + api_output + "\033[0m") prompt = prompt + response + ' ' + api_output # 合并api输出 response = get_model_response(prompt, stop) print("\033[32m" + response + "\033[0m") if __name__ == "__main__": query = "查一下张三2024年1月的电费" # 所提问题 choose_tools = TOOLS # 选择备选工具 print("=" * 10) main(query, choose_tools)
prompt = get_tools_agent_prompt(query)
agent = get_tools_agent()
response = agent.run(prompt)
def get_tools_agent_prompt(query, history=None): from datetime import datetime current_time = datetime.now() prompt = ( f""" 如果查询未指定年/月,请参考当前时刻:{current_time}。 请用中文思考及回复。 优先考虑使用工具解决问题,当工具无法解决时,尝试根据经验直接回答。 最终回复时若内容较多需要注意保持可读性,添加合理的换行。 下面是用户问题: """ + query ) return prompt
def get_tools_agent():
llm = get_llm()
tools = get_tools()
agent = initialize_agent(
return agent
# 获取llm def get_llm(): api_key = os.getenv("PROXY_API_KEY") api_url = os.getenv("PROXY_SERVER_URL") api_url = api_url.split('/chat')[0] model = os.getenv("PROXYLLM_BACKEND") if "openai" in api_url: llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0,model=model,openai_api_base=api_url,openai_api_key=api_key,) elif "bigmodel" in api_url: llm = ChatZhipuAI(temperature=0.01,api_key=api_key,model="glm-4",) elif "dashscope" in api_url: from langchain_community.chat_models.tongyi import ChatTongyi llm = ChatTongyi(model="qwen-max",top_p=0.01,streaming=True,dashscope_api_key=api_key) return llm
def get_tools(): llm=get_llm() tools = [ Tool( name="查询负荷数据及同比环比", func=calculate_growth, description=""" 当你想要查询某地负荷(最大值、最小值、平均值),查询最大/最小值发生时间,或者查询同比或环比变化的时候很有用,该工具返回某地负荷数据及同比变化率。 输入应该包括地区(公司)名(如果未指定,则默认为直供区)、时间(仅允许YYYY,YYYY-QQ,YYYY-MM,YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-节气五种格式,也即年、年-季度、年-月、年-月-日,年-节气)、最大/最小/平均(若未明确提及,默认为平均)、同比/环比(可以不输入),以|分隔。 查询某一年时,仅输入年份即可。 例如:上海|2023|最大|环比、广州|2023-Q2|最小|环比、深圳|2021-07|平均、北京|2023-05-01|最大。 """, ) ] tools.append( Tool( name="查询负荷新高(低)", func=find_record_breaking_loads, description=""" 当你想要查询某地负荷几创新高或几创新低的时候很有用,该工具返回创下新高/低的次数,及对应的详细信息。 输入应该包括地区(公司)名(如果未指定,则默认为直供区)、基础时间(仅允许YYYY,YYYY-QQ,YYYY-MM,YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-节气五种格式,也即年、年-季度、年-月、年-月-日,年-节气)、对比时间(如未指定,默认与基础时间的前一年做对比,时间类型同前者)、高/低,以|分隔。 例如:上海|2023-Q1|2022-Q1|高、广州|2023-寒露|2021-寒露|低、深圳|2023|2021|高。 """, ), ) return tools
def calculate_growth(context): # 读取CSV文件 # df = pd.read_csv('./data/load.csv') # 分割输入参数 params = context.split("|") # 确保至少有三个参数 if len(params) < 3: return "至少需要三个参数(region, time_period, compare_type)。" # 提取参数,如果缺少第四个参数,则默认为"同比" elif len(params) == 3: region, time_period, compare_type = params[:3] growth_type = None elif len(params) == 4: region, time_period, compare_type, growth_type = context.split("|") else: return "您输入的参数数量不匹配,请仔细核对。"
def find_record_breaking_loads(context): # 分割输入参数 params = context.split("|") if len(params) not in [3, 4]: return "您输入的参数数量不匹配,请仔细核对。" region = params[0] current_time_period = params[1] high_low = params[-1] # compare_time_period = params[2] if len(params) == 4 else None compare_time_period = params[2] if len(params) == 4 else str(int(params[1][:4])-1) + params[1][4:] # 筛选指定地区的数据 df_region = df[df['公司'] == region] # 解析当前时间段 try: current_period_parsed = parse_time_period(df, current_time_period) except ValueError as e: return f"当前时间段解析错误:{e}" # 解析对比时间段,如果有 if compare_time_period: try: compare_period_parsed = parse_time_period(df, compare_time_period) except ValueError as e: return f"对比时间段解析错误:{e}" else: compare_period_parsed = None # 根据时间段获取数据 if isinstance(current_period_parsed, tuple): current_start_date, current_end_date = current_period_parsed df_current = df_region[(df_region['时间'] >= current_start_date) & (df_region['时间'] < current_end_date)] if compare_period_parsed: compare_start_date, compare_end_date = compare_period_parsed df_compare = df_region[(df_region['时间'] >= compare_start_date) & (df_region['时间'] < compare_end_date)] else: # 默认比较去年同期 year = int(current_start_date.split('-')[0]) previous_year = year - 1 df_compare = df_region[(df_region['时间'] >= f"{previous_year}-{current_start_date[5:]}") & (df_region['时间'] < f"{previous_year}-{current_end_date[5:]}")] # 比较负荷值 if high_low == '高': reference_load = df_compare['负荷'].max() else: reference_load = df_compare['负荷'].min() # 计算创纪录的次数 if high_low == '高': df_records = df_current[df_current['负荷'] > reference_load] else: df_records = df_current[df_current['负荷'] < reference_load] # 结果处理 if not df_records.empty: record_count = len(df_records) top_record = df_records.sort_values(by="负荷", ascending=(high_low != '高')).iloc[0] return f"{region}在{current_time_period}相较{compare_time_period}共有{record_count}次创下新{high_low},其中最{high_low}负荷为{top_record['负荷']}MW,时间为{top_record['时间']}。" else: return f"{region}在{current_time_period}相较{compare_time_period}未创新{high_low}。"
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