偷吃薯片的Zheng同学的个人空间-偷吃薯片的Zheng同学个人主页-哔哩哔哩视频 (bilibili.com)
hybrid_a_star的目标是在开放空间中产生粗轨迹。Hybrid_a_star包含 node3d、grid_search、reeds_shepp_path和hybrid_a_star。hybrid_a_star是产生粗轨迹并调用grid_search和reeds_shepp_path的最重要组件。注意首字母大小写
- bool HybridAStar::Plan(double sx, double sy, double sphi,
- double ex, double ey, double ephi,
- const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
- const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::Vec2d>>& obstacles_vertices_vec,HybridAStartResult* result)
输入的 HybridAStar::Plan() 由open_space_trajectory_provider调用,请参考如下代码
- OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider(
- const TaskConfig& config,
- const std::shared_ptr<DependencyInjector>& injector)
- : TrajectoryOptimizer(config, injector) {
- open_space_trajectory_optimizer_.reset(new OpenSpaceTrajectoryOptimizer(
- config.open_space_trajectory_provider_config()
- .open_space_trajectory_optimizer_config()));
- }
- OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::~OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider() {
- if (FLAGS_enable_open_space_planner_thread) {
- Stop();
- }
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::Stop() {
- if (FLAGS_enable_open_space_planner_thread) {
- is_generation_thread_stop_.store(true);
- if (thread_init_flag_) {
- task_future_.get();
- }
- trajectory_updated_.store(false);
- trajectory_error_.store(false);
- trajectory_skipped_.store(false);
- optimizer_thread_counter = 0;
- }
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::Restart() {
- if (FLAGS_enable_open_space_planner_thread) {
- is_generation_thread_stop_.store(true);
- if (thread_init_flag_) {
- task_future_.get();
- }
- is_generation_thread_stop_.store(false);
- thread_init_flag_ = false;
- trajectory_updated_.store(false);
- trajectory_error_.store(false);
- trajectory_skipped_.store(false);
- optimizer_thread_counter = 0;
- }
- }
- Status OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::Process() {
- ADEBUG << "trajectory provider";
- auto trajectory_data =
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->mutable_stitched_trajectory_result();
- // generate stop trajectory at park_and_go check_stage
- if (injector_->planning_context()
- ->mutable_planning_status()
- ->mutable_park_and_go()
- ->in_check_stage()) {
- ADEBUG << "ParkAndGo Stage Check.";
- GenerateStopTrajectory(trajectory_data);
- return Status::OK();
- }
- // Start thread when getting in Process() for the first time
- if (FLAGS_enable_open_space_planner_thread && !thread_init_flag_) {
- task_future_ = cyber::Async(
- &OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::GenerateTrajectoryThread, this);
- thread_init_flag_ = true;
- }
- // Get stitching trajectory from last frame
- const common::VehicleState vehicle_state = frame_->vehicle_state();
- auto* previous_frame = injector_->frame_history()->Latest();
- // Use complete raw trajectory from last frame for stitching purpose
- std::vector<TrajectoryPoint> stitching_trajectory;
- if (!IsVehicleStopDueToFallBack(
- previous_frame->open_space_info().fallback_flag(), vehicle_state)) {
- const auto& previous_planning =
- previous_frame->open_space_info().stitched_trajectory_result();
- const auto& previous_planning_header =
- previous_frame->current_frame_planned_trajectory()
- .header()
- .timestamp_sec();
- const double planning_cycle_time = FLAGS_open_space_planning_period;
- PublishableTrajectory last_frame_complete_trajectory(
- previous_planning_header, previous_planning);
- std::string replan_reason;
- const double start_timestamp = Clock::NowInSeconds();
- stitching_trajectory = TrajectoryStitcher::ComputeStitchingTrajectory(
- vehicle_state, start_timestamp, planning_cycle_time,
- FLAGS_open_space_trajectory_stitching_preserved_length, false,
- &last_frame_complete_trajectory, &replan_reason);
- } else {
- ADEBUG << "Replan due to fallback stop";
- const double planning_cycle_time =
- 1.0 / static_cast<double>(FLAGS_planning_loop_rate);
- stitching_trajectory = TrajectoryStitcher::ComputeReinitStitchingTrajectory(
- planning_cycle_time, vehicle_state);
- auto* open_space_status = injector_->planning_context()
- ->mutable_planning_status()
- ->mutable_open_space();
- open_space_status->set_position_init(false);
- }
- // Get open_space_info from current frame
- const auto& open_space_info = frame_->open_space_info();
- if (FLAGS_enable_open_space_planner_thread) {
- ADEBUG << "Open space plan in multi-threads mode";
- if (is_generation_thread_stop_) {
- GenerateStopTrajectory(trajectory_data);
- return Status(ErrorCode::OK, "Parking finished");
- }
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- thread_data_.stitching_trajectory = stitching_trajectory;
- thread_data_.end_pose = open_space_info.open_space_end_pose();
- thread_data_.rotate_angle = open_space_info.origin_heading();
- thread_data_.translate_origin = open_space_info.origin_point();
- thread_data_.obstacles_edges_num = open_space_info.obstacles_edges_num();
- thread_data_.obstacles_A = open_space_info.obstacles_A();
- thread_data_.obstacles_b = open_space_info.obstacles_b();
- thread_data_.obstacles_vertices_vec =
- open_space_info.obstacles_vertices_vec();
- thread_data_.XYbounds = open_space_info.ROI_xy_boundary();
- data_ready_.store(true);
- }
- // Check vehicle state
- if (IsVehicleNearDestination(
- vehicle_state, open_space_info.open_space_end_pose(),
- open_space_info.origin_heading(), open_space_info.origin_point())) {
- GenerateStopTrajectory(trajectory_data);
- is_generation_thread_stop_.store(true);
- return Status(ErrorCode::OK, "Vehicle is near to destination");
- }
- // Check if trajectory updated
- if (trajectory_updated_) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- LoadResult(trajectory_data);
- if (FLAGS_enable_record_debug) {
- // call merge debug ptr, open_space_trajectory_optimizer_
- auto* ptr_debug = frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->mutable_debug();
- open_space_trajectory_optimizer_->UpdateDebugInfo(
- ptr_debug->mutable_planning_data()->mutable_open_space());
- // sync debug instance
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->sync_debug_instance();
- }
- data_ready_.store(false);
- trajectory_updated_.store(false);
- return Status::OK();
- }
- if (trajectory_error_) {
- ++optimizer_thread_counter;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- trajectory_error_.store(false);
- // TODO(Jinyun) Use other fallback mechanism when last iteration smoothing
- // result has out of bound pathpoint which is not allowed for next
- // iteration hybrid astar algorithm which requires start position to be
- // strictly in bound
- if (optimizer_thread_counter > 1000) {
- return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR,
- "open_space_optimizer failed too many times");
- }
- }
- if (previous_frame->open_space_info().open_space_provider_success()) {
- ReuseLastFrameResult(previous_frame, trajectory_data);
- if (FLAGS_enable_record_debug) {
- // copy previous debug to current frame
- ReuseLastFrameDebug(previous_frame);
- }
- // reuse last frame debug when use last frame traj
- return Status(ErrorCode::OK,
- "Waiting for open_space_trajectory_optimizer in "
- "open_space_trajectory_provider");
- } else {
- GenerateStopTrajectory(trajectory_data);
- return Status(ErrorCode::OK, "Stop due to computation not finished");
- }
- } else {
- const auto& end_pose = open_space_info.open_space_end_pose();
- const auto& rotate_angle = open_space_info.origin_heading();
- const auto& translate_origin = open_space_info.origin_point();
- const auto& obstacles_edges_num = open_space_info.obstacles_edges_num();
- const auto& obstacles_A = open_space_info.obstacles_A();
- const auto& obstacles_b = open_space_info.obstacles_b();
- const auto& obstacles_vertices_vec =
- open_space_info.obstacles_vertices_vec();
- const auto& XYbounds = open_space_info.ROI_xy_boundary();
- // Check vehicle state
- if (IsVehicleNearDestination(vehicle_state, end_pose, rotate_angle,
- translate_origin)) {
- GenerateStopTrajectory(trajectory_data);
- return Status(ErrorCode::OK, "Vehicle is near to destination");
- }
- // Generate Trajectory;
- double time_latency;
- Status status = open_space_trajectory_optimizer_->Plan(
- stitching_trajectory, end_pose, XYbounds, rotate_angle,
- translate_origin, obstacles_edges_num, obstacles_A, obstacles_b,
- obstacles_vertices_vec, &time_latency);
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->set_time_latency(time_latency);
- // If status is OK, update vehicle trajectory;
- if (status == Status::OK()) {
- LoadResult(trajectory_data);
- return status;
- } else {
- return status;
- }
- }
- return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR);
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::GenerateTrajectoryThread() {
- while (!is_generation_thread_stop_) {
- if (!trajectory_updated_ && data_ready_) {
- OpenSpaceTrajectoryThreadData thread_data;
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- thread_data = thread_data_;
- }
- double time_latency;
- Status status = open_space_trajectory_optimizer_->Plan(
- thread_data.stitching_trajectory, thread_data.end_pose,
- thread_data.XYbounds, thread_data.rotate_angle,
- thread_data.translate_origin, thread_data.obstacles_edges_num,
- thread_data.obstacles_A, thread_data.obstacles_b,
- thread_data.obstacles_vertices_vec, &time_latency);
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->set_time_latency(time_latency);
- if (status == Status::OK()) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- trajectory_updated_.store(true);
- } else {
- if (status.ok()) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- trajectory_skipped_.store(true);
- } else {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(open_space_mutex_);
- trajectory_error_.store(true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::IsVehicleNearDestination(
- const common::VehicleState& vehicle_state,
- const std::vector<double>& end_pose, double rotate_angle,
- const Vec2d& translate_origin) {
- CHECK_EQ(end_pose.size(), 4U);
- Vec2d end_pose_to_world_frame = Vec2d(end_pose[0], end_pose[1]);
- end_pose_to_world_frame.SelfRotate(rotate_angle);
- end_pose_to_world_frame += translate_origin;
- double distance_to_vehicle2 =
- std::sqrt((vehicle_state.x() - end_pose_to_world_frame.x()) *
- (vehicle_state.x() - end_pose_to_world_frame.x()) +
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose_to_world_frame.y()) *
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose_to_world_frame.y()));
- double end_theta_to_world_frame = end_pose[2];
- end_theta_to_world_frame += rotate_angle;
- double distance_to_vehicle1 =
- std::sqrt((vehicle_state.x() - end_pose[0]) *
- (vehicle_state.x() - end_pose[0]) +
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose[1]) *
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose[1]));
- double distance_to_vehicle =
- std::sqrt((vehicle_state.x() - end_pose_to_world_frame.x()) *
- (vehicle_state.x() - end_pose_to_world_frame.x()) +
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose_to_world_frame.y()) *
- (vehicle_state.y() - end_pose_to_world_frame.y()));
- double theta_to_vehicle = std::abs(common::math::AngleDiff(
- vehicle_state.heading(), end_theta_to_world_frame));
- AERROR << "distance_to_vehicle1 is: " << distance_to_vehicle1;
- AERROR << "distance_to_vehicle2 is: " << distance_to_vehicle2;
- AERROR << "theta_to_vehicle" << theta_to_vehicle << "end_theta_to_world_frame"
- << end_theta_to_world_frame << "rotate_angle" << rotate_angle;
- AERROR << "is_near_destination_threshold"
- << config_.open_space_trajectory_provider_config()
- .open_space_trajectory_optimizer_config()
- .planner_open_space_config()
- .is_near_destination_threshold(); // which config file
- AERROR << "is_near_destination_theta_threshold"
- << config_.open_space_trajectory_provider_config()
- .open_space_trajectory_optimizer_config()
- .planner_open_space_config()
- .is_near_destination_theta_threshold();
- distance_to_vehicle = std::min(
- std::min(distance_to_vehicle, distance_to_vehicle1),
- distance_to_vehicle2);
- theta_to_vehicle = std::min(theta_to_vehicle,
- std::abs(vehicle_state.heading()));
- if (distance_to_vehicle < config_.open_space_trajectory_provider_config()
- .open_space_trajectory_optimizer_config()
- .planner_open_space_config()
- .is_near_destination_threshold() &&
- theta_to_vehicle < config_.open_space_trajectory_provider_config()
- .open_space_trajectory_optimizer_config()
- .planner_open_space_config()
- .is_near_destination_theta_threshold()) {
- AERROR << "vehicle reach end_pose";
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->set_destination_reached(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::IsVehicleStopDueToFallBack(
- const bool is_on_fallback, const common::VehicleState& vehicle_state) {
- if (!is_on_fallback) {
- return false;
- }
- static constexpr double kEpsilon = 1.0e-1;
- const double adc_speed = vehicle_state.linear_velocity();
- const double adc_acceleration = vehicle_state.linear_acceleration();
- if (std::abs(adc_speed) < kEpsilon && std::abs(adc_acceleration) < kEpsilon) {
- ADEBUG << "ADC stops due to fallback trajectory";
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::GenerateStopTrajectory(
- DiscretizedTrajectory* const trajectory_data) {
- double relative_time = 0.0;
- // TODO(Jinyun) Move to conf
- static constexpr int stop_trajectory_length = 10;
- static constexpr double relative_stop_time = 0.1;
- static constexpr double vEpsilon = 0.00001;
- double standstill_acceleration =
- frame_->vehicle_state().linear_velocity() >= -vEpsilon
- ? -FLAGS_open_space_standstill_acceleration
- : FLAGS_open_space_standstill_acceleration;
- trajectory_data->clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < stop_trajectory_length; i++) {
- TrajectoryPoint point;
- point.mutable_path_point()->set_x(frame_->vehicle_state().x());
- point.mutable_path_point()->set_y(frame_->vehicle_state().y());
- point.mutable_path_point()->set_theta(frame_->vehicle_state().heading());
- point.mutable_path_point()->set_s(0.0);
- point.mutable_path_point()->set_kappa(0.0);
- point.set_relative_time(relative_time);
- point.set_v(0.0);
- point.set_a(standstill_acceleration);
- trajectory_data->emplace_back(point);
- relative_time += relative_stop_time;
- }
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::LoadResult(
- DiscretizedTrajectory* const trajectory_data) {
- // Load unstitched two trajectories into frame for debug
- trajectory_data->clear();
- auto optimizer_trajectory_ptr =
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->mutable_optimizer_trajectory_data();
- auto stitching_trajectory_ptr =
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->mutable_stitching_trajectory_data();
- open_space_trajectory_optimizer_->GetOptimizedTrajectory(
- optimizer_trajectory_ptr);
- open_space_trajectory_optimizer_->GetStitchingTrajectory(
- stitching_trajectory_ptr);
- // Stitch two trajectories and load back to trajectory_data from frame
- size_t optimizer_trajectory_size = optimizer_trajectory_ptr->size();
- double stitching_point_relative_time =
- stitching_trajectory_ptr->back().relative_time();
- double stitching_point_relative_s =
- stitching_trajectory_ptr->back().path_point().s();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < optimizer_trajectory_size; ++i) {
- optimizer_trajectory_ptr->at(i).set_relative_time(
- optimizer_trajectory_ptr->at(i).relative_time() +
- stitching_point_relative_time);
- optimizer_trajectory_ptr->at(i).mutable_path_point()->set_s(
- optimizer_trajectory_ptr->at(i).path_point().s() +
- stitching_point_relative_s);
- }
- *(trajectory_data) = *(optimizer_trajectory_ptr);
- // Last point in stitching trajectory is already in optimized trajectory, so
- // it is deleted
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()
- ->mutable_stitching_trajectory_data()
- ->pop_back();
- trajectory_data->PrependTrajectoryPoints(
- frame_->open_space_info().stitching_trajectory_data());
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->set_open_space_provider_success(true);
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::ReuseLastFrameResult(
- const Frame* last_frame, DiscretizedTrajectory* const trajectory_data) {
- *(trajectory_data) =
- last_frame->open_space_info().stitched_trajectory_result();
- frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->set_open_space_provider_success(true);
- }
- void OpenSpaceTrajectoryProvider::ReuseLastFrameDebug(const Frame* last_frame) {
- // reuse last frame's instance
- auto* ptr_debug = frame_->mutable_open_space_info()->mutable_debug_instance();
- ptr_debug->mutable_planning_data()->mutable_open_space()->MergeFrom(
- last_frame->open_space_info()
- .debug_instance()
- .planning_data()
- .open_space());
- }
- } // namespace planning
- } // namespace apollo
- std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>>
- obstacles_linesegments_vec;
- for (const auto& obstacle_vertices : obstacles_vertices_vec) {
- size_t vertices_num = obstacle_vertices.size();
- std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d> obstacle_linesegments;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices_num - 1; ++i) {
- common::math::LineSegment2d line_segment = common::math::LineSegment2d(
- obstacle_vertices[i], obstacle_vertices[i + 1]);
- obstacle_linesegments.emplace_back(line_segment);
- }
- obstacles_linesegments_vec.emplace_back(obstacle_linesegments);
- }
- obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = std::move(obstacles_linesegments_vec);
构造与 Node3d 相同的计划点。计划的起点和终点以 Node3d 的形式构造,该节点将保存为打开集,并由有效性Check()函数进行检查。
- start_node_.reset(
- new Node3d({sx}, {sy}, {sphi}, XYbounds_, planner_open_space_config_));
- end_node_.reset(
- new Node3d({ex}, {ey}, {ephi}, XYbounds_, planner_open_space_config_));
进入主 while 循环以获取一组节点。
当open_pq_为空时,将生成退出轨迹。open_pq_是 std::p riority_queue 类型,其中第一个元素表示打开集中节点的顺序,第二个元素表示按降序存储的节点的成本。
使用分析扩展()函数可以基于从当前点到目标端点reeds_shepp_path来确定是否存在无碰撞轨迹。如果存在,请退出 while 循环搜索。
- if (AnalyticExpansion(current_node)) {
- break;
- }
bool HybridAStar::GetResult(HybridAStartResult* result)
输出:可选输出是部分轨迹信息,包括 x、y、phi、v、a、转向、s。
bool HybridAStar::ValidityCheck(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> node)
参数:输入参数是与 node3d 相同的节点。
- bool GridSearch::GenerateDpMap(const double ex, const double ey,
- const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
- const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>> &obstacles_linesegments_vec)
- #include "modules/planning/open_space/coarse_trajectory_generator/grid_search.h"
- namespace apollo {
- namespace planning {
- GridSearch::GridSearch(const PlannerOpenSpaceConfig& open_space_conf) {
- xy_grid_resolution_ =
- open_space_conf.warm_start_config().grid_a_star_xy_resolution();
- node_radius_ = open_space_conf.warm_start_config().node_radius();
- }
- double GridSearch::EuclidDistance(const double x1, const double y1,
- const double x2, const double y2) {
- return std::sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
- }
- bool GridSearch::CheckConstraints(std::shared_ptr<Node2d> node) {
- const double node_grid_x = node->GetGridX();
- const double node_grid_y = node->GetGridY();
- if (node_grid_x > max_grid_x_ || node_grid_x < 0 ||
- node_grid_y > max_grid_y_ || node_grid_y < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (obstacles_linesegments_vec_.empty()) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const auto& obstacle_linesegments : obstacles_linesegments_vec_) {
- for (const common::math::LineSegment2d& linesegment :
- obstacle_linesegments) {
- if (linesegment.DistanceTo({node->GetGridX(), node->GetGridY()}) <
- node_radius_) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> GridSearch::GenerateNextNodes(
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node) {
- double current_node_x = current_node->GetGridX();
- double current_node_y = current_node->GetGridY();
- double current_node_path_cost = current_node->GetPathCost();
- double diagonal_distance = std::sqrt(2.0);
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes;
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
- up->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up_right = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
- current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
- up_right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> right =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y, XYbounds_);
- right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down_right = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
- current_node_x + 1.0, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
- down_right->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
- down->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> down_left = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
- current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y - 1.0, XYbounds_);
- down_left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> left =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y, XYbounds_);
- left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + 1.0);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> up_left = std::make_shared<Node2d>(
- current_node_x - 1.0, current_node_y + 1.0, XYbounds_);
- up_left->SetPathCost(current_node_path_cost + diagonal_distance);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(up);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(up_right);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(right);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(down_right);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(down);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(down_left);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(left);
- next_nodes.emplace_back(up_left);
- return next_nodes;
- }
- bool GridSearch::GenerateAStarPath(
- const double sx, const double sy, const double ex, const double ey,
- const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
- const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>>&
- obstacles_linesegments_vec,
- GridAStartResult* result) {
- std::priority_queue<std::pair<std::string, double>,
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>, cmp>
- open_pq;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> open_set;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> close_set;
- XYbounds_ = XYbounds;
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> start_node =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(sx, sy, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> end_node =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(ex, ey, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> final_node_ = nullptr;
- obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = obstacles_linesegments_vec;
- open_set.emplace(start_node->GetIndex(), start_node);
- open_pq.emplace(start_node->GetIndex(), start_node->GetCost());
- // Grid a star begins
- size_t explored_node_num = 0;
- while (!open_pq.empty()) {
- std::string current_id = open_pq.top().first;
- open_pq.pop();
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node = open_set[current_id];
- // Check destination
- if (*(current_node) == *(end_node)) {
- final_node_ = current_node;
- break;
- }
- close_set.emplace(current_node->GetIndex(), current_node);
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes =
- std::move(GenerateNextNodes(current_node));
- for (auto& next_node : next_nodes) {
- if (!CheckConstraints(next_node)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (close_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) != close_set.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (open_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) == open_set.end()) {
- ++explored_node_num;
- next_node->SetHeuristic(
- EuclidDistance(next_node->GetGridX(), next_node->GetGridY(),
- end_node->GetGridX(), end_node->GetGridY()));
- next_node->SetPreNode(current_node);
- open_set.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node);
- open_pq.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node->GetCost());
- }
- }
- }
- if (final_node_ == nullptr) {
- AERROR << "Grid A searching return null ptr(open_set ran out)";
- return false;
- }
- LoadGridAStarResult(result);
- ADEBUG << "explored node num is " << explored_node_num;
- return true;
- }
- bool GridSearch::GenerateDpMap(
- const double ex, const double ey, const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
- const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>>&
- obstacles_linesegments_vec) {
- std::priority_queue<std::pair<std::string, double>,
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>, cmp>
- open_pq;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> open_set;
- dp_map_ = decltype(dp_map_)();
- XYbounds_ = XYbounds;
- // XYbounds with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
- max_grid_y_ = std::round((XYbounds_[3] - XYbounds_[2]) / xy_grid_resolution_);
- max_grid_x_ = std::round((XYbounds_[1] - XYbounds_[0]) / xy_grid_resolution_);
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> end_node =
- std::make_shared<Node2d>(ex, ey, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
- obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = obstacles_linesegments_vec;
- open_set.emplace(end_node->GetIndex(), end_node);
- open_pq.emplace(end_node->GetIndex(), end_node->GetCost());
- // Grid a star begins
- size_t explored_node_num = 0;
- while (!open_pq.empty()) {
- const std::string current_id = open_pq.top().first;
- open_pq.pop();
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node = open_set[current_id];
- dp_map_.emplace(current_node->GetIndex(), current_node);
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes =
- std::move(GenerateNextNodes(current_node));
- for (auto& next_node : next_nodes) {
- if (!CheckConstraints(next_node)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (dp_map_.find(next_node->GetIndex()) != dp_map_.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (open_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) == open_set.end()) {
- ++explored_node_num;
- next_node->SetPreNode(current_node);
- open_set.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node);
- open_pq.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node->GetCost());
- } else {
- if (open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->GetCost() > next_node->GetCost()) {
- open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->SetCost(next_node->GetCost());
- open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->SetPreNode(current_node);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ADEBUG << "explored node num is " << explored_node_num;
- return true;
- }
- double GridSearch::CheckDpMap(const double sx, const double sy) {
- std::string index = Node2d::CalcIndex(sx, sy, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
- if (dp_map_.find(index) != dp_map_.end()) {
- return dp_map_[index]->GetCost() * xy_grid_resolution_;
- } else {
- return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- }
- }
- void GridSearch::LoadGridAStarResult(GridAStartResult* result) {
- (*result).path_cost = final_node_->GetPathCost() * xy_grid_resolution_;
- std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node = final_node_;
- std::vector<double> grid_a_x;
- std::vector<double> grid_a_y;
- while (current_node->GetPreNode() != nullptr) {
- grid_a_x.push_back(current_node->GetGridX() * xy_grid_resolution_ +
- XYbounds_[0]);
- grid_a_y.push_back(current_node->GetGridY() * xy_grid_resolution_ +
- XYbounds_[2]);
- current_node = current_node->GetPreNode();
- }
- std::reverse(grid_a_x.begin(), grid_a_x.end());
- std::reverse(grid_a_y.begin(), grid_a_y.end());
- (*result).x = std::move(grid_a_x);
- (*result).y = std::move(grid_a_y);
- }
- } // namespace planning
- } // namespace apollo
bool HybridAStar::AnalyticExpansion(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> current_node)
- void HybridAStar::CalculateNodeCost(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> current_node,
- std::shared_ptr<Node3d> next_node)
本文参考GENERATE COARSE TRAJECTORY IN THE OPEN SPACE — Apollo Auto 0.0.1 文档 (daobook.github.io) 若有侵权,请联系删除
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