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1. 挂载镜像并开始运行 install 文件

cd ~                    # 切换到home目录
sudo mkdir matlab       # 创建一个文件夹,并命名为matlab
cd matlab                #切换到matlab目录
sudo mount -t auto -o loop Matlab911R2021b_Lin64.iso        # 挂载dvd,路径为iso镜像文件的路径
./install # 开始安装

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  1. Run “install” from mounted iso-file and if you see login/password/signin form (installer has access to internet)
    then in upper right corner in “Advanced Options” select setup mode “I have a File Installation Key”
    If internet access is absent then required setup mode will be auto-selected and you do not need to select in manually

  2. When you will be asked to “Enter File Installation Key” enter

  3. When you will be asked to “Select License File” select file “license.lic” from folder with Matlab911R2021b_Lin64.iso file

  4. Then select folder where you want Matlab to be installed ()
    To avoid problems you need which have all access rights for you
    If it hard for you to select anything then use “/home//Matlab/R2021b” for example

  5. When you will be asked to “Select products” select components you need
    If you all components are selected Matlab will need about 30Gb of disk space and somewhat longer startup time
    If you select only “MATLAB” then Matlab will need about 3Gb of disk space
    You better install Matlab on SSD disk for better startup time, so most likely you do not want to waste SSD-disk space for nothing

  6. After installation is done copy file “libmwlmgrimpl.so” from folder with Matlab911R2021b_Lin64.iso file
    to ALREADY EXISTING FOLDER “\bin\glnxa64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl”
    WITH OVERWRITING OF EXISTING FILE ( - is where you have selected to install Matlab on step 4)
    If you was NOT asked about overwriting then you are doing something wrong (or Matlab was not installed successfully)!!!

  7. Work with Matlab
