在大语言模型没有出现之前,人们更倾向使用图形化工具或者基于窗口的软件来构建信息模型,图形化工具能够直观地表达信息模型中各元素之间的相互关系。但是图形化工具也有缺点,当描述一个复杂的信息模型时,图形会变得非常复杂和庞大。而且图形通常难以修改,复制和重用。基于CAD软件设计工程模型是非常耗费精力的“体力活”,加班熬夜的工作都是在CAD 软件的界面前渡过的。
以chatGPT为代表的大语言模型(LLM)出现,给构建信息模型提供了新的高效率方式,使用自然语言描述信息模型描述信息模型,如同AI 生成程序设计语言一样令人向往。
在传统计算机信息系统中,形式语言通过形式化方式描述语法,例如计算机语言使用BNF范式(巴科斯范式)描述语言,XML 使用了Schema 描述格式,而JSON 模型使用模板描述模型。
目前chatGPT 还没有直接理解BNF 范式的能力,它通过模板来学习和生成语言的。因此,为了让chatGPT 大模型生成形式化信息模型,需要为chatGPT 提供各种模板。
OPC UA 信息模型的描述语言是XML语言。格式为NodeSet2.xml。NodeSet.2.xml 文件能够直接导入OPC UA 服务器。
NodeSet2 文档十分繁琐,不适合人阅读和程序生成,为此,OPC UA 基金会开发了一个UAModelCompiler 程序,该程序使用一种DesignModel.xml 文档格式,UAModelCompiler 软件能够将DesignModel 文档转换成为NodeSet.xml 文档和C#的类定义。
- <opc:ObjectType SymbolicName="GenericControllerType" BaseType="ua:BaseObjectType">
- <opc:Description>A generic PID controller</opc:Description>
- <opc:Children>
- <opc:Property SymbolicName="Measurement" DataType="ua:Double" />
- <opc:Property SymbolicName="SetPoint" DataType="ua:Double" AccessLevel="ReadWrite" MinimumSamplingInterval="1" />
- <opc:Property SymbolicName="ControlOut" DataType="ua:Double" />
- </opc:Children>
- </opc:ObjectType>
我们在实验中选择了DesignModel 的规范来定义OPCUA 的模型。
为了让chatGPT 能够理解模型的规范,需要提供模型的模板(templates),而不是schema。模板的格式是有一些讲究的。
我们 曾经尝试将UAModelCompiler 项目中的SampleDesign.xml (一个ModelDesign 的例子)上传给kimi,但是kimi无法构建模型。
- <! Object template -->
- <Object SymbolicName="Name" TypeDefinition="TypeDefinition">
- <Children>
- <! elements of The Object -->
- <Children>
- <! Property template -->
- <Property SymbolicName="Value">
- <DefaultValue>
- <! the 'Float' is DataType ,'0' is DefaultValue ,should replaceed By DataType and DefaultValue Of the Property -->
- <uax:Float>0</uax:Float>
- </DefaultValue>
- </Property>
- <! Variable template -->
- <Variable SymbolicName="Name" DataType="DataType" TypeDefinition="TypeDefinition"></Variable>
- <! Method template -->
- <Method SymbolicName="Name of Method ">
- <Description>Description of the Method</Description>
- <InputArguments>
- <Argument Name="Name" DataType="DataType">
- <Description>Description of the Argument</Description>
- </Argument>
- </InputArguments>
- <OutputArguments>
- <Argument Name="Name" DataType="DataType">
- <Description>Description of the Argument</Description>
- </Argument>
- </OutputArguments>
- </Method>
- <! Refernses template -->
- <References>
- <Reference>
- <ReferenceType>Reference Type</ReferenceType>
- <TargetId>Target of The reference </TargetId>
- </Reference>
- </References>
- <! ObjectType Template -->
- <ObjectType SymbolicName="Name Of The Type" BaseType="BaseType Of The Type">
- <Children>
- <! elements of The ObjectType -->
- </Children>
- </ObjectType>
- <! VariableType template -->
- <opc:VariableType SymbolicName="Name of The Type" BaseType="BaseType of The Type" DataType="DataType Of The Type">
- <opc:Description>Description of The VariableType</opc:Description>
- </opc:VariableType>
第一个模型: 类型:对象 名称:传感器 类型定义:BaseObject 对象成员 温度传感器 类型:对象 类型定义:SensorType 名称:温度传感器 Property: 名称:Temperature 初始值:12.23 数据类型:Double Method: Name:Invert Description: Result=-Arg1 InputArguments: Argument Name:"Arg1", DataType:Double OutputArguments: Argument Name:"Result", DataType:Double References: Reference: type:Connected Target:Humidity 湿度传感器 类型:对象 类型定义:SensorType 名称:湿度传感器 对象成员: 类型:Variable 名称: Humidity 数据类型 Float 初始值:90 第二个模型: 名称:控制器类型 类型:对象类型 基类型:BaseObjectType 描述:一个控制器类型 Property: 名称:Voltage 初始值:0 数据类型:Double
kimi 的提示
- <!-- 第一个模型:传感器 -->
- <Object SymbolicName="Sensors" TypeDefinition="BaseObject">
- <Children>
- <!-- 温度传感器 -->
- <Object SymbolicName="TemperatureSensor" TypeDefinition="SensorType">
- <Children>
- <Property SymbolicName="Temperature" DataType="Double" ValueRank="Scalar">
- <DefaultValue>
- <uax:Double>12.23</uax:Double>
- </DefaultValue>
- </Property>
- <Method SymbolicName="Invert">
- <Description>Result=-Arg1</Description>
- <InputArguments>
- <Argument Name="Arg1" DataType="Double">
- <Description>Input argument for the Invert method.</Description>
- </Argument>
- </InputArguments>
- <OutputArguments>
- <Argument Name="Result" DataType="Double">
- <Description>Output argument for the Invert method.</Description>
- </Argument>
- </OutputArguments>
- </Method>
- <References>
- <Reference ReferenceType="Connected">
- <TargetId>Humidity</TargetId>
- </Reference>
- </References>
- </Children>
- </Object>
- <!-- 湿度传感器 -->
- <Object SymbolicName="HumiditySensor" TypeDefinition="SensorType">
- <Children>
- <Variable SymbolicName="Humidity" DataType="Float" ValueRank="Scalar">
- <DefaultValue>
- <uax:Float>90</uax:Float>
- </DefaultValue>
- </Variable>
- </Children>
- </Object>
- </Children>
- </Object>
- <!-- 第二个模型:控制器类型 -->
- <ObjectType SymbolicName="ControllerType" BaseType="BaseObjectType" IsAbstract="false">
- <Children>
- <Property SymbolicName="Voltage" DataType="Double" ValueRank="Scalar">
- <DefaultValue>
- <uax:Double>0</uax:Double>
- </DefaultValue>
- </Property>
- </Children>
- </ObjectType>
我们也实验了使用JSON 模板构建信息模型。
- // Object template
- {
- "Name": "The Name Of The Object",
- "Type": "Object",
- "Description": "Description of The Object",
- "Children": [
- //The Elements of the Object
- ]
- }
- // Property template
- {
- "Name": "The Name of Property",
- "DataType": "DataType of Property",
- }
- //Variable Template
- {
- "Name": "The Name of Variable",
- "Type": "Variable",
- "Description": "Description of The Variable",
- "DataType": "The DataType of Variable",
- "Value": "The Default Value of The Variable"
- }
- //Method Template
- {
- "Name": "The Name of The Method",
- "Type": "Method",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "The Name Of the Argument",
- "DataType": "DataType of The Argument",
- }
- ],
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "The Name Of the Argument",
- "DataType": "DataType of The Argument",
- }
- ],
- }
- }
- //References Template
- {
- "Type": "References",
- "Reference": [
- {
- "Type": "Type Of the Reference",
- "Target": " Name of Element referenced"
- }
- ]
- }
- 第一个模型:
- 类型:对象
- 名称:Sensor
- 类型定义:BaseObject
- 对象成员
- 温度传感器
- 类型:对象
- 类型定义:SensorType
- 名称:TemperatureSensor
- 对象的成员:
- 1 属性
- 名称:Temperature
- 类型:Property
- 初始值:12.23
- 数据类型:Double
- 2 方法
- 名称:Invert
- Description: Result=-Arg1
- InputArguments:
- Argument
- Name:"Arg1",
- DataType:Double,
- OutputArguments:
- Argument
- Name:"Result",
- DataType:Double
- 3 References:
- type:Connected
- Target:Humidity
- 湿度传感器
- 类型:对象
- 类型定义:SensorType
- 名称:湿度传感器
- 对象成员:
- 类型:Variable
- 名称: Humidity
- 数据类型 Float
- 初始值:90
- 第二个模型:
- 名称:控制器类型
- 类型:对象类型
- 基类型:BaseObjectType
- 描述:一个控制器类型
- Property:
- 名称:Voltage
- 初始值:0
- 数据类型:Double
kimi 的提示
根据JSON 模板,根据提供的信息构建信息模型
kimi 的回答
- //第一个模型:Sensor对象
- {
- "Name": "Sensor",
- "Type": "Object",
- "Description": "BaseObject",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "TemperatureSensor",
- "Type": "Object",
- "Description": "SensorType",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Temperature",
- "Type": "Property",
- "DataType": "Double",
- "Value": "12.23"
- },
- {
- "Name": "Invert",
- "Type": "Method",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Arg1",
- "DataType": "Double"
- }
- ],
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Result",
- "DataType": "Double"
- }
- ]
- },
- "Description": "Result=-Arg1"
- },
- {
- "Type": "References",
- "Reference": [
- {
- "Type": "Connected",
- "Target": "Humidity"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Humidity",
- "Type": "Variable",
- "Description": "Humidity Sensor",
- "DataType": "Float",
- "Value": "90"
- }
- ]
- }
- //第二个模型:控制器类型
- {
- "Name": "ControllerType",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "BaseType": "BaseObjectType",
- "Description": "A controller type",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Voltage",
- "Type": "Property",
- "InitialValue": "0",
- "DataType": "Double"
- }
- ]
- }
第二个JSON 模板的实验
添加了Device 模板,构建一个远程IO 模块的模型
- // device template
- {
- "Name": "Name of device",
- "Type": "Device",
- "Description": "description of the device ",
- "Children": [
- // Components of the Device
- ]
- }
- //Component Template
- {
- "Name": "Name Of The Component",
- "Type": "ComponentType",
- "Description": "Description of The Component",
- "Children": [
- //FunctionGroup ,ParameterSet ,MethodSet of Component.if exist
- ],
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": " Name of Component referenced "
- }
- ]
- }
- //FunctionGroup Template
- {
- "Name": "Name of FunctionGroup ",
- "Description": "description of the FunctionGroup",
- "Type": "FunctionGroupType",
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": " Name of Property,Variable Method in the referenced TopologyElement "
- }
- ]
- },
- //Parameterset Template
- {
- "Name": "Parameterset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "the parameters of the component",
- "Parameters": []
- }
- //Methodset Template
- {
- "Name": "Methodset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "the methods of the component",
- "Methods": []
- }
- 远程IO模块的设备
- 该远程IO模块的名称是ABC_Controller ,是ABC 公司生产的AT232 远程IO控制器。
- ABC_Controller 包含了三个组件,它们分别是DIO_16,DIN_16,DOUT_16和AIN_8组件
- 组件
- 1 DIO_16 组件
- 该组件没有参数集,功能组和方法集,只有两个引用,引用的类型是Orgnazie,引用的对象分别是 DIN_16 和DOUT_16
- 2 DIN_16 组件
- 它是一个16 通道 数字输入模块,其中包含了参数集,功能组和方法集
- 功能组的名称是Operation,包含了两个引用,分别指向 Read和Configuration 方法
- 参数集中包含了一个变量,称为DigitalRead Bool 类型
- 方法集中包含了两个方法,分别的 Read和Configuration。
- 其中
- Read方法 的输入参数为Index, 数据类型是Int16
- Configuration 方法没有输入参数,输出参数为 Status,数据类型是String
- 2 DOUT_16 组件
- 它是一个16 通道 数字输出模块,其中包含了参数集,功能组和方法集
- 功能组的名称是Operation,包含了两个引用,分别指向 Read和Configuration 方法
- 参数集中包含了一个变量,称为DigitalOutput, Bool 类型
- 方法集中包含了两个方法,分别的 Write和Configuration。
- 其中
- Write方法 有两个输入参数分别为
- Index, 数据类型是Int16
- Value 数据类型是Bool
- Configuration 方法没有输入参数,输出参数为 Status,数据类型是String
- 3 AIN_8 组件
- 它是一个8 通道模拟量输入模块,其中包含了参数集和方法集
- 参数集中包含了一个变量,名称为Analog ,它是一个数组类型,数组单元的类型是Double,数组的维度是1,数组的长度为8
- 方法集中包含了两个方法,分别的 Read和Configuration。
- 其中
- Read方法 的输入参数为Index, 数据类型是Int16,输出参数为ReadOut,Double 类型
- Configuration 方法没有输入参数,输出参数为 Status,数据类型是String
- {
- "Name": "ABC_Controller",
- "Type": "Device",
- "Description": "AT232 Remote IO Controller by ABC Company",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "DIO_16",
- "Type": "ComponentType",
- "Description": "Virtual Component including DIN_16 and DOUT_16",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Operation",
- "Description": "Function group for DIO_16 component",
- "Type": "FunctionGroupType",
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Read"
- },
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Configuration"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Parameterset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Parameters of DIO_16 component",
- "Parameters": [
- {
- "Name": "DigitalRead",
- "DataType": "Bool"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Methodset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Methods of DIO_16 component",
- "Methods": [
- {
- "Name": "Read",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Index",
- "DataType": "Int16"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "Name": "Configuration",
- "Arguments": {
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Status",
- "DataType": "String"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "DIN_16"
- },
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "DOUT_16"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "DIN_16",
- "Type": "ComponentType",
- "Description": "16-channel Digital Input Module",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Operation",
- "Description": "Function group for DIN_16 component",
- "Type": "FunctionGroupType",
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Read"
- },
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Configuration"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Parameterset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Parameters of DIN_16 component",
- "Parameters": [
- {
- "Name": "DigitalRead",
- "DataType": "Bool"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Methodset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Methods of DIN_16 component",
- "Methods": [
- {
- "Name": "Read",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Index",
- "DataType": "Int16"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "Name": "Configuration",
- "Arguments": {
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Status",
- "DataType": "String"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "DOUT_16",
- "Type": "ComponentType",
- "Description": "16-channel Digital Output Module",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Operation",
- "Description": "Function group for DOUT_16 component",
- "Type": "FunctionGroupType",
- "References": [
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Write"
- },
- {
- "Type": "Organizes",
- "Target": "Configuration"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Parameterset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Parameters of DOUT_16 component",
- "Parameters": [
- {
- "Name": "DigitalOutput",
- "DataType": "Bool"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Methodset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Methods of DOUT_16 component",
- "Methods": [
- {
- "Name": "Write",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Index",
- "DataType": "Int16"
- },
- {
- "Name": "Value",
- "DataType": "Bool"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "Name": "Configuration",
- "Arguments": {
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Status",
- "DataType": "String"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "AIN_8",
- "Type": "ComponentType",
- "Description": "8-channel Analog Input Module",
- "Children": [
- {
- "Name": "Parameterset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Parameters of AIN_8 component",
- "Parameters": [
- {
- "Name": "Analog",
- "DataType": "Double[8]"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "Name": "Methodset",
- "Type": "ObjectType",
- "Description": "Methods of AIN_8 component",
- "Methods": [
- {
- "Name": "Read",
- "Arguments": {
- "InputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Index",
- "DataType": "Int16"
- }
- ],
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "ReadOut",
- "DataType": "Double"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "Name": "Configuration",
- "Arguments": {
- "OutputArgument": [
- {
- "Name": "Status",
- "DataType": "String"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
自然语言生成形式化语言是令人兴奋的课题,具体实现过程中,设计模板是关键。模板中应该包含描述和提示信息。设计模板的工作需要对OPC UA 的信息模型有十分详细的了解。
实验表明,XML 的模板看来要比JSON 模板更好一点。
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