2.通过一个layer选择器 。
参数 | 类型 | 说明 |
layers | Array.module:ol/layer/Layer~Layer function | 能被选择的图层的列表。 或者一个选择器函数,以图层作为参数,返回true以选择该图层。若layers缺省则所有图层都可被选择。 |
函数名 | 参数 | 源码 | 返回值类型 | 功能 |
setDistance(distance) | distance number 像素距离 | source/Cluster.js, line 169 | 无 | 设定聚类像素距离 |
/** * @module ol/interaction/Select */ import Collection from '../Collection.js'; import CollectionEventType from '../CollectionEventType.js'; import Event from '../events/Event.js'; import GeometryType from '../geom/GeometryType.js'; import Interaction from './Interaction.js'; import {TRUE} from '../functions.js'; import {clear} from '../obj.js'; import {createEditingStyle} from '../style/Style.js'; import {extend, includes} from '../array.js'; import {getUid} from '../util.js'; import {never, shiftKeyOnly, singleClick} from '../events/condition.js'; /** * @enum {string} */ const SelectEventType = { /** * Triggered when feature(s) has been (de)selected. * @event SelectEvent#select * @api */ SELECT: 'select', }; /** * A function that takes an {@link module:ol/Feature} or * {@link module:ol/render/Feature} and an * {@link module:ol/layer/Layer} and returns `true` if the feature may be * selected or `false` otherwise. * @typedef {function(import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike, import("../layer/Layer.js").default<import("../source/Source").default>):boolean} FilterFunction */ /** * @typedef {Object} Options * @property {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} [addCondition] A function * that takes an {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent} and returns a * boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. * By default, this is {@link module:ol/events/condition.never}. Use this if you * want to use different events for add and remove instead of `toggle`. * @property {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} [condition] A function that * takes an {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent} and returns a * boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. This is the event * for the selected features as a whole. By default, this is * {@link module:ol/events/condition.singleClick}. Clicking on a feature selects that * feature and removes any that were in the selection. Clicking outside any * feature removes all from the selection. * See `toggle`, `add`, `remove` options for adding/removing extra features to/ * from the selection. * @property {Array<import("../layer/Layer.js").default>|function(import("../layer/Layer.js").default<import("../source/Source").default>): boolean} [layers] * A list of layers from which features should be selected. Alternatively, a * filter function can be provided. The function will be called for each layer * in the map and should return `true` for layers that you want to be * selectable. If the option is absent, all visible layers will be considered * selectable. * @property {import("../style/Style.js").StyleLike|null} [style] * Style for the selected features. By default the default edit style is used * (see {@link module:ol/style}). Set to `null` if this interaction should not apply * any style changes for selected features. * If set to a falsey value, the selected feature's style will not change. * @property {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} [removeCondition] A function * that takes an {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent} and returns a * boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. * By default, this is {@link module:ol/events/condition.never}. Use this if you * want to use different events for add and remove instead of `toggle`. * @property {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} [toggleCondition] A function * that takes an {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent} and returns a * boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. This is in addition * to the `condition` event. By default, * {@link module:ol/events/condition.shiftKeyOnly}, i.e. pressing `shift` as * well as the `condition` event, adds that feature to the current selection if * it is not currently selected, and removes it if it is. See `add` and `remove` * if you want to use different events instead of a toggle. * @property {boolean} [multi=false] A boolean that determines if the default * behaviour should select only single features or all (overlapping) features at * the clicked map position. The default of `false` means single select. * @property {import("../Collection.js").default<import("../Feature.js").default>} [features] * Collection where the interaction will place selected features. Optional. If * not set the interaction will create a collection. In any case the collection * used by the interaction is returned by * {@link module:ol/interaction/Select~Select#getFeatures}. * @property {FilterFunction} [filter] A function * that takes an {@link module:ol/Feature} and an * {@link module:ol/layer/Layer} and returns `true` if the feature may be * selected or `false` otherwise. * @property {number} [hitTolerance=0] Hit-detection tolerance. Pixels inside * the radius around the given position will be checked for features. */ /** * @classdesc * Events emitted by {@link module:ol/interaction/Select~Select} instances are instances of * this type. */ export class SelectEvent extends Event { /** * @param {SelectEventType} type The event type. * @param {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} selected Selected features. * @param {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} deselected Deselected features. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Associated * {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent}. */ constructor(type, selected, deselected, mapBrowserEvent) { super(type); /** * Selected features array. * @type {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} * @api */ this.selected = selected; /** * Deselected features array. * @type {Array<import("../Feature.js").default>} * @api */ this.deselected = deselected; /** * Associated {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent}. * @type {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} * @api */ this.mapBrowserEvent = mapBrowserEvent; } } /** * Original feature styles to reset to when features are no longer selected. * @type {Object<number, import("../style/Style.js").default|Array<import("../style/Style.js").default>|import("../style/Style.js").StyleFunction>} */ const originalFeatureStyles = {}; /*** * @template Return * @typedef {import("../Observable").OnSignature<import("../Observable").EventTypes, import("../events/Event.js").default, Return> & * import("../Observable").OnSignature<import("../ObjectEventType").Types| * 'change:active', import("../Object").ObjectEvent, Return> & * import("../Observable").OnSignature<'select', SelectEvent, Return> & * import("../Observable").CombinedOnSignature<import("../Observable").EventTypes|import("../ObjectEventType").Types| * 'change:active'|'select', Return>} SelectOnSignature */ /** * @classdesc * Interaction for selecting vector features. By default, selected features are * styled differently, so this interaction can be used for visual highlighting, * as well as selecting features for other actions, such as modification or * output. There are three ways of controlling which features are selected: * using the browser event as defined by the `condition` and optionally the * `toggle`, `add`/`remove`, and `multi` options; a `layers` filter; and a * further feature filter using the `filter` option. * * Selected features are added to an internal unmanaged layer. * * @fires SelectEvent * @api */ class Select extends Interaction { /** * @param {Options} [opt_options] Options. */ constructor(opt_options) { super(); /*** * @type {SelectOnSignature<import("../Observable.js").OnReturn>} */ this.on; /*** * @type {SelectOnSignature<import("../Observable.js").OnReturn>} */ this.once; /*** * @type {SelectOnSignature<void>} */ this.un; const options = opt_options ? opt_options : {}; /** * @private */ this.boundAddFeature_ = this.addFeature_.bind(this); /** * @private */ this.boundRemoveFeature_ = this.removeFeature_.bind(this); /** * @private * @type {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} */ this.condition_ = options.condition ? options.condition : singleClick; /** * @private * @type {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} */ this.addCondition_ = options.addCondition ? options.addCondition : never; /** * @private * @type {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} */ this.removeCondition_ = options.removeCondition ? options.removeCondition : never; /** * @private * @type {import("../events/condition.js").Condition} */ this.toggleCondition_ = options.toggleCondition ? options.toggleCondition : shiftKeyOnly; /** * @private * @type {boolean} */ this.multi_ = options.multi ? options.multi : false; /** * @private * @type {FilterFunction} */ this.filter_ = options.filter ? options.filter : TRUE; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this.hitTolerance_ = options.hitTolerance ? options.hitTolerance : 0; /** * @private * @type {import("../style/Style.js").default|Array<import("../style/Style.js").default>|import("../style/Style.js").StyleFunction|null} */ this.style_ = options.style !== undefined ? options.style : getDefaultStyleFunction(); /** * @private * @type {import("../Collection.js").default} */ this.features_ = options.features || new Collection(); /** @type {function(import("../layer/Layer.js").default<import("../source/Source").default>): boolean} */ let layerFilter; if (options.layers) { if (typeof options.layers === 'function') { layerFilter = options.layers; } else { const layers = options.layers; layerFilter = function (layer) { return includes(layers, layer); }; } } else { layerFilter = TRUE; } /** * @private * @type {function(import("../layer/Layer.js").default<import("../source/Source").default>): boolean} */ this.layerFilter_ = layerFilter; /** * An association between selected feature (key) * and layer (value) * @private * @type {Object<string, import("../layer/Layer.js").default>} */ this.featureLayerAssociation_ = {}; } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @private */ addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer) { this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)] = layer; } /** * Get the selected features. * @return {import("../Collection.js").default<import("../Feature.js").default>} Features collection. * @api */ getFeatures() { return this.features_; } /** * Returns the Hit-detection tolerance. * @return {number} Hit tolerance in pixels. * @api */ getHitTolerance() { return this.hitTolerance_; } /** * Returns the associated {@link module:ol/layer/Vector~Vector vectorlayer} of * the (last) selected feature. Note that this will not work with any * programmatic method like pushing features to * {@link module:ol/interaction/Select~Select#getFeatures collection}. * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature * @return {import('../layer/Vector.js').default} Layer. * @api */ getLayer(feature) { return /** @type {import('../layer/Vector.js').default} */ ( this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)] ); } /** * Hit-detection tolerance. Pixels inside the radius around the given position * will be checked for features. * @param {number} hitTolerance Hit tolerance in pixels. * @api */ setHitTolerance(hitTolerance) { this.hitTolerance_ = hitTolerance; } /** * Remove the interaction from its current map, if any, and attach it to a new * map, if any. Pass `null` to just remove the interaction from the current map. * @param {import("../PluggableMap.js").default} map Map. * @api */ setMap(map) { const currentMap = this.getMap(); if (currentMap && this.style_) { this.features_.forEach(this.restorePreviousStyle_.bind(this)); } super.setMap(map); if (map) { this.features_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, this.boundAddFeature_ ); this.features_.addEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, this.boundRemoveFeature_ ); if (this.style_) { this.features_.forEach(this.applySelectedStyle_.bind(this)); } } else { this.features_.removeEventListener( CollectionEventType.ADD, this.boundAddFeature_ ); this.features_.removeEventListener( CollectionEventType.REMOVE, this.boundRemoveFeature_ ); } } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} evt Event. * @private */ addFeature_(evt) { const feature = evt.element; if (this.style_) { this.applySelectedStyle_(feature); } } /** * @param {import("../Collection.js").CollectionEvent} evt Event. * @private */ removeFeature_(evt) { const feature = evt.element; if (this.style_) { this.restorePreviousStyle_(feature); } } /** * @return {import("../style/Style.js").StyleLike|null} Select style. */ getStyle() { return this.style_; } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature * @private */ applySelectedStyle_(feature) { const key = getUid(feature); if (!(key in originalFeatureStyles)) { originalFeatureStyles[key] = feature.getStyle(); } feature.setStyle(this.style_); } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").default} feature Feature * @private */ restorePreviousStyle_(feature) { const interactions = this.getMap().getInteractions().getArray(); for (let i = interactions.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const interaction = interactions[i]; if ( interaction !== this && interaction instanceof Select && interaction.getStyle() && interaction.getFeatures().getArray().lastIndexOf(feature) !== -1 ) { feature.setStyle(interaction.getStyle()); return; } } const key = getUid(feature); feature.setStyle(originalFeatureStyles[key]); delete originalFeatureStyles[key]; } /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @private */ removeFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature) { delete this.featureLayerAssociation_[getUid(feature)]; } /** * Handles the {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent map browser event} and may change the * selected state of features. * @param {import("../MapBrowserEvent.js").default} mapBrowserEvent Map browser event. * @return {boolean} `false` to stop event propagation. * @this {Select} */ handleEvent(mapBrowserEvent) { if (!this.condition_(mapBrowserEvent)) { return true; } const add = this.addCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const remove = this.removeCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const toggle = this.toggleCondition_(mapBrowserEvent); const set = !add && !remove && !toggle; const map = mapBrowserEvent.map; const features = this.getFeatures(); const deselected = []; const selected = []; if (set) { // Replace the currently selected feature(s) with the feature(s) at the // pixel, or clear the selected feature(s) if there is no feature at // the pixel. clear(this.featureLayerAssociation_); map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( mapBrowserEvent.pixel, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @return {boolean|undefined} Continue to iterate over the features. */ function (feature, layer) { if (this.filter_(feature, layer)) { selected.push(feature); this.addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer); return !this.multi_; } }.bind(this), { layerFilter: this.layerFilter_, hitTolerance: this.hitTolerance_, } ); for (let i = features.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const feature = features.item(i); const index = selected.indexOf(feature); if (index > -1) { // feature is already selected selected.splice(index, 1); } else { features.remove(feature); deselected.push(feature); } } if (selected.length !== 0) { features.extend(selected); } } else { // Modify the currently selected feature(s). map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( mapBrowserEvent.pixel, /** * @param {import("../Feature.js").FeatureLike} feature Feature. * @param {import("../layer/Layer.js").default} layer Layer. * @return {boolean|undefined} Continue to iterate over the features. */ function (feature, layer) { if (this.filter_(feature, layer)) { if ((add || toggle) && !includes(features.getArray(), feature)) { selected.push(feature); this.addFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature, layer); } else if ( (remove || toggle) && includes(features.getArray(), feature) ) { deselected.push(feature); this.removeFeatureLayerAssociation_(feature); } return !this.multi_; } }.bind(this), { layerFilter: this.layerFilter_, hitTolerance: this.hitTolerance_, } ); for (let j = deselected.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { features.remove(deselected[j]); } features.extend(selected); } if (selected.length > 0 || deselected.length > 0) { this.dispatchEvent( new SelectEvent( SelectEventType.SELECT, selected, deselected, mapBrowserEvent ) ); } return true; } } /** * @return {import("../style/Style.js").StyleFunction} Styles. */ function getDefaultStyleFunction() { const styles = createEditingStyle(); extend(styles[GeometryType.POLYGON], styles[GeometryType.LINE_STRING]); extend( styles[GeometryType.GEOMETRY_COLLECTION], styles[GeometryType.LINE_STRING] ); return function (feature) { if (!feature.getGeometry()) { return null; } return styles[feature.getGeometry().getType()]; }; } export default Select;
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