O(log n)(n为保存元素个数).
public class BalancedBinaryTree<T> { private int size; private Node root; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Comparator comparator; public BalancedBinaryTree() { } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public BalancedBinaryTree(Comparator comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; } public void add(T data) { Node node = new Node(data); Node p = findNode(node); if (p == null) { this.root = node; } else if (p.compare(node) > 0) { p.left = node; node.parent = p; } else if (p.compare(node) < 0) { p.right = node; node.parent = p; } else { p.data = data; return; } size++; handleImBalance4Add(node); } public boolean remove(T data) { if (root == null) { return false; } Node node = new Node(data); Node res = findNode(node); if (node.compare(res) != 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Node checkPoint; if (res.left == null && res.right == null) { checkPoint = removeLeafNode(res); } else if (res.left == null || res.right == null) { checkPoint = removeNodeWithOneChild(res); } else { checkPoint = removeNodeWithTwoChild(res); } if (checkPoint != null) { handleImbalance4Remove(checkPoint); } size--; return true; } public int size() { return size; } private void handleImbalance4Remove(Node checkPoint) { Node tmp = checkPoint; boolean leftRemoved = false; if (tmp.left == null && tmp.right == null) { tmp.factor = 0; if (tmp.parent != null) { leftRemoved = tmp.parent.left == tmp; } tmp = tmp.parent; } else if (tmp.factor == 0) { tmp.factor = tmp.left == null ? 1 : -1; return; } else { leftRemoved = tmp.left == null; } int f; while (tmp != null) { f = tmp.factor; if (leftRemoved) { f = f + 1; } else { f = f - 1; } tmp.factor = f; if (f == -2 || f == 2) { tmp = handleImbalance(tmp); } else if (f == 1 || f == -1) { break; } leftRemoved = tmp.parent != null && tmp.parent.left == tmp; tmp = tmp.parent; } } private Node removeNodeWithTwoChild(Node node) { if (node.left == null || node.right == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("only use of two child node removing"); } Node target = findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode(node); node.data = target.data; Node p = null; if (target.left == null && target.right == null) { p = removeLeafNode(target); } else if (target.left == null || target.right == null) { p = removeNodeWithOneChild(target); } else { //impossible throw new IllegalStateException("method of findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode work not right!"); } return p; } private Node removeNodeWithOneChild(Node node) { Node parent = node.parent; Node child; if (node.left == null && node.right != null) { child = node.right; } else if (node.right == null && node.left != null) { child = node.left; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("only use of one child node removing"); } child.parent = parent; if (parent == null) { root = child; } else if (parent.left == node) { parent.left = child; } else { parent.right = child; } return child; } private Node removeLeafNode(Node node) { if (node.left != null || node.right != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("only use of leaf child node removing"); } Node parent = node.parent; if (parent != null) { if (parent.left == node) { parent.left = null; } else { parent.right = null; } } else { root = null; } return parent; } private Node findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode(Node node) { Node left = node.left; Node right = node.right; int i = 0, j = 0; Node targetLeft = left, targetRight = right; boolean bottom = false; for (; ; i++) { if (left.right != null) { left = left.right; } else { if (!bottom) { targetLeft = left; bottom = true; } if (left.left != null) { left = left.left; } else { break; } } } bottom = false; for (; ; j++) { if (right.left != null) { right = right.left; } else { if (!bottom) { targetRight = right; bottom = true; } if (right.right != null) { right = right.right; } else { break; } } } if (i >= j) { return targetLeft; } else { return targetRight; } } private void handleImBalance4Add(Node checkPoint) { Node tmp = checkPoint; Node p = tmp.parent; boolean tmpLeftFlag; int k; while (p != null) { tmpLeftFlag = p.left == tmp; if (tmpLeftFlag) { k = p.factor - 1; } else { k = p.factor + 1; } p.factor = k; if (k == 2 || k == -2) { handleImbalance(p); break; } else if (k == 0) { break; } tmp = p; p = p.parent; } } private Node handleImbalance(Node node) { Node res; int rotateType; int k = 0; if (node.factor == -2 && node.left.factor == -1) { res = RRR(node); rotateType = 1; } else if (node.factor == 2 && node.right.factor == 1) { res = LLR(node); rotateType = 2; } else if (node.factor == -2 && node.left.factor == 1) { k = node.left.right.factor; res = LRR(node); rotateType = 3; } else if (node.factor == 2 && node.right.factor == -1) { k = node.right.left.factor; res = RLR(node); rotateType = 4; } else { throw new RuntimeException("平衡因子计算错误"); } handleFactorAfterReBalance(res, rotateType, k); return res; } private void handleFactorAfterReBalance(Node node, int rotateType, int originFactor) { node.factor = 0; if (rotateType == 1) { node.right.factor = 0; } else if (rotateType == 2) { node.left.factor = 0; } else if (rotateType == 3 || rotateType == 4) { if (originFactor == 1) { node.left.factor = -1; node.right.factor = 0; } else if (originFactor == -1) { node.left.factor = 0; node.right.factor = 1; } else { node.left.factor = 0; node.right.factor = 0; } } } private Node RRR(Node node) { Node parent = node.parent; Node child = node.left; child.parent = parent; node.parent = child; node.left = child.right; if (node.left != null) { node.left.parent = node; } child.right = node; if (parent == null) { root = child; } else if (parent.right == node) { parent.right = child; } else { parent.left = child; } return child; } private Node LLR(Node node) { Node parent = node.parent; Node child = node.right; child.parent = parent; node.parent = child; node.right = child.left; if (node.right != null) { node.right.parent = node; } child.left = node; if (parent == null) { root = child; } else if (parent.left == node) { parent.left = child; } else { parent.right = child; } return child; } private Node LRR(Node node) { LLR(node.left); return RRR(node); } private Node RLR(Node node) { RRR(node.right); return LLR(node); } private Node findNode(Node node) { Node p = null; Node tmp = root; while (tmp != null) { p = tmp; if (tmp.compare(node) > 0) { tmp = tmp.left; } else if (tmp.compare(node) < 0) { tmp = tmp.right; } else { break; } } return p; } private void traverse(Node node, Consumer<Node> consumer) { if (node == null) { return; } Deque<Node> nodeDeque = new ArrayDeque<>(); node.height = 1; nodeDeque.add(node); while (nodeDeque.size() > 0) { Node first = nodeDeque.pollFirst(); consumer.accept(first); Node right = first.right; if (right != null) { right.height = first.height + 1; nodeDeque.addFirst(right); } Node left = first.left; if (left != null) { left.height = first.height + 1; nodeDeque.addFirst(left); } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); traverse(root, n -> { for (int i = 0; i < n.height; i++) { res.append("----------"); } res.append(':'); res.append(n.data); res.append('('); res.append(n.factor); res.append(')'); res.append('\n'); }); return res.toString(); } private int getMaxHeight(Node node){ int[] height = new int[1]; traverse(node,n->{ if(n.left == null && n.right == null && n.height > height[0]){ height[0] = n.height; } }); return height[0]; } //查询 public boolean contains(Comparable<T> data) { if (this.size == 0) { // 没有数据 return false ; // 结束查询 } return this.root.containsNode(data) ; // Node类查询 } class Node { private Node parent; private Node left; private Node right; private int factor; private int height; private T data; public Node(T data) { Objects.requireNonNull(data); this.data = data; } public int compare(Node target) { if (comparator != null) { return comparator.compare(this.data, target.data); } else { return ((Comparable) this.data).compareTo(target.data); } } @Override public String toString() { return data.toString(); } public boolean containsNode(Comparable<T> data) { if (data.compareTo((T) this.data) == 0) { // 数据匹配 return true; // 查找到了 } else if (data.compareTo((T) this.data) < 0) { // 左子节点查询 if (this.left != null) { // 左子节点存在 return this.left.containsNode(data); // 递归调用 } else { // 没有左子节点 return false; // 无法找到 } } else { // 右子节点查询 if (this.right != null) { // 右子节点存在 return this.right.containsNode(data); // 递归调用 } else { // 没有右子节点 return false; // 无法找到 } } } } static BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> buildTestTree() { BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> binaryTree = new BalancedBinaryTree(); binaryTree.add(8); binaryTree.add(3); binaryTree.add(13); binaryTree.add(1); binaryTree.add(5); binaryTree.add(10); binaryTree.add(16); binaryTree.add(2); binaryTree.add(4); binaryTree.add(7); binaryTree.add(9); binaryTree.add(12); binaryTree.add(15); binaryTree.add(18); binaryTree.add(6); binaryTree.add(11); binaryTree.add(14); binaryTree.add(17); binaryTree.add(19); binaryTree.add(20); return binaryTree; }
public class Binary {
public static void main(String args[]) {
BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> bbt = new BalancedBinaryTree<>();
public class Emp implements Comparable<Emp>{ private String ename ; private String job ; private Double salary ; private Integer age ; private Date hiredate ; private String dept ; public String getEname() { return ename; } public void setEname(String ename) { this.ename = ename; } public String getJob() { return job; } public void setJob(String job) { this.job = job; } public Double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(Double salary) { this.salary = salary; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public Date getHiredate() { return hiredate; } public void setHiredate(Date hiredate) { this.hiredate = hiredate; } public String getDept() { return dept; } public void setDept(String dept) { this.dept = dept; } @Override public int compareTo(Emp emp) { return this.age - emp.age; } @Override public String toString() { return "Emp [ename=" + ename + ", job=" + job + ", salary=" + salary + ", age=" + age + ", hiredate=" + hiredate + ", dept=" + dept + "]"; } }
public class Binary { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("使用自定义数据"); BalancedBinaryTree<Emp> b = new BalancedBinaryTree<>(); String value = "ename:Smith|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:30|hiredate:2003-10-15|" + "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:SMD" ; String value2 = "ename:231213|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:24|hiredate:2003-10-15|" + "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:SMD" ; Emp emp = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value) ; // 工具类自动设置 Emp emp2 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value2) ; // 工具类自动设置 String value3 = "ename:23|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:43|hiredate:2003-10-15|" + "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:Alibaba" ; Emp emp3 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value3) ; // 工具类自动设置 String value4 = "ename:23|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:43|hiredate:2003-10-15|" + "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:Alibaba" ; Emp emp4 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value4) ; // 工具类自动设置 b.add(emp); b.add(emp2); b.add(emp3); System.out.println(b); System.out.println(b.contains(emp4));//寻找存不存在和emp4一个属性的对象 } }
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